Chapter 1

Just a Nobody


“Kwon _______!”  You heard someone call your name. You turned around to see your best friends Lee Minah and Jang Dongwoo.

You smiled and gave them a little wave. Minah came running towards you and Dongwoo slowly followed.

“______” Minah said giving you a hug.

“Minah. How was your weekend?” you said hugging Minah back.

Minah shrugged, “Alright I guess, but guess who’s going to London this summer.”

You and Minah jumped up and down screaming, “That is so cool Minah. So when are you leaving?”

“The week after summer break starts.”

“Okay lets go girls. We might be late for school, “Dongwoo said coming in between you and Minah.

“Okay, lets go!” you and Minah said pulling Dongwoo along. “Yah! Slow down! I might fall!” Dongwoo screamed. You and Minah laughed and stopped at the school gate.

You squealed when you saw Jay Park the Kingka of your school a head of you. He was always surrounded by a crowd of girls “You guys look its Jay Park.” You said dreamily. Dongwoo frowned and took you under his arm dragging you with him into school.

“Yah! You guys wait for me!” Minah shouted hurrying after you and Dongwoo.  

“Oppa, where are you taking me?”

Dongwoo finally let go of you and you stood up straight trying to straighten out your hair and uniform. “Dongwoo what was that all about?” Minah said with a confused look on her face.

Dongwoo shook his head, “Nothing; I just don’t think Jay is good enough for _______”

“What? I’m the one not good enough for him.” You said with a chuckle, “He’s the Kingka of this school and I’m just some fat girl who goes to school here.”

Dongwoo lowered his head and sigh, then looks up at you and smiles, “If you like Jay then you like him. I can’t do anything about it.” You smiled at him. “You know since we only have a week of school left, I’m going to confess to Jay.”  He quickly looks away, “I’ll see you guys in class.”

Minah looks at you, “Are you really going to do it?”

You nod, “Yes, I have to tell him.”

Minah smiled, “I’ll be there to support you all the way.” You gave Minah a hug, “Thank You. You are the best friend ever. Where would I be without a friend like you?”


A Week Later, the Last Day of School


You and Minah looked at where Jay was standing. He was surrounded by a group of girls.

“Minah, I’m kind of scared.” You said holding on to your little gift bag full of candy.

“Ah yah _____. There is nothing to be scared of.” Minah smiled, “I’ll be right here waiting for you.”

You walked up to where Jay was and stood in front of him.

“What is _____ doing?” Dongwoo said running to Minah’s side. “She’s confessing to Jay. I just hope he says yes. I’m kind of scared for her.”  Dongwoo frowns and watched you.

“Umm… Jay Oppa?” Jay looks at you. “Yeah?”

Everything be came quiet and everyone had their eyes on you. “Will Oppa be my boyfriend?” you said lowering your head and handed him your gift bag. Jay gave you a funny look and laughed,

“Lose some weight first then I’ll probably go out with you.” Everyone around you was laughing.

Minah covered , “How could he?!”

You ran pass Minah and Dongwoo with your face buried in your hands. “_______!” Minah ran after you. Dongwoo walked up to Jay trying to keep his cool. “What the hell is wrong with you breaking a girl’s heart like that?!” Dongwoo shouted coming face to face with Jay.

Jay stood up, “Got a problem with it?” Dongwoo punched him in the face and Jay fell back backwards. Dongwoo and Jay started pushing and punching each other.

Everyone backed up and screamed. Some people were cheering until the principal and two security guards came running into the crowd. They were stopped and dragged into the principal’s office.


So what did you guys think? I hope you liked the first chapter. Tell me in the comments below :)

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-notyourself #1
Chapter 22: aufauefhawefhawehf /spazzing hard
please update soon ;u; i can't wait <33
i'm loving this story SO MUCH <3
Good story♥♥
Chapter 19: Eeeee ! Jayyyy ! <3 I love how Jay is completely different now <3 Is it bad that I like Jay better than Dongwoo? Omgggg Jayyyy <3
momolover #4
Update soon! XD Love it
b2utiful_jwalker #5
Jayyy <3
sehun-derp #6
Chapter 17: wow jay really seems to have started liking her, his personality seems to have changed a bit too. but i'd still rather something happen to them and her realising feelings for dongwoo, it just seems.. more right, seeing as jay was such a d-ck in the past
Chapter 17: T________________________T dongwoooooooooo I love youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu but Jay <A< >A> Omo....
Chapter 1: this is so easy for me to read since I am actually 5 4 and chubby orz
Chapter 15: Owww, My Poor DONGWOO! =.= But I want JAY for me/her LOL
Anyways, NICE JOB Author-nim ^^ THANK YOU!

I LOVE YOU :"> *giggles*
Chapter 15: uhaaaaaaaa ...... i want dongwoo !! i dont want jay park !! dongwoo dongwoo n dongwoo ! poor my dongwoo :(