Chapter 19

Just a Nobody

You woke up to find yourself on Jay's bed. You squinted at the sunlight shining through the window. You stretched and looked around.

Jay was no where to be seen.

You quickly check to see that you and Jay didn't do anything weird last night.

You lifted the blanket and sigh in relief, you still was fully cloth. You got out of bed and wondered where Jay went.

You walked out his room and into the living room. You found Jay fast asleep on the couch. You smiled.

You walked over to his side and fixed his blanket. He groaned and flipped onto his side snuggling with his blanket. You chuckled.

You were about to walk away when Jay grabbed your wrist, "Come back please." He said sleepishly.

You backed up and sat down beside him, "Good Morning."

He squinted his eyes at you and grin, "Hey baby." Jay yawned and sat up, "What time is it?"

"10:30." Then you remembered you were meeting Minah at the coffee shop. "Jay, I have to go because I have to go meet Minah by the coffee shop."

Jay nod, "You go. I'll call you later. Kay?"

You nod and gave Jay a quick kiss, but he pulled you in closer. You backed away and smiled, "I'll see ya later, kay?"

Jay nod quickly kissed your hand and you headed to his room to get ready.

At the Coffee Shop

**Ding**, the doorbell rang when you opened the door. You walked in and looked around.

You saw Minah standing by the corner waving her arms happily, "____________, over here."

You smiled and headed over to Minah's table. Sitting at the table was Dongwoo and Minah's boyfriend, Kim Sooyoung,

Minah nearly jumped you when she was giving you a hug, "I've missed you so much! I'm so so so so sorry. Will you forgive me?"

You chuckled, "I've missed you so much too and of course I'll forgive you. I always will. And I want to apologized as well. I'm so sorry for not showing up at Dongwoo's birthday party.

Minah shook her, "I forgive you." She said giving you another hug.

You looked at Minah. She was crying. You chuckled and tears started forming in your eyes as well, "Don't cry. You're making me cry."

You and Minah bursted into laugther.

"We are still the same like back then." Minah smiled and wiped her tears.

You nod happily. "We will always be best friends, no matter what."

Minah sigh happily, "Oh! I almost forgot. Dongwoo and Sooyoung is here as well."

You looked at Dongwoo and Sooyoung, "Hey guys! I've miss you guys so much too! Its been a while since we hang out."

You smiled at Dongwoo and held your arms open, "Come here!" Dongwoo smiled and stood up. You gave Dongwoo a hug.

"How you been? I've missed my other best friend!" You said gently slapping Dongwoo's arm.

Dongwoo laughed, "Very well and I've missed you too, ___________." Dongwoo shrugged, "Has Jay been treating you well?"

You nod happily, "Yes. Me and Jay are doing great."

Dongwoo smiled, knowing that you and Jay were happy, "Oh um... well sit down."

You nod your head and sat down. You sat beside Dongwoo and across from Minah.

"I'm so glad we finally made up." You said to Minah.

Minah nod, "I know. I was such a jerk. There was no need of me to make something so small, into something so big."

You shook your head, "But all that matters is that me and you are best friends again."

Minah nod happily, "Yes."

"Hey you guys want to go to the park?" you said all of a sudden.

"You are still the Kwon ________________ we all know." Dongwoo said laughing.

You all laughed. Minah stood up, "Come on lets go!"

You ran to Minah's side and linked arms with her, "Yah! Let's go!" You and Minah hurried out the coffee shop doors.

Dongwoo and Sooyoung looked at eachother and they both shook their heads with a chuckle.



OMO! Its been a while since ive last updated. I'm so sorry but Thanks for waiting! Will update the next chapter as soon as I can!

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-notyourself #1
Chapter 22: aufauefhawefhawehf /spazzing hard
please update soon ;u; i can't wait <33
i'm loving this story SO MUCH <3
Good story♥♥
Chapter 19: Eeeee ! Jayyyy ! <3 I love how Jay is completely different now <3 Is it bad that I like Jay better than Dongwoo? Omgggg Jayyyy <3
momolover #4
Update soon! XD Love it
b2utiful_jwalker #5
Jayyy <3
sehun-derp #6
Chapter 17: wow jay really seems to have started liking her, his personality seems to have changed a bit too. but i'd still rather something happen to them and her realising feelings for dongwoo, it just seems.. more right, seeing as jay was such a d-ck in the past
Chapter 17: T________________________T dongwoooooooooo I love youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu but Jay <A< >A> Omo....
Chapter 1: this is so easy for me to read since I am actually 5 4 and chubby orz
Chapter 15: Owww, My Poor DONGWOO! =.= But I want JAY for me/her LOL
Anyways, NICE JOB Author-nim ^^ THANK YOU!

I LOVE YOU :"> *giggles*
Chapter 15: uhaaaaaaaa ...... i want dongwoo !! i dont want jay park !! dongwoo dongwoo n dongwoo ! poor my dongwoo :(