Chapter 4

The secret in my heart

Dear my readers,

Before starting the next chapter, I have something to say.

I know that it's just so hard to log in AFF these days so I'm very grateful because you subcribed my story.

But please I'm dying to read your comments.

Please leave some comments.

Thank you!




Zelo led HyunAe into a room deep inside the club. The room was quite dark but it was quiet there. The loud music could only be heard of as soft as the noise of a bee. Nobody was there to disturb them.

“How do you think? It’s much quieter right?”, Zelo put down two glasses in front of HyunAe who was sitting on the couch.

“Oh no… I can’t drink…”, HyunAe refused taking the glass.

“It’s not wine! It’s just orange juice…”, Zelo pushed the glass closer to HyunAe while still standing in front of her.

“Ah really? Thank you…”, HyunAe picked up the glass and took a gulp, “Uhm it tastes good… It’s not just original orange juice right? Because I feel so….”

Zelo sat down next to HyunAe and caught her falling into his lap. “Well… I put some sleep pills. Hope you don’t mind…”. Zelo smirked at the girl lying unconsciously in his arms. He didn’t even know her name. And he didn’t even care.




“Excuse me, my friend was sitting here…”, YoungJae asked the bartender about HyunAe. Finally the boys had to give up having fun and looked for HyunAe after an hour without her comeback.

“I thought she went to the toilet…”, DaeHyun leaned his back on the bar to take a rest because he had been running around to find HyunAe.

“She went with Zelo!”, the bartender replied YoungJae after finishing making the drinks for other guests.

“Zelo? Who’s that?”, DaeHyun turned around to talk to the bartender.

“It must be the first time you’ve been here right? Or else you would have known him…”, the bartender cleaned the face of the bar. “He’s the most famous playboy here… Every girl knows his bad reputation but they’re all dying to be with him. Because once he likes someone, he’ll treat that girl really nice. Your friend is lucky!”

“LUCKY? MY FRIEND HAS GONE WITH A PLAYBOY AND YOU CALL THAT LUCKY?”, YoungJae grabbed the bartender’s collar and gritted his teeth. “WHERE ARE THEY?”

“Who the hell knows? You left your friend alone and now you’re blaming me for that?”, the bartender pushed YoungJae’s hands off and he also had to let him go. The bartender was right. DaeHyun and YoungJae left their friend alone without even a care. She was missing, it was all their fault.

“Now what can we do?”, DaeHyun scratched his head and ruffled his hair into a mess. “It turns into a big problem now!”




“Gosh…”, Zelo his lips, “Never thought that a girl like you can be this y…”, and stared at the girl in lingerie was unconsciously lying on the couch. He took a look from her neck to her waist and a little bit down, until his eyes reached her thighs and he found a scar.

“This scar…”, Zelo leaned down to look at it, “Why is it so alike…?”. He reached over to touch it when someone kicked on the door and stormed into the room.

“THIS JERK!”, Zelo received a strong punch right at his face, “HOW DARE YOU DO THAT TO HER?”. He fell down and felt his face in pain.

“WHO THE HELL ARE YOU? YOU WANT TO DIE?”, Zelo stood up and wanted to fight back. With his giant body, Zelo wasn’t scared of anybody. Zelo grabbed that guy’s collar and used his strength to throw him. But that guy was full of anger so he was so strong to be beat. He based on Zelo’s strength and throw Zelo down on the floor then took of his coat, put it around HyunAe and carried her out of the room. DaeHyun and YoungJae were waiting for them at the side door of the club.

“Hyung, is she okay?”, YoungJae stayed right next to YongGuk when he knelt down and put HyunAe on his thighs. YongGuk was so out of breath.

“She’s fine… Lucky that it wasn’t too late…”, YongGuk took a deep breath to calm himself. “You two go home now!”, then he turned to the boys and scolded them.

“Yeah…”, YoungJae and DaeHyun felt not only so useless but also embarrassed so they listened to him and went home immediately. YongGuk gently put HyunAe on his back and gave her a piggy-back ride home.

The streets at night were all so quiet, there hardly was someone. YongGuk could feel clearly HyunAe’s heart beating inside her chest and her steady breathe right at his ear as she was sleeping and leaned her head on his shoulder. A cold breeze blew HyunAe’s hair and made them cover on YongGuk’s shoulder. The smell of it was so comfortable, like always. Carrying someone you love on your back, feeling her breath and her heat, smelling her special scent are the three best moments that every guy who is in love wishes to have. Fortunately, YongGuk was enjoying all three at the same time. Though, he felt extremely guilty.

“I almost lost you…”, YongGuk kept blaming himself for not protecting HyunAe well. “I’m sorry, HyunAe… But even though it’s my fault to let you go into a dangerous place, when you wake up, as a brother, I’ll ground you… Don’t mad at me, okay?”

YongGuk smiled to himself when the only reply he received was her heartbeat. If HyunAe had been awake, YongGuk wouldn’t have said that. “Just think of it… If I were your boyfriend now, we may even break up because you dare to hang out with the guys and go with the playboy…”

YongGuk beamed to himself again. There was always YongGuk and himself in this one way love story. The wind blew again and he could feel HyunAe’s scent. “I don’t want you to be my sister… Seriously…”




HyunAe woke up thanks to the alarm clock. It was Sunday and as usual, it was the girls-day-out with JiEun unni. Being so dizzy, HyunAe stepped out the bed and fell down. YongGuk stormed into the room immediately when he heard the noise and picked HyunAe up. “Are you okay…?”

“Oppa… what happened last night? I couldn’t remember anything…”, HyunAe held her head and bit her lips to deal with the headache.

“You went to the club and were almost . That playboy drugged you so you were unconscious…”, YongGuk helped  HyunAe to sit on the bed and sat down next to her.

“RA….?”, HyunAe squeezed herself with an extremely frightening face.

“I came home and didn’t see you so I checked if you were with DaeHyun and YoungJae and their parents said that they went to the club. So I dashed out to look for you…”, YongGuk didn’t even finish telling the story when HyunAe hugged him. “Oppa…”

“Oh don’t be that thankful. I have a good news that you’re grounded now! So no shopping today with JiEun. You’re going to work with me. Hurry up and help me with breakfast!”, YongGuk's serious command made HyunAe have to obey immediately.

HyunAe realized that she had been sleeping with pyjama. That means YongGuk changed her clothes himself. But so what? He is her brother. There’s nothing wrong when a brother sees his little sister’s body. Well HyunAe, he is not your big brother.

“Give me the eggs”, YongGuk asked HyunAe to pass him the eggs when she entered the kitchen.

“Should I make lunch boxes for us? We can have them while working…”, HyunAe opened the fridge and checked the leftover food.

“Working? Where are you going?”, JiEun suddenly appeared at the door.


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There are two people upvoted this story /sobs/ I wish I knew who they were so I could say thanks to them T__T


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jiosne #1
Samantha_Kwok #2
Chapter 1: Can i know which photo of yongguk you're using in d poster in d forweword? Thx :-)
first, i cried soooooo hard even my mon and sister thinks im weird, but then the end is perfect! :3
Chapter 25: Omo! The ending was so CUTE! :3 Haha! I'm having mixed feelings right now. Hehe, being sad and happy at the same time.
Love ur story...but do u have the sequel for this story??
lollipop #6
i love your story!!! SUPER !! i'm not yet finish but i'm dying to know what's the ending !!!! can you make a part two >_<


i hope you add me as a friend

i love'd to chat bout your story!!!
midst_lhady22 #7
Chapter 26: They are almost complete =='l, how can i be on update?? Some are not complete but they are sequel..anyway,i need to read them noow..Hwaiting..!!if u have a new FFs PM me ok??so i will subscribe it immediately!! Annyeong!!
Jennynana #8
Chapter 25: Really loved it sequel please authornim ^^
I want. No I need a sequel to the story!!! So effin' good!!!!!