Dae Hyun

Summer Love Times 2


My first instinct was to go and find a first-aid kit, but where in this heck-of-a-enormous room am I going to find one?! 

"Shin....Hye..ah..", a voice moaned. Need to turn on the lights! B-but I have...n-nyctophobia. SHIN HYE! THIS IS THE TIME TO FACE YOUR FEAR! OK! FIGHTING! I dashed towards the light switch then used my fingers to flick 'on' on one of the switches, with my eyes shut taughtly. *WHEEWW* Even though I did ran across the the room, my heart was still pounding against my chest.... 

"Shin...H-hye..", another moaned. Oh, better open my eyes now. My eyes flew open, the sight before me was quite...surprising. Kai had a black eye and bruised cheekbones, Kris was sporting some messy red lipstick, aka trickling blood, and a wounded hand. Last but not least, Suho was clutching his stomach and had red cheek. Oh dear. FIGHT?!

" *GASP*, I'll go get a first-aid kit!", I told them. WAIT!I have one in my purse! I pulled it out and took out all that was necessary. I should start with Kris, he sems the worst. I grabbed a tissue and wiped the blood away from his lips, the fact that I was looking at his lips right now made me go red. Oh Shin Hye....I un-wrapped the bandage and wrapped it around Kris's hand, poor him. I moved onto Suho, I applied some bruising cream across his skin and gave him some pain killers. Then Kai was last. I got the bruising cream again and dabbed it on his cheekbones, he flinched, and then his black eye....I can use the warmth from my hand to relieve some of the swelling. I gently rolled my finger on his eye for a few seconds, I was unaware that my face was dangerously close to his, and then I felt a soft peck on my cheek. D-DID HE J-JUST? K-K-KISS? I backed off immediately, then got busy cleaning up the bandages, creams and medicine. I put the kit back in my purse and turned to face the 3 guys.

"You guys should go rest now, your bruises need time to heal, especially yours Kris.", I directed, Kris's bruise was by far the worst of the bunch, the bruise was almost black. Suho tried to stand up but fell right back down. I flashed over to him holding his arms to support him. 

"Sorry, Shin Hye-ah.", even though Suho was hurt he tried to make out the smile he usually wore. *SIGH* Suho oppa....when will you ever learn? 

"Oppa, you have nothing to apologize about." I helped him up, he couldn't stand straight because it hurts to straighten out his stomach. He was hunched over and his left arm was flung across my shoulder. He was heavier then me, but I could take him.

"Do you guys need any help?", I asked, looking at the step-brothers. They nodded their heads in unison. I chuckled at the sight, they were cute sometimes. Kai glared at me, perhaps he heard my chuckle. Oh well. 

Me and Suho oppa were just walking for a few seconds when the door flew open, literally. A boy of my age appeared, wearing the cutest domo sweater ever.  

"Shin Hye! What happened here? I heard voices on my way to the cafe...are you guys okay?"

"We're fine..ummm...not to be rude or anything...who are you?"

"Dae Hyun! We have the same classes together!"

"OH~ Jang Dae Hyun? Nice to meet you."

"If you don't mind I'm helping Suho oppa out right now soo.."

"Ok, no worries. I'll see you in class!", and with that he waved goodbye brightly. He was cute! 


It was HIM. The guy that made all of us suffer. Did he think he could mess around with us? He should've been more careful because I could see the band of blue along his shoe, identical to the scuff marks on the wooden floor of the MPR when he punched me. Who was he trying to fool because he would NEVER fool me. My iq is 146. NO ONE can fool me. Probaby just another guy who has an extreme crush on Shin Hye. Well, he came too late, she's already mine. Oh~ Kai. I saw what you did there little brother, smart AND dumb move. I'm not mad at him for kissing Shin Hye, I mean, he has hormones too. And when she's as close as that you can't help it, and it was just a peck, not like a make out session or anything, but if it was make session-ish, I will kill him. Just kidding. Or not. 


I don't know what lead me to kiss her like that. It was only a peck, hope Kris hyung doesn't mind. I couldn't resist. I LOVED her.

A/N: This chapter was rushed TT^TT Sozzy! My mom needed to go to the market so....

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Chapter 3: waaa... I love this story...... I wanna read thiss...
elliptical #2
Congrats! ^^
Congrats on the feature!
Kai and kris are my top list bias xD haha thanks authornim
congratulations on the feature <333
lovelyme23 #7
--bunhong #8
Congrats! x
CookiePanda1 #9
milkytwilight_ #10