Why didn't you say so?

It's a story!


Dear girls,

How have you babies doing? Have your oppas been treating you well? I’m sorry you guys have to change school during your last year in high school. I hope you guys have been making many new friends. I’m sure you guys are being chased after. Afterall, your oppas are the famous Super Junior.

We are now here in L.A. for a month of two. We have rented a house with many rooms. Since your oppas are going to come here for SM Town Live in L.A. why not you girls tag along too and come here for two weeks or so. We missed you babies.

We called earlier but you guys didn’t pick up. So we guessed that you girls have been busy in school while your oppas are busy practicing. Hopefully you guys are still as chubby as ever.

Call us when you get this email okay.


Your Ummas

“It’s an email from Umma.” Splitz then said. “Do you think we can go to SM Town Live in L.A.?” Xin asked the girls. “Then, we will be able to see SHINee perform again!” Sarra then said a pitch higher then normal. The girls then started typing out a reply to their ummas. “Sent!” Jam finally said. “I’m going to crash.” Splitz said as she laid down on her bed.

“Ah oppa,” Xin said when she woke up at 4pm that afternoon. Lee Teuk looked at her. “Hey silly. What did you guys do that you stay up all night?” Xin shook her head and said, “Nothing much Oppa. Will you guys be here later?” He looked at her. “Sorry girl, but we won’t be here. We’ve got schedules to go to. There’s Music Core today remember?” Xin looked at Lee Teuk and frowned, “Who will be there?”

“MBLAQ, U Kiss, Infinite, IU, ZE:A, uhm…” Lee Teuk then tried thinking harder. “Oppa you’re becoming an ahjussi already.” “I can’t really remember cause my mind has to occupy your school schedules and your favourite stuffs.” Xin giggled and grabbed her oppa’s arm. “Do you guys want to come with us to Music Core?” Lee Teuk asked her. “Anyway it’s Saturday and you guys have no homework right?” Xin nodded her head, “I’ll go ask the girls then.”

“Hey do you guys wanna go to Music Core recording?” Xin asked when she opened the door to their room and see all her besties laying down on their stomach and surfing the net. “Why not?” Jam said, “We’ve got nothing to do anyway until later tonight.” “Oh about that, I haven’t tell oppa that we are having rehearsals with MBLAQ for their fan meeting yet.” Xin told them. “Will just let them know later.” Splitz then said as she changed into her clothes. 

The girls walked out of their bedroom 10 minutes later. “We are the trendsetter.” The girls said when they stopped in front of their oppas and posed. “What a new girl group?” Sungmin said. “Seriously, it’s winter. Can’t you girls wear thicker?” Yesung said when he walked pass them. “Look at those shorts. It’s snowing out there and you guys are wearing shorts?” Yesung pushed them back into the room, “Come out when you have a proper attire.”

“Pfft. Xin started putting on a pair of wool tights before putting on her shorts. Instead of wearing those thin pants, Jam changed and put on a thicker and more fashionable one. Sarra on the other hand put on a wool tights below her dress. “I don’t have anything to wear!” Splitz said frustratedly as she raided the wardrobe. “Put this on!” Xin threw a pair of skinnies at Splitz. It hugged her perfectly round her thighs. “We should go get more of this” Splitz said after she was satisfied. 

“That is so much better.” Kyuhyun said when they walked out of their room. “YAH! Xin! Why are you wearing shorts in winter?” Lee Teuk shouted at her when he saw what Xin was wearing. “Ugh,” Xin then mumbled, “I have tights on, looooooooook! Sarra’s wearing a dress and Hangeng Oppa is not even complaining.” Xin said as she went to put her shoes on. Xin took her pair of vans out from the shoe rack, while Sarra put on a pair of low boots. Jam picked out her dance shoes while Splitz put on a pair of Mary Janes. “Kaja!” Sungmin said when everyone was done with wearing their shoes and double locked the door behind him.

Knock, Knock.  ”Oops, we came into the wrong room.” Xin said as she giggled nonstop. “Yah, you girls. No excuses this time round. The other time was because this room was unlabeled.” Kevin said as he walked towards the door and opened it, “But this time round, It is…” He looked at the door and then back at the girls. “Surrender and hand it over,” Eli said as he walked across the room with an imaginary gun. The girls immediately raised their hands up and the paper was in Splitz’s hands. The girls sat there and talked to them for awhile before they realised that they have to head to somewhere else. They bowed and wish U Kiss good luck for their performance. 

“Give it to my Y~” Jam said as the girls walked into MLAQ’s waiting room. They weren’t there at the moment so the girls decided to wait till they come back. Meanwhile, the girls picked up the iPads that were left on the table and started playing with them. Just then, someone opened the door. 

“Lucky this was just a rehearsal.” Lee Joon said as MBLAQ approached their waiting room. “We could have been better.” Thunder then said. As Lee Joon opened the door to their waiting room, he saw four girls sitting on the sofa like they were at home and playing on the iPad. He take two and looked at the sign on the door again. It is right, the sign on the door states “MBLAQ” Lee Joon thought to himself. Just then, the girls saw him and they all started calling, “Lee Joonie Oppa!” and ran towards him. 

“I thought I opened the wrong door.” Lee Joon frowned. “And who gave you guys permission to play the iPad.” He snatched it away from Splitz. “Aish, Joonie oppa, we know you ain’t that mean.” Splitz said as she took the iPad back from him. “What brought you girls here?” Mir asked them while drinking a bottle of water, “I thought we’re gonna see each other later for practice.” “Lee Teuk oppa asked if we wanted to tag along,” Xin then said without even looking up from the iPad. 

“Oh yeah. You guys didn’t give our oppas any tickets for your fan meeting aye?” Sarra then asked. G.O.’s left eyebrow then went up, “We didn’t have enough.” The girls then stood up all of a sudden, “We have to go now. Our oppas going to have rehearsals now.” Before the closed the door behind them, they shouted “Seeya later Oppas!” The last thing that MBLAQ saw was four hands sticking out from the door and waving to them. The smiled and went back to do their stuffs.

“Ugh, the girls aren’t back yet.” Lee Teuk said pacing up and down the room. “Seriously hyung, stop it. You’re making me really giddy.” Ryeowook said. “I better go find them.” Lee Teuk then said feeling insecure. “We’re back,” The girls said when they walked into the room. “Where’d you guys go to?” Kyuhyun asked them while playing on his PSP. 

“We went to visit some friends that’s all.” splitz said as she shrugged her shoulders. Yesung came to her side and gave her a slight knock oh her head. “Next time, you girls have to text us and tell us where we are going.” Lee Teuk then said. “B…but..” Xin said and she was cut off by Hangeng. “No excuses!” The girls slumped their shoulders and walk to the sofa. 

Moments later, the PD called them in for reearsals. While Super Junior went on to stage, the girls proceeded to the seating areas. Before they sat down, they screamed, “Super Junior Hwaiting!” Then the fans screamed in madness. 

Kyuhyun was the last to get onto the stage. He had on his white suit and Ray bans on. “We’ll look cool like mafia bosses.” Heechul told him that’s why he had his Ray Bans on. I wonder how the girls are, He mumured. He tried searching for the girls, but even with the Ray Bans on, the light was still blinding his sight. “Super Junior Hwaiting!” When he heard the girls shouted that followed by the screaming fans, he felt the weight pulling him down slipped away and ended the performance awesomely. 

There was this fangirl who strted making small talks with the girls. “How are you?” Fangirl asked. “I’m nervous!” Xin said bouncing in her seat. “Me too!” Splitz said restlessly. “Don’t worry, we’ll do fine later!” Jam said trying to comfort them. “Why are you guys so nervous. You aren’t the ones performing.” The fangirl then told them. “You’ll see,” Sarra said as she smiled and the girls went back to the waiting room. 

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blastoise #1
Awesome haha
koreankendi #2
Done reading!! ^_^<br />
Me likey!!!!
vikKiBeoMin #3
<br />
anyway, love your story!<br />
imma read the sequel! ;p
kaytbear3 #5
aww cute ending for all of them!!! too bad the story is done tho, it would be nice to have a sequal or just more chapters but its your story so you can end it however.<br />
o yeah i forgot.... I LOVED THE STORY!!!! IT WAS SOO ADORABLE!!!!!!!
:O!!!!!!! XD I WISH THIS IS LIKE REAL!!! we need hankyung back :[ oppa..... ;w;
O.O :D xD omg update that bridge chapter is making me wanna scream xD from eagerness ;) I love it update soon hwaiting
:O it says u updated but chu didnt o.o
:O HWAITING XIN :O i hope its gonna b ike usual >.< i think shes gonna feel sad if they treat her mroe special than others D:
:O teukie oppa dun cry </3 D: both of u don't deserve to get punished DX update soon!!