Hoya On The Move

My Twin Brother That No one Knows

 Hoya's P.O.V

 I was laying down on my bed and my brain replayed what SungYeol said. Every time I think about it, the more I got mad. I wanted to kill WooHyun this moment. I unlocked my phone and saw the lock screen. It was WooHyun and I making aegyo faces. I unlocked my phone with anger and changed my lock screen to MinJung. I locked the phone and looked up at the ceiling. Nam WooHyun.. You're so dead..

 The next day, I didn't wait for MinJung. I woke up extra early and walked to school. The sky was dark blue, since the sun wasn't up. I found a small pebble laying down in the middle of the street and I started to kick it. I looked at the watch and it was 7:23 AM. It was usually the time when I'm getting ready. I yawned, regretting waking up early. I wonder why I even decided to wake up early. But thinking about WooHyun breaking my sister's heart, I remembered why I woke up early. 

I arrived at school and it was empty. There were some teacher walking past me, but they didn't bother to say hi to me. I just shrugged and walked in the school with confidence. I walked to my class and found it locked. I rolled my eyes and turned around to find the janitor, but he was right behind me. He cleared his throat, I moved and he unlocked the door. He walked away with his keys and went to the next room to unlock it. I opened the door and immediately shook. It was SUPER cold in the classroom. I took baby steps to my seat and sat down. 

I was stared at the clean chalkboard. Then time passed and I grew bored. I looked out the window and  saw some students AKA nerds walking in the school gate. They usually arrive to school early so they could always help the teacher or study for the upcoming test. I kept on looking through the window when I saw WooHyun. Even though he was tiny, I was 100% positive because he was with MinJung. He had his arms around her and they were really close. I couldn't help but to turn my hand into a fist. I slammed my fist on the desk and stood up. I marched out the room and slammed open the door. Everyone was looking at me. They all moved to the side.

 I skipped my way down the stairs and walked slowly to MinJung and WooHyun. They didn't notice me since they were making out. I rolled my eyes and ran to WooHyun so he could get his filthy lips away from my precious little sister. I grabbed on his shoulder and pushed him to the side. He smirked and looked up. He was surprised to see me defending MinJung. 

"What are you doing Hoya?" WooHyun asked me. I didn't answer him. I grabbed his wrist and dragged him out of school.

"HOYA! LET HIM GO!" I heard MinJung yell behind me. I stopped walking and turned around. I saw MinJung's eyes getting watery and soon she started to cry. My heart felt guilty of making MinJung cry and I wanted to run to her and wipe her tears away. But I saw WooHyun's hand and my guiltiness for WooHyun disappeared and turned around.

"DON'T FOLLOW ME MINJUNG AH," I yelled. I continued to drag WooHyun. Then I bumped into someone and I looked up. It was SungYeol.

"Yo why are you dragging WooHyun?" SungYeol asked me. 

"Take care of MinJung and don't let her follow me," I told SungYeol. He looked confused but obeyed what I said. I dragged him to a nearby park and let him go. He fell on the ground and looked up at me.

"Look, I don't know what your problem is Hoya. Why did you suddenly stop my kiss with MinJung? Are you jealous~? Oh wait, she's your cousin... By the way I love her face.. But her personality is like... Too nice for a guy like me. Maybe I should break up with he-" I punched him on his face and he laid flat on the ground. He stood up and touched his cheeks that I punched. "OW?!" he yelled at me.

"Listen, don't you mess with MinJung. Even if you're my friend, wait I take that back. We are not friends anymore," I coldly said as I threw another punch at him. WooHyun looked confused and sat down on the bench. 

"What is your problem?" WooHyun asked me as he crossed his legs. I grabbed his shirt and pulled him up so our eyes were at the same level. (WooHyun is.. Pretty short..)

"What is your problem? Why are you cheating on MinJung?" I growled at him. His face turned to panic and he started to stutter.

"I uh.. I don't think she's.. Wait.. Why do you care so much? She's just your cousin," WooHyun said. He slapped my hand and I let go of him.

"Because MinJung is my twin sister," I answered. I turned around and left WooHyun there. I couldn't believe that I let the secret out....


WooHyun's P.O.V

MINJUNG IS HOYA'S TWIN SISTER? WHAT THE CRAP? WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN? I'm so confused... So I've been dating Hoya's twin sister for the whole time... Huh... Then I felt blood flowing out of my mouth. I wiped the blood from my mouth and got frustrated. Why in the world in Hoya mess with my face!!

 Hoya's gonna get what he deserves...









A revenge...


HEHE yeah... So basically Hoya beats WooHyun up and tells him that MinJung is Hoya's twin sister. WooHyun gets mad at Hoya for "ruining" his beautiful face and is plotting for a revenge on MinJung. 


HI~ b1a4lova here :) 

Okay~ so thank you for reading and I'm SORRY for not updating since.. forever...

I hope this chapter makes sense.. If not, I'll just write a shorter and better chapter for this one.. 



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chinese12 #1
great ^^
Chapter 23: sooo goooooood^^
Chapter 22: update soon^^
Chapter 22: this is my first time to read this fanfic that sungyeol is the hero. <3
good job author-nim. :)
Chapter 23: Thank you so much for writing this awesome story all this while~
Cause it was and still is worth my upvote ^^
Chapter 22: ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 다 일겄음^^~ 이젠 프리전 어브 러브 1회(?) 화(?) 읽을로 갈께^^~ 팬픽 귀요워-3-¥¥ (I made A LOT of spelling errors... -_-;; I know....)
Chapter 22: OwO so sweet. Yeolie <3 <3
Chapter 22: Awww... I can't believe it~ It's end.. I love it :'''D
Jeongmal... :'') I love this ff so much!!
Chapter 22: Awww :( It ended :(
wellllllllllllllll.... it was a really good fic.
Thank you for writing it :)
Chapter 21: Say yes say yes SAY YES!!!!!