Chapter 14

Just a Nobody

You woke up feeling great. You stretched and got up. You checked your phone. No messages. Nothing.

You decided to text Minah. "Minah, I'm so sorry. Will you please forgive me? Call me okay?" You sigh and sent the text. You walked into the living room. You dad wasn't up yet. You decided to go and take a stroll in the park since it was early and a Saturday.

At the Park

You stopped on top of a little bridge going over a little creek and took a deep breath. It was a bright sunny day and the park was quiet. A few families were there in the play ground or taking family photos together. 

You smiled at the site of a happy family laughing together; as they took pictures together under a tree. You looked in the little clear creek under the bridge; little fishes swam around. You rest your head on your arms while watching the fishes. 

Someone tapped your shoulder and you quickly turned around. You saw Dongwoo smiling at you.

You smiled, "Hey Dongwoo. What are you doing here?"

Dongwoo smiled and stood beside you. "I come here every morning to take a walk." Dongwoo looked at you, "What are you doing here?"

You shrugged, "I woke up this morning feeling really good, so I decided to just take a stroll." You smiled and let the sun warm your face. "I never knew the park could be so calm and quiet."

Dongwoo smiled as he looked at you, "It always is." Dongwoo looked at the fishes, "I like to come here in the morning and write in my journal." You smiled, "I didn't know you had a journal." 

Dongwoo laughed, "I like to write about stuff happens in my life and special events that happen to me." 

You nod, "Sounds interesting." Dongwoo laughed again, "So did you and Jay straighten things out yet?"

You nod happily, "Yep." Dongwoo smiled to see you happy. He pat your head, "That's good then. I'll see you later." Dongwoo fixed his backpack (he carried a bunch of stuff in it.) comfortably on his back.

You smiled, "I'll see you later then." You watched Dongwoo leave and walked off the bridge.

You walked home and saw Jay's car on your drive way. You walked inside and saw Jay. Jay stood up and smiled when he saw you.

"What are you doing here so early?" You asked. 

Jay smiled, "I couldn't get you out of my mind last night and came here this morning." Jay came over and gave you a hug, "You dad said you were out and I decided to wait for you."

You smiled, "How long have you been here?"

Jay shrugged, "I just got here."

You nod and sat down on the couch. Jay sat down beside you and put his arm around you, "What do you want to do today?" 

You shrugged, "I don't know. You looked at Jay. 

He smiled, "Want to go to the amusement park?"

"Sure." You stood up and stretched, "I'm gonna go change then we can go." 

At the Amusement Park

"AHHHH!" Jay held onto your hand as you guys rode the roller coaster. 

You smiled the whole ride. You guys were having a blast.

The ride came to a stop and you quickly straightened out your hair. Jay put his hat back on and smiled at you , "Are you having fun?"

You nod, "This is the most fun I've had in years."

You guys got off the ride and Jay grabbed for your hand, "Want to have lunch?"

You nod. You and Jay walked into a little restaurant. It looked so cute.

You and Jay were having a great conversation when Chungyang plopped down beside Jay. Her friends sqeezedin beside you. 

Chungyang hugged Jay's arm and smirked, "Jay you don't know how much I missed you. I loved the kiss you gave me yesterday."

Jay rolled his eyes and shrugged Chungyang off. Chungyang pouted and gave you a cold look. She turned back to Jay, "But what about our kiss?"

Jay looked at Chungyang, "There was no kiss Chungyang. Can't you just leave me alone and let me live my life? We were the pass and we're done with. I don't love you anymore. Don't you understand that?"

Chungyang stood up angrily, "I don't care what you say. I will do whatever to get you back. I will never give up." She walked away angrily. Her friends quickly followed her.

Jay looked at you, "I'm sorry you have to deal with this stuff."

You shook you head, "I can trust you right?"

Jay nod, "Of course."


Chapter 14 YAY!








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-notyourself #1
Chapter 22: aufauefhawefhawehf /spazzing hard
please update soon ;u; i can't wait <33
i'm loving this story SO MUCH <3
Good story♥♥
Chapter 19: Eeeee ! Jayyyy ! <3 I love how Jay is completely different now <3 Is it bad that I like Jay better than Dongwoo? Omgggg Jayyyy <3
momolover #4
Update soon! XD Love it
b2utiful_jwalker #5
Jayyy <3
sehun-derp #6
Chapter 17: wow jay really seems to have started liking her, his personality seems to have changed a bit too. but i'd still rather something happen to them and her realising feelings for dongwoo, it just seems.. more right, seeing as jay was such a d-ck in the past
Chapter 17: T________________________T dongwoooooooooo I love youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu but Jay <A< >A> Omo....
Chapter 1: this is so easy for me to read since I am actually 5 4 and chubby orz
Chapter 15: Owww, My Poor DONGWOO! =.= But I want JAY for me/her LOL
Anyways, NICE JOB Author-nim ^^ THANK YOU!

I LOVE YOU :"> *giggles*
Chapter 15: uhaaaaaaaa ...... i want dongwoo !! i dont want jay park !! dongwoo dongwoo n dongwoo ! poor my dongwoo :(