
Somewhere Only We Know

"Rin, I'm so bored. Can't I just come over?" Seunghyun whined through the phone.

"You can't, pabo. I'm grounded. That means I can't leave the house and I can't have anyone over."

He sighed loudly.

"You're the one that's grounded, but I have to suffer too."

I could just imagine him pouting on the other side. I stifled a giggle.

"How about we watch a movie together then?" I suggested in excitement.

"But you just said-"

"We could play it at the same time and just talk to eachother through the phone while watching it. It's kinda like watching it together." I pointed out.

"Okay!" He exclaimed, liking the idea.

For the next twenty minutes, we tried again and again to get the video on Youtube to play at the same time. Even one second's difference between our videos

wasn't tolerated. We tried like a million times before we finally got both our videos to play simultaneously.

"YAY!" I cheered, earning a laugh from Seunghyun.

"But Rin...Why must we watch horror? My mom's downstairs. I'm alone on the second floor."

I laughed, teasing Seunghyun.

"You're such a coward! Man up, will you?!"

Ten minutes into the movie, I screamed and dropped the phone. I could hear Seunghyun worriedly call my name but I was too busy trying to stop the video with my eyes closed to pick up the phone. A minute later, someone was knocking frantically on my front door. I ran downstairs to see my mother holding the door open for Seunghyun.

"What's going on?" My mum asked.

"We were on the phone while watching a movie..." Seunghyun mumbled, having trouble explaining our situation. My mother gave him a skeptical look.

"Why didn't you just come over?" She asked. My eyes widened.

"You said I was grounded!"

"Well Seunghyun's fine. It's not like he's an outsider anyway." she reasoned. Seunghyun smiled to that, proud to be acknowledged as special.

"Ok!" I gladly said, pulling Seunghyun with me as I headed up the stairs.

"Oh by the way," my mother spoke, "You being grounded means you shouldn't even be on the phone."

"Oops." Seunghyun and I muttered at the same time.



The single knock on my door sent me jerking up from sleep instantly.

"Haerin noona, breakfast is ready!" Seungri chirped.

I looked around me to realize that I was in the comfort of my room. I had no idea how I got there.

"I'll be right down." I informed.

I thought back about last night. Seunghyun and I sat in backyard, pretending everything was okay again...until I brought up Hwayoung. We kept silent after that. I must have fallen asleep and Seunghyun must have brought me up to my room. I heaved a sigh upon realizing that it all ended there. But not wanting to let the pain bring me down first thing in the morning, I braced myself and headed down for breakfast after washing up.

The guys were all seated at the table, awaiting my arrival. As I slowly made my way down the stairs, their gaze on me made me feel like a princess. Except that I wasn't...Not anymore.

"Good morning, noona." Daesung greeted, his eyes disappearing into thin lines as he smiled with such glee.

"Good morning!" I cheerfully returned the greeting as I sat down at my place.

"Top hyung made all these." Seungri announced proudly, watching my reaction. I stole a glance at Seunghyun, only to look away as soon as our eyes met.

"I just wanted to thank you for yesterday..." he said with a grateful smile. I nodded, my mind elsewhere.

After breakfast, Daesung and Seungri automatically went up to their room without a word, I looked at Taeyang, curious to see his reaction to that. I had expected him to reprimand the boys for being rude or to question their hurry. But he was indifferent to it.

"Haerin, you should go up and check on them. They're getting quite out of hand these days." Jiyong suggested. But something in his smile made me doubt his words. My eyes darted between Taeyang and Seunghyun, hoping to get some clues. While Taeyang simply looked away, Seunghy- No… Top smirked, giving me bad vibes. Even so, I stood up and headed to their room to find some answers myself.

Stopping outside their door, I saw Daesung and Seungri holding up a huge card, smiling brightly at me. Each letter written with a different colored ink, was a huge 'Welcome Home, Haerin!'

I took a step forward, taking the card out of their hands so I could read the contents. As I flipped the cover page open, I was awed by the short messages filling the entire card in multiple colors and in random order. My eyes scanned through the messy page, reading a few of the messages.


'I'm so glad I have a noona now! I'll make noona glad to have a handsome dongsaeng like me!

- Lovely Seungri "


"Haerin-ah! I want the old Haerin back! The one that would roll her eyes at me and bug me till I give in to her demands. The one that wouldn't cry even if the sky fell.

- Kwon Leader~"


"Haerin noona is prettiest when she is smiling or laughing out loud, even if it's unlady-like. Because she is cool like that. Doesn't matter if she isn't like that anymore. Daesung the great will made his beloved noona cool again.

- Dae"


"Haerin... We are a family. Always remember that. We love you!

- Taeyang"


"Haerin cutie, do you need a hug? (;

-T.O.P "


All those times I thought they were playing videos games in their room, they were actually spilling their hearts out on paper just so they can see me smile again. I held tightly onto the card, not knowing what to say. I never thought my unhappiness would affect the guys so much. Returning after so many years, I felt a great distance between the guys and I. I wanted to be independent, and not to burden them during my stay. Yet I didn't realize that somehow, they all knew how vulnerable I've been. Despite me trying to lie, even to myself, they saw through it.

I turned to find Jiyong, Taeyang and Seunghyun standing behind me with comforting smiles. I let a tear fall, hanging my head low as I held the card to my chest.

"Aigoo, don't cry, Haerin! It was supposed to make you smile!" Jiyong cooed, my back.

"Noona, you've been crying too much!" Seungri said, almost as if complaining.

"Mianhae...I can't help it."

"Haerin cutie..." Seunghyun spoke up, grabbing my attention. I looked up at him. Without a word, he pulled me closer and patted my head softly like I used to do to him whenever he cried. I could feel his breath on my forehead as he comforted me so gently, reminding me of last night, when he enveloped me in his embrace. Every second of contact felt like it was the last now. I was sure Seunghyun was thinking the same.

The others watched in silence, as if knowing it was a moment they shouldn't disturb. But all beautiful things come to an end eventually.

"I think that was your phone, Haerin." Taeyang spoke, referring to the light melody playing in the background. He headed to my room to get my cellphone for me. I stood in my place, wiping the tears off my face. I could feel Seunghyun's gaze on me and for some reason, it felt nice to have him watch me with those eyes. I felt safe.

"Here you go." Taeyang said, handing me the phone.

'Haerin-ssi! This is Hwayoung. Are you free today? How about coffee together? (: '

I glanced up at Seunghyun, checking if had happened to see the text I just received. After being certain from his clueless expression that he didn't, I quickly slid my cellphone into my pocket.

"Thanks guys." I mumbled, "I'm going out to meet a friend now. I promise that when I come back, I'll be the Haerin that you guys will be proud of!"

They nodded, evidently glad to have made me happy again.

As soon as I was out of the house, I replied Hwayoung's text.

'How about now?'

And almost instantly, I got a reply.

'Ok! Meet you at the mall! ;D"

This was the perfect chance to prove myself. For the guys, and for my own sake, I'm going to be the strong and brave Lee Haerin again.



I turned my head to the direction that sweet voice came from. And there stood the angel, in a plain white top and jeans. It was obvious she had rushed out to meet me. And yet she still looked stunning with her hair slightly messed by the wind and her top slightly creased.

"Annyounghaseyo." I bowed.

"You don't have to be so formal, Haerin. I'll drop the honorifics. You can just call me unnie." she requested with a kind smile in which I couldn't refuse.

"I know a really cool cafe here. Let's go."

I followed without question to the sound of her voice. It held authority in the form of honey to your ears. You just can't help but find her little signs of bossiness attractive in a way. She was definitely Seunghyun's kind of girl.

As soon as we sat down, my silence brought out the awkwardness.

"Hmmm, do you find it too sudden?" Hwayoung asked, her brows furrowed slightly in worry.


"I know it may seem weird that I'm asking you out after just meeting you the day before. But I wanted to get to know you better." she explained with so much sincerity, I felt a little touched.

"It's ok. It's nice, actually. I don't have much friends here anyway." I smiled.

"Really? But you're really close to the guys. I'm envious. I can tell they really treat you as one of them."

It was funny hearing her tell me she was envious of me. It was so funny, I laughed, sending a look of confusion across her face.

"You'll soon be part of the family too." I stated. She smiled widely, as if really excited.

"I can't wait, Haerin. You guys are so fun to be around."

I politely smiled, not knowing how to respond to that. The guys were fun to be around, no doubt. But myself, I'm not too sure.

"Ummm," Hwayoung hesitated before getting the the point, "How's Top, Haerin?"

I tilted my head, not understanding why she'd ask such a question.

"He was really weird during dinner yesterday. And when he sent me home too. He was quiet and unresponsive, as if in a world of his own. I texted him after he dropped me off, but I didn't get a reply."

She pouted slightly as she spoke. I know it'd sound strange coming from me, but she really looked adorable. She was the kind of girl any guy would fall for.

"I'm sure he's fine. He even made breakfast this morning."

Her face lit up in surprise.

"Really? He's never cooked for me before..." she muttered in disappointment.

I couldn't understand why she had to worry so much. Out of the millions of girls on this planet, she was the one he chose to marry. What more could she ask for? Breakfast? They were going live together for the rest of their lives. She could have breakfast, lunch and dinner from him everyday. While others have to text him, she could just whisper sweet nothings into his ear as he held her to sleep every night. She could hear him chatter endlessly while they laid on the couch with the television left on for no one to watch. She was the one he chose over everyone else. She was his. And he was hers....All hers.

"When did the two of you meet?" I cheerily asked, putting aside the hot boiling pot of pain inside me.

"Well..." she grinned as she remembered their sweet memories, "We met at the library actually. He was so into reading, he didn't even realize I was there. But the moment I laid my eyes on him, I knew he was the one..."

Her eyes were in a daze, staring at nothing in particular as she sighed dreamily, remembering their sweet encounter. It was something I did often while I was alone in my room, remembering Seunghyun. But I guess my right has been taken away.

"You're really lucky." I muttered unknowingly.

"What's wrong, Haerin?" she questioned, voice full of concern. Only then did I realize that my tears were surfacing. I laughed awkwardly looking away.

"It's nothing. Just a little tired."

She didn't seem like the kind that would settle for answers like that. And I was right. She wasn't.

"Have you ever had a boyfriend, Haerin?" she asked, thinking that the tears could have been evoked by memories. Well, it was. But how was I to tell her that all those memories were made with the man she was about to marry?

"No, I haven't."

Her eyes widened in shock.

"That's ridiculous! How could it be?! You're pretty and nice..." she exclaimed in disbelief.

No, Hwayoung. Shut up. You're pretty and nice.

"I guess I had my mind on one person the whole time." I mumbled. Her expression softened into admiration.

"Awww, that's so sweet, Haerin. What kind of guy was he?"

Her curiosity was like that of a child. Even though she was three years older, I felt like I was with a chatty little girl, hoaxing her with my stories. But curiosity kills the cat. I don't think she'd like what I had to say.

"He was a quiet guy. He didn't speak much to others, but was full of inquisitive questions and quirky ideas when he was with me. He made me feel special."

Hwayoung kept silent for a moment before more questions popped up.

"Why did you feel special?"

"Like I said, he's usually shy, but he says silly things and behaves like a child only when he's with me." I repeated.

She kept quiet, seeming troubled.

"Did I say something wrong?" I asked.

"No...It's nothing." she shook her head, "People are always different when they're with someone special, aren't they?"

"I didn't say I was special to him, I just felt special." I corrected, greatly affected by the details she missed out.

"But Haerin... if he's so different when he's with you, isn't it obvious you're special to him?"

That's what I thought. That's what I thought the whole time. And that's what led me to thinking he'll always be there. But I was wrong. I guess I'm not the only one who misunderstood. But then again, how was that going to make me feel any better? This woman before me...her words didn't mean a thing anymore. Because no matter how nice she made everything sound, no matter how awesome she insisted I was, the one Seunghyun was marrying was still her.

"Hwayoung unnie, do you feel special?" I asked, looking into her eyes, hoping to get more than just words.

"Yes, I do, Haerin." She replied with a sheepish grin. And at that moment, I just couldn't look away from her eyes. Because in those hazel eyes, was the happiness I craved so badly for. The happiness that I lost.


"Hey bugger!' I playfully slapped Seunghyun on the back. He gave me an annoyed look but was obviously trying his hardest to hide his smile.

"There's some construction work going on there... I wonder what kind of house they're going to build." I randomly said.

Seunghyun raised one brow.

"Who cares?" he commented.

"I do, ok?!" I snapped back, causing him to pout.

"Rin, what kind of house would you like to live in in the future?"

"Hmmmmmm...." I hummed as I pondered, " Just a little apartment on the highest floor of a building. With a balcony!"

He nodded as he tried to picture what that would look like.

"What about you? What's your dream house?" I asked, curious what a guy like Seunghyun would look for in a house. He grinned at me, seemingly proud of the answer he was about to give.

"So?" I urged for an answer.

"Just an apartment on the highest floor of a building. One with a balcony."

I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Bugger." I muttered before walking off.


I reached for my pocket, taking out my phone to check the time while Hwayoung walked ahead, completely engrossed in shopping. I didn't feel any vibration before, but I got a text from Seunghyun.

'Haerin...where'd you go?'

I froze, tightening my grip on my phone. Haerin. Just Haerin. Not Rin, not Haerin cutie. Just...Haerin. I glanced up at Hwayoung who was holding up dresses, pleased with how they looked in the mirror.

'I'm with your fiancee.' I replied.

I didn't feel like there was a need to lie. Until I saw Hwayoung reach for her phone in the distance. I breathed out heavily as I watched her grin to herself, swooned by what I assumed was her fiance's sugar coated words. A moment after she hung up, I got another text.

'Alright! Enjoy your day! ^^ '


'Message Deleted'


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Chapter 28: You killled me author nim How can you? how ....*crying* TAT
joannieongg #2
Chapter 28: 5th time back here, still can't help flooding my room.
notmovingon #3
Chapter 28: I cried. :,(
Irisintheair #4
Chapter 28: This is so beautiful. Every time I come back to re read this story, it strucks me.
thank you for this story, well written and honestlt like otehrs say it needs a sequel.
alohomora #6
Chapter 28: Re-read this for the third time ^^ really hope there's a sequel!
Chapter 28: I re-read this story again... And I still cried. And I'm still hoping for a sequel, honestly.
Bartholomeow #8
Chapter 28: I always come back here. Hope that someday you'll make the sequel! ^^
SoongYeong-a #9
Chapter 28: I cried while reading this story hahaha.
Chapter 28: i always love your story! you're the goddess!