
It's a story!


“Umma, will I ever get well?” That was the first question Xin asked when she woke up. “Yes you will, yes you will.” Xin’s umma said as she comforted Xin. “Don’t tell Teukie oppa arraso?” Xin’s umma was shocked when she heard Xin said that. “Why not?” Xin’s umma asked her. “Teukie oppa would be sad and he will keep 100 pairs of eyes on me instead of 10.” Xin tried to tell her umma. Xin’s umma rubbed her head and smile, go to sleep girl. “Are we still going to see oppa perform tomorrow?” Xin asked her umma the last question before she slept. Xin’s umma nodded her and patted Xin to bed. 

“You’re lucky you got her in before it got serious.” The doctor told them. “I’ve given her a jab, she’s be almost fine tomorrow morning.” They nodded and thanked the doctor. “Can we bring her home tonight?” Jam asked the doctor. The doctor shook his head, “Please,” Sarra said. “Please.” “You still haven’t get a chance to tell it to her oppa aye?” The doctor asked them. The girls hung their head and looked at the ground. 

“Now that her parents are away, when are you guys going to plan to tell him?” The doctor asked them, “The day that she dies?” “You know how to take care of her, let the nurses know before you guys go home.” The doctor said as he turned around and left them outside Xin’s room. Ryeowook pushed the door opened and went into the room with the rest of them followed behind. Xin was curled up on the bed like an infant facing the wall. She was fast asleep under the thick blankets. It seems like a house, Lee Joon thought loudly. “It’s her room.” Splitz told him. 

“You guys should leave first since there’s a schedule.” Sarra told MBLAQ. “We’re really sorry about the rehearsal, will promise that we won’t screw up okay?” “With Xin like that, I don’t think you guys should perform.” Mir tried to tell them. “Xin will never agree to it.” Splitz then said, “We’ll see you on that day.” Jam opened the door and let them out. Before leaving, G.O. handed a stack of tickets to Ryeowook, “We hope you guys will be there.” G.O. said as he went out of the room. 

“She’ll wake up in an hours’ time.” Jam said while looking at her watch. “Meanwhile, do whatever you want.” “There’s magazines on the third row of the shelf, and then books on the fourth row. If you need to surf the net, there’s two netbooks on the shelf next to it.” Splitz said, Ryeowook went to the shelves and look through the drawers that Splitz mentioned. “It’s her home.” Sarra walked up next to Ryeowook, “She comes here every week.” Sarra opened another drawer filled with Super Junior CDs and DVDs. Ryeowook looked through it, every single disc that we have is here. 

Exactly an hour later, Sarra poured a glass of water and sat by Xin’s bed. At the same moment, Xin opened her eyes. Sarra adjusted the bed and handed the glass of water to Xin. When Xin caught Ryeowook’s eyes, she smiled her sunshine smile and went back to drink her water. 

Ryeowook couldn’t take in what he was seeing and he went out of the room to wait for the girls. About fifteen minutes later, Sarra pushed Xin out on a wheelchair. “Let’s go Ryeowook oppa.” Xin managed to say. At the same time, she handed him a paper crane, “You’re my 67th visitor to my room.” 

“Why did you guys take such a long time?” Lee Teuk asked when they walked into the house. “The place is rather far from here.” Xin told Lee Teuk as she went up to give him a hug. Ryeowook just went straight to his room in silence. “Goodnight Ryeowook oppa.” Xin said loud enough for him to hear. Ryeowook nodded his head and went into the room. 

“Now, now. Go to bed. There’s school tomorrow aye?” Lee Teuk told Xin she nodded her head and went to bed. “Oppa, can I sleep with you tonight?” Sarra went up to Hangeng and asked him. “I miss mummy.” Sarra mumbled. Hangeng rubbed her back and nodded his head. Sarra smiled meekly and went into Hangeng’s room. 

“There are new students at school today!” A girl was talking to her friend about it when Splitz overheard them. “I wonder who they are.” Splitz then mumbled. “Seeya at lunch later!” Xin said as she walked to her French class. The girls took the cue and they all went to their own classes. 

“Hey Yoseob,” Splitz said when she went to her table. “So you remembered to come to school today?” Yoseob was laying down on his desk trying to take a nap and yet Splitz was talking to him. “The teacher’s gonna be here in,” Splitz said while looking at her watch, “3… 2… 1…” “Good morning class!” The teacher said as she walked in. “Morning teacher.” The class greeted. “Hey seobie, ya know. There are new students coming today?” Splitz whispered to Yoseob, “Yeah. SHINee transferred school.” Yoseob mumbled. “Jinja?” Splitz said in surprise. 

To: Xin, Jam & Sarra
Message: SHINee r the new students! 
From: Splitz

“Hey Xin,” Hyunseung said. “Yeah hyung?” Xin turned around and looked at him. “Do you want to …” Hyungseung said as he got cut by Xin. “Hold on.” Xin looked at her phone and smiled. “… go out with me on Friday?” Hyunseung said. “Sure, why not.” Xin then said in a midst of happiness. “I’ll text you then.” Hyunseung said in delight. She nodded her head and continued to listen in class. 

Someone grabbed her wrist when she was done reading her message. “Junhyung, what are you doing?” Jam asked him rather annoyed. “Let me go.” She said as she tried to struggle. “Come here,” Junhyung dragged her towards the boys’ locker room. “I don’t want.” Jam said, “Let me go, it hurts Junhyung!” 

“You promised me.” Junhyung said through his gritted teeth as he pushed Jam against the wall hard. Tears started trickling down Jam’s cheeks. “I did, I waited for you.” Jam said while crying, “But you didn’t come back.” At that moment, Junhyung loosen his grip. “I did, but I was in an accident.” Junhyung said in grief, “And when I came back, I saw you… and… him…” Junhyung started pulling his hair hard. 

Jam who has already broke down into tears went up to Junhyung and comforted him, “I’m so sorry Junhyung… But I didn’t.” Jam said, “I only love you.” Junhyung looked up right into her eyes, “Really?” Junhyung asked her. “It’s true.” Jam said pushing Junhyung’s hair behind. At this moment, Junhyung’s lips crashed into Jam’s. Junhyung’s hand help Jam’s chin while Jam put her hands around Junhyung’s waist. 


Hello all, thanks for all your support. I will be on hiatus for about a week and a half because it's exam week. Meanwhile, stay happy and keep smiling~ 

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blastoise #1
Awesome haha
koreankendi #2
Done reading!! ^_^<br />
Me likey!!!!
vikKiBeoMin #3
<br />
anyway, love your story!<br />
imma read the sequel! ;p
kaytbear3 #5
aww cute ending for all of them!!! too bad the story is done tho, it would be nice to have a sequal or just more chapters but its your story so you can end it however.<br />
o yeah i forgot.... I LOVED THE STORY!!!! IT WAS SOO ADORABLE!!!!!!!
:O!!!!!!! XD I WISH THIS IS LIKE REAL!!! we need hankyung back :[ oppa..... ;w;
O.O :D xD omg update that bridge chapter is making me wanna scream xD from eagerness ;) I love it update soon hwaiting
:O it says u updated but chu didnt o.o
:O HWAITING XIN :O i hope its gonna b ike usual >.< i think shes gonna feel sad if they treat her mroe special than others D:
:O teukie oppa dun cry </3 D: both of u don't deserve to get punished DX update soon!!