Chapter 3

I Just Don't Know Anymore

{ Eunjin POV }


I awoke to the light glow of the morning sun streaming through the thin curtains. Turning in the bed I looked at the alarm clock with heavy eyes. Seven thirty, Minhyuk would be awake soon so it was time to get up and make him breakfast, as I do every morning. I sat up and attempted to yawn but I quickly closed my mouth with a yelp as a sharp pain ran through my cheek. The slap Minhyuk had given me yesterday, it must have already bruised. I held my cheek and made my way over to the door length mirror on the wall. Just as I thought, a large purple bruise had started to blossom across my cheekbone. Sighing I reached for my concealer and powder and started to apply a liberal amount, but not too much, to cover up my latest sign of ‘affection’.


A movement from the bed caught my attention and looking into the mirror again, I saw Minhyuk shuffling towards me. Trying to work up some bravado, I faced him and tried to act normal. But he did something rather peculiar, something he hadn’t done in a long time. Now standing in front of me he raised his hand and gently my cheek where the bruise was forming. I had my eyes screwed shut fearing that he was going to strike me again, but the gentle touch made me snap them open. Taken a back, I looked up to see his eyes staring back at me with an emotion I had never come across before. His eyes did not look sorry, but they had no hint of anger or resentment either, they just looked flat and lost. I don’t know what made me do what I did next. I reached up on my tip toes and planted a soft kiss on his lips, making him stall for a moment but then kiss me back just as delicately. For a moment I forgot about the bruise and all the other injuries he had given me over the years and though back to when we had first started dating. I loved him, that was a no brainer, but I’m confused as to my feelings for him now. Do I still love him?


Minhyuk was the first to pull away. He looked at me one more time with those eyes before turning away and walking into the bathroom. I was left standing there trying to organise my scattered thoughts, only coming back into focus when I heard the shower start. Shaking my head to get rid of the thoughts I quickly changed out of my pyjamas and into a pair of shorts and a t-shirt and ran to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. I was just spreading some strawberry jam onto a slice of toast when Minhyuk came out of the bathroom, dressed in a dark grey suit with a crisp white shirt and navy tie. He sat at the small glass-toped table and switched on the TV to some music channel. I placed a plate of eggs and toast on the table in front of him and sat down on the opposite end to him. There was no noise between us besides the TV and cutlery on plates, anyone else would think of the silence as awkward but I had gotten used to it over time. About ten minutes later Minhyuk had placed his plate in the sink and was standing in the entrance slipping on his shoes all ready for work. All I knew about Minhyuk’s job was that he was a car salesman, but I didn’t know for which company. I walked over and handed him his car keys without a word, only earning a nod and a touch on the cheek again before he strutted out the door and into the elevator.



Today I would sneak out. It wouldn’t be the first time I went out without Minhyuk; I snuck out of the apartment about four days a week while Minhyuk was at work. I wasn’t going to sit in the apartment all day like a caged animal. I had to get out and do something with my time otherwise I’d go mad. After waiting for a few minutes I grabbed my handbag from the bedroom and slipped on a pair of sandals. I picked up one of my old lace up joggers and removed the sole from it. Underneath was the spare house key I hid from Minhyuk, it was literally my key to freedom. Stepping out of the door I walked down the deserted hallway and into the elevator, pressing the button for the ground floor. I would go and see my best friend, Minyoung, today as I hadn’t seen her in about a week. Minyoung was very wise for her age, though at times she could be quite hard headed. But we had been best friends since high school so I didn’t care about her flaws, she was too important to me.


Walking down the sidewalk I smiled to myself and greeted all the stall owners on the way. I felt elated at the idea of seeing my friend again and it was as though this morning’s events had been pushed to the back of my mind. Finally after walking for about fifteen minutes I arrived at Minyoung’s apartment complex, and dashed up the stairs to her floor. I only had to knock once before the door flew open and Minyoung launched herself at me, enveloping me in a bone crushing hug.

“Minyoung! Can’t---breathe!” I gasped and she let me go with a wide smile on her beautiful features.

“It’s about time you came around! I was beginning to think you’d forgotten about me.” Minyoung pouted and crossed her arms in fake seriousness.

“Well, I’m here now so shut up and let me in before I leave.” I said in a joking manner.

She ushered me inside and sat me down on the lounge while she prepared bowls of snacks and drinks.



I looked around Minyoung’s lounge room in awe; everywhere was a neatly placed photo frame containing some precious memory. One ornamental frame caught my attention so I walked over to the small table it stood on and gently picked it up. It was a picture of Minyoung and I when we were teenagers; I think it was taken at her sixteenth birthday party. We had our arms around each other shoulders and large smiles covered our faces, we both had silly expressions on like sticking out our tongue or going cross eyed. I laughed lightly at the memory, remembering what it was like to be so carefree. I sat back down on the lounge just as Minyoung returned with a mountain of bowls and plates balanced on her arms.

“I see that waitressing job has taught you something.” I laughed while plucking a large plastic bowl off of her arm and placing it on the coffee table.

“At least I have a job!” She retorted and plopped down next to me, grabbing the TV remote and switching it on to some drama. ‘If only I could have a job.’ I thought sadly. Sneaking out almost everyday was risky enough already, getting a job would just be suicide.


Minyoung and I laughed and talked for hours, just catching up and talking about life in general. Minyoung told me about her new job and this guy she thinks is interested in her, I mean who wouldn’t be interested. She was practically a goddess; I’m surprised she doesn’t have any guys knocking down her door every five seconds. It was all fun and games until the conversation turned into one about my life. I lied and said everything was fine and Minhyuk was taking good care of me. Minyoung had never liked Minhyuk, so she always brought up the idea that I should dump him and go out with some other guy. I was always tempted to spill everything about mine and Minhyuk’s relationship, but I had to hold my tongue. I had no idea of what Minhyuk was capable of doing, but I certainly didn’t want to find out.


Soon the sun was setting, signalling me it was time to leave. I stood up and helped to carry all the bowls and plates to the kitchen, then stepping out the front door and hugging Minyoung goodbye.

“Now you take care of yourself, I don’t trust that Minhyuk. My brother is still single and-“

“I’ll be fine, okay? And no, I’m not going to date your brother! He’s eight years older than me!” I cut her off and waved as I skipped down the stairs and onto the sidewalk. Now the streets were crowded with people coming home from their jobs, their families waiting for them. ‘If only I could live like that.’



Once I reached my apartment I searched through my bag for the spare key and shoved it into the lock. Slamming the door behind me I snatched the jogger off the floor and placed the key back under the sole before throwing it down again and running to get dinner started. The sound of the front door opening and closing a few minutes later signalled Minhyuk’s arrival. ‘Today was a close one.’ I thought, not looking up from the pot of rice I was washing. I called out to him in as cheery voice as I could muster.

“Welcome home.” I shouted while placing the pot in the cooker and getting out the frying pan.

“Yeah, thanks. How was your day?” Minhyuk asked me in a monotone voice while he undid his tie and draped his suit jacket over the back of a chair.

“Oh, it was fine. What about yours?”

“It was ok. What’s for dinner?”

“Honey-lemon chicken and rice. Is that ok?” I asked, finally turning around to face him. Instead of an answer he walked towards me and pulled me into his arms in a gentle embrace. It confused me at first but I soon gave in and wrapped my arms around him. I closed my eyes and breathed in, inhaling his scent.

“I’m sorry.” He whispered against my hair. My eyes snapped open and I tried to process what he had just said. ‘Did he say he was sorry?’ I thought in disbelief. Minhyuk hardly ever apologised to anyone, let alone me.


Minhyuk let me go and looked at me intently for a moment before turning away and walking into the bedroom. I sat at the dining table and placed my head on the cold glass top, the flurry of emotions ripping through my mind. I was so confused at that moment, ‘Why does he do these things? One minute he rages at me, the next he acts as though I’m the most precious thing in the world!’ I sighed in frustration and returned to the kitchen, flipping the chicken in the pan.


Little did I know, I did mean something to Minhyuk. But I wouldn’t know that just yet…

Hello again! How was it, sorry if the story is moving ahead slowly.

A special thank you to Silent_rEadEr95. Thank you so much for your comments!


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[ I Just Don't Know Anymore ] I'm sorry for making Minhyuk the bad guy everyone! Please, trust me and hang on, soon he'll be good. Please keep reading! :D


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StayLeeForever #1
Chapter 32: OMG. What a story... I swear I don't even know how to describe how it is! Like it's not those stories that end the mainstream way but then again it doesn't end in the way you expect it too! WAOW. Purely awesome!!!
Chapter 32: Really great story!!! I'm sad I finished it. Your story is awesome!!!! :D
EpicPinkPanther #3
Chapter 32: ^^ I wonder what Eunjin's and Minhyuk's reaction would be when their daughter and son, Eunjin and Minhyuk fell in love while attending Kindy!kekeke
BeasTOB1a4 #4
Chapter 32: Aww!! That's so sweet of an ending! It's not too cliched at the end but I loved your story so much! I'm kinda sad that's it's over :( but this was such a great story I don't really care that it's over! Just happy that they both ended up happy :) well done!!!
Chapter 32: Nice endiiiiing! Huhu, too bad they didn't greet each other, so saaad but so sweet at the times to know they named their child with each other's name ㅠㅠㅠㅠ should you make a sequel? Between little Eunjin & little Minhyuk at the same kindergarden lol I'm kidding ;3

You did a great jooooob!! Thank you for making this story!!^^ Keep hwaiting!
Chapter 32: Loved the ending...this story is great.. XD
Chapter 31: Awwwh. Its gonna end already. :') I am glad Minhyuk turned better but somehow feel a little sad for him. But, all's good. :D I hope the end is good! Anticipating it! But no pressure alright. Haha. Fighting!!