Chapter 23

Mending a Broken Heart(REPOST)

Yunho’s POV

Our short vacation was soon finished and Jae and I had to go back. But I couldn’t complain because the 3 days we spent here was the best three days of my life. Why wouldn’t it be when I spent it with my family AND my boyfriend. It’s just sad that we have to go when we’re just enjoying ourselves so much, then again, we can always go back. Next time, we’ll have the others come with us as well.

“Promise me you’ll be back again.” My mom looked at me, sniffing as he took hold of Jae’s hand. Jihae only rolled her eyes at my mom’s.

Glancing back at Jae, I took my mom in my arms, hugging her close as she started to sob. “Umma…”

She waved her at us, smiling between her tears. “You kids better go or you’ll be late in the road.”

Jihae and my mom gave Jae and me one last hug. Father needed need to leave early for him and wasn’t able to send us off anymore. Last night though, we talked over a bottle of soju as we sat on the step of the stairs in front of our home.

Pressing a kiss on my mother’s forehead, I hugged her back, squeezing her petite form closer. I did the same with my sister. It’ll be a while before I will be able to see them again.

Throwing my family one last look, I finally joined Jaejoong back in the car, who is already in the driver’s seat, ready to drive our way back to Seoul. He’ll be driving for the first half our trip, and I’ll do the rest.

When it was my turn driving, Jae didn’t sleep and kept me company knowing I’m still feeling a bit sad. Grabbing the video cam from the backseat, Jae started taking video of me.

“Hi! I’m Kim Jaejoong. Right now, I’m in the car with my boyfriend. We’re driving back to Seoul after spending three days with his family in Gwangju.” He started talking to the wind as I would just glance at him amusedly. After his little introduction, Jae rolled the window down on his side and took videos of the one again, green filled surrounding us.

A few minutes later, the cams focus was back on me.

“Now, you’re seeing Yunho. Doesn’t he look good? I know anyone would agree but sad to say, he’s already taken.”

“Jae, you’re distracting me.” I said laughing and blushing at the same time.

“Aish! Yunnie, just let me....” He shoved my hand away when I tried to cover the lens of the cam. “Focus on your driving”

“Sorry for the interruption, ladies and gentlemen. Yunho doesn’t really like it when the attention’s on him. He’d rather stay behind and have others enjoy the limelight than be in it himself.” Jae sighed, his voice turning serious.

“That and much more makes me just love him much. But sometimes I wonder if I’ve told him enough.”

One of my hands took Jae’s from his lap and squeezed it, not letting go. “You’ve told me, Boo… and you’ve showed me in more than just one way. And I love you, too.”

With a knowing smile, Jae set the cam down and leaned over, planting a soft kiss on my lips.


Jaejoong’s POV

We went straight to the home I’m sharing with my brother, and sometimes with YooSu. Junsu had called earlier, while were still driving, telling me he and Chun had prepared dinner for us.

Junsu’s voice tells me that everything went well with his and Yoochun’s visit to his family. Sure, Junho, even his mom would call them but it really is different when they’ll come face to face with them and actually hear their acceptance. I still need to hear the whole story and Junsu promised he’d tell me tonight once I got home.

Emptying the car of our bags, Yunho and I walked in to the building and went in the lift. I suddenly felt tired as we stood there waiting for the elevator to take us up the floor where our home is. I rested my head on the side of Yunho’s shoulder who in return s his arms around my wait from behind. He started rubbing at the small of my back as if massaging, making me feel more relaxed.

When the door “dinged” and slid open, Yunho bend down and lifted our bags from the carpeted flooring of the elevator as we moved out of the lift.

There were sounds of movements from behind the door before it was opened widely for us, courtesy of my dear little brother.

“Changmin ah, is that YunJae-hyung?” Junsu’s voice echoed from the hallway leading to our rooms.

“Yes, it’s us, Junnie ah.” I answered, using the nickname I made for him.

The smell coming from the kitchen made my stomach grumble so loud that Yunho let out a soft chuckle. I glance at the clock hanging from the wall and it reads 8:30. No wonder my stomach’s already complaining.

We waited for half an hour more before dinner was finally served by a grinning Junsu. Once everyone’s settled around the table, we started dinner. Yoochun and Junsu told us what happened about their trip right after they bombarded ME with all the questions regarding our visit to Yunho’s family, specifically about Jihae. Once they’ve made me blush so much, the attention was shifted to YooSu. They really didn’t need to tell us in details about what happened. Their eyes alone would show the happiness that they’re both feeling after finally having their relationship blessed by Junsu’s family.

We all settled in the living room after the dishes and the table was cleaned. Yoochun put “Titanic” in the DVD player and Changmin doesn’t like that movie but my glare stopped him from complaining and can only rolled his eyes as the movie started playing.

Halfway down the movie, my eyes started feeling heavy. Yunho’s hand rubbing at my back soothingly wasn’t helping to keep me awake either.

“I’m glad Chun and Su’s completely happy now that they finally got his family’s blessing.” I adjusted my head on his chest, sniffing Yunho’s neck, the scent of his cologne filling y lungs.

Yunho murmured in agreement. It started drizzling when we were just about to have dinner and now it’s raining hard outside. I don’t mind the rain though as it gave me a reason to ask Yunho to stay for the night.

“And I’m glad that you and Jihae finally work things out.”

“Hah! You don’t know just how relieved I am to know that we’re okay now. I wouldn’t have to worry about her pulling you away from me the next time she visits you.”

Yunho chuckled, pulling a blanket over our bodies. I stuck out my bottom lips as I watch him do so. I guess there still was a tinge of jealousy in my voice that he found it amusing huh?

“Goodnight, Boo.”

“Good night, Yunnie.”

We we’re nearly asleep when the door to my room creaked open, the light coming from the hall getting through the ajar door. Yunho lifted his head up from the pillow as he heard Changmin’s faint “hyung”.

Without so much of a word, Changmin climbed into the bed and plopped himself down in between us. And I think I know the reason why he came into my room. If I’m scared of earthquakes, Changmin is afraid of loud thunder. Hah! And I thought he’s overcome that fear already.

“Hyung, can I stay here with you guys?” For an 18 year old fast growing young man, Changmin surely looked like a little boy as he looked at me, then to Yunho with those pleading eyes. Yunho and I looked at each other before I covered Changmin with the blanket.

“Of course you can.”

“Thanks, hyung.” My brother lay between us, grinning widely before he spoke again. “I feel like I’m with my mom and dad with you two beside me.”

My eyes rolled that I think it made a 30-degree turn at Changmin’s words. “Go to sleep, Minnie ah.”

“Yunho-hyung, don’t mind me, okay? You can still hug all you want, you can even kiss…”

“Changmin.” I warned.

“Goodnight, Yunho-hyung, Jae-hyung.”

“Good night, Min.”


Yunho’s POV

“Appa, Umma, wake up!” I stirred from my sleep. My left arm felt numb from something resting on it. Turning on my side, I found Jae cuddled up against me and his head was what my arm felt, I found out. Sounds of giggled made me turn my head back at the door where Junsu is and to Changmin who’s standing by the foot of the bed where lying in.

“Changmin, Junsu, what are you guys doing here?”

“Ah, hyung…” Changmin started but interrupted by Junsu.

“Min, Appa and Umma still sound better.” Junsu giggled but quickly straighten up when Changmin glared at him.

“Oh, shut up, hyung.”

“Is something wrong?”

“Sorry to wake you up, hyung but I wasn’t sure if you guys plan to go to school today or not.”

“What time is it?”

“It’s only 7:30,hyung.” Junsu answered.

Jae and I both still have an hour to get ready. And half an hour to get to the university...but…

“You can use my extra pair of uniform, hyung.” Changmin seemed to have read just what I was thinking. “YooSu hyung and I will gonna have to leave now”

“Thanks, Minnie-ah.” I said, smiling as Changmin nodded, making his out towards the door. I shook my head when I heard Junsu’s high pitched voice one last time before I heard the sound of the door shutting.


The days went back quickly and the dance competition’s coming nearer. Thought I’m always dead tired from all the extensive practice, I couldn’t really ask for anything else in my life right now.

Jae and I headed to my house right after class that particular day. With YooSu staying at their place right now, we both agreed we wouldn’t have a peaceful time there together and that’s how we ended up in my place.

Both of us were laughing as we climbed the stairs and more when Jae almost tripped at something earlier. And as mean as it may sound, we we’re laughing at the guy we saw getting slap, not by one but by two equally beautiful girls.

“Boo, shouldn’t we feel bad for the guy?”

“Oh, don’t tell me you didn’t find the shocked look on his face funny?” Jae looked at me, obviously trying to suppress his laughter. My lips broke into a grin and Jae nodded his head as if saying “I thought so.”

Jae’s laughter soon died down. I saw how his smile turn into a frown as we walked closer to my house. My eyes followed where his was on. I myself was surprised to find someone I wasn’t expecting to see pacing back and forth in front of my door.

“Yunho!” Kim Heechul stopped walking around and threw his arms around me, even planting a soft kiss on my cheek like we’re close when in fact we couldn’t even be considered friends. From the corner of my eyes, I can see the surprised and confused expression on Jae’s face. Once I recovered from the unexpected greeting, I took a step away from Heechul, taking my place beside Jae, taking his hand in my own.

“Heechul…what are you doing here? How did you know where I’m living?” I couldn’t help but ask straight out.

He waved a black leather wallet out that I recognized as my missing one. “Well, I just thought you’d want this back. You left it...”

I made a quick glance at Jae when Heechul kept his sentence hanging. And by the looks of it, I’m in trouble. “…at the bar while we we’re drank together.”

I wanted to say that we didn’t exactly drink together but I know it wouldn’t change anything.

My hand quickly took hold of Jae’s wrist when he stepped forward.

“Thanks for returning it…after waiting for weeks to do so.” Jae said, snatching the leather wallet from his hands. Heechul only had smug look on his face afterwards. “We already gave up looking for this, never thought someone with a kind heart like you would still give it back.”

Heechul walked past Jae, almost me jump on my feet when he ran a hand on my chest. “Ooh, your boyfriend’s such a sweetheart that night, Jae. As much as I wanted to keep it, didn’t want to keep this loverboy looking for it”

Once more, Jae gave me a questioning look. I sure have a lot to explain later on! Well, there’s really nothing to explain aside from the fact that I helped Heechul from getting some guy and took his offer for a drink, as he said, it was his sign of thanking me and I said yes. That’s just it but Heechul just had to make it sound a lot more happened than just that.


“Why didn’t you tell me you’ve met up with Heechul?” Jae asked the moment I closed the door behind us.

“I didn’t meet up with him, Boo. I just happened to have helped him. He wanted to thank me and asked me to have a drink with him so I agreed. I left right after that, I didn’t even finish the bottle of lime he bought me.”

“You could have at least told me. That happened weeks ago and you didn’t even mention anything about it to me!”

“I know. And I’m sorry. It really just slipped my mind. I was really planning to tell you but…”

“You didn’t.”

Jae was angry and I, myself was starting to lose my patience. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry, alright. Why are you making such a big fuss over this, Boo.”

Jae suddenly stood up, pacing around just like Heechul from earlier before he stopped and face me. “Well, I’m sorry if I am making a big deal out of this. You do know what that… Heechul did and for all I know he’s starting to do the same thing again.!”

I don’t know why but I ended up defending Heechul somehow. “Jae, Heechul may not be that bad.” Jae stared at me like I’ve grown two heads at that. “You’re being unreasonable now.”

Jae laughed in disbelief. “So, I’m being unreasonable now? Looks like Heechul had gotten into your brain just like…”

“Can you just stop bringing Junki up?” I was surprised when my voice suddenly rose. I know Jae was even more shocked. “You and Junki’s over… whatever happened between you two and Heechul won’t happen to us alright.”

“No.” Jae shook his head. “I know he’s up to something. I should have realized that when I saw the way he looked at you. And whatever that it, he’ll make sure he’ll succeed.”

“Jae, listen to yourself. You’re just being overly suspicious of other people. Just because Heechul did what he did doesn’t mean he’ll do it again!”

“It’s not just some other people, Yunho. It’s Kim Heechul we’re talking about.”

“So what if it’s Heechul.”

“You just don’t understand it, do you?”

“I understand, Jae. I do. But you can’t just go accusing someone of doing something again just because he’d wronged you once.” I said, my voice soft as I heard the insecurities in Jae’s voice.

“Then… I’m… I’m sorry if I’m just being paranoid.” I eyes Jae as he spoke but he didn’t meet my eyes like he’d usually do whenever we spoke to each other. “Look, I know you’re tired. You’d probably get a rest if I’m out of here. I’ll just… see you…tomorrow.”

He’s disappeared behind the closed door before I can even stop him, leaving me frustrated. We’ve never walked out on our fights without solving it before. Ever. This would be the first.

I sighed, burying my face in the curve of my hand. Now, I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t be able to close my eyes and take a rest just like Jae said.


If I followed Jae, I would have seen Heechul coming out of his hidden place but I didn’t. If I did, I would have seen the evil smirk on his face.

“That still does the trick.” Heechul whispered to himself. “This is going to be so easy.”

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yo_yunjae #1
Chapter 36: Just finishd reading this story.. u did a great job author-shi..
Before I'm so afraid that yunjae will broke up.. but noo.. i'm so happy for yunjae have their happy ending ^^
chu-yunjae #2
Chapter 36: Just found this and read it in one go. Enjoyed your story.
Chapter 36: Just found your fic. I enjoy reading it alot. Good job ~♡
Chapter 36: i like the ending,,
but seriously i want to punch heechul,,,aigoo
springmiya #5
Chapter 36: i liked the ending
Chapter 36: It's the end then...
Everyone got the happiness ><
Aaaa there is Karaaamm the sweety karam >< can karam be changmin's? (#ofc not he's jaemin stepbrother) orz...

Aww i love the ending.. yunjae got married and live happy ever after ヽ(´∀`)ノ
Chapter 34: I'm a lil bit confused in this chapter..
Is heechul the man that was going to get hit by a truck? Why he keep saying sorry for yunho's accident and begging forgiveness ?
I hope yunho'll get soon as soon as possible (;_;)
Chapter 21: Seulgi is a gooooooooodddd girl... i love when she care about jaejoong and she won't make jaejoong space out when they meet hyebin...
Jihae don't be naughty girl... your oppa alr have a pretty boyfriend orz
Chapter 18: Awww, i love this part so damn much..
Yunjae look so adorable in here...
Chapter 14: The jealous jaejoong make yunjae's together #sobs
I love it finlly yunjae became a couple o(*^▽^*)o