"I won't leave." Eunhyuk said.

Chocolate Love

“You...” Eunhyuk and Hyoyeon point at each other.

“Don’t tell me that you are the renter?” Hyoyeon asks.

“Don’t tell me that you are owner?” Eunhyuk asks.

“Hahaha I don’t know what to say now?” Hyoyeon stands with arms akimbo.

“I think the owner is the man. Why the man is turning the girl now?” Eunhyuk said.

“Babo! My brother is the man.” Hyoyeon said.

“Uhm oh.” Eunhyuk nods.

“If you already know, so get out of my house.” Hyoyeon pulls Eunhyuk’s hand toward the door.

“Why?” Eunhyuk asks.

“Because I don’t want you to live in my house. Babo!” Hyoyeon said.

“Oh No No! You can’t be like that.” Eunhyuk runs to the sofa and sit.

“Stand up and Move.” Hyoyeon yells.

“Don’t want.” Eunhyuk hugs the sofa.

“This is driving me nuts.” Hyoyeon crumples up her hair and jump.

“Me too.” Eunhyuk said.

“Get out now before I use violence.” Hyoyeon folds her paws.

“I am so scary. Let’s see what you got.” Eunhyuk teases Hyoyeon.

“Wait here.” Hyoyeon runs to the kitchen and bring the big broom.

“Do you want stay here now?” Hyoyeon hits Eunhyuk from head to toe.

Eunhyuk runs quickly as he yells.

“I won’t leave.” Eunhyuk said.

“Let’s see how much your strength has.” Hyoyeon continues him as fast as she can.

Eunhyuk runs around and around the living room until he thinks he may run upstairs to find the place to hide.

“Where do you think you running toward?” Hyoyeon yells she chases him.

“I don’t know.” Eunhyuk yells back. “Stop chasing me.”

“I will stop until you are out of my house.” Hyoyeon yells.

“I already said that I won’t go. I have no place to go.” Eunhyuk said.

“None of my business. So continue chasing game.” Hyoyeon yells and laugh like she has fun when she is chasing him.

Eunhyuk keeps running until he reaches the room having the sign “Hyoyeon’s room”.

“You are death with me.” Eunhyuk whispers.

He runs inside and locks the room.

“Yahh, do you know where are you running inside?” Hyoyeon hits the door.

“I know. That’s why I run inside.” Eunhyuk yells and giggle inside Hyoyeon’s room.

“Yahhh get out now.” Hyoyeon yells.

“I will, unless you don’t hit me.” Eunhyuk said.

“Okay, I won’t.” Hyoyeon lowers her voice.

“I am not done yet. And you won’t throw me outside.” Eunhyuk said.

“Yahh this is my house, not your house. I can do whatever I want in my house.” Hyoyeon yells.

“Okay. If you say that I will stay in here forever.” Eunhyuk laughs.

“Aish, I want to kill immediately.” Hyoyeon folds her hands. “What I am gonna do now?” Hyoyeon walks back and forth.

Inside Hyoyeon’s room, Eunhyuk is really surprise because he always think the girl’s room always recognize and beautiful like the princess’s room. But in this room is like the lab. There are so many experiments in here. There are some Hyoyeon’s pictures from childhood on the wall.

“Woo she looks so pretty.” Eunhyuk’s eyes open wider. “Maybe this isn’t her, she looks so mean when she grows up.”

“Yahh, get out my room now.” Hyoyeon yells.

“Nope.” Eunhyuk said and continue to look at her old pictures on the wall.

“You can’t go to the girl’s room like this.” Hyoyeon said.

“This is not my fault. You are the one to chasing me.” Eunhyuk said.

“Can we make the contract?” Hyoyeon talks with sweet voice.

“Like what?” Eunhyuk said. “If you talk with me with this sweet voice, so I won’t run to your room.” Eunhyuk whispers.

“At first, you just get out of my house. I will talk with my brother about this and answers you later, okay?” Hyoyeon asks.

“Nope, you will tell your brother that you don’t like me living in this house. Do you think I am so stupid?” Eunhyuk said.

“Why are you so smart now?” Hyoyeon whispers. “I will call my brother to throw you out.”


“What do you want to talk?” Yoona asks.

“Let’s call something to drink first.” Taecyeon said and call the waitress.

“So how are you today?” Taecyeon asks.

“Are you taking me to ask about that?” Yoona frowns.

“Nope, that is just my manner.” Taecyeon said.

“So oppa, what do you want to talk now?” Yoona seems really tired.

As that time, the waitress brings their drinks to them.

“Drink first, and I will talk later.” Taecyeon said as he stirs the orange juice for Yoona.

“Are you wanted to ask about me and Wooyoung?” Yoona asks.

Taecyeon is very surprise when Yoona said that. Yoona are always shy on front of him, but this the first time that she is really candor.

“Oh...Uhm.” Taecyeon doesn’t know what to say.

“Oppa just asks what you are curious. I will answer everything.” Yoona said.

“Are you gonna marry him?” Taecyeon finally said what he wants to ask.

“Yep.” Yoona said without a minute of hesitation.

“What about me?” Taecyeon asks.

“What do you mean?” Yoona asks.

“You know I always take care for you since we were little.” Taecyeon said.

“It is just like older brother and little sister. You take care me like you take care Hyoyeon.” Yoona said.

“You know it isn’t like that. Why are you still saying like that?” Taecyeon put his hand on Yoona’s hands.

Yoona takes her hand out and look deeply into Taecyeon.

“Oppa, I know you always treat really well, but it isn’t love. The love that I am giving to you like I give to my older brother. Hyoyeon is my best friend, and you are her brother, so I always treat you like my older brother.” Yoona said.

“But I am not.” Taecyeon said.

“I am so sorry oppa. Please understanding for me. Maybe you will find someone better than me in the future. I am sorry oppa.” Yoona said as she stands up and walk away.

Taecyeon just bow his head. Suddenly Yoona stops and look back at Taecyeon.

“Oppa, don’t make ourselves looking awkward with each other because we still meet each other in future.” Yoona said.


“I need to call oppa now. He needs to come home and solve this bastard.” Hyoyeon said as she walks toward the cell phone.

She is waiting for Taecyeon answering, but nobody answers that phone.

“Why he isn’t picking it up?” Hyoyeon complains.

She keeps calling him until strange voice talking.

“Hello.” Strange voice said.

“Who is this? Is this Ok Taecyeon’s cell phone?” Hyoyeon said with surprise.

“I don’t know what his name, but he is drunk now. You need to come here and pick him.” Strange voice said.

“Where is that? Tell me.” Hyoyeon said.

As she hangs the phone up, she runs upstairs and calls Eunhyuk.

“Come out now.” Hyoyeon yells.

“I already told you that I am not coming out until you call your brother.” Eunhyuk said.

“My brother is drunk now. You need to go helping me to pick him up.” Hyoyeon said.

When Hyoyeon talks like that, Eunhyuk opens the door and go with Hyoyeon to the bar. They walk into the bar and see Taecyeon sleep on the table.

“Oppa, oppa.” Hyoyeon runs toward Taecyeon.

“Are you the girl that talking with me on the phone?” The waitress asks.

“Ne, I am his sister.” Hyoyeon said as Eunhyuk looking around the bar.

“Your brother drank so much beer, but he doesn’t want to let call your family. I don’t know what to do until you call him again.” The waitress said.

“Kamsamida.” Hyoyeon said to the waitress, and the waitress goes away.

“Oppa.” Hyoyeon pats lightly on Taecyeon’s shoulder, but he is in deep sleeping.

Hyoyeon puts his arm over her neck, but he is too heavy. Both Taecyeon and Hyoyeon is falling on the ground. As that time, Taecyeon is talking in sleeping.

“Yoona ah, don’t go. Don’t leave me alone.” Taecyeon said in the sleeping.

“Oh my poor brother. He loves her so much.” Hyoyeon said.

She continues to pick up him up, but he is too heavy and she can’t. She looks around to find Eunhyuk, and she sees him talking with the waitress.

“Yahh, give me the hand here.” Hyoyeon yells.

“Okay, I am coming.” Eunhyuk talks in hurry, and turn to waitress and said something.

Eunhyuk runs toward Hyoyeon and help pick Taecyeon up.

“Why is he too heavy?” Eunhyuk complains.

“Stop complaining.” Hyoyeon said with a fretty tone.

“Look! He is double big than me. How can I bring him without complain.” Eunhyuk keeps complain.

“Do you want to stay in my house?” Hyoyeon suddenly asks.

“Ne.” Eunhyuk looks at her with happy eyes.

“Stop complaining, I will let you in my house.” Hyoyeon said.

After that, Eunhyuk closes his mouth until they reach home. Eunhyuk doesn’t say even one word although he brings the beast like Taecyeon going upstairs. Eunhyuk seems like he is being worn out. He throws his body on the sofa after bringing Taecyeon to his room.

“Here! Drink it.” Hyoyeon gives water to Eunhyuk. Eunhyuk looks at her with surprise eyes. He never thinks that Hyoyeon having this cute face. Eunhyuk takes it and drink as fast as he can.

“Do you hungry?” Hyoyeon said. Eunhyuk nods and follow Hyoyeon toward the kitchen.

“This is the noodles that I cook when you were coming to my house. Just sit and wait for me to cook it again.” Hyoyeon said as she turns stove and cook it.

Eunhyuk just sit silently on the chair and look after the back of Hyoyeon. That back looks like his mother’s back. He wants to hug that back, but he knows that is not his mother.

“Here!” Hyoyeon holds the bowl to Eunhyuk.

“Why you don’t eat?” Eunhyuk said.

“This is the last noodles. I give to you because you help me bringing my brother home safely.” Hyoyeon said and walks away until Eunhyuk pulls her hand back.

“You are hungry too. We can share.” Eunhyuk said.

“You don’t need to do it. Just eat before I chance my mind.” Hyoyeon said as her stomach calling.

Hyoyeon is so embarrassing. Eunhyuk just giggle.

“Come here and eat with me before your stomach’s noise wake up everyone else.” Eunhyuk said as he gets up and get one bowl for Hyoyeon.

Hyoyeon sits down, gets Eunhyuk’s bowl and eat by herself. Eunhyuk runs to scramble for the noodles.


On the next morning…

“Anyeonghaseyo.” Jessica greets Tiffany’s umma.

“Tiffany is eating her breakfast in the kitchen.” Tiffany’s umma said.

“Ne.” Jessica bows her head and run toward the kitchen. “Yah, it is late now. Hurry up.” Jessica said.

“Just for second, I am done now.” Tiffany eats her soup quickly.

“Where is your father?” Jessica said.

“He went to work already.” Tiffany said without looking at Jessica.

“What? What’s wrong with you?” Jessica asks.

“Nothing.” Tiffany said.

“Tell me. I know you hide me something.” Jessica said.

“I already said nothing.” Tiffany screams at Jessica, and walk away.

“What’s wrong?” Tiffany’s umma runs to the kitchen after she hears Tiffany screaming.

“Oh nothing.” Jessica just smile.

Jessica doesn’t know what’s wrong with Tiffany, but she doesn’t want to ask also. Tiffany will talk when she wants. Jessica just be quite and walk a side with Tiffany. She won’t ask anything until Tiffany talks by herself.


“Umma, let’s me help you.” Sunny holds the tray for her mother.

“I can handle it.” Sunny’s umma said.

“But…” Sunny said.

“No but, go to school before it’s late.” Sunny’s umma push her. “You don’t need to worry, I can handle it.”

Sunny just smile and walk away. She always feels sorry for her parents. Although they are not her real parents but they treat her like their child.

As Sunny is walking, Min runs behind her and pull her back.

“Give me some money.” Min said.

“I don’t have any money.” Sunny said.

“Liar! I always see my mother giving you money on every morning.” Min said and cross her arms. “Give it to me.”

“That is the money for buying the materials for the store. I can’t give them to you.” Sunny said as she steps back.

“Don’t talks too much, just give here.” Min gives her hands toward Sunny, but Sunny doesn’t give them to her.

“I am late for school now, so give to me.” Min yells.

“Nope, I can’t give you this money.” Sunny hides her pocket.

Min jumps on her and takes that money. Min pushes Sunny to the ground.

“Aish… don’t you listen to me? If you give them to me first that I won’t use violence, orphan.” Min said and ran away.

Sunny just sit on the ground and the tears is falling down. Min always did that Sunny almost every morning, but Sunny can’t tell her parents the truth.

While Sunny tries to sand up, Yuri is coming.

“Sunny ah, what’s wrong? Are you crying?” Yuri runs to help Sunny stand up.

“Nothing.” Sunny hides her face.

“Let’s me see.” Yuri tries to look at Sunny. “This time is Min did right?”

Sunny doesn’t answer and she doesn’t want to talk about that again.

“That girl again. Why is she always fighting with you? I need to teach her some lesson about respecting her sister.” Yuri said as she folds her hand and walk toward Sunny’s house.

“Nope Yuri. Just let is goes. She already went to school. I don’t want to make my mother worrying.” Sunny holds Yuri back.

“But at least you need to do something to teach your sister.” Yuri said.

“Min isn’t bad girl. She just follows some her bad friend, and she changes this. I will talk with her.” Sunny said.

“Will she listen to you? I think that is never happen. I think you need to tell your mother about this.” Yuri said.

“Don’t worry. I can handle this.” Sunny said as she pushes Yuri to Yuri’s car. “Let’s go! We will be late for the class.”


“Bing-bing.” The bell rang.

“I am coming.” Seohyun said.

Seohyun opens the door and there is shock in her eyes.

“What are you doing here?” Seohyun asks.

“I come to pick you up.” Minho said.

“I don’t need you to do it.” Seohyun said with cold voice.

“That is just what I want to do.” Minho said with sweet smile.

“Seohyun ah, who is that?” Seohyun’s mother asks from the kitchen.

“Oh… that is just my friend.” Seohyun said back.

“Don’t you want to invite me to come in?” Minho said as he looks inside Seohyun’s house.

“Nope, my friends will come here soon, so can you go?” Seohyun said.

“Don’t be so frigid like that? I just want to ride you to school.” Minho said.

“Just go before my friend coming, and don’t do this again.” Seohyun said as she closes her door.

Minho looks a little sad because this is the first time the girl reject him. Minho keep turn around and look to Seohyun’s house. He looks interesting on Seohyun. When Minho’s car runs, Taeyeon and Sooyoung walks on the street and see him.

“Is that Minho?” Sooyoung asks Taeyeon.

“Yep, I think.” Taeyeon said.

“What is he doing here?” Sooyoung asks but Taeyeon just shake her head.

They walk toward Seohyun’s house and push the bell.

“I had told you that you don’t need to ride me to school.” Seohyun complains when she opens the door.

When she sees Taeyeon and Sooyoung, there is shock on her face.

“What did you say?” Sooyoung asks.

“Oh… Oh… Nothing.” Seohyun said and scratch one’s head.

“Did Minho come here to pick you up?” Sooyoung asks.

“Oh nope.” Seohyun shakes her head and wag her hands.

“You don’t need to be puzzled. It is fine with us if he comes to pick you up.” Taeyeon said.

“Nope it isn’t like that.” Seohyun said.

“I think him falling love with you.” Sooyoung said and giggle.

Taeyeon is just silent like she is losing her soul somewhere.

“Is that right Taeyeon?” Sooyoung asks, but Taeyeon doesn’t answer.

Seohyun just goes to change her clothes, and Sooyoung pats on Taeyeon’s shoulder.

“What’s wrong? Are you feel sick somewhere?” Sooyoung asks.

“Nope, I just feel so sleepy.” Taeyeon said.

“Me either. Last night, Siwon keeps calling me to check if I sleep well or not. That is so annoying.” Sooyoung said with mad voice.

“There is someone who cares for you, don’t you feel happy? I wish I will have someone like that.” Taeyeon said.

“There are many boys who want to care for you. They are already getting on the line. They just wait for you to choose.” Sooyoung said, but Taeyeon just smile and walk toward Seohyun’s room.

“Let’s go Seohyun ah. We will be late for the class.” Taeyeon said.


Sorry for making you wait. I hope you like this chapter.

Tks subcribers <3

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update soon
please update
and it would be MinYul right? HA! minyul jjang
Really sweet
can u make the story to minyoon plz
update soon pls XD
kya! how dare G.D said like that to Yuri -___-
Who is Donghae in Tiffany's Life~~~<br />
I'm Curious~~<br />
Please do update as soon as possible~~
it must be Victoria :0 or another girl ? well im so curious , update ASAP XD