Chapter 36 (Final)

Mending a Broken Heart(REPOST)

"Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you... The graduates of Seoul University Batch 2012!"


The graduates, which includes Yunho, Jaejoong, Yoochun and Junsu along with their batch mates wooed in joy, throwing their cap up in the air. Some in tears, but mostly are smiling. Finally! After 4 years, they are now graduates... The diploma in their hands tells them so.


Jaejoong smiled seeing the YooSu couple swaying their bodies as they hug, sharing kisses every now and then. His eyes then darted to his boyfriend of 3 years... Yunho.


"What?" Yunho who was busy shaking hands with his batch mate ly to find Jaejoong's steady gaze on him.


Jaejoong shook his head, smiling a little as he reached his hand out to Yunho who gladly took it, enveloping his smaller hands in his. Standing close to the other, Jaejoong couldn't help but snake his arms around Yunho's waist, hugging the taller man.


"I just feel so happy right now. I have my family, my friends... and I have you." Jaejoong quickly look at Yunho, surprising the other for stealing a quick kiss on his lips. "I'm so lucky to have you, Yunho-ah."


"No." This time it was Yunho who planted a soft kiss on Yunho's lips then on his forehead. "I'm the lucky one for having you.


"Enough of the mushiness, hyung. I don't want to lose my appetite." Changmin's voice from behind caused the couple to pull away from the hug but Jaejoong still has one arm around Yunho's waist while Yunho has one shoulder slung over Jae's shoulder.


Instead of having individual celebrations, the school decided to prepare an extravagant dinner party for all their graduates and their family this year. And Kim Changmin had definitely prepared his stomach to eat all that he can eat.


"You act like we don't feed you." Jaejoong retorted.


"It's because I'm feeling stressed, hyung. I'm the only one left."


"Why don't you just admit that you'll miss us, dongsaeng." Yoochun who was walking towards us with Junsu came from behind us.


"You wish, hyung." Changmin snorted at Yoochun who only laugh at his response.


Jaejoong's POV

“There you boys are." We all turned hearing Yunho's mom's voice, only to see our parents walking towards us with proud smiles on their faces.


Junsu's parents and his brother Junho was there together with Yoochun's dad. The relationship between Junsu and his family have improved a great lot. And there's no better gift that they could have given the couple other than their acceptance of who they are.


I turned to my right and couldn't help but laugh out loud at my boyfriend whose face is completely red as his mom was showering him with kisses.


"Laughing at your boyfriend's expense?"


"Mom~" I smiled gratefully at my mom flew in all the way from France just to attend my graduation along with his France based Korean husband, Uncle Taewon along with our half brother Karam who Changmin claims to be a younger version of me.


"Congratulations, JJ." My mom cupped my face, her eyes glistening with happy tears as she, too placed a gentle kiss on my foreheads.


"Hyung~ congrats~" I laugh at Karam's broken Korean. He surely looks a lot like me, there's no denying that he is my brother.  I crouched down in front of him, accepting the gift he's handling me as I said a gentle thank you. "Gift from me."


"Just you?" I look up to see Uncle Taewon who also had that proud smile on his face. He truly had become a 2nd dad to me.


"I'm not...finished yet." Karam paused in deep though before completing his sentence. We knew he was trying to find the words in korean so he can talk to me directly. "Dad and mom."


We all laughed at his adorableness as my dad and Aunt Liz joined us. We all just stood there, managing a small little chat within our small families.


"Here comes the groom." Changmin suddenly said as he saw Yunho and his family walking towards us. I moved forward and met him midway with a hug and a soft kiss on the lips causing both Yunho and I to blush profusely.


Both my parents and Yunho's parent greeted each other as we stood beside each other.


Watching the happy faces of my friends and family and with Yunho's hands entwined with mine, I couldn't feel any happier and most contented that I am that very moment.


The sound of giggling along with the jingling of the keys jingling broke the silence in the house.


"Baby, stop it!"


"Oh, c'mon! You know you want it."


"Of course! But not for the whole of our neighbors to see!"


The door locked finally and there stood Yunho and Jaejoong both looking dashingly handsome in their white suits.


"Ah~ there! Now, we can get in and I can ravish you all I want!" Yunho suddenly carried Jaejoong on his shoulder as he made sure the door's lock.


Two years ago, during their graduation dinner, Jung Yunho had made Kim Jaejoong a crying mess when the former surprise the other with a wedding proposal.


Shocked beyond words and overwhelmed with so much happiness, all that Jaejoong was able to do during that time was cry and nod his head in response to Yunho's 'Can you please allow me to be your other half for the rest of our lives?'.


Yunho's proposal was included when their school paper and yearbook was published and it will be forever imprinted in the memories of their batch mates as it will remain to be one of both the happiest memories for the now married couple.


After a long engagement, Jung-Kim Yunho and Kim-Jung Jaejoong finally tied the knot and are now officially married.




Jaejoong laugh as Yunho carried him upstairs to where the bedrooms are, stealing kisses from his husband's every now and then as Yunho walked them in from one room to another until he found the master's bedroom.


"Yah! I told you to lay me down not to drop me on the bed!" Jaejoong glared at his spouse who simply grinned at him in response.


"Just sit down and relax, BooJae... Your handsome husband is going to give you the performance of your life!" Yunho was quick to lean over him and give him a quick kiss on the lips before he stood back again.


Jaejoong couldn't help but laugh at his husband as he made himself more comfortable on the bed. He placed two huge pillows on both of his side as he leaned back on the headboard. "That I'll have to decide for myself."


"Hah! Watch me!" Yunho said boastfully before disappearing into the bathroom only to come out a moment later. He was now wearing a polo instead of his suit, his pants was off so he's only in his briefs and his socks was his only 'footwear', he had a guitar with him which Jaejoong didn't even notice was there. You couldn't really blame him though as Yunho had monopolized his attention.


If Jaejoong thought he couldn't laugh anymore he was greatly mistaken. The sound of his laughter filled the room as Yunho started his performance with Wonder Girls' 'Nobody'.


"Oh my god! What did you do to my Yunho?" Jaejoong wiped at the forming tears on the side of his eyes, tears from too much laughing.


Yunho only walked towards him, pulling him up to a stand straight to a searing kiss on his lips.


A new music played on, this time it was Michael Buble's 'Everything' and Yunho sang it to him without breaking eye contact as they swayed their bodies in a slow dance.


"You're my everything~" Yunho whispered the last line in his ears sending a shiver down his spine. "You're my everything, BooJae."


A small smile appeared on Jaejoong's lips as he traced Yunho's face with his fingers. "And you are my all, Yunho-ah~"


They kissed again and this time it was more aggressive, needier. "I love you so so much, Jaejoong-ah."


"And I love you, too." Jaejoong reluctantly pulled away from the kiss. "Tonight, make me completely yours, Yunho-ah~ all yours~"


Yunho let out a growl as he lifted Jaejoong again, the other instinctively wrapping his legs around his waist.


Hovering over Jaejoong, Yunho just stared at his spouse's face causing Jae to blush, removing the strands of hair that's covering Jae's face. His kiss started on Jaejoong's forehead then move to his eyes then at the tip of his nose before reclaiming his lips for another kiss.


With the way Yunho was devouring him, Jaejoong suddenly felt like his suite is a size smaller and whined for Yunho to take it off only to turn red in embarrassment when Yunho looked at his bare ness in complete admiration.


Of course they have done intimate things together but they have never gone all the way. They were both so shy that the most they have done was to please each other with the use of their hands but tonight, on their honeymoon, Jaejoong knows he'll be finally one with Yunho.


"Stop looking! It's embarrassing!" Jaejoong tried to pull the blanket to cover his ness only to have Yunho tugged at it, tossing it on the floor.


"Don't hide the beautiful creation that you are from me, baby." Yunho slowly ed his polo shirt until he was standing bare in front of Jaejoong.


Feeling feverish at seeing his Yunho, his husband , all shyness that he was feeling was thrown out the window as he moaned loudly after he, once again was pulled in for another kiss.


Gently, Yunho had laid him down on the bed as he covered Jae's body with his own, both at the touch of their bare skin.


"Yunho~" Jaejoong ran his hands on Yunho's hair as his spouse kisses him all over his body. It's as if Yunho was worshipping every part of Jaejoong, leaving the platinum blond man a trembling mess under him. "Please~"


Jaejoong almost screamed in pleasure when Yunho had suddenly taken into his mouth. He tried to grasp on anything to hold as waves an unexplainable feeling enveloped his whole being.


"Yunnie~" He felt the tightening on his stomach and he knew he's getting closer to his release. "I can't... just please...please~"


Jaejoong didn't know if he should whine when he felt Yunho's mouth leave his manhood without letting him to release or feel relieve. All he knows at the moment is he want nothing else but to be one with his spouse.


He found a flushed Yunho hovering over him again, his eyes looking at him with so much love, he felt like choking from the overwhelming emotion that he himself was also feeling. If he thought he couldn't love his husband more, he was mistaken because every single day since they got together, Yunho was doing nothing yet he still managed to make him fall for him every single day.


"I promise I'll be gentle." Yunho said in a low, husky voice as he kissed Jae again, letting his husband taste himself from his mouth.


Jaejoong smiled as he reached an arm to touch Yunho's face, telling his spouse he trusts him even without saying a word. "I know."


A soft gasp escaped Jaejoong's lips when he felt the first finger prod at his entrance. It was an uncomfortable feeling and he can feel his muscle trying to resist Yunho's ministration.


He heard Yunho softly asks him if he's okay to which he only nodded as he pulled his husband closer when he felt the pain, the burning sensation of a third finger joining in.


Jaejoong bit his lips as he felt tears forming in his eyes. He can endure the pain knowing that it was just at the beginning and that after the pain will be pleasure beyond words.


"BooJae, if I'm hurting you, please tell me and I'll stop." Yunho felt Jaejoong's discomfort and had almost put his actions to a halt if not for Jaejoong reassuring him that it's he's alright.


"I need you now, Yunho-ah." He almost begged. "Now~ please, baby."


He nodded again at Yunho before the other ever so slowly, gently eased himself into the tight heat of Jaejoong, pausing in the process to give his husband time to adjust to his size.


"Oh, god!" Jaejoong moaned as felt full with Yunho finally filling him up. The pulsing muscle inside of him was driving him crazy with want, with desire for his spouse. "Move."


He didn't have to asked twice as Yunho started, pushing himself more inside of him before pulling out only to slam himself back again. Their moans  was getting louder as they reached a pace as they slowly fell into a slow rhythm of a dance only the two of them can share.


Intertwining their hands together, Yunho pulled Jaejoong onto his laps making the blond man moan louder as he felt Yunho's member hit that bundle of nerve inside of him making him stars as he started bouncing off of Yunho's lap faster.


The moans and groans got louder, filling the four corners of the room as they get closer and closer to their . They would kiss and whispers of love you's would be exchanged as they move. When they finally met their , the newly married couple stayed connected as they rode off their , feeling even more complete as they finally consummated their love.


Jaejoong lifted his face off from the crook of Yunho's neck as he cupped his husband face and kissed him full on the lips.


A tear escaped his eyes as he looked at Yunho's face....


"Jaejoongie~" Yunho looked at him in worry. "What's wrong? Did I hurt you? Was I too rough?"


When Yunho made a move to push Jaejoong to pull himself out of his spouse but Jaejoong only straddled him, holding on to him tighter.


"You did none of that, Yunnie-ah~" Jaejoong look him in the eyes. "If anything, you have made me the happiest man alive and I can't thank you enough for loving me. I love you."


A smile graced Yunho's face once again, completely eased from worry. "You can take me all our lives since I'm never going to let you go ever."


Jaejoong let out a soft laugh. "Believe me Yunho, I wouldn't want it any other way."


Seeing tiredness and sleepiness slowing seeping into his spouse, Yunho slowly pulled out of Jaejoong causing both of them to moan again from the movement.


"Sleep, Joongie." Yunho laid himself beside Jaejoong as well, both instinctively wrapping their arms around each other. "I'll be here when you wake up."


Jaejoong simply snuggled closer to his spouse, burying his face in Yunho's chest as he hummed in response.


"I love you, BooJae." He heard Yunho whisper before he fell into subconsciousness.


There was no better place he'd rather be than in the arms of the man he loves and he is positively looking forward to spending the next days, months and years of his life with none other than his other half, his Jung Kim Yunho.


The End

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yo_yunjae #1
Chapter 36: Just finishd reading this story.. u did a great job author-shi..
Before I'm so afraid that yunjae will broke up.. but noo.. i'm so happy for yunjae have their happy ending ^^
chu-yunjae #2
Chapter 36: Just found this and read it in one go. Enjoyed your story.
Chapter 36: Just found your fic. I enjoy reading it alot. Good job ~♡
Chapter 36: i like the ending,,
but seriously i want to punch heechul,,,aigoo
springmiya #5
Chapter 36: i liked the ending
Chapter 36: It's the end then...
Everyone got the happiness ><
Aaaa there is Karaaamm the sweety karam >< can karam be changmin's? (#ofc not he's jaemin stepbrother) orz...

Aww i love the ending.. yunjae got married and live happy ever after ヽ(´∀`)ノ
Chapter 34: I'm a lil bit confused in this chapter..
Is heechul the man that was going to get hit by a truck? Why he keep saying sorry for yunho's accident and begging forgiveness ?
I hope yunho'll get soon as soon as possible (;_;)
Chapter 21: Seulgi is a gooooooooodddd girl... i love when she care about jaejoong and she won't make jaejoong space out when they meet hyebin...
Jihae don't be naughty girl... your oppa alr have a pretty boyfriend orz
Chapter 18: Awww, i love this part so damn much..
Yunjae look so adorable in here...
Chapter 14: The jealous jaejoong make yunjae's together #sobs
I love it finlly yunjae became a couple o(*^▽^*)o