hidding secrets?

Split between what difference?



“ Where is my princess?” minho walked into yoogeuns room.  Key looked up from the book he was currently reading. “Out for a breather” he mumbled. “You let her go knowing he was going to be out today?” Minho had a rough note of anger in his voice. “They will meet somehow… She is to loyal to you ..to just leave before you take the throne”  key commented standing as yoogeun held his arms up. “I just don’t feel  she needs to be out with that hot head loose” Minho lightened his voice as he picked up his son. “ You know as well as I he has no intention of hurting her”  key remarked. “Yeah but he may know more than she needs to hear” Minho let anger wash through him. He hoped she was home soon.


“Minho you bastard you kept me locked up for information your so called best friend gave me, You plan an attack on the other side…and you were insecure in Hannah’s heart.. you believed she would fall in love with me.. let me tell you she found no love in me after you made your way there…dammit!” he pulled on his hair. He  had to tell Hannah no matter what and he had a good idea where she was. He sighed took a deep breath and a burst of flames. His body landed next to the old tree. He patted his black bark  and  gazed at the shimmering red leaves. “ I can’t think that way its to much” Hannah jumped down from the tree landing in front of him. “Thinking isn’t what I need you to do” Jonghyun mumbled.  “ I have no thoughts of revenge anymore..” She said each word without emotion. She was confused Was she happy to see him or did she dread it. “Minho has plans for more than revenge”  jong stated walking around her to be greeted by a black eyed evreo.  “He plans on attacking the other side “ he turned to make eye contact. “This concerns me why? I have no problem with what my prince want to do” Hannah replied. Jonghyun visibly flinched at the words my prince. “You use to want peace and harmony …do you not care for our friends…for anything that side is about?” jonghyun’s voice rose making evreo walk to Hannah’s side.  “What friends…The ones who caused our troubles…im fine with what I live with more than fine im thrilled. You should be too” she replied glaring at him. Jonghyun’s face became hard and unreadable as stone. “You wont understand your to thick headed…hes got you thinking like him in his vengeful ways…im going to try to stop him” He stood tall and strong just like his threat. “I stand by him” she pointed to the sliver band on her hand. Jonghyun nodded as the conclusion came into view. He was alone and fighting against what he grew up with.

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