Mixed Feelings..

*Tiffany POV*
*RING RING RING* I hit the button for the alarm and ran out of bed, doing my normal routine which is getting ready for school. I skipped down the stairs and ate cereal with warm milk. I straightened my uniform before walking out of the house and locked the door on my way out. While i was walking to school, i saw another crowd of girls like i saw yesterday. *Arghh i never can go through a day without seeing a crowd of girls* I shook my head and rolled my eyes, i kept on walking. When i walked through the gates, i saw a girl that looked familiar being stomped all over and pushed by a crowd of girls. *SERIOUSLY? I SEE THESE WILD GIRLS ALL THE TIME!! ARGHH GIVE US PEACE WILL YA'S?!* I quickly ran over and saw it was Jessica. Before i could help her up, a guy offered her his hand helped off the ground, giving her the aegyo smile and blushed while rubbing his hand on his neck shyly. Jessica took the hand shyly and blushed.
"Thank You" Jessica smiled
"ehh?.. No worries" He smiled
"I guess i'll see ya around?" He smiled
"I guess" Jessica said and waved shyly

Jessica turned her head and saw me. She immediately ran over to me and hugged me.
"YAH! OW!" I yelped from her tackle
"Sorry! haha i'm so happy. He is soo handsome"
"But you don't even know him" I said puzzled.
"I do know him.. He is in all of our classes?" Jessica squinted her eyes at me
"Really?! I didn't know.."
"Duh! You rarely notice anyone around you.. besides me!" Jessica grinned
"HAHA yeah.. Who is he anyways?"
"Yang Yoseob. The king of the aegyo smile.. it just simply melts our hearts. I think im crushing on him" She said dreamily
"Ohh so he is one of those playboys?" i said crossing my arms
"Yeah i guess so.." Jessica said shrugging her shoulders
Jessica jumped
"Oh My God! You scared me!" Jessica said with a shocked expression
"IS HE?!" i asked sternly
"Yes he is! He is soo adorbale" Jessica said looking up into the sky
"Oh God! No you absolutely cannot fall for him Jess!" I said angrily

*RING RING RING* The bell rang for first period.
Our conversation continued as we were walking to class.
"What are you talking about? I already fell for him" Jessica smiled
"WHAT?! NOO! NEVER WILL I EVER EVEN IF I DIE, LET YOU BE WITH HIM!" i whispered but screamed
"Why?" She argued.
"Because.. I can't afford to see you get hurt." I said sadly
"What?! Fany~ah im old enough to take care of myself and don't worry i know. I'm just crushing on him. It's not like im going out with him or anything" Jessica giving me a warm smile
"Okay okay haha" She laughed

As we were talking, we arrived to music. We walked inside seeing the crowd of girls shrieking and seeing flashes.
"God, Jess i saw crowds of girls again this morning. And again? i have to see them again?! It's so annyoing. I swear can't we at least have a day where there isn't girls shrieking and yelling." i said crossly, but cutely and crossed my arms
"Obviously, its because of those guys, Kikwang, Yoseob and Junhyung." Jessica said plainly, but when she said Yoseob she said it dreamily and looked at him, blushing.
"Seriously? Just for those playboys? I swear i will NEVER fall for them.. What's so good about them anyways?" i said rolling my eyes and sat down, slamming my folder on the table and sat looking at the crowd of girls angrily and Jessica sat on the chair next to me. She called out Yoseob's name and waved to him.

"Yoseob!" Jessica yelled across the room
Yoseob turned to look and waved
Jessica blushed and waved, biting her bottom lip
Yoseob turned his head and continued to talk with Junhyung and Kikwang

I death stared Jessica
"You can definitely date him EVER!" I eyed her
"Okay okay.. I know"

Class started and we were practicing our singing. Jessica started with some warm ups for , i did the same. We decided on our song, but we needed three people. A girl named Seohyun had a good voice. She was talking to the teacher. Jessica went up to her and asked if she wanted to be with us.
"Hi Seohyun!" Jessica smiled
"Hi Unnie!" She smiled back
"Uhh.. Seohyun-ah~ do you wanna be in our group? It consists of three people because of the song we had chosen"
"Sure! Why not? i'd love too" She replied with her innocent sweet smile
"Yay! Thanks Seohyun. Whenever your ready come sit with us"
"Okay. Just let me ask Mrs Choi a question and i'll get to Unnie"

Jessica skipped back to me happily and she formed that "Okay" gesture (the one where you use your index finger and thumb to form a circle).
I gave my eyesmile.
"So she said yes?" i questioned
"Great! so when should we practice?" Today?"
"I can't go today. I have singing lessons and i heard Seohyun has tutor."
"Okay. Tomorrow then? We really need to get started. We have to decide who is gonna sing what line" i remarked
"Yeah. We need to ask Seohyun too. She is a busy bee with her studies and instrument stuffies" Jessica pouted
Seohyun was walking towards us and pulled a chair. We sat in a circle in the corner.
"Seohyun~ah. Are you busy tomorrow?" I asked
"Tomorrow? No. But today i am because i have tutor" She said worringly
"Great! Come to my house after school tomorrow to practice. Everyone's busy today. I'm just glad you're not busy tomorrow" i smiled.
"Tiffany Unnie's House? Okay" she cheered

*RING RING RING* The bell rang for second period, but we had double period of music
We just talked about what song we were doing and planned for the assignment. Our conversations filled with laughter and smiles. We all co-operated well together and conversed well without awkward moments and even got pretty close to Seohyun within two periods.

Finally it was then lunch. Jessica and i quickly rushed out right after saying Goodbye to Seohyun. We were trying to avoid people from stepping on our feet and pushing us. We got to our spot. We just talked and ate our food. I never realised it but Jessica and i were REALLY close that there would never be a second of awkward silence. She was just the most greatest friend! Whenever i was hurt she would be there to help me mend my broken pieces and support me. I would always do the same with her aswell. As i was talking with her, i smiled. *Whenever im with you Jess, i always feel safe. Without you Sica i'm nothing* I thought. Our conversation was then filled with laughter and tears, which took up the whole lunch.

*RING RING RING* The bell rang for third period. We had english.. Jessica and i always think of english as a free period since we were both born in California and we knew english very well. We walked to english, and i tripped over a foot, it definitely wasn't Jessica's. I looked up and saw that it was one of the guys in my music class. Standing there listening to music. I gave him a look that said *God.. at least say sorry* He smirked at me and continued to look at his phone. I rolled my eyes and continued to walk to english.
"Are you okay?" Jessica asked
"Yeah i'm fine"
"I think most girls would have loved to be you at that moment" She smirked
"Really? tripping over that douchebags foot and didn't even say sorry?" I rolled my eyes and sighed angrily
"Yeah.. His name is Yong Junhyung. He is those popular guys but is cold to people he doesn't know. Who knows how he is gonna treat his girlfriend in the future" Jessica gave out a cold laugh
"I'd love to see that" i smirked

English started and the teacher, Mr Martin placed his books down on the table and started teaching. I looked around the class and saw that guy 'Junhyung' listening to music and talking with those other two guys. I rolled my eyes, but i could feel that his eyes laid on me and heard a smirk coming from him. I looked back at him, he was giving me this look that said *Am i too handsome for you that you keep staring at me?* I returned him a look that said *Pfft.. as if* I rolled my eyes and started talking with Jessica. Our conversation lasted a whole period. It would have probably lasted for the whole day.


All my classes seemed to have those three guys. Don't tell me i have to stick with all three of those douchebags for the entire year.
"Hey Sica! Are those three guys in ALL of our classes?"
"Yeah i guess so.. and THEY HAVE NAMES YOU KNOW!"
I rolled my eyes
"I don't remember douchebags names okay?" I sighed
Jessica rolled her eyes
"Are one of those douchebags me?" A dude with the cute aegyo smile asked innocently
Jessica immediately turned to him and smiled, giving a small wave
i crossed my arms angrily
"Yeah it is.. What you have a problem?" I asked sternly, giving him a small death stare
"I don't really, but Yong Junhyung might.. And plus your friend here Sica might dislike it too" He smiled
"So what? Why should "Yong Junhyung" care and Sica never gave you permission to call you "Sica" only i call..."
"NO! IT'S FINE! You can call me Sica.." She cut me off and smiled at Yoseob, blushing wildly
"Hahha Ohkays. I'll call you Sica from now on" He smiled sweetly
"Please Do" Jessica grinned
"Pfft.. fine. I don't mind if he calls you Sica, but i will never let you date him EVER!" i whispered in her ear
"Your not my mum Fany~ah. I can decide my own decisions" She rolled her eyes
"I can hear you, you know" Yoseob leaned in and whispered
I blushed, rubbing my neck shyly "haha..haah..haha" i laughed awkwardly. "BUT YOU HEARD RIGHT?! YOU CAN'T DATE MY SICA!" I yelled
"Don't worry because i won't let him date your precious "Sica" " A voice came from behind and made me jump
"Junhyung hyung! Your not my mum, you can't decide things for me." Yoseob whined
"But you heard the old lady. She's not gonna let you date Jessica" he smirked at me and pulled Yoseob towards him
"I'M NOT AN OLD LADY!!" i yelled, and echoed down the hallway
"Calm down.. You sure are an old lady" Junhyung stuck his tongue at me
Jessica just stood there staring at Yoseob and blushing
Yoseob then turned his head to Jessica and smiled
"You forgot someone to include in this conversation" A boy with an eyesmile came from behind Jessica
"Kikwang!" Yoseob yelled
"What's all this about?" he eyed all of us, especially me
I gave him a look that said *What are you looking at?*
Before anyone could answer Kikwang, someone yelled "YAH! WHY AREN'T ANY OF YOU GUYS GETTING TO CLASS?!" a teacher yelled. We all ran to Maths and started laughing
*Oh shoot! i forgot about class. I got too carried away with talking with "them" *

[School carried on like any other day, skipped this cuz nothing interesting happened (: ]

When i walked out of the school gates, someone stuck out their foot on PURPOSE and tripped me over and i heard a familiar smirk/laugh. I looked at the person, giving a deathly look. It was "Yong Junhyung" that douchebag.
"WHAT DO YOU WANT?! AT LEAST SAY SORRY!" i shouted, feeling like everything in me bursted
"Sorry Old lady. I guess i'll see you around!" He laughed at me
*arghh that douchebag! I HATE HIM!! I HOPE I NEVER HAVE TO SEE HIM AROUND* i thought and sighed, pulling myself up

I went inside my house and threw my bag on the floor angrily.
"ARGHHH THAT YONG JUNHYUNG GUY!! JUST WAIT TILL HE LAYS A SINGLE TOUCH ON ME AND HE'LL GET A PIECE OF THIS!" i put my fists in front of me and clenched them, rolling my sleeves up.
I continued to mumble and curse to myself angrily about that douchebag when i was eating, watching tv, reading and showering. I lost concentration when i was doing my homework.
"ARGHHHH! I SWEAR IM SO PISSED AT HIM!!!" i yelled, breaking my pencil in half.
"ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" i yelled angrily and flopped myself onto my bed
"I'll just sleep and forget about all this!" i yelled to myself and then slowly drifted off to sleep

Hi!! I'm back with this third chapter! (: Oh and sorry if i included a lot of "She, He, I, my" and all that other words. I'm just trying to be specific enough so i don't get you guys confused.. Because of the previous fanfics i've read, i have gotten confused and i don't want the same thing to happen to you guys. Just being considerate to yous :D And i probably had tiffany roll her eyes like a "Million" times. teeheee! My 4th chapter won't take awhile.. probs gonna be uploaded tomorrow. Byes for now but not forever :D

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Chapter 19: Please Update
Chapter 18: yay they're together! And taceyeon took that very well, surprisingly
Chapter 18: JunFany~~~ <3
Awwwww <3
Update soon author-nimm. Just started reading and I love it <3
Chapter 17: aww.. how about Taecyeon? Finally Tiffany will be with Jun~
Chapter 17: YAAAAAYYY
Chapter 17: wtf. Tiffany, you should at least think about it
jonghyunie143 #7
love the plot..
Chapter 16: Please upload soon because my mum will band me from computer in a few weeks time and i cant read your story
Chapter 16: Poor Junhyung...