Chapter 8

The secret in my heart

“What do you want?”, HyoSung opened the door and found HimChan was right there in front of her.

“I want you!”, HimChan looked deeply into her eyes and replied as briefly as he could.

“What do you mean?”, HyoSung started walking backward as HimChan kept moving closer to her.

“I want you to go to Ijakdo with me… I know you’re hesitating because you’re afraid of facing the truth!”, HimChan stepping forward when HyoSung realized that she reached the wall.

“How do you know what I’m worried about?”, HyoSung was a bit surprised when HimChan could read through her mind.

“I can see it in your tiring eyes…”, HimChan stood straight up to let HyoSung breath normally, “I know you’re scared that if you come back to the accident scene you’ll find the truth you don’t want to know like HyoMi is dead or she doesn’t want to live with you…”

HimChan leaned down close to HyoSung again, “But that’s not the HyoSung I know. The brave girl who has been living alone and looking for her sister for fifteen years… I LOVE THAT GIRL!”

HyoSung turned away as HimChan’s face was too close for her to breath, “You’re right… I’m scared…”

“Don’t be! I’m always here to protect you. You can’t live in fear the whole life. Face it, Sungie… Even though the truth may be tragic, you can cry on my shoulders”, HimChan put his arms around her waist and hugged her tight. “I know you’re a strong girl. I know you can do it. My heart trusts you and it has never been wrong…”

“HimChan-shi…”, HyoSung burst into tears and hugged him back. All she could do were crying and sobbing. She couldn’t say anything but she didn’t need to as HimChan understood everything. HyoSung should have realized sooner how much he loved her and knew her. HyoSung had been trying to be tough for the whole time but when she was being held inside HimChan’s lap, she saw obviously that she wasn’t be able to bear with it alone anymore. HyoSung needed HimChan by her side.




“Ooooooooooooh… Couple hoodie!”, DaeHyun shouted out immediately when HyunAe stepped into class.

“YAH YOO YOUNG JAE!”, Hyunae stopped at YoungJae’s desk to blame him and leaned to her desk to put her bag on it, “You said that you wouldn’t wear it on the same day with me in order not to make people misunderstand our relationship…”

“But I didn’t know that you would wear it today!”, YoungJae had prepared this lie at home. How couldn’t he know it when HyunAe kept repeating a thousand times the night before that she would wear it?

“HyunAe pretended that she was pissed off but the fact was her happiness could make her faint right away. And YoungJae was smiling with a big satisfaction because they were wearing couple hoodies which made their classmates gossip a lot about how close they were. However, YoungJae told DaeHyun that he was satisfied since HyunAe stopped arguing with him.

“Aish… I’m so jealous now! If only I also had one so the hoodie would be our group’s uniform”, DaeHyun pouted and looked at them with a look full of jealousy.

“Andwe! It’s a couple hoodie! How can you wear it and make it a triple hoodie?”, YoungJae tried to chase those thoughts of DaeHyun away as they could ruin the YoungJae and HyunAe’s moments.




HyoSung woke up with a dizzy and headache as she cried herself to sleep last night, inside HimChan’s lap. Realized that she had fallen asleep before telling him about her decision, HyoSung made a call to HimChan immediately.

HimChan was at his office. Seeing HyoSung’s picture appeared on the phone’s screen, HimChan flashed a big smile and answered the call, “Good morning Sungie…”

“HimChan-shi… I’m very sorry about last night. I was like a crybaby…”, HyoSung ruffled her hair and looked at herself in the mirror. Her eyes were both swollen up.

“No… it’s okay… I mean, I’m glad that you cried in my arms, not in any other guy’s…”, HimChan beamed sheepishly and bit his lips.

“Well… Ehm… I just call to say thank you and yeah, I… I will go with you to Ijakdo next week…”, HyoSung replied awkwardly because what she really wanted to say was ‘I need you’ but it was so hard for her to say it out loud. Then it would be too easy for HimChan.

“Sure! I will go with you… Don’t worry, Sungie. I’ll take care of everything. Just relax and prepare yourself for it, okay?”, HimChan gave HyoSung a piece of advice as he could hear her exhausting voice.

“Thank you so much HimChan-shi…”, HyoSung grinned with relief and felt better than ever.




Because of being grounded, HyunAe had to come home right after school. However, she didn’t really feel uncomfortable with that as she could spend more time being with her awesome brother at home.

“Oppa, I’m home!”, HyunAe locked the door from inside and tried to shout that out again because she heard the loud music from YongGuk’s room and she knew for sure that YongGuk was sleeping.

HyunAe opened the door of YongGuk’s room and found him lying in his bed with his face down and half-. HyunAe turned off the cassette and naughtily woke YongGuk up by moving her point finger around his back. She drew some circles on his shoulder-blades and dragged her finger straigt donw on his spine. YongGuk felt something warm moving on his and gasped when he remembered that he was home alone and there wasn’t any pet in their house so he sat up immediately.

HyunAe giggled watching YongGuk’s funny reaction. “Oppa, you’re up!”

“HyunAe ah! What are you doing?”, YongGuk blushed when he knew it was HyunAe and the feelings were so good that he wished she would do that again.

HyunAe burst to laugh and fell on YongGuk’s bed. “Oppa, it’s been a while since we stopped playing cuddling and tickling… I miss those times a lot…”

YongGuk looked down at HyunAe lying next to him, “Since you grew up and became a pretty lady… It’s too childish for us”

“I don’t think so… I still want to do that!”, HyunAe pouted cutely to convince YongGuk.

“NO!”, YongGuk yelled out all of a sudden that made HyunAe startled. He didn’t want to do that as he might touch some of her sensitive parts and it would be awkward or… too difficult to stop.

“Why? We’re brother and sister…”, HyunAe sat up and leaned her chin on his bare shoulder then put her arms around his muscular waist.

“We’re not”, YongGuk thought to himself and luckily that he could stop it before he said it out. “I’m hungry. Let’s make something to eat…”, YongGuk pushed her off and climbed out of the bed, got a hoodie to wear on and went to the kitchen.

HyunAe was left alone in YongGuk’s room with a thousand of questions. She could feel clearly that her brother was further and further to her. Was that because he had a girlfriend and ignored her?

“Oppa, did you ask JiEun unni about going to Ijakdo? Is she going to go with us?”, HyunAe sat down on the couch next to YongGuk while drying her hair with a towel.

YongGuk left his eyes from the TV and stared at HyunAe. She must have taken a hot bath because YongGuk could feel the warmth from her. Although she was wearing a hoodie but the thick fabric couldn’t stop him from smelling her unique scent.

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jiosne #1
Samantha_Kwok #2
Chapter 1: Can i know which photo of yongguk you're using in d poster in d forweword? Thx :-)
first, i cried soooooo hard even my mon and sister thinks im weird, but then the end is perfect! :3
Chapter 25: Omo! The ending was so CUTE! :3 Haha! I'm having mixed feelings right now. Hehe, being sad and happy at the same time.
Love ur story...but do u have the sequel for this story??
lollipop #6
i love your story!!! SUPER !! i'm not yet finish but i'm dying to know what's the ending !!!! can you make a part two >_<


i hope you add me as a friend

i love'd to chat bout your story!!!
midst_lhady22 #7
Chapter 26: They are almost complete =='l, how can i be on update?? Some are not complete but they are sequel..anyway,i need to read them noow..Hwaiting..!!if u have a new FFs PM me ok??so i will subscribe it immediately!! Annyeong!!
Jennynana #8
Chapter 25: Really loved it sequel please authornim ^^
I want. No I need a sequel to the story!!! So effin' good!!!!!