Chapter 13

The secret in my heart

HyoMi came to the mall one hour earlier than the date time with DaeHyun because she needed to prepare for how to tell DaeHyun the story between her and YoungJae in the easiest way for him to understand. HyoMi also needed to brace herself for it too as the reason for everything was the guy she didn’t want to talk about, YongGuk. HyoMi took a gulp of hot chocolate and sighed, she felt guilty to both DaeHyun and YoungJae, and somehow… to YongGuk.

“Oh! HyunAe!”, JiEun was buying things in the next-door shop and recognized HyoMi. “Ah… I mean… HyoMi…”, JiEun awkwardly changed the way she called since the name HyoMi was still a bit strange for her.

“Unni…”, HyoMi waved to JiEun, “it’s been a while since we last met…”. HyoMi pulled JiEun to sit down next to her.

“I heard the whole story… How are you these days? What are you doing here? Are you waiting for someone?”, JiEun asked a lot because she couldn’t hide her happiness to meet HyoMi again.

“I’m waiting for DaeHyun… But he won’t come until one hour more so we can talk for a while...”, HyoMi looked down at the cup and hesitated a bit, “Unni… How is YongGuk oppa…”

“They’re moving…”, JiEun sighed, “they’ll move back to Ijakdo right after Christmas…”

“You mean tomorrow is their last day staying here?”. Even though HyoMi was furious with what they had done to her, somehow she still cared about them, who used to be her family.

“Uhm…”, JiEun held HyoMi’s hands, “HyunAe… ah… HyoMi! Don’t be too harsh on them… You know it was nobody’s fault…”

“Unni…”, HyoMi sighed and looked sadly to JiEun, “because you’re very close to both of us so I’m telling you this… YongGuk oppa… I love him very much, and also everything of him affected on me…  He’s like my model role… If someday I have a boyfriend, he’ll be sure to have so many similarities with YongGuk oppa…”

JiEun nodded as she could understand deeply, “I know… That’s why your pain is much creepier right? Because you love him so much…”

“I once said to myself that I would date him if he wasn’t my brother…”, HyoMi looked a bit down like she was regretting on losing something.

“But he’s really not your brother…”, JiEun confirmed. Of course HyoMi knew it surely but JiEun wanted to say something to encourage her. She didn’t hope HyoMi would express her feelings to him, but at least HyoMi could forgive him a bit.

“It’s not that easy, unni… What he did to me… I can’t forget or forgive… At least not now…”, HyoMi took another sip of hot chocolate, “I need more time to deal with it!”. JiEun foresaw that this stubborn girl would say that so she had prepared another way to help them.

“Anyway, I think you should come to meet them the last time tomorrow… You know it’s Christmas! It’s time for people you love…”, JiEun knew that HyoMi didn’t hate them that much, it was just her painful heart couldn’t stand it so JiEun tried to give them a chance to talk more to each other.

“Maybe I should…  And unni! Please don’t tell YongGuk anything about what I told you, okay? It’s better if he doesn’t know he’s more special than just a brother to me…”, JiEun nodded and stood up. She had to go home to cook dinner while HyoMi continued doing what she had been: waiting for DaeHyun.




 “Tell me the story!”, DaeHyun forced HyoMi immediately right after ordering a set of cheesecake.

HyoMi scratched her head and sighed again, “Okay… Last night we hung out with each other. It was very fun at first and we really thought of each other as something more special than just friends…”

“Really?”, DaeHyun got really surprised as he was the only one of the trio who didn’t know the story.

“But then we went to a bar and that was when everything happened…”, HyoMi stopped for a while to blame on YongGuk in her thoughts. “YoungJae offered me a song. He went on stage and sang it…”

“Wow… how romantic it was…”, DaeHyun put a piece of cheesecake into his mouth.

“NOT AT ALL!”, HyoMi crossed her arms and leaned her back on the chair. “Well, it wasn’t his fault but that was the main reason. He sang a favorite song of YongGuk oppa… You know I don’t want to talk about him!”

“You’re mad at YoungJae for that?”, DaeHyun stopped chewing to wait for the answer from HyoMi. He knew that wasn’t what really happened.

“Of course not! I realized that I had been with YoungJae but all I thought of the whole evening was him!”, HyoMi hung her head down. It was so hard for her to admit that YongGuk invaded her mind every minute no matter how much she tried to get him out of her head.

“Then what happened next?”, DaeHyun continued on eating his favorite cheesecake.

“YoungJae also admitted that he sang that song because he saw an attractive girl sitting in the corner of the bar and he wanted to dedicate that song to her…”, HyoMi drank up her hot chocolate cup, “Both of us realized that it all was just a crush and we can’t go further than just friends…”

“So he hung out with that other girl and you walked home alone? You should have called me and I could give you a lift!”, DaeHyun blamed HyoMi for having not asked for his help.

“I was going to call you but walking alone gave me more time to think about how much I love YongGuk…”, HyoMi looked out at the window to hide her soaking eyes.

“HyoMi… forgive him!”

HyoMi shook her head.




It was Christmas. Snow was falling all day so the streets are covered by a white thick layer of snow. It was cold but no one felt like that as they all had at least someone to be with on that day so they weren’t alone enough to feel the cold. You could hear the bell ringing everywhere and people talking and laughing to each other merrily. Except for a guy who was lazily lying on his bed, inside his blanket to avoid the cold breeze blowing through the window. YongGuk had never felt lonely like this for over fifteen years.

However, everything was so much different at HyoSung’s house. The whole house was lightened up by lights and many other ornaments and decorations. You can tell it was the very first time the house became so warm and so bright in fifteen years. It’s easy to understand, the owner of the house wasn’t alone anymore. HyoSung finally got HyoMi, her sister - her family with her.

“It looks yummy, auntie!”, HyoMi helped Zelo’s mother to bring out the food and put it down in the middle of the table.

“It also smells good!”, Zelo turned to the dinner table while he was helping his father to decorate the Christmas tree.

“Zelo! You’re tall so put this star in the top of the tree”, Zelo’s father ordered him as he was the only one who could be that tall to put it.

HimChan could feel the house was stuffed full of happiness when he parked his car at the front gate. A happy and relieving smile was flashed on. HimChan took out many boxes of gifts and walked into the house.

“Annyeonghaseyo…”, HimChan politely bowed to Zelo’s parents. “Merry Christmas!”

“HimChan oppa came!”, HyoMi screamed out happily and she did it on purpose to let HyoSung know that her boyfriend arrived. “Merry Christmas oppa!”

Without hesitation, HimChan put all of the boxes under the Christmas tree.

“Wow… Lots of presents!”, HyoMi and Zelo shouted with a big excitement.

“You came…”, HyoSung stepped out from the kitchen and took off the apron.

“Merry Christmas Sungie…”, HimChan grabbed HyoSung’s waist and left a peck on her cheek.

HyoSung couldn’t stop HimChan before he did that. “KIM HIM CHAN!”, HyoSung glared at him with embarrassment and yelled. She felt her face hot as it turned red.

HyoMi and Zelo’s mother giggled looking at the cute couple. Not to let everybody wait any longer, Zelo’s mother put the last dish down and said, “Dinner time!”




CookieManiac ^o^ HyoChan forever~ ♥ Thank you! Please continue support this story :)

eternal He's not the only who is sad, right? :( And HimChan's character here is kinda a nice guy (totally different from the childish HimChan in reality XD)

hasnida HyoChan is on the way! Yey :)


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jiosne #1
Samantha_Kwok #2
Chapter 1: Can i know which photo of yongguk you're using in d poster in d forweword? Thx :-)
first, i cried soooooo hard even my mon and sister thinks im weird, but then the end is perfect! :3
Chapter 25: Omo! The ending was so CUTE! :3 Haha! I'm having mixed feelings right now. Hehe, being sad and happy at the same time.
Love ur story...but do u have the sequel for this story??
lollipop #6
i love your story!!! SUPER !! i'm not yet finish but i'm dying to know what's the ending !!!! can you make a part two >_<


i hope you add me as a friend

i love'd to chat bout your story!!!
midst_lhady22 #7
Chapter 26: They are almost complete =='l, how can i be on update?? Some are not complete but they are sequel..anyway,i need to read them noow..Hwaiting..!!if u have a new FFs PM me ok??so i will subscribe it immediately!! Annyeong!!
Jennynana #8
Chapter 25: Really loved it sequel please authornim ^^
I want. No I need a sequel to the story!!! So effin' good!!!!!