off to school with my ugly self...

My Twin Brother That No one Knows

 My annoying alarm beeped and I looked at the clock. 7:00 AM.. I groaned in frustration and walked to my bathroom. I looked at myself and I was a mess. My hair was all over the place, and to make the long story short, I look like a hobo. I took a shower and when I finished I looked at myself in the mirror. I smiled because I looked so clean! Then something came to me. I don't want to go to school with my pretty self today because of all the attention I was getting. I decided to be my ugly self today. I put on my school uniform and dried my hair with the hair dryer. Wait..... My hair is like blonde and people are going to notice! I quickly dried my hair, washed my face and my teeth and dashed outside. 

"Hey!!!! What about me?" Hoya asked me. His mouth was full of nutella. 

"I'm sorry!  I have to go somewhere!" I yelled. 

 I ran to the beauty shop with a baseball cap. I didn't want to encounter with anyone that I know. 

"Hello there!" the lady said. 

 I said hi and asked her for a wig. She nodded and walked in the closet. When she came back she was holding three wigs.



 I looked at them and decided to pick the one with the wave. I purchased the wig and thanked the lady. I ran to the bathroom and shoved my hair in the net and stuck the wig on. I pulled on it a few times so I can make sure it wont fall off. I walked out of the bathroom and bowed to the lady. I looked at the clock to see what time it was and it was 8:30! I'm late!!!

 I ran to school, but I wasn't really good at running. Thanks to the wig. When I arrived at school I tipped toed my way to class and sneaked in the class. I sat down on my seat and the teacher didn't notice me! I smiled and pulled out my notebook. While I was doing that I felt a little hit on my head. I looked up and WooHyun was pointing at the ground. I looked down and saw a crumpled up paper on the ground. I picked it up and read it.

You're late, by the way that seat is reserved for someone else

 I scoffed in disbelief and gave him a look. He looked surprised that I gave him that look. Then I remembered... I'm not his girlfriend anymore. I'm the loser in school! I did closed my eyes and covered my face with my hands. Great.... WooHyun's going to start bullying me now!

 It was lunch time and I walked to the cafe with SungYeol. 

"Did you dye your hair?" he asked me. He started to pull my hair and I slapped his hands.

"I got a wig! Don't touch it~" I said adjusting my wig.

 When I was in line with SungYeol, Woohyun cut me. 

"Uh... I was in line," I said tapping his shoulder. 

He looked at me in a annoyed tone and gave me a look. He turned around and started texting someone. I scoffed and tapped his shoulder again.

"I think you should go to the end of the line!" I yelled.

WooHyun looked at me and rolled his eyes.

"Fine..." he said.

He pushed me with his shoulder and walked to the end of the line. I looked at SungYeol and he smiled at me. His smile made me feel safe. I was walking to an empty table and my hands were holding the tray. When I was walking I tripped onto something and I fell on the floor. Roars of laughter filled the room and I looked up. People were pointing at me and laughing. I looked around to see what I tripped on and I noticed that it was WooHyun's foot. His mouth was full of potato chip. Tears started to fill my eye but I held my tear behind. I looked around for help but everyone was busy laughing at me. 

I looked around and Hoya looked at me and his was out of his chair. His face was sad and it looked like he was about to come to me to help. I shook my head and told Hoya to not come here. He nodded and sat back down. I used my two weak arms to get up but I ended up falling down again, which made the kids laugh more. I felt hopeless I felt like I was going to break down to tear and call for my mom. 

Then I felt someone lifting me up. When I was up I looked behind me and it was SungYeol. 

"Your uniform is a mess, lets get you cleaned up," he said smiling. I smiled and walked to the bathroom with me. It's wonderful to have a friend like SungYeol.

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chinese12 #1
great ^^
Chapter 23: sooo goooooood^^
Chapter 22: update soon^^
Chapter 22: this is my first time to read this fanfic that sungyeol is the hero. <3
good job author-nim. :)
Chapter 23: Thank you so much for writing this awesome story all this while~
Cause it was and still is worth my upvote ^^
Chapter 22: ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 다 일겄음^^~ 이젠 프리전 어브 러브 1회(?) 화(?) 읽을로 갈께^^~ 팬픽 귀요워-3-¥¥ (I made A LOT of spelling errors... -_-;; I know....)
Chapter 22: OwO so sweet. Yeolie <3 <3
Chapter 22: Awww... I can't believe it~ It's end.. I love it :'''D
Jeongmal... :'') I love this ff so much!!
Chapter 22: Awww :( It ended :(
wellllllllllllllll.... it was a really good fic.
Thank you for writing it :)
Chapter 21: Say yes say yes SAY YES!!!!!