A Chance

Summer Love Times 2


Even though it was summer already, there was nothing 'summery' at all about the weather today. The clouds were a charcoal shade of grey, threatening to pour any second now. I hope there was no thunder or lightning because...*sigh* I have astraphobia. I was sitting on the couch right beside the window, staring blankly into nothing. It's the end of June, but it's acting like it's in the middle of December. I checked my phone for the weather. 50 degrees farenheit. I was wearing black leggings , a fitted, cream long sleeve shirt that came to my mid thigh, a indigo blue sweater that let the cream shirt peek out from , and cozy socks. I was still freezing. One.....Two.....Three. 3 drops first, then came the rest of the storm. It was pouring like no other right now, what to do. I took my ipad and started Temple Run. I ran away from the gorillas, hopping and jumping as fast as my fingers could navigate my avatar. 50 more coins until I beat my high score....35 more....15 more.....5 more....*CRRRRRAACKKK* I threw my ipad  20 miles across the room. That was lightning.....and once lightning strikes thunder is gonna follow sooner or later....*BBOOOOOOMMMM* The thunder rumbled louder and louder, making me do whats only natural of an astraphobic

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!" I let out a blood curdling scream. My body was shaking furociously. My astraphobia wasn't this bad when I was younger, I don't know how it grew so much. Thunder and lightning was booming, cracklling, without stopping now. Every part of my body has gone cold, colder than ice, if thats even possible. I could tell I was pale even without a mirror. Then before I thoght it couldn't get any worse....BLACK. Complete and utter darkness. Another thing I have is nyctophobia. Woohoo for me. My best day EVER. 

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!" I screamed even louder trying to mask the roar of lightning and thnder under my scream. I failed tremendously. 


The day sure was gloomy today. I'm just laying here, on my bed. My arm was laid gently across my forehead, my eyes were closed. I was just relaxing today.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!" I sat up immediately because I knew who that scream belonged to. Shin Hye wait for me. I'm coming. I put on a sweater over my long sleeve shirt to protect myself from the blasted iciness outside and bolted out the door. Luckily her dorm wasn't far from mine. I ran to her dorm. I didn't need to knock because I know she wouldn't be able to open the door if I did. I knew she had astraphobia and nyctophobia. No normal person woud scream that loud just because of thunder and lightning and no normal person would scream that loud when there was a black out. I grabbed the handle and twisted it. Why did it have to be so damn black here?! How am I going to find her? I know that if I don't find her soon she'll be in huge trouble. Not that she wasn't already. Then I heard something.....was she crying? I heard sniffles and sobs. I followed the sound and it lead me to the window. There she was. On the floor with her head burried in her knees while her arms wrapped around them. I bent down on my knees and took her into my arms. I embraced her, protecting her from her fears.

"It's okay, I'm here....shhh...it's okay...", I said gently. I could see she recognized my voice because she snuggled deeper into my chest and breathed out deeply. *BBBOOOOMM* *CCRRRRAACKKK* BBBBOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMM* She threw her arms around my waist and broke out into tears. I hugged her even tighter because I could see that hugging something was calming her anxiety. She cried while I continued comforting her with whispers of "It's okays". My heart was thumping this very minute just because of having her here with me. I've fallen...deep...I don't think I'll ever get up again. She made me fall so hard..for her.


I knew who that person was. I was relieved when he pulled me into his strong yet gentle embrace. He comforted me, pulling me in when he knew thunder and lightning was gonna strike, my hair when I was crying, and hugging me tight when the vicious storm roared. I haven't opened my eyes for a second since the black out, but I knew who it was that was caring for me. Who was calming me from this chaos. Who was making me fall for him every second thats gone by. 

I questioned myself. Did I really like Suho? Because the person here with me right now made me feel comforted. Special. Loved. Suho made me feel happy and made me laugh. He made me comfortable. I think I only said I liked him to Kai and Kris because I THOUGHT I liked him. Not because I truly liked him. I didn't know what it felt like to like someone then. Now I do. Thank You for making me realize I, Yoon Shin Hye, have fallen for you.

 After about 30 minutes of roaring crackling, booming, and crackling, I could tell the storm was subsided. Thank goodness. The rain was still pouring heavily, but that I can handle. Awwww noooo, I could feel his sweater was wet, from MY tears. I touched it the wet part, man I must've sobbed really hard.

"Here let me go get you a new shirt.", I said finally opening my eyes. DUMB IDEA. STUPID IDEA. THERE WAS STILL A FRICKIN BLACK OUT! 

"AAIIIIEE!" I screamed once more, bewildered because I saw black nothingness. My stupid brain didn't want to think did it?

He came to me quickly and enveloped my body with his. "Shhhh...it's okay...You must be tired..." He lifted my body into his arms with ease and carried me into my room bridal style. I could feel his muscular arms carrying me, they were hard. His chest was firm too. I landed on my bed ever so slightly. He pulled my blankets up for me, ohh how I wished the lights were on right now so I could see his beautiful face. Please god, just let the lights go one. Please.

"Shin Hye...the lights are on. You can open your eyes now..", he said. I slowly opened my eyes, which was quite a difficult process for me because the tears that poured out and all that time I spent closing my eyes combined together to make my tears act as glue. I fluttered my eyes open, my eyes tearing up a bit because it made my dried up tears crack a bit, I could see light and a figure beside me. 

"I'll leave so you can have some rest. If you need anything my number is on the desk. Feel free to give me a call whenever. Okay, then rest well, I'l always be there for you if you need me.", he said. He bent down and laid a soft kiss on my forehead. He smiled warmly at me.. he looks like an angel when he smiled. He stood up to walk towards the door, but then there was a sudden tug on my heart. He couldn't leave, not now. 

I grabbed his wrists, stopping him from going any further. "Stay...stay...with me...." Please stay.

He turned back and replied softly, "Anything for you...of course." He got on the bed and layed half down. He was still upright at the waist but his legs were lying on the bed. He wrapped his arm around me and I cuddled closer to him, his scent making me calm and relaxed. A blend of citrus and mint. He was so warm too. 



Thank you...for eveything"

"My pleasure." We hugged even deeper and closer, even though the thunder and lightning stopped, that doesn't mean the storm wasn't loud. It was deafening. The led lights on my electric clock read 9:47pm. Might as well sleep. I closed my eyes and drifted into sleep, feeling assured because the person who cared for me was right here. Always here.

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Chapter 3: waaa... I love this story...... I wanna read thiss...
elliptical #2
Congrats! ^^
Congrats on the feature!
Kai and kris are my top list bias xD haha thanks authornim
congratulations on the feature <333
lovelyme23 #7
--bunhong #8
Congrats! x
CookiePanda1 #9
milkytwilight_ #10