Mixed Feelings..

*Your POV*

I woke up in bed. I had just remembered i had fallen asleep on Junhyung's shoulder from being extremely tired. i face-palmed myself for not staying up later. Thank God it's a Saturday. I got out of bed and walked to the bathroom to wash myself. I got changed into my morning clothing and jogged my way downstairs. I saw Junhyung on the dining table eating toast and watching the news.

"Morning!" I greeted Junhyung cheerfully.
"Morning.. Did you have a good sleep?"
"Yup i did" I gave him my eyesmile. "Did you?"
"Nope." He was still focusing on the TV.
"Why?" My smile turned into a frown.
"Because.. You are SOOOOOOOO heavy that my arms ached like hell so i couldn't sleep." He emphasised "So". "Geeee you probably weigh more than an ahjumma!"
"DO NOT!!! WHO SAID YOU HAD TO CARRY ME!! ITS CALLED WAKING ME UP GENIUS!" I gave him a glare and he didn't bother to look at me. He was still watching TV. Before he could take another bite of his toast, i took it and munched it all up.
"Hey!!! I was eating that"
"TOO BAD! GO MAKE YOURSELF ANOTHER ONE" I stuck my tongue out.
"Whatever i wasn't that hungry anyways."
"I hate you!!!" I jogged my way upstairs and slammed the door. I heard him laugh.

"Arghh.. I hate you ahjusshi!!"
"WHAT DO YOU WANT?!!!!!" I yelled as i opened the door.
"Geez lady.. Calm down." He muttered under his breath.
"I heard that. What do you want?"
"Oh right. It's Yoseob's birthday tomorrow at his place and he wants to invite you. Do you wanna come?"
"Ummm.. yeah sure i guess so" I closed the door when he walked to his bedroom.

My phone rang and i answered it.
"Hey Fany~~"
"Hey Sica!"
"So did you hear about Yoseob's birthday??"
"Yup i did"
"Are you going?"
"Yeah. Are you??"
"Mhmm. Hey let's go shopping today!! His party isn't going to be any ordinary party you know. It's gonna have like nearly everyone in our school there and its a dress and tuxedo type."
"Woah... He must be rich."
"Of course probably richer than Junhyung."
"God.. His house must be 10x way better than Junhyung if its going to fit everyone in our entire grade."
"Yup! So meet up at the mall in 15 minutes?"
"Yeah sure!!"
"Alright. Cyas Fany~"
"Bye Sica!"

I picked out the clothing to wear to the mall. I wore a grey singlet that had a mustache thingy.. with denim shorts and black converse high tops. I decided to wear red earrings with a mustache necklace to go with my shirt. I put on a beanie and grabbed my wallet.

I walked out of my room towards Junhyung's.
"Come in!" I heard Junhyung yell.
"Hey i'm gonna go out with Jessica." I'll be back soon."
I gave him a glare and slammed his door.

*At the mall*
Me and Jessica met each other and started shopping for dresses in different shops. We tried on a variety of clothes.

"Let's go on this one!" Jessica pulled me in. "Try this on and this. And these accessories aswell!!" She pushed me inside before i could say anything. "Are you done yet?"
"Yes" I walked out wearing a dress. "I like it.. but we can still look around."
"You look pretty in every dress" Jessica flashed me a smile and gave me thumbs up.
"My turn!! I get to pick out your clothes." I got dressed back into my clothing and picked out a dress for Jessica.
She opened the door.
"I like it.. but i still want to look around"
"Ok!" Jessica got dressed and we decided to buy makeup products. We both walked in and out of shops for 3 hrs. We loved every dress, but we couldn't buy all of the dresses. Finally, we purchased the dresses and accessories. Jessica agreed to coming to my room tomorrow first thing before Yoseob's birthday so we could help each other get ready. We said our goodbyes and went our ways. I was carrying bags of makeup products and clothes. I arrived at the house and dropped onto the couch.

"What a day!!!"
"Oh you're back?" Junhyung appeared out of nowhere. I jumped by his sudden presence.
"What did you buy?"
"For tomorrow?"
"Well you've been gone for quite awhile."
"Mhmmm.. I'm so tired."
"Are you hungry?"
"YES!!!" I jumped up and sat on the dining table where Junhyung was making fried noodles with egg, bokchoy, shrimp and beef. "YUMM!" I screamed. Junhyung just chuckled. "I didn't know you could cook.. I'm horrible at cooking. i burn everything."
"Well.. i did have to learn since i didn't have my parents around. Just because i'm rich doesn't mean i have a maid.You know that's only in dramas"
"Tch.. Trying to brag how wealthy you are." I mumbled under my breath.
"What was that??"
"Nothing!" I flashed a smile. As he turned back to cook i stuck my tongue behind his back.
"I saw that!"
"Saw what?" I was dumbfounded, but trying not to show it.
"There is a reflection in front of me from the tiles on the wall"
"Food's ready." I got up to get the chopsticks and napkins and placed them on the table. I grabbed the plates and scooped the noodles onto them and put them on the table. I sat down and ate my food. Junhyung did the same. It was so silent so i decided to break the silence.
"What are you wearing tomorrow?" I asked.
"Well duh.. You expect me to think that you're going to be at Yoseob's party?"
"Tch..Don't talk to me"
"You asked me first." He replied. I just stuck my tongue at him and turned the TV on.

"Arghh I'm full!" I stood up to get the plates.
"Me too" I started to wash the plates and Junhyung went back upstairs. I started to hum and sing to a song.

Beautiful girls, all over the world~
I could be chasing, But my time would be wasted~
They got nothing on you baby~
Nothing on you baby~
They might say hi~
And i might say hey~
But you shouldn't worry about what they say~
Because they got nothing on you baby~
Nothing on you baby~

I continuosly sang to the song as i scrubbed the dishes, rinsing them and putting them on the rack.

I went to the couch and grabbed the bags from shopping and went to my room. I put the dress into my wardrobe and put the accessories and makeup products with my other accessories and makeup products.

I lay on my bed, not knowing what to do. I fell asleep without knowing i was blacking out. I was excited for tomorrow. And i wasn't sure why...

heheheheh!!! hope you liked it!! Sorry if its too short!! Please subscribe and comment ;)


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Chapter 19: Please Update
Chapter 18: yay they're together! And taceyeon took that very well, surprisingly
Chapter 18: JunFany~~~ <3
Awwwww <3
Update soon author-nimm. Just started reading and I love it <3
Chapter 17: aww.. how about Taecyeon? Finally Tiffany will be with Jun~
Chapter 17: YAAAAAYYY
Chapter 17: wtf. Tiffany, you should at least think about it
jonghyunie143 #7
love the plot..
Chapter 16: Please upload soon because my mum will band me from computer in a few weeks time and i cant read your story
Chapter 16: Poor Junhyung...