Chapter 9

The secret in my heart

“Grrr… So cold…”, HyunAe grumbled while quickly made her hair dry with the towel.

“Aish… why don’t you use the hair-dryer?”, YongGuk stood up and got the hair-dryer in the wardrobe. As YongGuk was standing next to the couch while HyunAe was sitting on it, she nuzzled her head on his tummy. “Oppa answer me!”

YongGuk ruffled HyunAe’s hair to dry it faster, “She won’t go with us. She will go out with her boyfriend…”

“Is that why you’re upset? Why did you two break up?”, HyunAe looked at YongGuk to check whether the answer she was going to receive from him was true or not.

YongGuk smirked at HyunAe’s childish question, “You still think that we’re dating? It’s so silly! We’re just friends!”

“But… you’re very close…”, HyunAe tried to explain the reason why she had that thought in her mind.

“Sometimes being close doesn’t mean love… It’s something much more special”, YongGuk turned off the hair-dryer since HyunAe’s hair was dry then hugged her from behind. “Love means something more special than just ‘close’. When you realize that you can’t live without that person and you’ll do anything to have them around because even when they’re not with you, you still see them… everywhere. They will invade your mind every minute. It’s when you’re deeply in love…”, YongGuk left a kiss on HyunAe’s head and went to his room, “Don’t stay up too late or you’ll get those bad dreams again”.

HyunAe nodded obediently. She was so scared of those bad dreams but what YongGuk said kept her thinking all night.




HyunAe kicked a rock on the road. Walking alone to school made people feel bored and they would think a lot about random things like how much you like a close friend of yours and you might mistake it with love… “They will invade your mind every minute…”, what YongGuk said last night confused HyunAe even more. Did she like YoungJae that much?

“Annyeong…”, YoungJae and DaeHyun smiled to HyunAe when she waved to them before walking to her seat.

“JaeJae ah I don’t know how to solve this math problem…”, HyunAe knocked on YoungJae’s shoulder to make him turn to her.

“JaeJae? You’ve never called me like that!”, YoungJae turned around with a giant surprise.

“Well… there are only several months left before we graduate so…”, HyunAe quickly advocated for her strange action in order not to let YoungJae realize her special feelings towards him.

“Then what do you call me?”, DaeHyun cut HyunAe off.

The question made HyunAe gasp and hesitate. “DaeDae! Of course…”, HyunAe awkwardly replied DaeHyun as she didn’t plan of this question of him.

“Great! Then what should we call you? Hmm…”, DaeHyun came up with a ton of nicknames but couldn’t choose any of them.

“Just call me HyunAe like always… I like to hear you calling me with my real name!”, HyunAe replied while taking her notebook out of the bag. However, it wasn’t her real name, was it?

“Ok… So Bang HyunAe… You have to solve this math problem like this…”, YoungJae wrote down the answer with his pencil.

“Wa… this question is really difficult!”, HyunAe read the answer and turned to DaeHyun who was eating his breakfast and again, it was cheesecake, “I wonder how DaeHyun can solve them all himself. Does cheesecake help you to be cleverer?”

“I don’t know! Why don’t you try it once and tell me?”, DaeHyun burst to laugh. “Ah! There’s a cheesecake festival next week…”

“I’ll be staying at Ijakdo at that time…”, HyunAe sighed disappointedly. Another occasion to hang out with DaeHyun and YoungJae flew away.

“Oh we forgot! You always go back to your hometown at winter-break… Aish, you don’t even have a handphone, how can we text you or call you when we miss you?”, YoungJae tilted his head and couldn’t hide his sad face.

“Don’t worry! I’ll be back before Christmas… Then we can hang out!”, HyunAe lifted her thumbs and point fingers to make two circles.




YongGuk had been working there for over a month but he had never got inside. All he knew about this house was its two big gardens, one in the front and one in the back. The only time he stepped inside the house was when HimChan told him to but it was for only few minutes. This time, YongGuk had to go inside to look for HyoSung and ask for several days off.

The house was always empty as there were only the butler, HyoSung and only one maid. YongGuk thought HyoSung was drinking tea in the living room so he went to there. But no one was there. YongGuk looked around the room. What a big room with many expensive and luxury furniture. The giant family picture on the wall caught his eyes.

YongGuk gasped. He looked at the parents and then the daughters. YongGuk didn’t really remember the parents but he could realize the youngest daughter in the picture.

“HyunAe… HyoMi…”, suddenly YongGuk felt something painful in his heart like someone was crashing it. Fifteen years ago, that girl came into his life. He knew it already that this would come to him one day. However, he kept hoping that it wouldn’t happen this soon.

“My father… the accident…”, YongGuk kept murmuring himself while staring at the family picture. He was so shocked that he didn’t realize the butler was behind him.

“Mr. Bang…”, YongGuk gasped again with the butler’s call. “You’re done working today?”

“Oh… dae… I have something to ask Ms. HyoSung…”, YongGuk respectfully bowed to the old butler.

“Then please wait… My Misstress will be back home in a minute…”, the butler signaled YongGuk to sit down on the couch. YongGuk stared at the family picture again.

“Excuse me… Can I ask you something?”, YongGuk stuttered because the shock wasn’t over yet.

“What do you want to ask, Mr. Bang?”, the butler replied while pouring the tea.

“Well… I can see there are four people in the family picture… So where is Ms. HyoSung’s family?”, YongGuk braced himself for the answer and hoped that it wasn’t the answer he had already known.

“Her parents died in a car accident when they went on a trip in Ijakdo…”, the butler turned his head to the family picture, “And the little girl is HyoMi, HyoSung’s sister. She got lost after the accident…”. The butler gave a cup of tea to YongGuk.

YongGuk received the cup and sighed but tried to bit his lips to hold it in. He couldn’t let the butler realize that somehow he knew the story. “Do you know anything about the accident?”

“No… I don’t! I started working here after the accident happened… My Mistress has been looking for her sister for fifteen years. Now she decides to go back to where it happened. Hope she’ll find HyoMi soon…”, the butler said while watching YongGuk taking a sip of tea. YongGuk couldn’t hide how worry he was.

“I’m home…”, HyoSung took of her coat and called the butler.

“Ms. HyoSung…”, YongGuk stood up immediately and quickly said what he was about to, “Next week, my sister and I are going to go back to our hometown. I guess I have to take some weeks off… I already took a look at the garden. Everything is fine. You just need to water it every day…”

“Then you have to tell my butler, not me. Because I also go to Ijakdo next week…”, HyoSung gave the coat to the butler and sat down on the couch while YongGuk was standing near her.

“To find your sister?”, YongGuk pretended to be surprise. There were so many feelings inside that he couldn’t breathe normally. He didn’t want to face it when he had to tell HyunAe the truth.

“Yes… Don’t know why but this time I have a good feeling about this. I feel like HyoMi is waiting for me to get her…”, HyoSung took a gulp of tea and beamed brightly. “Oh I’ll go with HimChan…”

“Hope you’ll find your sister soon…”, YongGuk greeted HyoSung and walked out the door. “Hope you’ll NEVER find her…”, YongGuk thought.

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jiosne #1
Samantha_Kwok #2
Chapter 1: Can i know which photo of yongguk you're using in d poster in d forweword? Thx :-)
first, i cried soooooo hard even my mon and sister thinks im weird, but then the end is perfect! :3
Chapter 25: Omo! The ending was so CUTE! :3 Haha! I'm having mixed feelings right now. Hehe, being sad and happy at the same time.
Love ur story...but do u have the sequel for this story??
lollipop #6
i love your story!!! SUPER !! i'm not yet finish but i'm dying to know what's the ending !!!! can you make a part two >_<


i hope you add me as a friend

i love'd to chat bout your story!!!
midst_lhady22 #7
Chapter 26: They are almost complete =='l, how can i be on update?? Some are not complete but they are sequel..anyway,i need to read them noow..Hwaiting..!!if u have a new FFs PM me ok??so i will subscribe it immediately!! Annyeong!!
Jennynana #8
Chapter 25: Really loved it sequel please authornim ^^
I want. No I need a sequel to the story!!! So effin' good!!!!!