Chapter 4

Just a Nobody


You sat up in your bed and yawned. You got ready for school and put on your new school uniform. You were excited about the day; Jay will get to see how much you’ve changed.

 “Good morning Dad,” You said walking into the kitchen. “Good morning,” Your dad said without looking up from his newspaper and continued sipping his tea. “Your breakfast is on the counter.”

You grabbed the plate of food and sat down across from your dad. You ate quietly.

“_____ I’m very proud of you.”

You looked up from your food and smiled, “Thanks Dad.”

“I wish your mother was still here to see how much you’ve grown. She’ll be very proud.” Your dad said sipping his tea.

“I wished she was here too.”  You said taking a bite from your food, “I miss mom a lot.”

Your dad sigh, “I miss her too.” He looked up at the clock, “It’s time for you to go.”

You got up and put your plate into the sink and hurried out, “See you later dad.”

You closed the door behind you and plugged in your headphones. The first song to be on was Teen Top- To You

You smiled and felt the warm sun on your face. You felt like a whole new person.

You walked inside the school gate and you felt people watching you. You couldn’t hear anything because of your loud music, but you had a feeling they were talking about you. You put up your headphones and cute young freshman boy walked up to you smiling, “Ahnyeonghasaeyo,” he said with a bow.

You gave him a weird look and bowed, “Ahnyeong, do I know you?”

“No it's my first year here, but I think you’re really pretty. Will Noona be my girlfriend?” He brought forward a little red flower.

You gave him a smile. “Sorry, but I can’t accept your flower.” He lowered his hand and frown, you felt so bad, “But we can be friends.” You said quickly and smiled, “You can be like my little brother.” He looked up and smiled.

Just then a crowd of guys surrounded you. You pushed your way out of the crowd and ran into the girls bathroom.

Do they not know who I am? You wondered.

You looked to see if it was safe to go out when you saw Dongwoo. “Dongwoo-Ah,” You hurried to his side and looked around to make sure no one was around to surround you. Dongwoo looked around, “Is something wrong?”

“This morning I was surrounded by a bunch of guys and it really scared me.”

Dongwoo laughed. You looked at him, “That’s not funny.” You pouted, “Oppa is suppose to protect me.” You crossed your arms.

Dongwoo leaned down until your eyes met with his, “Sorry.” He said pinching your cheek.

He smiled and continued walking, “See you in class.”

“Huh, Wait for me.” You hurried after Dongwoo into class.

Dongwoo headed over to some of his friends and you hurried to where Minah was sitting.

“_____ where were you?” Minah said as you sat down beside her.

“I was hiding in the bathroom.” You whispered.


“This morning on my way here, a cute freshman came up to me and asked me to be his girlfriend. I rejected him, but then I felt a little bad so I told him we could be friends then a crowd of guys surrounded me and almost followed me into the girls bathroom. I hid there until everyone was gone.”

“______ don’t you see? You’re the Queenka of the school.” Minah grinned.

You shook your head, “People at school probably just don’t know who I am yet.” Someone walked up to you and Minah. You looked up to see Jay smiling down at you, “Ahnyeong _____”

“JaJaJa…..Jay.” you stuttered. Jay smiled and your heart melted. “I was wondering if you’ll give me your number.”

Minah nudged you and gave a little squeal.

You wrote your number on a little piece of paper and handed it to him, “You look beautiful today.” He smiled down at you, “I’ll call you later.” He gave you a wink and walked out of your class.

Dongwoo saw him walk out and looked your way. He smiled to see you so happy, but was angry because he can't believe Jay would break your heart then come talk to you after you've lost weight. Dongwoo shook his head.

You and Minah squealed,”Omo! I’m so happy for you.”

You nod, “And he knows my name.” 



Hope you guys like it ;)

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-notyourself #1
Chapter 22: aufauefhawefhawehf /spazzing hard
please update soon ;u; i can't wait <33
i'm loving this story SO MUCH <3
Good story♥♥
Chapter 19: Eeeee ! Jayyyy ! <3 I love how Jay is completely different now <3 Is it bad that I like Jay better than Dongwoo? Omgggg Jayyyy <3
momolover #4
Update soon! XD Love it
b2utiful_jwalker #5
Jayyy <3
sehun-derp #6
Chapter 17: wow jay really seems to have started liking her, his personality seems to have changed a bit too. but i'd still rather something happen to them and her realising feelings for dongwoo, it just seems.. more right, seeing as jay was such a d-ck in the past
Chapter 17: T________________________T dongwoooooooooo I love youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu but Jay <A< >A> Omo....
Chapter 1: this is so easy for me to read since I am actually 5 4 and chubby orz
Chapter 15: Owww, My Poor DONGWOO! =.= But I want JAY for me/her LOL
Anyways, NICE JOB Author-nim ^^ THANK YOU!

I LOVE YOU :"> *giggles*
Chapter 15: uhaaaaaaaa ...... i want dongwoo !! i dont want jay park !! dongwoo dongwoo n dongwoo ! poor my dongwoo :(