Mixed Feelings..



4.30 P.M *Tiffany's POV aka Your POV*

"ARGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! I HAVE TO TUTOR THAT COWARD TODAY!!!! IT JUST HAD TO BE ME!!!" I yelled across the room, it was so loud i felt the floor shake. I quickly slipped on a plain t-shirt that was patterned with a black collar, which the sleeves went up to my elbows and an apricot pink skirt tuck over it.I grabbed my school bag and grabbed the keys. As i got outside i locked the door and put on white pumps that go just with my shirt. I decided to walk instead of driving there. Yes i just got my licence and im so happy! I just wanted to waste time on walking rather than teaching 'him'. It only takes like 10 mins to walk there, and then take about 5mins to find the correct house. It's my first time going to a guys house besides from like my cousins or anything. I got there and found the right house.. i just stood in front of the house in amazement. I'm like "WOW!" His house is freaking beautiful and pretty big. It was white and brown and there were gates that were black. The house was white and the blacony was in a wood brown colour. I really liked the house. I rang the doorbell.

"Who is it?"
The gate opened and i walked in. I opened the black shimmery door and on the sides, it was glass with red roses imprinted on them. I never knew he was rich. Don't get me wrong he looked really wealthy and all that, but i really didn't expect this. I walked in and took my pumps off and placed them neatly on the rack of other expensive branded shoes that belonged to Junhyung. As i walked into the main room, i could feel my eyes popping out. It was really clean and shiny. The floor was shimmery and i could see myself reflecting. The stairs kinda made a circular pattern to the second floor upstairs and a pretty chandelier that didn't look old fashion shone upon me. There were breathtaking artworks hung on the walls.

"Hello??!! Like my house that much?" Junhyung smirked and sat on the couch and a huge and i mean huge plazma TV. I nodded vigorously, and he chuckled.
"Ok.. I would really like to have tour around your house, but i needa start tutoring you."
"Tch.. I'm not getting tutored from you. You can go back home."
"Why did you open the door then?" I raised an eyebrow
"You know, i knew you were going to be surprised if you saw what my house looked like."
"Mhmmm..i'm not going home, so im going to tutor you whether you like it or not."
"Do you like me?"
"WHAT?! NO WAY!" My scream echoed around the house
"Calm down. Alright.. Let's go to my room. As we were going to his room, i looked left to right to see what his house upstairs looked like, and it was twice as amazing as the first floor. We got to his room and it was very luxurious! It was brown, grey, white and black. his bed was in the centre of his room and had a black and white rug under it. There was 3-4 stair steps to get to his bed and a little bit further away from the stairs was his study table. He had a plazma TV on the wall and a big CD rack with heaps of albums. Near the study desk, there was a sliding gate/door. It was a room for all his clothes. I was surprised by how many clothes he had. There was a teal glass door. Inside was the bathroom. It was extremely lovely! There was a bath tub that looked like a spa and everything was just BEAUTIFUL!!!! And the bathroom was even bigger than my bedroom. Like seriously? Who needs a bathroom thats a size like a classroom.

"Hey umm.. I think we should start our tutor lesson" I said but i was still looking around the bathroom
"I would but your getting a bit too carried away."
"mmm i guess so.
"Wanna see the back yard?" He asked. I smiled and about to should out "YES!" but i couldn't.
"Umm.. i'll pass. Let's start.""
"Are you suree?" He smirked
"Yes! You just wanna waste time from not getting tutored.I'm not gonna let that happen"
"Whatever! Just start already."

2 hours passed of maths tutoring.

"Finished at last!" I yawned and stretched. I looked at the time and it was abot 7.15.
"You wanna look at my backyard now?"
"Hmm? Why not.. I finished my homework so sure!"
We stepped outside and i felt a cold chill going down my spines from the cold wind. I shivered but not so much to not show that i was reallyy cold! But i looked at the backyard and it was soo deluxe,luscious,lavish,grand,magnificent, all these types of words to describe it. You could list down a million words or more to descbribe this backyard. It had a swimming pool, and on the far end of the other side, the water flows down like a fountain. The lights had a sky blue to it and changed colours to a blue to a dolly pink, a dolly pink to a lavender purple, a lavender purple to a light tree green. It was such a romantic atmosphere minus Junhyung.

"Your so lucky to live in a house like this! I would love to live here man"
"Yeah but i live by myself.."
"Really?! Me too, but my house isn't big. In fact its completely the opposite. Theres cracks and all that. It looks like the house is going to fall apart!"
"Hmm..Are you cold?"
"Huh?! Nope i'm not cold at all!! I yelled
"No need to yell. You can't lie and you have goosebumps on your arms." He put on a warm black blazer on me.
"Oh.. right.. Thanks. I should go home now! cyas."
"Wait.. Are you walking home?"
"Nope! i parked my car at the front." I lied so i didn't have to walk with him or he didn't have to drive me. I hate spending every minute with him, but he makes me feel safe and comfortable. He opened the door for me to go out and i put on my shoes. I punched him in the arm as a goodbye.

"BYEEE!!!!" I waved goodbye and grinned cheekily. I ran a few blocks from his street to make sure he wasnt chasing me.

"PHEW! he wasnt chasing me! I got home and realised i still had his jackat on my i neatly folded it and placed it on the chair. I washed up, ate dinner, watched TV, brushed my teeth and got to bed. It was 10.00PM and i was having an excited and happy feeling inside of me, but i just didn't know what it was.
Hello fellow readers!! :D I am reallyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy sorry about the delay of my updated its becuz of that thing... it got rid of my chapter 7 so i thought i would hav to wait but then i decided to jst go onto the link they give you for the old fanfics, and decided to copy and paste my chapter 7!! AND TO MAKE IT UP TO YOU I WILL TRY TO WRITE AS MANNY CHAPTERS IN A WK!! <3 PLEASEEE DONT STOP READING EVEN THOUGH I HAVNT UPDATED IN AGES!!!! i hope i didnt lose any readers :'(






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Chapter 19: Please Update
Chapter 18: yay they're together! And taceyeon took that very well, surprisingly
Chapter 18: JunFany~~~ <3
Awwwww <3
Update soon author-nimm. Just started reading and I love it <3
Chapter 17: aww.. how about Taecyeon? Finally Tiffany will be with Jun~
Chapter 17: YAAAAAYYY
Chapter 17: wtf. Tiffany, you should at least think about it
jonghyunie143 #7
love the plot..
Chapter 16: Please upload soon because my mum will band me from computer in a few weeks time and i cant read your story
Chapter 16: Poor Junhyung...