Link & Love : 26 "Angels or Devils"

Link & Love


MIYA'S NOTE: Hello Guys! So yeah, a last minute update before we officially welcome the year 2012. I don't wanna kill my dog you know. Lol. I'm sorry I haven't updated for so long and this update isn't that great at all. But I hope you'll all like it.

By the way, here's the result of the poll on which is Jinyoung & Jinwook: RESULT

I didn't expect a lot of you will think Jinyoung is the one on the left and Jinwook is on the right. But yeah, read on and you'll know if you guessed right.



Anyways, I hope this brief summary I prepared for you would be helpful in remembering the past happenings.






After coming back from Jeju Island, Junhyung got together with Yonghee after their tearful confession of feelings. Junhyung's sister came back from the US and they had a dinner meet-up together with Hanbyul, Eunbyul, Yoseob, Doojoon and Dongwoon. Yonghee felt awkward and so Junhyung took her home but she wanted to see Jinkyung's kids and so they went to Jinkyung's house to fetch the kids. In their first ever meeting, Yonghee was smacked by a toy hammer by Junhyung's little niece, Mira.




"Come on, Mira. Say sorry to her." Junhyung begged the little kid. He was looking at her, holding her gently on both of her shoulders. "You shouldn't have done that."



Mira just stared at him with a poker face. She doesn't have any emotions. She was still, and her eyes were looking straight back at him with no feelings at all. She kept closed as she stood there.



"Its okay Junhyung. I wasn't hurt. Just forget about it." I smiled reassuringly as I patted Junhyung's back. The truth was, it did hurt, but only a little. But I can't possibly get angry at Mira for doing that. Maybe she was just shocked when she saw me. And the fact that she is so cute and pretty, with a face just like a little angel, it makes me feel just fine.



I walked towards her and patted her head, "Its okay Mira, I'm not a bad person. From now on, let's just be frie----------"







"Ouch!" I rubbed my right cheek as the toy hammer once again collided with my face. Mira just smacked me again with the toy hammer.



Junhyung immediately grabbed Mira's hand to stop her from hitting me again. He quickly lifted her, "Are you okay, Yonghee? I'm sorry. I'll talk to her. I'll be back." he said. "You two, don't do anything bad to her, or else I'll get Mira to smack your butts with this toy hammer." he snapped at the two boys, as he carried Mira and walked outside the room.



I was left alone with two other angels. I turned to look at them while still rubbing my slightly sore cheek. I smiled as I greeted them happily, "Hello! I'm Yonghee. What are your names? Wow, you two really look alike."


The two boys, which are twins by the way, walked towards me and stopped in front of me. Four identical eyes stared at me. They look so adorable. Big eyes, thin and perfectly curved red lips, chubby cheeks and tall nose. They are like princes from England. They actually look like their mother.



They stared at me for quite sometime before the one on the left spoke, "We have a game for you."



My interest suddenly woke up. "Really, what game?" I asked excitedly.



"Guessing game." said the one on the left. "You have  to guess who is who. One of us is Jinyoung and the other is Jinwook. Just guess if I am Jinwook or if I am Jinyoung. You can ask three questions to help you figure out who we are but we can answer in any way that we want." he explained.



"Is there a price if I get your names right?" I asked.



"Yes. If you get our names correctly, we will be good to you. We won't act like our little sister Mira. We'll play with you and treat you nicely." the right one said.



"And if I get your names wrong? What will happen? Are you gonna smack my face with a toy hammer too?" I asked again, slowly getting on with the game.



"Hmm, if that happens, we will not treat you nicely. We might act like Mira and smack your face with a toy hammer but that's too ordinary. We can do a lot of pranks you know. That's our hobby." the left one answered.



OH GOSH. So a lot is in stake in this little game. I should win if I want to live a normal life. "Wait, how would I know that you'll not be lying when I give you my answer?" I might as well assure that they will not cheat, you know.



"We have names behind our shirt. You can confirm it after you give your answer." right one replied. "Let's start then. Who am I? Jinyoung or Jinwook?" he asked.



This game is really hard. They look alike so much. Their hair, face, body and clothes are all the same. They  don't have any differences. UGH, I'm going nuts.



"Hmmm, so, who's older? You or you?" I asked them.



"Jinyoung is younger than Jinwook." the left one answered.



I think that doesn't help. I should think of a question that will surely help me solve this mystery. "And who plays a lot??" I asked randomly again.



"Jinyoung is more active than Jinwook." the one on the right replied.



OH. This is getting harder and harder. I have one more question left. The questions I asked weren't much of a help. I'm so stupid. 



What should I ask?



"So Jinyoung is more active, is he more talkative than Jinwook?" I asked my last question. I hope this would support my wild guess of who is who.



"I say yes. Jinyoung is a lot more talkative than Jinwook." the one on the right answered.



That's it! I think I know now which is Jinyoung and which is Jinwook. I smirked at them knowingly and they looked at me with firm eyes.



"So, you think you can guess correctly now?" the left one asked.



"Oh, yeah. I think I know. You two can't trick me you know." I said with a big grin on my face.



"So am I Jinyoung or am I Jinwook?" the one on the right asked.



I pointed to the one on the left. "You" I began, "You are Jinwook. This fellow here," I pointed to the right, "this is Jinyoung." I look at them for confirmation. They had their poker faces on and my guts are telling me that I'm 90% right.


"You can still change your answer. Or you can stay with it." the one on the right offered.



"No, I think I stick with my answer. You are Jinyoung and he is Jinwook. Now turn around and let me see your names." I commanded. I saw their faces fell and I knew why as soon as they turned around. The name Jinwook was printed on the left one and Jinyoung on the right.



"HA! I'm actually right! You're tricking me into believing that you're Jinyoung by talking too much." I said victoriously at the one on the left. "And you're pretending to be Jinwook by talking less. HAHAHAHA. I guess I know too many pranks to fall for yours."



They turned to me emotionless faces and I found it really cute so I walked up to them and gave them a big hug. "Don't you worry you little fellas. You did really great and I was almost giving in to your tricks." I genuinely admitted.



"Really noona?" Jinyoung asked, raising one eyebrow at me.



"Of course. At first, I really thought he was Jinyoung and you are Jinwook. But at the last minute, I sensed that maybe you're just acting and tricking me. Nice job boys." I hugged them even tighter and I'm quite surprised that they hugged me back as tight.



"Noona, I like you. You're the first person who told us apart. Even Uncle Junhyung can't tell us apart." Jinyoung said, hugging me tighter as ever.



I noticed Jinwook being silent and turned to him. "How about our Jinwookie here? Do you like me too?" I asked. He slightly smiled and nodded. He looked so cute that I couldn't help but hug him.



Suddenly, the door opened and I saw Junhyung coming towards us. His eyes widened when he saw me hugging the twins. I look up at him, still holding the twins in both of my arms.



"What happened here? Why are you guys having a group hug? They're supposed to, uhmm, play pranks on you, you know?" He asked, confusion written all over his face.



I stood up and the boys stood on either side of me. "Well, I guess my charm infiltrated their minds 'coz we're nothing but best buds now."



"What? How can that be? Nobody gets close to them except their parents, Mira and Me." he stated, still the look of disbelief present on his face.



"Uncle, we really like noona. She's so cool." Jinyoung said, holding my right hand tighly while smiling.



"Okay. Now you guys need to sleep too. Mira's asleep and you two go to your rooms and sleep. I'll take Yonghee home now." he declared.


I swear I saw two cute little angels when the twins pouted when they heard I'm going home. "Can't Noona stay here for the night?" Jinyoung asked.



"No." Junhyung answered firmly.

"Please Uncle. I wanna sleep with noona tonight." Jinyoung insisted. But Junhyung declined again.



"Noona, please stay." Jinwook suddenly spoke. I swear i felt something tug in my heart when I saw his big puppy eyes.



My knees felt weak and my heart soften at the sight and I turned to Junhyung, "Awww, can't I stay here for the night?" I asked silently.



Junhyung looked at me confusedly but he then softened up and gave in when I blinked at him twice. HA! I guess I've got some aegyo in me too.



"Ok. But only for tonight. Okay?" He agreed.



"Yeheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey!" Jinyoung jumped and and hugged me. Jinwook followed behind and hugged me too. I broke the hug and let them guide me to the room. I turned to Junhyung, who was smiling at us, and bid him goodbye. He waved back and smiled at me. OH GOSH, he looked so handsome!



Jinyoung and Jinwook  led me to their room and they plopped their little bodies on the bed. Jinyoung laid on the left side and Jinwook on the right. I suddenly wondered where I would sleep.



"Noona, sleep here." he tapped the space in the middle.



"Uhhh, okay," I said hesitantly. But well, since they're so cute, I might as well sleep there and hug them as tightly as possible.



- - - - 






"You look real tired Yonghee. Did you not get enough sleep last night?" Jieun asked, while munching away here Pesto. We, together with Yoseob, Junghyung and the others are at the cafeteria, eating our lunch.



"I can't sleep. I ended up sleeping at Jinkyung unni's house together with the twins. The kids were moving around so much. I couldn't sleep in peace." I said bitterly.



"Told you I'd take you home but you insisted on sleeping with them." Junhyung chuckled as he ate his burger.



"I didn't know they sleep that way. You didn't tell me either." I answered angrily at him.



"Oh well, You didn't ask." he replied, not bothering to look at me.



"I still can't believe Yonghee and the Twins became close in such short time. We aren't even close to them." Yoseob said and Doojoon and Dongwoon agreed.



In the midst of our discussion, a girl suddenly came to our table. We all turned to her as she spoke, "Yang Yoseob, its you right?" she asked, looking at Yoseob.



"I'm sorry but who are you?" Yoseob asked, looking at her face and trying to remember her.



"Kim Yeonhee. Remember?" She asked.



"Kim Yeonhee?" he repeated, frowning his forehead. Then his face lighten up, "Oh, I remember! The girl in that coffee shop!" he said.



"Yes! You remembered!" Yeonhee said happily.



"So, what are you doing here? Do you study here?" he asked.



"I've transferred schools so yes, I guess I'll be seeing you around more often." she answered.



"Oh. By the way, these are my friends. Doojoon, Dongwoon, Junhyung Yonghee and Jieun." He introduced us all and we all smiled back at Yeonhee.



"Nice to meet all of you. I'll get going now. I need to do something." she said and waved goodbye to us. We all waved back except for one.



Jieun just hung her head low.




What happened?






Before I forget, I'mma greet you all a HAPPY NEW YEAR! God bless all of you!

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Macchiato_Baby #1
Chapter 34: I know it's already 2017, but I hope you will update soon :)
Happy new year to u too ^^
LOVE this fic ! <3<br />
:'><br />
<br />
Jieun's jealous~! :P
Oh yeah! an update!!(:<br />
Gah! i love yonghee so much!!<br />
Update soon~
SummerLuv #5
LOL , i love the twins !
OMG! Kwak Min Jun!! And the twins are like Kaoru and Hikaru from Ouran!!<br />
Awesome fanfic!
Yeolda #7
You're a troll! I thought you updated ㅠ-ㅠ Update SOON. If you don't, Imma hunt you down and kill your dog for you ^-^ Just kidding, I'll never be able to kill an animal. Again, please update soon.
I'll wait too :)
I'LL WAIT~~~~! <3 ^^
chocohime #10
love how park yong hee is in this ^^<br />
subbing now!