New Students

Chocolate Love


Today is Monday, all the girls gather in the president room to chat, or do their own stuffs. Tiffany comes in and says hi to other girls.

“Annyeong girls" Tiffany says hi to other girls, and the girls say hi back.

“Tiff, how is the school today?" Teayeon asks as Tiffany finds something to eat in the refrigerator.

“They are still good, and the boys work really hard." Tiffany answers when she eats the apple that Yoona peels for her.

“Does anyone know where Sunny and Hyoyeon are?" Yoona asks with the worried voice.

"No, I don't see them in the morning, either." Yuri answers as she paints her nail.

As that time, Hyoyeon and Sunny run in the room, and breath really fast. Yoona gives them some water.

"Omo, where are you guys?" Teayeon asks.

“Look at them, they are running like they see the ghost." SooYoung laugh and turn to see the glare from Teayeon.

“What? I just make some fun for you guys." SooYoung pouts.

“You guys know what? I and Sunny just run from the principal's room, and do you know what we see?" Hyoyeon talks with the tired voice.

“What? Don't be like that. I am really nervous now." Yoona answers with the nervous voice.

“Did you see Teacher Lee Soo Man and our teacher kissing?" all the girls laugh when they hear Tiffany says that.

“Yahh.... Be quiet. If you guys hear this you will be worry like me and Sunny now." Hyoyeon said with serious voice.

“Look at Sunny, she isn't worry." Tiffany points to Sunny, the person who is playing game in her Ipod.

“Whatever.... When I passed through Mr. Lee's doors, I hear he laughing really hard and talking to someone, so I stop and listen. As that time Sunny came to me, and hit on my shoulder. That is really freaking me out. In Mr. Lee's room, I saw six boys talking to him, and he says like they are new students." Hyoyeon tells them what she saw in Mr. Lee's room.

The girls' faces become serious when Hyoyeon told them. Sunny takes out her earphone and says:

“They are really cute, and seem really nice".

“OMG, this is worst. How can this year have so many boy students? I can’t handle all of them." Tiffany frowns and walks back and fro.

“Teayeon, what are we going to do now? There are so many boys in this school." Yoona ask when she sees Teayeon is so quiet.

“Seohyun, what do you think about this?" Teayeon asks Seohyun.

When they all turns around and see Seohyun, she still think about that and they start to worry except Sunny, she still listen to her Ipod.


In Mr. Lee's room, the six new boys make friend to each other because they are new in this school. Mr. Lee talks to them about this school and what class they are in now.

“When you guys enter your class, you need to be quiet, and listen to class leader. I advise you be careful in that class.” Mr. Lee whispers to them.

“Why are you talking so scary about that class?” One of the new students asks.

“Your now class isn’t the class that we want to put you guys in. I want to put you guys in other class, where they have many boys and girls study together, but they don’t have enough space for you guys. At last, I decide to put you to the top class. That class just has nine smart girls in this school. That is special class, and you guys are the first boys joining to that class. I will call the class leader to take you to your class.”  Mr. Lee tells them with scary voice. The boys just look at each other, and start to laugh.

“I don’t care how smart they are and how scare they are. They are just the girls, and they can’t beat us.” The boys start to laugh again.


“We don’t need to worry; they won’t come to our class. We will have time to find the ways to control them.” Hyoyeon says as she is playing with Sunny in her Ipod.

“They will come to our class soon.” Seohyun says with the book in her hand.

“What do you mean?” Yuri asks. Jessica suddenly wakes up from her dream land in the fiction book.

“She means they will join to our class.” Teayeon answers with the calm voice.

“How?? This class is for us, and no one can enter to this class.” Sooyoung looks at Taeyeon. Suddenly the phone ring and Teayeon picks it up.

“Hello” Taeyeon talk to the phone.

Everyone look at Taeyeon while she is talking to the phone. Some holds their breath, some bites their lips. They are really nervous, and scare if the principal tells them to let six boys coming to their class, they won’t know what to do. Taeyeon doesn’t answers anything back, and she hangs the phone after five minutes. After hang the phone, she stands up and walks to the door.

“Where are you going, Teang?” Jessica asks her while she gets up.

“To meet the boys, and take them to our class. You guys need to go to class now, hurry up.” Teayeon tells them as she walks out the room.

“Mwo???” All of them yell except Seohyun still has her book on her hand.

“Other classes don’t have any space for them except our class. You can know why now, right? So let’s go to class.” Seohyun stands up and walks out the door. Other members just follow her with mad face.


When Teayeon enters the room, all the boys stand up with the heart in their eyes except one boy named Lee Donghae. All the boys come to shake hand with Teayeon except Donghae. Teayeon especially pay attention to Donghae because that face is so similar.

When Teayeon enters the room, all the boys stand up with the heart in their eyes except one boy named Lee Donghae. All the boys come to shake hand with Teayeon except Donghae. Teayeon especially pay attention to Donghae because that face is so similar.

“Annyeonghaseyo, my name is Teayeon, nice to meet all of you.” Teayeon talks to the boys and glare to Mr. Lee.

“Hahaha... Let the boys introduce to Teayeon.” Mr. Lee laughs in awkward voice.

“Annyeonghaseyo, my name is Eun…” Eunhyuk tries to say his name but Teayeon cuts his word.

“Let’s go to class. No one is interesting to your name.” Teayeon says with the cold voice and get out of Mr. Lee’s room.

“Mwuh rah goo?” Eunhyuk yells at her, but Teayeon doesn’t care. Other boys try to calm Eunhyuk down.

They are going to their class with Teayeon leads on front. She doesn’t look back at them, and doesn’t talk to them when they are talking to her. Right now, they start to hate this girl, and they don’t know how about other girls in that class. They hope the girls will be nice. In six boys, there are just one boy know about the girls.


I think you will know who is the guy know about them among six boys. What will happen to them when they enter their new class?

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update soon
please update
and it would be MinYul right? HA! minyul jjang
Really sweet
can u make the story to minyoon plz
update soon pls XD
kya! how dare G.D said like that to Yuri -___-
Who is Donghae in Tiffany's Life~~~<br />
I'm Curious~~<br />
Please do update as soon as possible~~
it must be Victoria :0 or another girl ? well im so curious , update ASAP XD