Chapter 20

I Just Don't Know Anymore

{ Eunjin POV }


“Okay..yes..I’ll call you next week. Love you too.” I pressed the end button on my mobile and turned my attention back to the TV. My mother had just called me and gave me a lecture on how I’m “ignoring Sungjae”. It’s not my fault my life is falling to pieces. Mum had forced me to take Sungjae out somewhere this weekend with his friends. Great, I’d be playing baby sitter…and liar.


I flicked through the TV channels but chucked the remote away when nothing good was on. For the past hour I’d been throwing things and punching whatever was close enough; everything just irritated the crap out of me. At five forty Minhyuk walked in the door and collapsed on the lounge next to me. ‘“What if I find a place, somewhere secluded where we can live happily ever after?”’ Fantastic, now I’m having flashbacks. I squeezed the pillow in my arms so hard I thought it would split from my fingernails.


Taking a side glance at Minhyuk I actually saw what he looked like these days. He was pale and dark stubble grew over his jaw. His eyes looked sunken and dark bags were present. ‘God, what has he been doing to himself?’  Minhyuk didn’t notice my gaze and stared at the ceiling with clouded eyes. I guess you could say I felt guilty, as I had probably caused his change in appearance, so I stood up and entered the kitchen and grabbed the cordless phone.


Dialling the number for the local Chinese I ordered Minhyuk’s favourite, peanut satay squid with egg noodles and boiled rice. I ordered myself a plain omelette with flat rice noodles. The man said it would be thirty minutes so I got out two bowls and cutlery. I know, food is no way to silently apologise to someone but I can’t do anything else, can I?


Thirty five minutes later the doorbell rung and I rushed from the kitchen to the door. The delivery boy apologised for being late and I handed over the money with a tip. After dishing everything out I walked back into the lounge room and set a bowl in front of Minhyuk on the coffee table. He hadn’t moved since I left him but he sat up and we both ate in silence; which made things even more awkward. If we had to stay like this for God knows how long I think I’d go insane.


After I had finished washing up I sat back on the lounge with Minhyuk and stared at him.

“Aren’t you going to change?” I asked noticing he was still wearing his suit and tie. He just shook his head and kept staring at the TV.

“Anyway, Mum wants me to take Sungjae and his friends somewhere on the weekend.” I told him while taking a sip of coke. I heard an ‘eung’ sound which I assume was ‘okay’.

“So, where should we take them?” I probed hoping for more than “I don’t know”.

“Wherever they want.” Was the only response I received before he dragged himself into the bedroom and collapsing on the bed. I sighed and leaned my head against the back of the lounge. How long can I really keep this up?





“Sungjae! Wake up, dammit!” I yelled while pounding on the door. It was already ten thirty but neither he nor any of his roommates were awake. Minhyuk stood behind me with a tired expression as I threw my fist against the door again. Finally the door cracked open and Sungjae’s sleepy face peered out from behind the chain lock.

“Eunjin, it’s too early. Come back later.” He mumbled and attempted to close the door but I grabbed it and reached in to slide the chain out. Sungjae just mumbled some more and shuffled into the small kitchen and drinking straight out of the milk carton.

“God, use a cup. Get everyone up and dressed, we’re leaving in ten minutes.” I snatched the carton out of his hand and pushed him into his bedroom where Aron and Dongho were still fast asleep.


Minhyuk kept close to me the whole time while the boys rushed around trying to find clothes and clean socks. Maybe it was because he was anti social or, the more logical choice, over protective. He still hadn’t forgotten about the whole Jihoon incident so he was a cautious as ever.

“Hey, where’s Jihoon?” I asked Dongho while he searched for two matching socks. Not that I wanted Jihoon around but I still wanted to know what had happened.

“Oh, he moved out and went back to his family in Incheon. He said something about being bullied but we never saw that happen to him” Dongho said absently while putting on one blue sock and one black. Well, at least I don’t have to worry about him anymore.


The boys said they wanted to go laser tagging so we drove to the large building situated in the city centre. The car ride there was far from relaxing with three teenage boys in the back seat; I tell you, if Mum and Dad knew half the things Sungjae said they’d lock him in a room for the rest of his life.


We arrived to find the place almost filled with people of all ages. The boys were convincing me to join a game with them so I agreed; I needed to do something fun.

“Do you want to play too?” I asked Minhyuk but he shook his head and sat in a faded leather seat next to the counter. I should have known he wouldn’t play.


The four of us entered the small room where the vests and guns were held and we picked one out before strapping it on. An employee gave us a talk on how to hold the gun, how to win and the game rules. The boys had begun chatting with some other teenagers who would also be in the game and I could tell they would gang up on me. The flashing lights and music began and we all ran off in different directions while shooting wildly at each other. The game went on for half and hour and I came in tenth out of the twenty people who played.


We walked back out to Minhyuk who sat glumly on the same seat near the counter.

“We’re going now.” I said while pushing the boys out of the door. Minhyuk followed us out and we walked to the shopping centre where we had lunch. I watched blankly as the boys played around and laughed loudly. If only I could be like that. Soon after we headed back to the dorm and dropped the three off before going back to the apartment. It had been a fun day out, I admit, but yesterday’s confession with Eunkwang still hung in my mind like storm clouds.


The rest of the night went by slowly and not a word was passed between us. I guess I would have to get used to it if I were to keep my charade up.

Sup everyone! Next chapter is up so I hope you all like it.

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[ I Just Don't Know Anymore ] I'm sorry for making Minhyuk the bad guy everyone! Please, trust me and hang on, soon he'll be good. Please keep reading! :D


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StayLeeForever #1
Chapter 32: OMG. What a story... I swear I don't even know how to describe how it is! Like it's not those stories that end the mainstream way but then again it doesn't end in the way you expect it too! WAOW. Purely awesome!!!
Chapter 32: Really great story!!! I'm sad I finished it. Your story is awesome!!!! :D
EpicPinkPanther #3
Chapter 32: ^^ I wonder what Eunjin's and Minhyuk's reaction would be when their daughter and son, Eunjin and Minhyuk fell in love while attending Kindy!kekeke
BeasTOB1a4 #4
Chapter 32: Aww!! That's so sweet of an ending! It's not too cliched at the end but I loved your story so much! I'm kinda sad that's it's over :( but this was such a great story I don't really care that it's over! Just happy that they both ended up happy :) well done!!!
Chapter 32: Nice endiiiiing! Huhu, too bad they didn't greet each other, so saaad but so sweet at the times to know they named their child with each other's name ㅠㅠㅠㅠ should you make a sequel? Between little Eunjin & little Minhyuk at the same kindergarden lol I'm kidding ;3

You did a great jooooob!! Thank you for making this story!!^^ Keep hwaiting!
Chapter 32: Loved the ending...this story is great.. XD
Chapter 31: Awwwh. Its gonna end already. :') I am glad Minhyuk turned better but somehow feel a little sad for him. But, all's good. :D I hope the end is good! Anticipating it! But no pressure alright. Haha. Fighting!!