Chapter 30

Mending a Broken Heart(REPOST)

Yunho's POV

“I can’t believe I’m seeing this.” Were the words that escaped my mouth as soon as I caught sight of Jae and Junki kissing. After that my mind just went black after seeing Jae and Junki together. Whatever rationality is left in me just flew away and before I knew it, I had swung my arm and gave Lee Junki a hard blow on the face.

As Lee Junki stumbled to keep his balance, I stood there panting heavily. I made a move forward to beat the whole out of him but Jae stepped in front of me, preventing me from coming any closer to Jaejoong. "Yunho-ah…"

"Aish!" Lee Junki hissed as he wiped the blood at the corner of his lips. "What the hell…" And he made an attempt to hit me but once again, Jae stepped in between.

"You guys, stop it!" Jae finally yelled when we still tried to do each other harm. Silence enveloped the three of us before I started to walk away.

I had hoped that Jae and I will be able to talk tonight and resolve the previous misunderstanding few days ago. “So much for patching things up.” I whispered to myself.

“Yunho, wait…” I heard Jae’s soft call from behind causing me to walk faster. “Yunho, will you please stop and just listen to me!”

I ignored him and simply tried to walk as fast as I can than I already am. Before I can make another step, I found my arms being grabbed by someone and made me turn around. “Will you please, let me explain!”

“What is there to explain, Jaejoong?” I scoffed as I asked him back.

“What you saw there…it isn’t what it looks like.” Jaejoong said, I can almost hear the pleading in his voice. If the situation was any different, everything would be back to normal the moment I heard that tone. Right, call me a jerk, bastard even, but all I can feel right now is this pain in my chest from seeing Jae with another.

“Oh, yeah?” I finally stopped trying to walk away again seeing as Jae won’t let go of my arms. “What else could the seeing the two of you kissing mean other than that? Tell me, Jae? What else do you think I would think seeing you with Lee Junki…like that?”

I couldn’t even bare to say the words and finish my words. What a coward huh?

“If you would just let me talk and explain…”

“Explain what?” I cut him off. “Jaejoong., you… you keep accusing me…of doing some things I have never ever done…and here, I see you doing just exactly just that! How do you think I’m feeling right now?!”

My anger was getting the best of me now, I can feel it. My rising voice alone is enough proof of that. “I’m sorry, Jaejoong but I just can’t listen to you right now. I’m so angry right now to talk to you, more so to listen.

With that said, I removed my arms from Jaejoong’s hands and walked away with questions filling up my mind. Does Jaejoong still have feelings for Lee Junki after all this time?

Junsu’s POV

I glanced back up to Changmin who at the exact same moment looked up to me. He have that helpless look on his face as we watched Jaejoong-hyung swirling his spoon on his plate making this screeching sound, not paying attention to the food at all. On his other hand, he has his cell phone, watching the small communication device as if it’s the most amazing thing in the whole wide world.

“Why don’t you just call, Yunho-hyung?” Changmin finally spoke as he let out a heavy sigh.”

“Why would I? It’s not me who jumped into conclusion?” Jaejoong-hyung replied stubbornly, biting his lower lip in the process.

“Hyung, don’t you think that you did that a lot with Yunho-hyung before?” Oooh, I’m so glad I don’t have the guts as Changmin to speak to Jae-hyung like that. If looks could kill, by the way Jae-hyung’s glaring at him right now, Changmin would have been long dead.

“What I’m only trying to say, hyung is that both of you are obviously having a hard time with this fights. It’s been going on for days now. One of you should start getting their pride a little lower if you guys want to fix this! If not, might as well break it off.”

I kept my eyes on Changmin, amazed by his guts. Jaejoong-hyung’s face looked horrified when he heard his brother say the word “break up.” “Hyung… you and Yunho-hyung need to talk this out. You both love each other so much, anyone can see that, you can’t just one Kim Heechul, or anyone, anything else to come between you two this easily, would you? You have come this far, hyung…”

That’s the only words that I said over that matter for the rest of the night. I’m not really good with words after all so I’d rather shut my mouth that make things worse, even if it’s unintentionally.

The following day, everyone, excluding Yunho-hyung, happily met for lunch. Everyone’s there, everyone’s smiling/ laughing including Jae-hyung but his smile never reached his eyes. As I was staring into thin air, a familiar figure caught my eyes and before I could stop myself, my mouth took control. “YUNHO-HYUNG!” Ooops!

The two of them, somehow had a silent agreement to stay away from each other since that major fight of theirs.

Since it seems like hyung did not hear us, he continued walking and disappeared from the cafeteria. Seeing this, Jaejoong stood up and excused himself from everyone before he headed to the same direction as Yunho-hyung.

I sighed as I watched his back helplessly. It’s been a few days since they stopped talking for reason not either of them will tell us. After that night at the bar, we couldn’t even get a hold of Yunho-hyung and Jaejoong-hyung locked himself in his room most of the time. At times we managed to get them to talk, they do anything, everything to avoid answering even the shortest question such as “what’s wrong|” that we threw at them.


Jaejoong’s POV

“Jaejoong?” My ears perked up hearing the soft voice that called my name. Suddenly, my senses felt much more alive the same time as my heart started to beat a lot faster. “What are you doing here? I mean, standing there?”

“Waiting for you.” I simply answered as I took a step forward, moving closer to him.

“Are you drunk?” Yunho asked, his browse furrowed.

A small smile appeared on my lips as I shook my head lightly. “Anio. Just had a few shots….” I answered honestly. “Yunho-ah, can we talk?”

He stared at me down for a couple of seconds before he shook his head. “Not now. We’ll talk when you’re sober.” He gently held my hand and tried to pull me towards the stairs. “Come on, Boo… I’ll take you home.”

“No, I can’t bear another day, Yunho… we need to talk…” My words was cut as Yunho’s phone started ringing. I saw the irritation in his face but quickly hide it by turning away a bit before he pulled up his phone from his pocket and answered it. With as soft voice he can use, he answered whoever is in the other line but the name he called still reached my ear.

“Heechul-sshi…” Was the only word that he manage to say before I found myself grabbed his own phone away from me. That instance, it’s like I forgot the main reason I came to Yunho’s place.

“Kim Heechul, you ing stay away from Yunho!” I yelled.

A few hours earlier.

Give me one more shot of these, please. I called for the bartender lifting the small glass in my hand. Within a minute, the drink was place back in front of me and started drinking my heart aaain until I heard that familiar voice.

"It’s nice to see you again, Jaejoong." I whirled around and found Kim Heechul standing in front of me. Where's Yunho?

"None of your business." I spat.

"Ah, touchy, aren't we." He answered with a crooked smile. "Maybe I can just call him. I'm sure he'll come to me right away, what do you think?

"Yunho wouldn't." I replied with gritted teeth.

"Oh?" For a moment, Heechul looked like he's thinking. "How are sure are you?"

I suddenly got up from my seat and stood face to face with Heechl. "Stay.Away.From. Yunho."

After saying those words, I stalked out of that place and next thing I knew, I was standing in front of Yunho's place.

End of Flashback

“Kim Jaejoong, what do you think you’re doing?!” It caught me by surprise, Yunho’s loud voice but I didn’t really care. The alcohol, my jealousy and insecurity took completely over me.

“Kim Jaejoong? Now, I'm just Kim Jaejoong to you?" I said with a forced smile. "What happened to Jae or Boo?"
Instead of answering me, Yunho turned his back on me. That made me even angrier. "Answer me, Yunho!"

“We'll talk tomorrow, Jaejoong." He answered again. He turned back and sighed. "I'll take you home."

"I'm not some girl you need to take home, Yunho!" I snapped at him

"You know what, I'm tired. I just want to lay down and sleep right now. If you don't want me to take you home then I'll go rest now and we'll talk tomorrow."

"We'll talk now, Yunho… Just tell me, are you and Heechul together now, huh?" I asked with all the strength I could muster to say those words. Somehow I knew what the answer is but I still felt scared that he might answer me and the answer he'll give me is different from what I'm expecting.

Yunho stared at me for a good full minutes before he tried to leave, only I stopped him. "Damn it, Yunho! Answer me!"

He shook his head before he spoke. "What do you want me to tell you, Jaejoong?"

"The truth."

"It doesn't matter what I tell you now, Jaejoong. You wouldn't believe me anyways." He scoffed. “I've been telling you nothing but the truth but you've never believed me, anyway. You just need to let yourself get stuck in your past with Lee Junki and never trusted me."

"I do trust you, Yunho." My voice softened a bit.

"You keep on saying you do but I can't feel it, Jaejoong."

"What! So now you're turning the tables on me? You're making it look like it's my fault? Why don't you just tell me you don't love me instead of making it look like it's all my fault!" At that moment, when I saw the pain in Yunho's eyes, I hated myself.

Yunho looked at me in disbelief. "That's the funny thing about this, Jaejoong. I love you. So God damn much. It even seems like everyone knows that I do except for that one person that really matters." He looked me straight in the eyes. “You. DON'T ever question how I feel about you. Ever."

Yunho took a step forward, taking my hand in his as he let his forehead touch mine. A tear feel from his eyes. "Jaejoong, I know you love me but I need for you to learn to fully trust me as well. To trust yourself. To know that YOU alone is enough reason for someone to love you, to always be beside you.”

A teardrop escaped from my eyes this time and rolled down the side of my face as Yunho continued to speak. "I feel so helpless, even more so I feel so useless seeing how you're still broken like this. I tried hoping I will be the one to patch the pieces of you back. I failed."

"No, Yunho…" I started but his lips on mine cut me off.

"Maybe, we need a little break from all of this. Have some time off each other and some time for ourselves."

"Is this your nicer way of telling me you don’t want me anymore?" I sobbed.

Yunho shook his head uncontrollably. "No, Jaejoong, no…" He then cupped my face in his hand as he stared me directly in the eye, planting soft kisses all over my face. "I want you, Boo. God, I love you so much but I need you to realize your worth. Just how amazing it is to love you, to be loved by you without you holding back or feeling. I can only do so much to help you, Boo but you need to help yourself as well."

I nodded my head at his words in understanding. "After I do that, will you still be here?"

This time Yunho was the one who nodded his head and smiled at me. "Here or in Gwangju."

I laughed at his little joke, tears still streaming down on both of your faces.

"Come one, I'll get you home."

I composed myself before we headed down the stairs in complete silence.

"Yunho-ah, wait for me. Wait for me."


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yo_yunjae #1
Chapter 36: Just finishd reading this story.. u did a great job author-shi..
Before I'm so afraid that yunjae will broke up.. but noo.. i'm so happy for yunjae have their happy ending ^^
chu-yunjae #2
Chapter 36: Just found this and read it in one go. Enjoyed your story.
Chapter 36: Just found your fic. I enjoy reading it alot. Good job ~♡
Chapter 36: i like the ending,,
but seriously i want to punch heechul,,,aigoo
springmiya #5
Chapter 36: i liked the ending
Chapter 36: It's the end then...
Everyone got the happiness ><
Aaaa there is Karaaamm the sweety karam >< can karam be changmin's? (#ofc not he's jaemin stepbrother) orz...

Aww i love the ending.. yunjae got married and live happy ever after ヽ(´∀`)ノ
Chapter 34: I'm a lil bit confused in this chapter..
Is heechul the man that was going to get hit by a truck? Why he keep saying sorry for yunho's accident and begging forgiveness ?
I hope yunho'll get soon as soon as possible (;_;)
Chapter 21: Seulgi is a gooooooooodddd girl... i love when she care about jaejoong and she won't make jaejoong space out when they meet hyebin...
Jihae don't be naughty girl... your oppa alr have a pretty boyfriend orz
Chapter 18: Awww, i love this part so damn much..
Yunjae look so adorable in here...
Chapter 14: The jealous jaejoong make yunjae's together #sobs
I love it finlly yunjae became a couple o(*^▽^*)o