Mixed Feelings..

Tiffany POV*

Thank god he didn't see the message. I lay on my bed and checked my phone.

" 1 message "

It was from Taecyeon. Without noticing, a smile crept onto my face.

"What are you doing ((:"

"Nothing much :/  I'm just lying down on my bed ready to get to bed. What about you? ^^ " I sent.

"I'm getting ready to sleep too (: you should sleep you had a big day today ;) Nights babe "

I blushed at the word "babe". My stomach felt like there were butterflies, but it didn't feel as great when i had my first kiss with Junhyung.. why do i feel this way? i'm sure i like Taecyen.. a lot but do i still have feelings left for Junhyung?





I stayed up all night laying on my bed and staring at the ceiling deciding whether or not i still had feelings for Junhyung. I had no sleep at all.


(Next Morning)

I got off my bed and looked into the mirror.

"Ohh god i look like a freaking panda with swollen black eyes" I swear i was squinting at myself.

I brushed my teeth and put my hair into a messy bun and walked slowly down the stairs. I was too tired to be all giddy.

"Looks like someone had an all nighter" I heard someone say, no one other than Junhyung.

*Well no thanks to you. You goddamn coward!* I said in my head, more like i screamed.

"Get lost" I groggily said to Junhyung, still dazed. I took a seat next to him.

"Did you know this is my house?"

"No" I rolled my eyes.

We pretty much argued for the whole day nonstop. It was tiring even though we were only using our mouths


6 Months later

*Your POV*

So me and Taceyeon have been dating for at least 6 months now and its going very smoothly. I decided not to tell Junhyung. I wanted to keep it a secret.

I did my daily routine and went downstairs and sat next to Junhyung in the kitchen. I started eating a piece of  bread which i got off a plate.


"What?" I looked at Junhyung.

"My breakfast" He pointed to the toast i was already halfway chewing on.

"Go make your own." I took the last bite of MY toast.

"Ugh nvm i wasn't that hungry anyways."

I was kind of awake now because of Junhyung. I got the plate which was now filled with bread crumbs and took it to the sink. I started to wash the dishes and dried them. I felt a pair of arms snake around my body. I instantly froze on the spot.

I turned around to see it was Junhyung. Was i dreaming? I pinched myself on my arm, but i felt nothing. Instead, someone else yelped.


"Oh.. oops i thought i was pinching my arm because i thought i was dreaming.."

"Well you're definitely not dreaming"

"Junhyung i have a boyfriend. Get your hands off me now."

"No and i am very aware that you have a boyfriend."

"If your aware then get your arms off m- wait.. How do you know i have a boyfriend?"

"I saw you with Taecyeon at the park and i saw the message aswell."

"But why did pretend you didn't know?"

"I just didn't want you to feel burdened plus you would've told me earlier but you didn't so i assumed that you didn't want to tell me. So i kept my mouth shut for a whole damn six months" He kept his arms wrapped tightly around me. "I can't hold it any longer Tiffany. Will you go out with me?"

And my stomach felt like millions of butterflies exploring my tummy. I smiled so wildly that it was going to go all the way to my ears. I guess i really liked Junhyung. U just didn't know. I now suddenly realised that Taceyeon was more of a brother to me and i liked junhyung a lot. And to think now.. dating Taceyeon who i think of as a brother is eck. Like seriously dating your brother EW GROSS NO WAY! i can't even think about it

"Hello?" I'm still waiting for an answer.

"Ohh right.. yes.. i will go out with you" I smiled.

He too smiled and spun me around and that was when his lips landed on mind softly. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back.

He put me down and we sat down on the couch.

"Omg i have to go through hell now"

"What do you mean?" Junhyung put his arm around my shoulder.

"Well.. i have to tell Taecyeon.."

"Ohh yeah i think you should tell him now."

" I'll tell him tomorrow. Omo. It's Jessica and Kikwang's 5 month anniversery."

Jessica started to drift away from Yoseob and started to be attracted to Kikwang and they started going out when he confessed to her.

"They are such a Cute Couple!" I squealed.

"Mhmm but.. we're more cuter than them don't you think??"

"Tchh" I took Junhyung's hand and held it. I started playing around with our hands and compared the sizes and fiddled with his fingers.

"Oh! I forgot i need to tell Jessica"

"Wait.. 5 more minutes. I like it like this. Please just 5 more minutes" He pouted

"Ugh fine. But only 5 more minutes"

"Yeah yeah" He kissed my cheek.


"OKAY! 5 minutes is up! Bye!" I ran out of his arms and jogged up the stairs. I grabbed my phone and texted Jessica.

"Jessica big news! I'm going out with Junhyung."


"I'm going to tell him tomorrow.. I realised that i had feelings for Junhyung the whole time.. I thought i got over him but i just didn't know it. I see Taecyeon as a close friend or just a brother."

"Ohh alrights.. but really? a close friend is fine but dating your brother eck! Like seriously GROSS!"

"My point exactly :L "

"Anyways congrats. I can't talk now i have a special date with Kikwang :) "

"Okay. Have a nice time!"

*sigh* How am i going to tell Taecyeon?

"Hey i'm breaking up with you. I realised i have feelings for Junhyung and that you're like a brother to me." I mocked

"UGH I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO SAY!" I jumped onto my bed.

"Okay i'll just go to sleep for now and think about it tomorrow." I drifted off to sleep as i was wondering what to say to Taceyeon.


I updated! Sorry i don't update often.. I'm just really lazy and im running out of ideas so yeah :/ Oh wells theres still more to go (: And i'll try to update a lot now because its the holidays!! :D YAY I wanted to skip to 6 months later.. i just wanted more drama quickly. And sorry if there are mistakes i didn't get to edit my story. Comment and subscribe pwease (: You know i hate silent readers -.- SHOW YOUSELVES! :P

Guess what song i'm singing~~

Why so serious?!
Get your crayon
Get your crayon
Get your cray get your- why so serious?

I'm going cray cray for this song >:)

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Chapter 19: Please Update
Chapter 18: yay they're together! And taceyeon took that very well, surprisingly
Chapter 18: JunFany~~~ <3
Awwwww <3
Update soon author-nimm. Just started reading and I love it <3
Chapter 17: aww.. how about Taecyeon? Finally Tiffany will be with Jun~
Chapter 17: YAAAAAYYY
Chapter 17: wtf. Tiffany, you should at least think about it
jonghyunie143 #7
love the plot..
Chapter 16: Please upload soon because my mum will band me from computer in a few weeks time and i cant read your story
Chapter 16: Poor Junhyung...