
Chocolate Love

Tiffany and Hyoyeon still stay there and watch them. Taeyeon doesn’t do anything even wake Wooyoung up. She looks deeply into his sleeping face. After a while, Taeyeon stands up and gets Wooyoung’s cell phone from his pocket. Taeyeon sends Yoona the message.

“Yoona, can you come here and take me home? I am lost in XXX Park.”

That is what Taeyeon send to Yoona. Tiffany and Hyoyeon see Taeyeon sitting with Wooyoung in ten more minutes and then stand up and hide in the bush. After that, Yoona is coming and call Wooyoung up. Wooyoung is really shock when he sees Yoona standing on front of him instead for Taeyeon.

“What are you doing here?” Wooyoung asks.

“To take you home babo. You don’t even know how to get home when you are growing up now. How can you coming here and don’t know how to get back?” Yoona asks.

“Do you see anyone when you are coming here?” Wooyoung asks Yoona.

“You mean Taeyeon? She said she won’t come here, so she won’t come. You don’t need to wait.” Yoona said.

Wooyoung looks around to see if he dream or he really see Taeyeon.

“So this is the place that you guys hide me to come here when we were little right? Not bad.” Yoona looks around. “In the hill, having tree, having stars, moons and even the big sky. That is so romance, but so pity that Taeyeon can’t come with you.” Yoona looks at Wooyoung. “You still sit. You better get up and come home now before my mother calls police that you are missing.” Yoona said and walk away.

Wooyoung stands up and look around again. He has the feeling that he sits with someone before Yoona coming. The sky is so dark, so he can’t see anyone, and he walks away. As that time, Taeyeon gets out from the bush and look at the back of Wooyoung with sad eyes.

“You did great job, Taeyeon ah.” Tiffany said from behind Taeyeon.

“What are you two doing here?” Taeyeon startles when she sees Hyoyeon and Tiffany.

“We saw everything.” Hyoyeon said.

“Are you guys following me to here? How can you?” Taeyeon asks madly.

 “We want to help you studying with the mid-term, so we went to your house finding you. When you were walking toward your house, we saw you rushing so fast outside, then we followed you.” Tiffany said. Taeyeon pauses for a second and then said.

“Let’s go.” Taeyeon said calmly.

“Don’t you mad at us?” Hyoyeon said when she runs behind Taeyeon.

“What happen if I am mad at you or not? They are the same.” Taeyeon said.

“But at least you need to tell us like don’t do that or what.” Hyoyeon said.

“That is your freedom to do whatever you want. I have no right to prevent you from something.” Taeyeon said.

“So what are you gonna do about that?” Tiffany suddenly asks.

“About what? Ah you mean about Wooyoung? I will be his friend, and nothing else.” Taeyeon said.

“It is not easy like you think.” Hyoyeon suddenly seems so sad.

“I’ll try and I think that I can do it. You also need to forget Junho too.” Taeyeon said.

“Why are you suddenly talking about him in here? We are talking about your problem now.” Hyoyeon said.

“We are the same, don’t you think?” Taeyeon said.

“Don’t talk so easy like that. You didn’t even forget him after so many years. How can you be his friend when you face with him everyday and with his love?” Tiffany said.

“She is right. You need to find best way for you, Wooyoung and Yoona. Three of you can’t be like that forever.” Hyoyeon said.

Taeyeon doesn’t say anything and keep walking. But she keeps remembering what Tiffany and Hyoyeon saying to her. She needs to find some way to solve all problems between three of them.


“Come to the mansion now!” That message goes to every girl’s phones in the early morning.

“What is this?” Hyoyeon complains when her eyes are closing.

“Who is sending the message in this early morning? Don’t you know what time is it?” Yuri throws her phone away.

“You disturb my sleeping guys!” Sooyoung hides her phone under the pillow.

Tiffany uses her cell phone to call video phone for eight girls at the same time because she is afraid that if she sends message that they won’t look it.


All of them startle at that noise. Some of them fall off their bed because of that noise, and some wake up all of sudden. They hurry dressing and coming to the mansion. Hyoyeon and Sunny hug each other and sleep on the couch. Sooyoung, Yuri and Seohyun lie down on each other and sleep. Only Jessica finds for her the best place to sleep, and that is on the table enough to fit with her size. Taeyeon and Yoona are already waking up, and they help each other preparing some food for other girls. They don’t talk much when they work with each other and the atmosphere is so awkward. Tiffany shakes her head when she is looking at these people who still close their eyes and sleep in the living room.

“Guys, wake up guys! I call you here because we have the mission to do, and that is not sleeping like this.” Tiffany yells but nobody listen to her because they are staying deeply in their dream.

“I need to do something to wake them up.” Tiffany mumbles and then she looks around the room. She sees the whistle that Hyoyeon always use to tease Sunny. Tiffany comes to get that whistle. Then she rises up and blows. The noise is like the needle stick into the girls’ ears, so they have to wake up.

“What are you doing? Do you know that I couldn’t sleep last night?” Yuri complains.

“So everyone wake up yet? If don’t, I will blow again.” Tiffany said and rises the whistle up and prepares to blow.

“Nope, nope. We are waking up now.” Hyoyeon said.

“Good! I call you here because I want everyone helping me to do something. I didn’t call you guys here to sleep.” Tiffany said.

“What things? I remember that we have nothing to do in the early morning like this. If have, wait until afternoon. That is the time that I have most strength.” Sooyoung said.

“You know that I can’t wake up so early in the morning, so don’t call me here. I don’t think that I can able to help you.” Jessica said and comes back to sleep.

“Wake up, wake up!” Tiffany runs to the table and shake Jessica’s body. Jessica tries her best to open here eyes. But they seems like they have the clue between the eyelids.

“Don’t talk to much, just talk to the important point.” Yuri said and opens her eyes to look at Tiffany.

“Next week is mid-term, and that is the time for us to let the boys know that we are not the normal girl. We will have a lot of stuffs to do for the mid-term.” Tiffany said.

“What do you mean? I think everyone can pass that test, so don’t worry.” Sooyoung said.

“She doesn’t talk about us. The thing that she tries to talk is about Taeyeon. If Taeyeon fails, so we will fail.” Seohyun said.

When they hear Seohyun saying about that, their eyes don’t want to close anymore.

“Oh Yep, I feel so sleepy, so I forget about that.” Sunny said.

“Where is Taeyeon? We need to force her studying.” Hyoyeon said and stand up.

“She is in kitchen with Yoona. They are preparing foods for you guys. You need to eat fast and help her studying.” Tiffany said.

Everyone stands up and go to the kitchen. They eat and talk happily to each other before they come to the real battle.

“Taeyeon, sit down now.” Tiffany commands as Sunny pulls the chair and Yuri helps Taeyeon sitting down.

“Why are you guys acting like this? I can study by myself. I am not a baby.” Taeyeon said and look at them with jokily face.

“Right now, you are our lives. You need to know that you are so important in this battle. You have to win all the way. If you fail that our lives won’t be happiness anymore. That will become the scary hell in the high school.” Jessica said.

“Don’t scary like that. You make my skin having goose bump now.” Taeyeon said.

“Before begin to study, I have something want to say.” Tiffany claps her hands. “I don’t care any good or bad relationship between us with the boys. Everything needs to put aside now. We just focus on helping Taeyeon having the good grade and win this game. That is our goal now, araso?” Tiffany said.

“Ne.” The girls yell with the loudest voice ever.

“Good. Begin!” Tiffany said as everyone goes to their position to help Taeyeon.

Seohyun helps Taeyeon reviewing Literature, and Tiffany helps her with English. Hyoyeon and Sunny helps Taeyeon with chemistry and biology. Sooyoung and Yuri help her with math and history. Jessica and Yoona go to Google to find some good information about those subjects and give to Taeyeon to consult. They try their best to help Taeyeon studying and reviewing. They study from the morning to the night and Yoona always cook some food and provide the energy for the girls.

“Look here!” Tiffany claps, and everyone looks at her.

“I already called your parents, so you guys will stay here today and help Taeyeon review everything for the mid-term on Monday.” Tiffany said.

“Don’t worry. If we study like this, so the winner must be in our hands. Hwaiting girls!” Sunny said and jump up like the little kid. Hyoyeon also join with her.

That makes everyone laughing. That always is the best energy for the girls. Our innocent Sunny and our Kim choding always are the energy for the whole group any time.

“So try our best to win this game.” Taeyeon puts her hand in the middle. Every girl follows her, and put their hand on the top. Then they yell loudly their slogan.

“BOYYYYY, DEATH!!!!!” Everyone jump highly on the air.


In the morning…

“Hyung, where is Hyoyeon? I didn’t see her all yesterday.” Eunhyuk asks.

“She stayed with the girls in the mansion.” Taecyeon said.

“Why? Did they come up with something?” Eunhyuk asks.

“I don’t know. Tiffany called me last night and said they need to review for the mid-term.” Taecyeon said.

“Oh really? I can’t stay here and wait for the death. I need to call the boys now.” Eunhyuk said as he stands up and take his jacket and runs out the door.

“Don’t you want to eat the breakfast first?” Taecyeon yells to Eunhyuk.

“Nope hyung, I need to go now.” Eunhyuk said and close the door.

“Aish… so childish. Why are they needed to fight like that?” Taecyeon said as he continues to eat his breakfast.


Eunhyuk goes to the main street and take his cell phone out and call Minho.

“Hello.” Minho said.

“Minho ah. I need you to come to my house and pick me up now.” Eunhyuk said with hurry voice.

“Why? I am eating now.” Minho said.

“This is not the time for eating. Don’t you worry for the mid-term?” Eunhyuk asks.

“That is Wooyoung’s duty. He is the one needing to learn, not me.” Minho said.

“So careless. The girls already review and prepare everything for Taeyeon. If we don’t help Wooyoung, how can he win this game? Do you want to clean the bathroom every morning?” Eunhyk said.

“How do you know that?” Minho said.

“Is that important now? Come here and pick me up now.” Eunhyuk said.

“But…” Minho halts.

“No more but. Come here and pick me up now.” Eunhyuk said.

“Okay, I am coming now.” Minho said.

Minho hangs the phone and Eunhyuk is waiting for him on the pavement.

“Why is he not come here yet?” Eunhyuk looks so anxious.

Few minutes pass, Eunhyuk sees Minho’s car coming. When Minho stops the car, Eunhyuk opens the door and yells.

“Why are you come so late?” Eunhyuk asks.

“You need to let me finish my meal first.” Minho said. “So where are we going now?”

“I already call others. They said that we can come to Donghae’s house.” Eunhyuk said.

“Okay.” Minho said and turns on the power and go.


“Where is Wooyoung?” Eunhyuk asks when he enters Donghae’s living room.

“He said that he will come a little bit late.” Yonghwa said.

“Doesn’t he know this is emergence?” Eunhyuk said.

“Calm down. He will come here soon.” Minho said.

“Do you want to eat something? My parents just send some America cake for us. Do you guys wanna eat?” Sungmin asks.

“Make me some noodle. I didn’t eat the breakfast yet.” Eunhyuk said.

“I thought you already eat it.” Minho said. “You didn’t eat, so that is why you didn’t let me eating either.”

“Go, making some noodle. I am really hungry.” Eunhyuk pushes Sungmin to the kitchen.

“Araso, araso.” Sungmin said and then he goes to the kitchen and makes some food for the boys.

“I am here.” Wooyoung said as he enters the living room.

“What took you so long?” Yonghwa asks.

“Sorry. I have to take Yoona’s brother to his school.” Wooyoung said.

“Today is Sunday, but he still goes to school?” Eunhyuk asks.

“I heard he has some contest.” Wooyoung said.

“Oh.” Eunhyuk said.

“So why are you calling us here?” Donghae asks.

“Ah…talk about that. He wants us to help Wooyoung reviewing for the mid-term.” Minho said.

“Are you kidding me? How can I review for him when I can’t know that I can pass or not?” Donghae said.

“So do you want him to go to the test’s class with empty head? Do you want him losing?” Eunhyuk said.

“No, I didn’t mean that. I mean that how can we review for him when we didn’t know anything.” Donghae said.

“He is winner of Yellow Bell, don’t you remember?” Yonghwa asks Eunhyuk.

“I don’t care what he is winning. I just care that he will pass this mid-term or not. Anyway, you guys need to help me reviewing for him. The girls are also doing like that to Taeyeon.” Eunhyuk said.

“How do you know? Do you live with them?” Minho asks.

“How can I living with them? I just hear Taecyeon hyung said when I met him in the supermarket.” Eunhyuk said as he stands up and walk to the kitchen before the boys think he lie.

“So strange.” Yonghwa said.

“The way that he is talking is like he hides something from us.” Wooyoung said.


“Taeyeon ah, reading this one. I think this one is good for history.” Yuri said and gives the book to Taeyeon.

At that time, Yuri’s cell phone is ringing. She picks it up and answers.

“Hello.” Yuri said.

“Where did you sleep last night? Why don’t you coming home?” Yuri’s father yells on the phone.

“What are you talking about? I already called home that I would stay with my girls in the mansion.” Yuri said.

“So why is nobody telling me?” Yuri’s father asks.

“How can I know? Why are you calling now?” Yuri asks.

“I already promise with Mr. Choi that you will come to his house today. So you need to come home now.” Yuri’s father said.

“Not again. I already told you that I have nothing to do with that ridiculous marriage.” Yuri yells on the phone.

“Who do you think you yelling at?” Yuri’s father said.

“I am sorry appa, but you can’t force me to do what I don’t want.” Yuri said.

“You have no right to speak about that. Your marriage already arranged, and you have to do them, no matter you like or not.” Yuri’s father said.

“Appa, you are so excessive. I won’t come home.” Yuri said and hangs the phone.

“Yuri ah, Yuri.” Yuri’s father yells on the phone.

“What a stubborn kid!” Yuri’s father said. “I did that because that is good for you, don’t you know?”

“Are you quarreling with your father? What is this time?” Sooyoung asks.

“He is so excessive. I won’t follow his will this time.” Yuri said madly.

“What did he do this time?” Seohyun asks.

“He arranged for me the marriage.” Yuri said.

“What?” All the girls said.

“Are you kidding me? I won’t believe that your father did it.” Jessica said.

“But it is truth. Do you think I am liar?” Yuri said.

“Nope Yuri ah. We didn’t think like that. Maybe Yuri said right. She is the only daughter of the best hotel business man, so that may happen. Her marriage will be the good business for her father.” Seohyun said.

“I know that day will come, but I never thought that day will come so soon. I am just high school student. How can I am just marrying now? What about my studying?” Yuri said madly.

“Calm down Yuri. Who is that boy?” Taeyeon asks.

“You guys will be shock if you know who he is.” Yuri said.

“Is he rich?” Sunny asks.

“Of course he is. How can her father let her marrying with poor man?” Hyoyeon knocks Sunny’s head.

“Who is he?” Yoona asks.

“Nope. You guys will shock like me.” Yuri said and shakes her head.

“Just tell us. We will help you solving this problem, but we need to know who he is first.” Tiffany said.

“That is…Minho.” Yuri said quietly.

“What? Who?” Jessica asks.

“OMG! I never thought that is Minho.” Sooyoung said.

“Why are we always having trouble with those boys?” Hyoyeon asks.

“Yep. When we met them, we never have anything going normally.” Tiffany said.

“Minho is really rich? He is richer than your family?” Sunny asks.

“Uhm. Do you know BLUE hotel?” Yuri asks.

“Yep, that is the best hotel in Korea and around the world. They have so many branches around in the world.” Seohyun said.

“That’s right. That is his family hotel.” Yuri said.

“Mwo? He is so rich. I can’t imagine how rich he is.” Yoona said.

“Right now I know why you are so upset to him many days ago.” Hyoyeon said.

“How do you know?” Yuri asks.

“I accidentally saw you guys quarrel near the bathroom.” Hyoyeon said.

“I am so mad at my father now. I didn’t look at his face so many days. And right now he calls me to meeting Minho’s grandpa.” Yuri said.

“So what are you gonna do now? Do you want to fight coldly with him like that forever?” Taeyeon asks.

“I don’t know. Nichkhun oppa said he will talk to him for me.” Yuri said.

“Nichkhun oppa?” Sooyoung asks.

“He will talk for you?” Hyoyeon asks.

“Yep. He saw me and Minho in the hotel and heard we had the marriage, so he promised me that he will talk to my father for me.” Yuri said.

“He likes you so much, so he must talk for you to take you back.” Seohyun said. “That is naturally.”

“I don’t think that your father will listen to Nichkhun oppa.” Jessica said.

“Yep. Your father seems doesn’t like Nichkhun oppa.” Tiffany said.

“I don’t know. I don’t know. But this time I won’t step back. I will fight for my happiness.” Yuri said.

“Okay. We always support you.” Taeyeon said.


At night…

“Here.” Yoona throws the packet to Wooyoung.

“What is this?” Wooyoung asks.

“This is what we review for Taeyeon. You can look over that and review for yourself. That will help a lot for you.” Yoona said and go to her room.

“Why is she giving this? Does she want me to win?” Wooyoung asks himself and then open the packet and look over.


“Thank you so much. Tell your mother that I thank her too.” Sooyoung’s mother said.

At that time, Sooyoung comes down from the stair. Sooyoung sees T.O.P and Siwon talking with her mother in the living room.

“Annyeong Sooyoung ah.” T.O.P said. “It is really long that I didn’t see you.”

Sooyoung just smiles awkward and then go to the couch and sit down.

“What are you doing here?” Sooyoung asks.

“Their mother bought for me the new set of cup from China. They look so beautiful right?” Sooyoung’s mother said.

“Yep, they look so beautiful.  Your mother always bought for us a lot of stuffs.” Sooyoung said.

“She told me that your mother bought for her the new shawl, so this is why she bought for you guy this new set of cup.” T.O.P said.

“I bought for her the new shawl? Why don’t I remember?” Sooyoung’s mother looks at T.O.P.

“Yep umma. You bought for her the new shawl and you told me to bring for her also.” Sooyoung seems so nervous when she said.

“Really? I am old now. I can’t remember anything now.” Sooyoung’s mother said and smiles. “You sit here and talk with Sooyoung. I am going to make some food for you guys.”

“You don’t need to do it. Just sit here and talk with us.” Siwon said.

“You guys look so tired. I will make some food and come back.” Sooyoung’s mother said and come to the kitchen.

T.O.P looks at Sooyoung, who don’t dare to look at T.O.P.

“You look pale. Are you sick?” T.O.P asks.

“No. I am just reviewing for my mid-term, so I feel a little tired.” Sooyoung said.

“Do you eat yet?” Siwon asks.

“No.” Sooyoung said.

“Sooyoung ah, do your…” T.O.P doesn’t know how to ask Sooyoung.

“What? What do you want to ask?” Sooyoung asks.

“Do your unnie calling home?” T.O.P asks.

“Soojin unnie?” Sooyoung asks and T.O.P nods. “She just called home two days ago.”

“You still love her?” Sooyoung thought. Siwon can see the nervous inside Sooyoung’s eyes.

“How about your reviewing? Do you study well? Do you need any help?” Siwon asks because he wants to break the nervousness inside Sooyoung’s eyes.

“I think it is good now.” Sooyoung said and come to the kitchen with her mother.

“Did I say anything wrong?” T.O.P looks at Siwon.

“You are always like this. You don’t know anything.” Siwon said and stand up. He walks toward the garden, where is Sooyoung’s favorite place.


“Annyeonghaseyo little mistress.” The maid said and bows her head.

“Uhm. Is my father at home now?” Yuri asks.

“Ne. The old master and old mistress and little master are eating in the dining room.” The maid said.

“My oppa is at home too.” Yuri said.

Yuri walks to the living room and come to the dining room. But she suddenly stops because she doesn’t want to meet her father, so she turns back to her room. But at that time, the maids greet her.

“Annyeonghaseyo little mistress.” The maids bow their head.

Yuri’s father lifts his head and sees Yuri on front of the dinning room’s door.

“Come here and eat with us.” Yuri’s father said.

“Get the bowl for little mistress.” G-dragon’s mother said.

“Ne.” Yuri comes to her seat and sits down.

“Why are you coming home so late? Do you guy studying well?” Yuri’s father asks.

“Ne. We will do well in the mid-term tomorrow.” Yuri said.

“You better be. You can’t make your father looking bad on front of school.” G-dragon’s mother said.

“And you? What are you doing now?” Yuri’s father turns to ask G-dragon.

“I and my friend want to open the new company about game. At first we had a lot difficult. But right now the company runs so normal.” G-dragon said.

“Are you sure? Is this time same with the last time? I don’t want to spend my money to rescue you one more time.” Yuri’s father said.

“What are you talking about? Your son works really hard for this time. He puts all his hope and time into that company. You are his father, so he needs to support him. Why are you talking with him like that?” G-dragon’s mother said.

“I am just asking because I never believe that he can run the company. I don’t want other people knowing that my son can’t do anything except destroy his father’s name.” Yuri’s father said and get up and go to the living room.

Yuri feels the atmosphere is so scary, so she thinks that she just bows her head and eats that will be all right for her.

“He never gives me any chance to do something seriously. He always talks bad about me.” G-dragon hits the table. Yuri and G-dragon’s mother startle.

“Calm down son. I will talk with him, so don’t worry.” G-dragon’s mother said.

G-dragon’s mother stands up and walks toward the living room. There are just only G-dragon and Yuri eating in the dining room. Whenever G-dragon thinks about what his father said, he can’t eat anymore.

“Because of you. You are my enemy.” G-dragon suddenly said and points to Yuri.

“What? Why me?” Yuri asks.

“If you don’t come to my house that my father won’t look at me with those eyes.” G-dragon said.

Yuri doesn’t say anything back. She just feels little sad, but that is okay. This isn’t the first time that her brother talking like that to her.


“How is your studying? Is it good?” Taecyeon asks.

“Ne. We study really hard in two days, so we will be the winner.” Hyoyeon said.

“Not sure. We are studying hard too, so the winner must be us.” Eunhyuk said.

“Mwo? Do you think you guys smarter than us?” Hyoyeon said. “Stop dreaming. Nobody can beat us.”

“Let’s see. Don’t cry and run to me when you lose.” Eunhyuk said.

“Mwo?” Hyoyeon runs toward and ready to hit him, but Taecyeon holds her back.

“See, see. How can I live in the house that you guys always has the fight? You guys need to be nice to each other and me too.” Taecyeon said. “Come here and eat now.”

Hyoyeon and Eunhyuk glare at each other and come toward the dinning table.

“Woo, there is so many foods. They look delicious.” Eunhyuk said.

“If that is delicious, so you need to eat more and prepare good for the mid-term.” Taecyeon said.

“How? Food can’t make him win this mid-term.” Hyoyeon said and eat her food.

“You…” Eunhyuk said.

“Eat, eat. Forget about what she said. I think that you will pass this test. Don’t worry.” Taecyeon said and pick the food for Eunhyuk.


“Where is Taeyeon? Why isn’t she here now?” Sooyoung asks on front of the school gate.

“Is Taeyeon here yet?” Yuri runs toward Sooyoung.

“No. I didn’t see her.” Sooyoung said as she walks back and fro.

“Don’t say that she will miss this test.” Yuri said.

“Hey, how can you say that, your stupid mouth? Do you want us to lose?” Sooyoung yells at Yuri.

“Mian mian. I am so worry, so that is why I said that.” Yuri said.

Suddenly Sooyoung sees someone running toward the school and look like Taeyeon.

“Is that Taeyeon?” Sooyoung asks and points toward the girl running toward them.

“Yep. That is her.” Yuri said as she jumps up and runs toward Taeyeon.

“Why are you coming so late? Do you know that everyone is really worried for you?” Yuri said and pats on Taeyeon.

“Mian. My mother forces me to eat the whole breakfast, so that is why I am late.” Taeyeon said and runs toward Sooyoung.

“Hurry up. Everyone is waiting for you.” Sooyoung said and three of them are running toward their classroom.

“Hurry up.” Everyone whispers when they see three of them run into the class.

“How can you coming late when you will have the mid-term like this?” Ms. Kim asks.

“I am so sorry. I suddenly have some emergency in the morning.” Taeyeon said.

“Sit down, so we can begin the test.” Ms. Kim said as Taeyeon sits down.

“Like everyone knows, all of you will take the mid-term today. During the mid-term, you guys can’t talk or borrow any materials between each other. You guys need to bring all the stuffs that you need for the mid-term. We can’t use any electron like phone or ipod during the test, so you better put all of that into your bag and put your bag against the front wall. Because this test is important, so you guys will know your score after 3 hours when all the tests are done. When you are done, raise your hand and I will pick your test up and let you go down the cafeteria. You can’t walk back and fro on front of other classes because that disturbs other people, araso?” Ms. Kim said.

“Ne.” All the students said.

“Good. We begin now.” Ms. Kim said and passes the test out for everyone. “Good luck.” Ms. Kim turns around and walks toward her table and look all around the class. Everyone focuses on their tests and look like they did very well.


In cafeteria, some students are done, so the securities send them to cafeteria.

 “How are you doing in the test?” Hyoyeon asks Sunny.

“It is not bad. I think I will pass.” Sunny said. “How about you?”

“I think I will pass too.” Hyoyeon said.

At that time, Yuri and Sooyoung come toward their table. Some boys follow from behind them, but they sit on the table that opposite with them.

“How are you doing?” Sunny asks.

“I think I miss one or two questions.” Yuri said as she opens her book and check.

“It is okay. Just some questions, that can’t make you failing.” Sooyoung said and pats on Yuri’s shoulder.

“How about Taeyeon? Are you thinking that she can win this game?” Sunny asks.

“Why are you asking like that? She must win this game.” Sooyoung said.

“I am so worry. Wooyoung is really smart. I saw he is writing a lot in the literature part.” Hyoyeon said.

“Writing so much isn’t mean that he will win. Don’t look so hopeless like that. We review so much for Taeyeon, so she will win.” Yuri said.

On other table, the boys are talking and keep looking at the girls.

“Look at them. They seem so worry.” Eunhyuk said.

“So are we. I am so worry for Wooyoung. I don’t think that Wooyoung will win this game.” Sungmin said as Eunhyuk hits Sungmin’s head.

“Do you want to make your wish coming true? If Wooyoung lose this game, you will be the first one that I hit.” Eunhyuk said.

“Am I wrong? Taeyeon is the one that got the first place for so many years, how can Wooyoung win her?” Sungmin said.

“But don’t say so hopeless like that. There will be the miracle for us. We are good students and good sons, so maybe the god will love us than those evil sitting over there.” Minho said.

Both of groups are so worry for Taeyeon and Wooyoung. Not only they are worry, the whole school is worry and waits what will happen at the end. Each student is done with their test, but Taeyeon and Wooyoung keep writing and writing. We can’t know who will win when we saw them keep writing like that. At last, Wooyoung is the one who come out the class first. The boys crowd around him.

“Yahh, how are you doing? Is that good?” The boys keep asking and asking. They don’t let any space for Wooyoung to relax from the big test.

“Can you guys be quiet? Let him relax first.” Yonghwa said and helps Wooyoung walking toward their table.

“Here.” Donghae gives some water to Wooyoung.

Wooyoung drinks a little bit and sign.

“Look at him like this. I feel some bad luck.” Eunhyuk said.

“Shut up!” Donghae hits Eunhyuk’s mouth. “How are you doing in the test? Don’t worry; we won’t scold you if you lose. Just say it to make other breath out. They hold their breath when you were still in the class.” Donghae said.

“I don’t know. I did as best as I can, but I saw Taeyeon writing a lot. I don’t think that I can win.” Wooyoung said.

“OMG! If he said that, so prepare your mind to hear something that you don’t want.” Minho said.

“It is okay. He already did with all his strength, so don’t worry.” Donghae pats on Wooyoung’s s shoulder. Wooyoung looks up and smile.

“I know it is not easy to win her, but I still hope there will be the miracle, but when I heard him saying like that, I lose my entire hope ness.” Yonghwa said.

Suddenly there is the voice from the girl from other table.

“If he said that so just accept it.” Yuri said.

“How can you guys win Taeyeon, the one that always take the first place for continuous 10 years?” Sooyoung said.

“I told you that I knew it. How can they save us from the evil?” One boy student said.

“Uhm…uhm.” Other boy students said.

“Yahh, you guys don’t have the confidence to fight, so we sacrifice Wooyoung, and right now you talk like that to him. Why don’t you study well and get the best score to save yourself?” Eunhyuk said.

“Eunhyuk ah, calm down. The securities are looking at us now.” Sungmin said and use his hands to close Eunhyuk’s mouth.

“Do you think that I am scare of them?” Eunhyuk tries his best to say when Sungmin close his mouth.

“Don’t stand there and yell. You are like them. You are the one that pushing Wooyoung in this battle. If you tell them like that, so why don’t you sacrifice yourself to save everyone? You just talk and didn’t do anything.” Hyoyeon said.

“Mwo?” Eunhyuk yells. “Yahh.”

“What? Just talk like normal that I will hear, you don’t need to yell like monkey like that.” Hyoyeon said.

“Mwo? Monkey? OMG, I can’t breathe now.” Eunhyuk holds his head.

“What happen here?” Taeyeon said from the front cafeteria.

“Oh nothing. It is just escape monkey keep yelling in here.” Hyoyeon said and runs to Taeyeon.

“Mwo? I can’t step back like this. She will talk like that if I don’t do anything.” Eunhyuk said.

“So what do you want to do? Fight?” Tiffany holds her fist.

“But not with you.” Eunhyuk said.

“Why not? She is my friend, so fight with me or her is still same.” Tiffany said and come toward Eunhyuk.

Eunhyuk also come on front of Tiffany, but Donghae pulls Eunhyuk back and stand on front of Tiffany.

“So what do you want? Fight for him?” Tiffany asks.

“Nope. This is school, not the boxing room. I think you need to control your temperature. It is not good if the girl always fight. That will make you don’t look girly.” Donghae said and look serious to Tiffany.

“Omo, did he said just said that Tiffany isn’t girly?” Sooyoung whispers to Yuri.

“Uhm, I heard that too.” Yuri said.

“Omo, he will die in Tiffany’s hands. She hates the people saying that she isn’t girly.” Jessica said.

Tiffany raises her fist and ready to hits on Donghae’s face, but she doesn’t know why her fist suddenly stops.

“Why are these eyes are so familiar? Did I saw these eyes before?” Tiffany thought.

“Stop there. Do you want the securities arrest you?” Seohyun said and pulls Tiffany back.

Tiffany still thinks about these eyes, so she can’t say anything.

“Are you okay?” Eunhyuk and Sunhgmin check Donghae’s face.

“Why is that girl so mean? How can she hit the people like that in the school?” Sungmin said.

“Be quiet. Do you want her coming here and hit us too?” Eunhyuk asks.

“Weu? If she wants, she can hit me.” Sungmin said.

“Everyone! Score already come out.” One student runs into the cafeteria and yells.

“Already. They said we need to wait for 3 hours, how can they check so fast?” Seohyun said.

 “Let’s go.” Jessica said and all the students run toward the blackboard.

All the students crowd around the blackboard, but when they see “nine evils”, they steps aside.

The girls try to find Taeyeon’s name in the first place. Suddenly Sooyoung yells loudly.

“AHHHHHHHHHHH Taeyeon ah, your name…….” Sooyoung yells.

Everyone looks at the board with their eyes widely.


I hope you will like this chapter. Tks for who still reading and subscribing my story. The next chapter will update soon. <3

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update soon
please update
and it would be MinYul right? HA! minyul jjang
Really sweet
can u make the story to minyoon plz
update soon pls XD
kya! how dare G.D said like that to Yuri -___-
Who is Donghae in Tiffany's Life~~~<br />
I'm Curious~~<br />
Please do update as soon as possible~~
it must be Victoria :0 or another girl ? well im so curious , update ASAP XD