Chapter 15

Chocolate Love

In the breaking time, everyone is playing around the class. Some are chatting, and some are joking around.

“Ah, do you want to study for the tests in mansion after school?” Yuri suddenly asks.

“Why? I need to help my mother in the market, so I can’t come. Mian.” Seohyun said.

“My mother wants me to come home soon today, so I can’t come either.” Yoona said as she enters the class.

“I need to help my mother watching the store, so…” Sunny said.

“Woo, you guys are so busy.” Yuri said.

“Don’t you have anything to do?” Hyoyeon asks.

“Nope, my father will come home late today, and I don’t want to be alone with my big mother.” Yuri said.

“Ohh, that’s why. Why don’t you come to academy with me?” Hyoyeon asks.

“Oh really? Can I?” Yuri asks.

“Of course you can.” Hyoyeon said. “Today we will have the new students too. Maybe he is so cute and handsome.”

“Really?” Yuri looks happy. “I will come with you later. So I don’t need to be worry being alone with my big mother.”

“How is Taecyeon oppa?” Did he eat yet or not?” Taeyeon asks.

“Nope, he didn’t eat anything. Talk about him making me so worry.” Hyoyeon said.

“You don’t need to worry anymore.” Sooyoung said.

“Why?” Hyoyeon asks.

“He will eat.” Sooyoung said.

“How do you know?” Sunny asks.

“He is in the good mood now.” Sooyoung said.

Yoona knows what Sooyoung trying to say. Yoona is afraid that will make everyone misunderstand, so she tries to make this conversation over.

“He can eat, so that is good now. Hyoyeon doesn’t need to worry, and we are too.” Yoona said.

“Yep, how can he changing so fast? He just refused to eat in this morning and then now he is eating.” Hyoyeon said.

“No wonder. He is worrying about you, so he eats for you.” Yoona said to Hyoyeon.

“Really? Do you think like that?” Sooyoung looks jokily to Yoona.

“Why? What do you mean?” Everyone starts to look at Yoona and Sooyoung.

“Don’t lie. Siwon oppa just sends me a message.”  Sooyoung said.

“What is he saying?” Jessica said.

“He said that Yoona makes some food for Taecyeon oppa and also feed him on front of his class.” Tiffany holds Sooyoung’s phone and read it.

“Huh? You make foods for him?” Jessica said.

“I am just afraid that Hyoyeon worries so much and then she will be sick, so I just help her making some food for Taecyeon oppa.” Yoona’s face turns red.

“Anyway. Thank you so much Yoona.” Hyoyeon said and hold Yoona’s hands.

“If you care for him like that, so why are you ignore him?” Seohyun asks. Taeyeon looks deeply to Yoona like she expects Yoona saying something that she wants.

“Don’t misunderstand. I have nothing to do with him.” Yoona said.

“Woo, look at her face! Her face is red.” Tiffany points to Yoona’s face.

Yoona holds her face and sits back at her seat. She also looks toward Wooyoung to see what he thinks about this, but he seems like there is nothing happening. She already knows he will be like that, but she still expect there will be something different.


After school…

“Here!” Hyoyeon gives the key to Eunhyuk.

“What is this?” Eunhyuk asks.

“It is the key. Don’t you see?” Hyoyeon said.

“I know, but what is this using for?” Eunhyuk said.

“Do you want to stay outside today? You need to have the key to open the door when I am not at home.” Hyoyeon said.

“So you don’t go home now?” Eunhyuk said.

“Uhm, I have something to do.” Hyoyeon said and throw the key to Eunhyuk and run away. While she is running, she remembers something so she turns around and yells at Eunhyuk.

“Hey! When I am not at home, so there won’t be anyone cooking for my brother. So can you cook for him?” Hyoyeon asks.

“I don’t know. I have something to do to either.” Eunhyuk said and walks away.

“What a selfish boy!” Hyoyeon mumbles.

“Hyoyeon ah, let’s go!” Yuri said from behind. Hyoyeon startles because she is afraid that Yuri may see Eunhyuk.

“Why are you still standing there? Hurry up.” Yuri said.

“Okay I know.” Hyoyeon said and runs toward Yuri.

“Who are you talking with?” Yuri suddenly asks.

“Who?” Hyoyeon looks at Yuri.

“The one that you just talked to when I called you.” Yuri said.

“Do you see him?” Hyoyeon asks with tremble voice, and she holds her breath.

“I didn’t see who, but I hear you talking to someone.” Yuri said. Hyoyeon lets the breath out when she hears Yuri said that.

“Just some students.” Hyoyeon smiles.

“Student?” Yuri said.

“They accidentally touch me when they were walking, so I scolded them.” Hyoyeon said as she thinks she needs to create something to talk beside this before Yuri smells something fishy.

“Did you brother come home yet?” Hyoyeon asks.

“I don’t know. I don’t want to care about that.” Yuri said.

“How about your surprise? Did your father giving to you yet?’ Hyoyeon asks.

“Talking about that makes me so curious. I don’t know what he is up now. He said I need to wait for tomorrow and he will give it to me. Right now, I just need to wait.” Yuri said.

As that time, Yuri’s phone rings.

“Hello!” Yuri said.

“Appa? Why are you calling me now?” Yuri listens. “Mwo? Right Now?” Yuri asks.

“What is this?” Hyoyeon said quietly. Yuri just shakes her head and continues talking with her father.

“Okay, I am coming now.” Yuri closes her phone.

“What is this? Did something happen?” Hyoyeon asks.

“I don’t know. My father told me to come to our hotel now.” Yuri said.

“So… Go! Why are you still standing here?” Hyoyeon asks.

“How about you? I already promise I will go with you.” Yuri said.

“Why are you talking about that now? I am not a baby. I can go to academy by myself. Hurry up, don’t make your father waiting.” Hyoyeon said.

“Mian. I will buy you foods later.” Yuri said and runs to catch the taxi. Yuri waves her hand to Hyoyeon and then the taxi is gone.

“Only me. Now I need to go to school by myself.” Hyoyeon said.


In the small store…

“Umma.” Sunny said as when she enters the store.

“Why don’t you stay at home now? You don’t need to come everyday. You need to study for you tests too.” Sunny’s mother said.

“I have time for studying, so don’t worry. I just want to help you, so I come here.” Suuny said as she holds her mother’s hands.

“If Min can understand like you, so I don’t need to worry about her.” Sunny’s mother said.

“She is still small. She will understand like me when she is growing up.” Sunny said and smiles to her mother.

As that time, Min comes in the store. She calls her mother happily, but when she sees Sunny, she changes her face immediately.

“I need to buy some new book, so can you give me some money?” Min asks and hand her hands over her mother.

“Why are you always buying the books? Sunny never asks me about that?” Sunny’s mother said.

“Why are you asking me? Ask my teacher. Ask him why he wants me to buy the new book. Hello! I am just student. I just listen to what he tells me to do.” Min said.

“You already took Sunny’s money on this morning, so why are you asking me the money now?” Sunny’s mother said.

Min startles when she hears her mother saying that. She thinks that must be Sunny told her mother. She glares at Sunny.

“Nope, not me. I didn’t tell her.” Sunny waves her hands.

“Not her. Don’t glare at her like that. I saw you took her money on the morning. How can you treating you sister like that?” Sunny’s mother said.

“Sister? Who? Not her!” Min points at Sunny. Sunny just bow her head when she hears Min said that.

“Mwo? What did you saying?” Sunny’s mother is so mad.

“Don’t be mad. That is not good for your health. I am just telling the truth. She is just an orphan, not my sister. How can I be the sister with the orphan?” Min said as he mother chasing her out of the store.

Sunny runs behind her mother and hold her mother back before her heart rate increase.

“Sunny, don’t be mad at her. She still is small and she doesn’t know what she is talking.” Sunny’s mother tries to comfort Sunny.

“It is okay umma. This is not the first time that I heard that.” Sunny said and smiles. She silently helps her mother cleaning the store.

“Poor child.” Sunny’s mother said as she looks the back of Sunny.

Outside the store, Min can’t get her mother’s money, so she is so mad. Her friends wait for her outside.

“How is that going? Did you get it or not?” Min’s friends ask.

“Wait. Let’s her breath first.” Suzy said.

“That told my mother that I took her money, so my mother scolds me and didn’t give the money to me.” Min said.

“What a talkative sister! She is so selfish. Just give some money to you, so she can have the reason to tell your mother.” Suzy said.

“That ! I won’t let this going easy. Someday I will throw her outside.” Min said with her hands folding.

“You should so it faster before the one that throw outside is you.” Suzy said jokily.

“What do you mean?” Mina asks.

“Nothing. Let’s go. I will pay for you today. Where do you want to go first? Bar or karaoke?” Suzy asks.

“Bar. I don’t want to stay in the karaoke room. That makes me feeling asphyxiation.” Min said and all of them go to the bar.


Yoona prepares the food in the kitchen. Then she hears the door closing.

“Umma, Is that you?” Yoona sticks her head out and she sees Wooyoung. “Oh it is you.”

Wooyoung doesn’t say anything and walks toward his room.

The house seems so cold. There is nothing in the house like talking and laughing between both of them.

When Yoona cooks done, she sets the dinner and call Wooyoung coming to eat. Both of them just eat their food and say nothing to each other. The atmosphere is so awkward and scary. Sometimes, Yoona peeks on Wooyoung’s face, but Wooyoung just focus to eat his food. After they are done, Wooyoung helps Yoona cleaning, but they still don’t talking to each other. That atmosphere covers the entire house whenever Yoona and Wooyoung stay together.


“Sooyoung ah, come here. Your sister is online now.” Sooyoung’s mother calls her.

Sooyoung doesn’t want to meet her sister right now, but she has to do. Sooyoung walks with heavy steps toward the computer.

“Annyeong Sooyoung ah. How are you doing now?” Soojin said happily.

“Okay. Everything is fine.” Sooyoung looks awkward to Soojin.

“Why? Did anything go wrong?” Soojin asks with worry voice.

“No, it is just… I am not feeling good today.” Sooyoung said.

“Do you feel sick?” Soojin asks.

“Oh nope, it is just something making me feel not right.” Sooyoung said.

Sooyoung really wants to ask about the relationship between T.O.P and Soojin, but she doesn’t know how to open . She doesn’t want to remain Soojin’s pain, so she hesitates that rather she asks her or not.

“Unnie.” Sooyoung suddenly call Soojin.

“Weu?” Soojin can see something is very uncomfortable on Sooyoung’s face. “Do you have something to say? Just say it. Don’t act like that, that makes me so worry.”

“Nope, nothing.” Sooyoung doesn’t want to ask anymore.

“Something happen at home?” Soojin asks.

“Nope, everything is fine.” Sooyoung said.

After talking with Soojin, she feels so sorry and crime. Sooyoung knows that her sister wanting to ask about T.O.P oppa, but she doesn’t know how to ask to don’t make her suspect. Sooyoung knows that, so she answers everything about T.O.P even though her sister doesn’t ask them. When she sees Soojin’s smiles with all the answer about T.O.P even though Soojin doesn’t ask, Sooyoung blames herself that how can she be so innocent like that. She accidentally breaks up the couple. Sooyoung really needs time to think very careful about this, and she doesn’t want to regret later.


Yuri comes to the hotel of her father. She finds him in his room, but his assistant said that he already come to the restaurant of the hotel. Yuri immediately runs down there to find him. Yuri sees her father talking with another man.

“Appa!” Yuri calls loudly.

 “Yuri ah, comes here.” Yuri walks toward her father’s table. The old man looks at her and smiles.

“This is Yuri, my second child.” Her father said toward the old man.

“Annyeonghaseyo, my name is Yuri.” Yuri said as she bows her head.

“Oh, you look so pretty. Sit down.” The old man said.

Yuri sits near her father. The old man looks at her without blinking and smiles. Yuri feels uncomfortable when the old man looks at her like that.

“This is Choi president. He is the best business man of the hotels in Korea. He helps me a lot when we have some contracts.” Yuri’s father said.

“Ne.” Yuri said.

“Don’t say that. I am not best business man. Your father is better than me. He is just so modest.” Choi president said and both of men laugh.

Yuri just smiles and whisper to her father.

“Why do you call me here and introduce Mr. Choi to me? I have nothing to do with your business.” Yuri whispers.

“Just wait; you will see your surprise soon.” Yuri’s father whispers back.

“She wants to see her surprise.” Yuri’s father tells Mr. Choi and both of them laugh.

“Wait for minutes. He will be here soon.” Mr. Choi said.

“What do you mean? Who will come?” Yuri asks and looks at them with curious eyes.

They don’t say anything to her, but they just laugh. Suddenly Mr. Choi calls loudly.

“Here!” Mr. Choi waves his hand.

Yuri turns around and sees Minho coming toward her table.

“What is this?” Yuri asks herself.

Minho just looks at his grandpa and come toward him. He doesn’t notice that Yuri also sit in the same table with his grandpa.

“Sorry, I am late.” Minho said.

“You need to be on time. How can you make Kwon president waiting for you?” Minho’s grandpa seems a little mad.

“Nope, nope, it’s okay. He needs to settle all his works first before he comes here.” Kwon president said. “Sit down.”

Minho sits down and suddenly notices that Yuri sits opposite with him.

“You…” Minho said with shock voice.

“Can anyone tell me what happen here?” Yuri looks at her father.

“What is this grandpa?” Minho asks.

“Let’s eat first and we will talk later.” Yuri’s father said as he calls the waitress.

“Appa!” Yuri calls loudly.

“Hush! Eat first and I will tell you later.” Yuri’s father said.

Yuri can’t say anything when her father seems a little mad like that. Yuri feels so curious about what happen now, so she must listen to her father and eat with them to find out what happen.

While they are eating, Mr. Kwon and Mr. Choi talk a lot about their works and their plan in the future. Yuri and Minho just be quiet and glare at each other. As that time, Nichkhun comes toward their table.

“Annyeonghaseyo uncle.” Nichkhun said.

“Oh Nichkhun ah, what are you doing here?” Yuri’s father asks.

“I am going with my father to the party of his friend.” Nichkhun said.

“Annyeong oppa.” Yuri said and smiles to Nichkhun.

“Annyeong.” Nichkhun said back.

“Look at her! Totally different. When she talks with me, she seems like wanting to eat me immediately. But when she talks with him, she smiles like that. Totally fake.” Minho thought as he looks at Yuri and Nichkhun. “Who is this boy?” Minho seems so curious about the relationship between both of them when he sees Yuri smiling so sweet to Nichkhun.

“Who is this?” Mr. Choi asks.

“He is the son of one of my friends. His father is running the hotel too.” Mr. Kwon said.

“Oh really? Who is his father? Maybe that is the person that I know.” Mr. Choi asks.

“He is Mr. Horvejkul. He is Thai person, but he comes to Korea and starts his business in Korea. He is also the famous business man in Thailand either.” Mr. Kwon said.

“Nichkhun must be really good friend to Yuri. They look so close.” Mr. Choi said.

“Ne, he is Yuri’s childhood friend. They are really close.” Mr. Kwon said.

“If he knows that Yuri will marry soon, so he must be really happy for her.” Mr. Choi said.

“Who marry? Marry with whom?” Yuri asks with shocking.

“What are you saying grandpa?” Minho asks with shocking also.

“Both of you will marry soon.” Mr. Kwon points to Yuri and Minho.

“Mwo?” Yuri and Minho yells as the time.

“Appa, are you kidding me? It is not funny. I am just high school student. How can I marry at this age?” Yuri looks at her father with jokily eyes, but her father looks back at her with serious eyes.

“Do I look like I am joking?” Yuri’s father asks.

“So you call me to here because of this ridiculous marriage.” Minho said to his grandpa.

“This is not ridiculous. This is good for you.” Mr. Choi said.

“I am out of here.” Yuri said as she takes her bag and get out of the restaurant. Nichkhun follows her.

“I am going too.” Minho said and get out the restaurant.

“Do you think this is good for both of them?” Mr. Kwon asks with worry voice.

“Don’t worry. They will thank us later.” Mr. Choi said and smile. “Let’s eat.” Both of them continue their meal.

Yuri feels so mad at her father about this marriage. It is looking like her father selling her for his business than marry her.

“How can my father think about that when I am just high school student?” Yuri yells on front of the hotel.

“Calm down. Your father must have the difficult reason.” Nichkhun said.

“How can I calm down right now? He takes my happiness to trade for his business.” Yuri said as Minho comes out and face at each other.

“Hey! You better tell your grandpa that I won’t marry you.” Yuri said.

“Do you think that I want to marry you? You need to tell your father to cancel this marriage.” Minho said back.

“Yep, I will tell him. I hope that we won’t meet each other in this case anymore.” Yuri said as her car coming. “Never have anything going right whenever I meet you.”

Yuri comes toward her car, and Nichkhun helps her opening the door. Yuri gets inside and Nichkhun said.

“Don’t worry. I will help you talking with your father.” Nichkhun said and smiles to Yuri.

“Thanks oppa.” Yuri said and closes the door.

When the car is gone, Nichkhun turns around and look at Minho. This looking is different than before. This looking is so scary like he wants to eat Minho.

“You better steps out of this marriage. Yuri is mine.” Nichkhun said and come inside the hotel.

“What is this? Does he like that witch?” Minho asks himself and then his car coming and get inside and gone.


“Annyeong.” Hyoyeon comes inside the dance classroom.

“Do you hear that we have the new student coming from America?” Eunjung asks.

“Yep. I also hear that he is honor student. He doesn’t need to pay for the academy.” Hyoyeon said with admire voice.

“Oh really? He must be the great dancer. I hope that he will be handsome.” Eunjung talks in her dream.

“Stop dreaming unnie. Do you want to be his girlfriend?” Hyoyeon said jokily.

“If he wants, I will accept immediately.” Eunjung said. Hyoyeon just smiles and come toward her seat and Eunjung follow her.

As Hyoyeon is busy for texting on her cell phone, her dancing teacher comes in the class with new student. The girls yell loudly and make the crowd on front of him. Hyoyeon still is busy with her texting, so she doesn’t look up to see the new student.

“Girls stop. Sit down. Don’t make the new student scare.” The teacher said. The girls come back to their seat and whisper to each other.

“This is the new student. I hope that you guys will be nice to him.” The teacher said.

“I didn’t see anything special about him. He has everything that I had.” KangIn said.

“Don’t be so confident like that. Who do you think you are?” Eunjung said jokily.

“Aish…I don’t think that he has something better than us.” Heechul said.

“Not something. He has everything better than you.” Hyomin said.

“What? What thing better than me?” Heechul said.

“Not girly like you and not fat like KangIn oppa.” Hyomin said and laugh cheery.

“Annyeonghaseyo, my name is Eunhyuk. I hope we can be the good friend to each other.” Eunhyuk said.

“Eunhyuk?” Hyoyeon asks herself about what she just heard.

“Ne, the new student named Eunhyuk.” Eunjung said.

“Mwo? Eunhyuk?” Hyoyeon looks up and see Eunhyuk standing on front of her.

“You…why are you come here?” Hyoyeon yells loudly and that gets Eunhyuk’s attention. Eunhyuk is really shock when he sees Hyoyeon is this class.

“You…” Eunhyuk said.

“Are you following me to here?” Hyoyeon asks.

“Do you guys know each other?” the teacher asks.

“Nope.” Two of them talk in same time.

“Really?” Eunjung asks.

“Answer my question. Why are you coming here?” Hyoyeon talks to Eunhyuk.

“Don’t you hear that I am a new student?” Eunhyuk said.

“Don’t say that you are the honor America boy?” Hyoyeon asks.

“That’s right. I am him.” Eunhyuk said.

“Nope, this can’t be.” Hyoyeon stands up and walk out the class.

“What’s wrong with her?” Eunjung asks Hyomin.

“I don’t know.” Hyomin said.

Outside the class, Hyoyeon seems really shock with what she just saw.

“In Korea has a lot of dancing academies, why is he choosing this one?” Hyoyeon scratches her hair. “If he studies with me now, so we will meet each other all day right?” Hyoyeon asks herself.

“Yep that’s right.” Eunhyuk talks from behind Hyoyeon.

“OMG. You need to make some noise when you walk toward someone in the dark.” Eunhyuk scares Hyoyeon.

“I never thought that you like to dance.” Eunhyuk said jokily.

 “Weu? I can’t dance.” Hyoyeon said.

“I don’t think that you have the qualities to be the dancer.” Eunhyuk said.

“Mwo? Do you want my shoe staying in your mouth immediately?” Hyoyeon asks.

“I am just kidding.” Eunhyuk laughs.

“Why are you choosing this academy? There are so many different academies in Korea.” Hyoyeon said.

“Because this one invites me, and I can study free.” Eunhyuk said.

“AAAAAHHHH, we live in same house, study in same school and now the academy. Why you don’t leave me some space?” Hyoyeon said.

“I don’t know. Maybe that is the fate.” Eunhyuk smiles wicked.


In the supermarket…

“What do you want to eat today?” Seohyun’s mother asks Seohyun.

“I don’t know. Let’s me think.” Seohyun said.

“I want to eat some soup today.” Seohyun suddenly said.

“Weu? Don’t you feel boring when you already ate soup all the weeks?” Seohyun’s mother asks.

“Nope, that is good for your health, so I will eat with you.” Seohyun said and hug her mother tightly.

“Can today be the exception? I will make something different for you and I will make soup for me. How do you think?” Seohyun’s mother asks.

“I don’t want to let you eating alone with that soup.” Seohyun said.

“It’s okay. That is my sickness, so just me eating them. Why are you eating with me?” Seohyun’s mother said and Seohyun nods her head. “So what do you want to eat?”

“I want to eat rice today.” Seohyun said.

“Okay I will make for you. We need to buy fish first.” They push the cart to the fish store and choose the best one.

“Seohyun ah.” Suddenly there is someone calls Seohyun from behind.

“Yonghwa?” Seohyun turns around and see Yonghwa. “What are you doing here?”

“I am going to buy some food.” Yonghwa said.

“Is that your mother?” Yonghwa asks.

“Uhm, she is my mother.” Seohyun said.

“Annyeonghaseyo auntie, my name is Yonghwa. I am Seohyun’s classmate.” Yonghwa said and bows his head.

“Oh really? You guys must be really close. Because I never seen Seohyun talking with the boy before.” Seohyun’s mother said.

“We are just normal friend. Not close like you think.” Seohyun said.

“So what do you want to buy? I can help you choosing the best one.” Seohyun’s mother talks to Yonghwa.

“I don’t know. I never go to supermarket before. I lived by myself, before I always eat in restaurant, but right now I want to cook for myself. But I don’t know what I need to buy.” Yonghwa said.

“Oh really? Where are your parents? Why don’t they live with you?” Seohyun’s mother asks.

“My parents live in the village. I come to Seoul for studying, so I just live myself.” Yonghwa said.

“Oh poor boy. Living without parents is really hard. If you don’t have anyone to cook, you can come to my house and eat with us. We are not rich, but we have enough rice to feed one more person.” Seohyun’s mother said and Yonghwa looks so happily when he heard that.

“Umma.” Seohyun’s mother calls her mother to don’t do it.

“Weu? He is your classmate. If your friend needs help, so we need to help him. He doesn’t have anyone to live beside him. That must be really hard for him. Don’t be so selfish.” Seohyun’s mother said. “Let’s go.” Seohyun can’t say anything to her mother, so she just accept this and let Yonghwa walking with them.

They bought a lot of food and Seohyun’s mother taking Yonghwa to her house. Yonghwa looks around the house when he first steps inside. Yonghwa sees a lot of Seohyun’s pictures from child.

“You look so cute when you were little, Seohyun ah.” Yonghwa holds the picture. Seohyun runs to take back.

“Don’t look at those.” Seohyun said.

“Weu? You look so cute, why don’t you let me see?” Yonghwa said and continue to look to other pictures.

“Yep, just let him seeing your pictures. Why you are so embarrasses now?” Seohyun’s mother said jokily.

“Umma.” Seohyun said.

“Don’t call me. I always support to let the people seeing your pictures. Yonghwa ah, just wait for few minutes, the food will be done.” Seohyun’s mother said.

“Auntie, do you need to some help?” Yonghwa asks.

“Just sit and play with Seohyun. I can do by myself.” Seohyun’s mother said and goes to the kitchen and makes food for them.

Yonghwa stay at Seohyun’s house to eat and talk with Seohyun’s mother. Seems like Seohyun’s mother likes Yonghwa so much. She also takes a lot of Seohyun’s pictures from child and give to Yonghwa. Yonghwa can’t take his eyes off those pictures. Seohyun is really embarrassed when this is the first time that her mother gives her pictures to the boy that she doesn’t know much about him. Seohyun can’t tell her mother to stop it because she knows her mother won’t stop, so she just sits quietly and her face looks so red.


On the way is going to Taeyeon’s house…

“Taeyeon ah, do we need to buy something for your parents as gift? If we go with empty hands to your house, which is so weird.” Jessica said.

“Nope, you don’t need to buy anything. You are not stranger to my parents, so why don you need to do that? And in my house has everything, so you don’t need to buy anything.” Taeyeon said.

“Do your parents stay at home now?” Tiffany asks.

“I don’t know, maybe yes, but maybe no.” Taeyeon said.

“If my parents are like yours, so I won’t be stress like this.” Tiffany signs.

“Don’t say that. Your mother is good mom too, and your father is not good enough to be the best daddy, but he loves you so much.” Taeyeon said.

“If he loves me, he won’t fight with me, and go to find another woman instead for my mother.” Tiffany said.

“Yep, she is right. No daughters want their father to find other woman instead their mother. You must be thanking to the god that he gives you the perfect parents.” Jessica said.

“Stop it. You already knew that I hate you guys when you talk with me about that. Why do you still talk like that?” Taeyeon yells because she feels so crime.

“Oh nope. We don’t talk like that anymore. Calm down.” Jessica said.

“When are your parents coming back?” Tiffany asks Jessica.

“I don’t know. They didn’t call me for one month already. I don’t care what are they doing and when they come back?” Jessica said.

“Don’t be so careless. Anyway, they still your parents, who born you. They didn’t care for you, but you need to care for them because that is your duty.” Taeyeon said.

“She is right. You better listen to her before she chants her chant again.” Tiffany said.

“Wait for second. Let me go to get some mails.” Taeyeon runs to the mailbox.

There are a lot of mails in the mailbox. Jessica also runs to help Taeyeon one hand.

“Woo our leader is so popular. A lot of male students send you the love letter.

“Look! There is one of favorite Taeyeon letter. So cute.” Tiffany said.

“This boy must know a lot about you even your favorite kind of letter.” Jessica said.

“Open it Taeyeon. Let see what he write.” Tiffany is so exited.

Taeyeon opens the letter like the two girls wants. Taeyeon can know who write this even she doesn’t open the letter yet. Just only one boy can know that Taeyeon like this kind of letter. When Taeyeon opens it, she reads the letter without blinking. Tiffany and Jessica are really curious and they can’t wait to see it, so they snatch the letter.

                                                 Taeyeon's favorite letter.

“Do you remember that tree? I will wait for you at that tree after school tomorrow.” Tiffany reads what she saw on the letter.

“That tree? Which tree is that? Who is this?” Jessica asks Taeyeon.

“I don’t know. Maybe they put the wrong letter in my mailbox.” Taeyeon said and snatch the letter back.

“Do you believe that she doesn’t know?” Tiffany said.

“Not really. Something is fishy.” Jessica said and Tiffany nods her head.

“Taeyeon ah, why are you come home so late?” Taeyeon’s mother asks from far away.

“I need to settle something in the school, so I come a little bit late.” Taeyeon said as she runs to her mother.

“Annyeonghaseyo auntie.” Jessica and Tiffany bow their heads when they walk closer to Taeyeon’s mother.

“Oh Sica and Fany ah, you guys didn’t come to my house for long time. I miss you two so much.” Taeyeon’s mother said with happy voice.

“Sorry auntie. We have a lot stuffs to do, so we can’t come to visit you often.” Tiffany said.

“But we come to visit you now.” Jessica said and come to hug Taeyeon’s mother.

“I can’t talk with you guys.  You two always have a lot of reasons to say. Let’s go. I just make some cookies.” Taeyeon’s mother said and all of them come inside.

“Where is appa?” Taeyeon asks when she doesn’t see her father around the house.

“Somebody called him a moment ago, and he already gone.” Taeyeon’s mother said as she places the cookies on the table.

“How are you guys doing now?” Taeyeon’s mother asks.

“We are fine auntie. We will have the mid-term next week, so a little busy here.” Tiffany said.

“You guys have a lot of works to do, but you also need to take care for your health. Don’t work too hard and sick after all. That makes me really worry.” Taeyeon’s mother said.

“Ne.” Tiffany and Jessica said.

“I go to change my clothes, so wait here; I will be back soon.” Taeyeon said as she stands up and go to her room.

When Tiffany and Jessica see Taeyeon already gone, they immediately jump to Taeyeon’s mother and look at her with puppy eyes.

“Auntie, let me ask you something. Do you see Taeyeon having some weird act this time?” Tiffany asks.

“What do you mean? You need to talk clearer.” Taeyeon’s mother asks.

“Like Taeyeon is in love with someone. Something is like that.” Jessica said.

“In love? How do you know? But she is in love with whom?” Taeyeon’s mother asks back to them.

“So you don’t know right? Never mind.” Tiffany said and both of them run to Taeyeon’s room before Taeyeon’s mother catches them and force them to say.

“Is she in love? How can I don’t know?” Taeyeon’s mother asks herself.


In the morning…

“Annyeong.” Sungmin said as he enters the class with Donghae.

“Yahh, why are you come so late? Today is your turn to cleaning the class.” Tiffany said.

“Oh really? But we just did two days ago, why are we still doing that today?” Sungmin asks.

“Don’t ask. Go to clean now.” Tiffany throws the broom to Sungmin and the towel to Donghae.

“Just both of us?” Donghae asks.

“Eunhyuk and Minho already went to clean the bathroom, and hallway, so you guys don’t need to clean there. Sungmin need to sweep the floor in the class, and Donghae need to clean the board and fix the teacher’s table.” Tiffany said.

“What about you and other girls?” Donghae asks.

“They also have a lot stuffs to do on the room of the principal’s student. I am the one will watch and check everything that you do.” Tiffany said.

“That is just the defense.” Sungmin mumbles.

“What? Do you have anything want to say?” Tiffany looks at Sungmin with fire eyes.

“Oh nope, nothing. We understand now.” Sungmin said as he sweeps the floor.

“Okay. I am going to Eunhyuk and Minho’s place, and I will be back for few seconds. You guys need to work hard and remember I will check them. If this place is not clean, you need to stay after school to clean them.” Tiffany said as she walks away.

“This class is like hell. Why the girls did nothing and we need to do a lot of stuffs like that? Tiffany is like the witch, and whenever I see her, my skin gets goose bump.” Sungmin said as he sweeps the floor.

“Eat this and be quiet.” Donghae crams the towel into Sungmin’s mouth to keep him stop saying bad about Tiffany. Donghae knows Tiffany acting like she is not good, but that is not her character. Donghae can’t stand when he hears his brother talking bad about the girl that he likes. Sungmin spits the towel out and keep sweep the floor before Tiffany comes back and scold them.


 “Why do I need to stay in this bathroom every morning to clean them? I am not the only one who pees in here.” Eunhyuk complains while he clean toilet.

“I know. I also smell so bad whenever I am done cleaning. I put a lot of scent on my clothes, but this smell can’t go away.” Minho complains.

“Do you want all your teeth gone when you keep continue to complain?” Tiffany said from behind them.

“Oh OMG, you scare me.” Eunhyuk jumps up when he hears Tiffany saying from behind him.

“Why are you doing nothing and go around and around like that?” Minho asks.

“Because I am the one who checking you guys cleaning. I need to go around and around to check when you are lazy.” Tiffany said.

“That is just what you say. You need to come here, help us cleaning, and stay here with us. That can make me and Minho won’t be lazy.” Eunhyuk said.

“Or I can stand here and put my eyes on you guys. That can make you guys don’t lazy also.” Tiffany said.

Eunhyuk turns around and continue to clean, but he still mumbles and mumbles.

“CLEAN.” Tiffany yells at them.

“Don’t you see I am cleaning?” Minho said.

“But hurry up. Do you want to stay here all day?” Tiffany said. “You need to hurry up before I use violence.”

“Okay okay okay.” Eunhyuk said and both of them work really fast.


The bell ring…

“Stand up.” All the students stand up and bow their head. “Annyeonghaseyo.” All the students said.

“Sit down.” Ms. Kim said. “Woo, the class looks so clean today.”

The boys look so happy and Sungmin really want to say that is what he did, but Tiffany cuts his words.

“Ne, thank you.” Tiffany said.

“What is this? She is not working at all, so why is she saying thank you?” Eunhyuk said.

“Because she has power, do you know?” Yonghwa said.

“Next week, we will have the mid-term. Like everyone knew, among Taeyeon and Wooyoung, which one has the better score will be the new leader and new principal of all students. So I expect you guys must study really hard to win this game.” Ms. Kim said.

“You don’t need to worry. Taeyeon always be valedictorian every year, so this year is not exception.” Yuri said.

“Yep that’s right. Taeyeon puts a lot of time for this mid-term, so Taeyeon must be the winner.” Sooyoung said.

“Don’t daydream. The win still changes in the last moment so just wait and see.” Eunhyuk said.

“Yep, that’s right.” Sungmin said.

“I know. This is game that every students and teachers in this school wanting to see. I hear they also have the betting for this.” Ms. Kim said.

“Mwo? This is on the large scale.” Minho said.

“I know this class will pass this test, but I hope that Taeyeon and Wooyoung can make the big change for this school.” Ms. Kim said and they begin their studying.


“Taeyeon, do you go to that tree?” Tiffany asks.

“What tree?” Hyoyeon asks.

“I don’t know. That is what that person writing on the letter.” Tiffany said.

“Who are you talking about?” Seohyun asks.

“That is a person sending Taeyeon the letter.” Jessica said.

“Oh really?” Sunny asks.

“Yep, and he also write on the boo pig letter.” Jessica said.

“That is Taeyeon’s favorite letter.” Sooyoung said.

“Who is that? So meticulous. He also knows what Taeyeon’s favorite letter is.” Yuri said.

As that time, Wooyoung passes them and hear what they are talking. Taeyeon look up and look at Wooyoung. Yoona can see that sight from Taeyeon, and she can see there is something not right about them.

“So do you go to that tree?” Yoona suddenly asks Taeyeon. While Wooyoung is walking, he hears what Yoona is asking, so he walks slowly. Taeyeon can see that Wooyoung walking slowly, and Yoona smells something fishy.

“Nope, I don’t have time for that stupid thing.” Taeyeon said as she walks away.

“You better listen to what she saying.” Yoona thought to Wooyoung.

“Wait! Walk slowly girl.” Sooyoung said and all the girls run behind Taeyeon.

“So she won’t come.” Wooyoung thought.

Even though Wooyoung thought that Taeyeon won’t come, but he still comes to that tree and wait for her. He will wait there until Taeyeon coming. At that night, Taeyeon is really worried for Wooyoung. She thinks what she just said on the afternoon may hurt Wooyoung’s feeling. Yoona also wait for Wooyoung at home. She is really mad when Wooyoung is still not at home even though that Taeyeon said she won’t come to that tree. Yoona doesn’t know that tree, so she can’t come to there and take Wooyoung home. At Taeyeon’s house, Taeyeon walks back and fro and that makes her parents’ heads so dizzy.

“Sweetheart, can you just stop walking for a moment? My head is really dizzy.” Taeyeon’s mother said.

“Yep, my head is dizzy either. Do you have something worry? You can talk with us.” Taeyeon’s father said.

“Umam, appa, I need to go to somewhere. I may come home late, so you guys don’t need to wait for me.” Taeyeon said and immediately runs out the house.

“Wait Taeyeon ah.” Her parents try to call her, but she doesn’t hear it.

As that time, Tiffany and Hyoyeon are going to Taeyeon’s house to help her studying for the mid-term. While they are talking on the way to Taeyeon’s house, they see Taeyeon runs so fast from her house to outside.

“Taeyeon ah.” Hyoyeon calls loudly, but Taeyeon doesn’t hear it

“Why is she running so hurry? Where does she want to run to?” Tiffany asks.

“Perhaps…” Tiffany and Hyoyeon said a same time, so they immediately run behind her.

They catch the taxi and follow her from behind her to the park.

“Where is this place?” Hyoyeon looks around.

“I don’t know.” Tiffany said.

“So scary in here.” Hyoyeon hugs Tiffany.

“Why in here have so many trees?” Tiffany said as they follow Taeyeon. Taeyeon seems don’t scare when she goes through those trees.

Suddenly Taeyeon stops, Tiffany and Hyoyeon immediately hide and they think that Taeyeon knows them follow her.

“Is Taeyeon excavating us?” Hyoyeon asks.

“Nope, I don’t think so. Look! She keeps walking now. Let’s go.” Tiffany said as they continue follow Taeyeon.

They follow her until they reach the little hill. There is the tree on the hill and there is Wooyoung sleeping under the tree.

“Is that Wooyoung?” Hyoyeon yells loudly when she sees Wooyoung. Tiffany immediately covers .

“Be quiet.” Tiffany said.

“How can I be quiet now? Taeyeon meets Yoona’s fiancé now.” Hyoyeon said.

“That is not the whole story.” Tiffany said.

“What do you mean?” Hyoyeon asks.

They are looking at Taeyeon, who slowly walk toward Wooyoung, who sleeping so peaceful under the tree. Taeyeon slowly knees down and look at Wooyoung. She touches gentle on Wooyoung’s face to don’t make him wake up.

“If you want to know that I will tell you.” Tiffany said and tells the whole story to Hyoyeon.

After hearing what Tiffany saying, that makes Hyoyeon really shock.

“Oh really? I can’t believe that Taeyeon and Yoona loving the same person. I know why that Taeyeon always ignore Wooyoung now.” Hyoyeon said.

“So what are we going to do now? We need to help them. They love each other.” Hyoyeon said.

“How? Yoona is one of our best friends too. We can’t hurt her.” Tiffany said.

“You’re right. So what are we going to for them?” Hyoyeon asks.

“I don’t know. Just cover this for Taeyeon and Wooyoung to Yoona that is the best way.” Tiffany said.

Hyoyeon doesn’t say anything back, so they quietly watch Taeyeon and Wooyoung on the hill. Taeyeon doesn’t do anything; she just sits there and her shoulder is the pillow for Wooyoung. Wooyoung just sleep and doesn’t know that Taeyeon sits next to him. Everything seems so romance for both of them. They sit next to each other under the tree with all the moon and stars above them. Taeyeon hopes that the time will stop right here, and are forever.


I hope you guys like this chapter. Tks for who subscribing my story and comment my story. I hope you will continue to read my story.

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update soon
please update
and it would be MinYul right? HA! minyul jjang
Really sweet
can u make the story to minyoon plz
update soon pls XD
kya! how dare G.D said like that to Yuri -___-
Who is Donghae in Tiffany's Life~~~<br />
I'm Curious~~<br />
Please do update as soon as possible~~
it must be Victoria :0 or another girl ? well im so curious , update ASAP XD