Secrets to be unfold

Split between what difference?

Taemin helped me in and as soon as I was submerged my body  became numb and I couldn't move. Taemins face was blurred by the water but I could see the worry on his face. I didn't know if I should panic the lower my body sunk.. But I felt at ease in the water.the sun reached its limit and could not shine any further. The water turned cold and dark for a moment. Then small twinkling lights happily skipped through the water. Fish swam to me rubbing like a cat would an owner.

My body finally hit the soft cushioned bottom. I could still see Taemin and the fight but deep in the water I felt no fear or sadness. A cool current caressed my body . " I Been waiting for you " a voice that sounded like water running over rocks echoed in my head. My hand twitched and I could move my body. I sat up and realized my body was held down and I barely floated in the water.a woman with slivery hair and blue eyes stood a few feet away. Around her hundreds of  jellies swaying like her dress. A soft smile played on her lips. "Shannon ... You've grown fast" she sat down in front of me. She looked a few years older than me bit not much more. "how?" bubbles left my mouth but I could. Clearly hear my question.

She gently petted a jelly. "my half sister... Was your mother"  ... " oh that was a bit blunt sorry.. But you are my half niece" I sat staring at her in disbelief. "you may call me jay" she looked up when a splash hit the surface" so is your friend  ... He did a number on me" she showed a deep gash on her arm that poured out swrils  of dark aura. " oh sorry .. There's something wrong.. I.. Don't know" I whispered looking up seeing blur of people fighting. " anyway you might want an explanation so while your healing I shall talk" she ushered her jellyfish to me. They surrounded me and gently let their long clear tentacles wrap in my skin. A rush of coolness over my skin made me sigh. " first your friend... What he is now... Is a defense gone wrong..see onew was specially assigned" I looked at her confused since all angels were assigned specially.

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