
Vampire Prince


"Can you stand?" Soohyun asks, glancing down at you in his arms.  You nod slowly and he sets you gently on your feet.  Suddenly, your head spins and your knees buckle.  You reach out instinctively to grab Soohyun's arm.
Soohyun catches her as she begins to fall.  He helps her to the bed and she sits down.  He walks to his wardrobe and opens it, pulling out a long sleeved, light blue button-up shirt.  He walks back to her as he speaks, "Tomorrow night we'll go shopping, but for now, wear this."  He hands her the shirt, smiling, before walking to the door.  "I'll be back in 5 minutes."  He opens the door and walks out, the sound of the latch echoing in the silent room.
You look at the shirt in your hands and bring it slowly to your face, taking in his scent which seems to linger on everything he touches.  You notice how soft the fabric is and quickly change.  The shirt comes down almost to your knees.  Smiling to yourself, you sit back down on the bed.  However, the smile quickly fades as you think about what happened to Aimi.  'Will she die?  Or...will she become one of them?'  You shutter slightly at the thought.
After several minutes, Soohyun returns with a tray of food.  He smiles at the sight of ______ in his blue shirt, waiting for him, and he almost trips over the rug on the way to his bed.  "Hungry?" he offers, brushing off his slight embarrassment and placing the tray on the bed in front of her.
You nod, rubbing your arms, feeling slightly chilled from the lingering thoughts of Aimi.  You smile the best that you can and pick up a pre-cut piece of bread from the tray.
Soohyun watches as she slowly nibbles at the bread, studying her expression.
You feel his gaze on you as you finish the bread, the silence growing awkward.  You look up at him, meeting his eyes.  "How did you know we were in danger?" you ask him with a soft, hesitant tone.
"I heard you scream..."  He pauses and stands, walking over to his chair by the window, gazing out into the night sky.  "I panicked.."
You watch as he sits down.  'But...I don't remember screaming...'  You shake the thought from your mind and instead ask, "Why were those...vampires here?"
Still gazing at the stars, he replies, "They wanted you..."  He then turns to face her.  "If you really are...'the one'...I figure they want your that they can have control over us.."
You ponder this for a few seconds, 'My power..?' then, turning back to him, "Did"  Your voice breaks slightly at the last word and you look down at the rest of the food in front of you.
"Yes." he replies, ashamed to admit it to her.  He stares off into the darkness again as silence fills the room.
You continue to look down, feeling the tension in the air.  Awkwardly, you reach for the knife on your tray and pick it up, beginning to cut another piece of bread.  Suddenly yelping, you drop the knife back onto the tray with a clatter.  Your eyes grow wider as you inspect your finger, a clean, bright red cut across the side.  "Ouch..."
Soohyun's eyes suddenly widen as the smell of ______'s blood fills the air.  "______.."  He turns to look at her.
You press your finger against your mouth, trying to stifle the blood flow.
Soohyun stares at her, controling himself.  "Are you...hurt?"  He watches as she nurses her finger, catching a glimpse of her blood.  "Is it....bad?" he says as he covers his nose and mouth with his hand.  He stands up from the chair and walks toward her.  His concern grows as he sees an increased amount of blood trickling down her finger, a few drops falling onto the bed covers.  His heart beats faster, his mind racing.
You glance up at Soohyun as he approaches.  "No...I'm fine, it's just a scratch...."  The taste of the blood in your mouth is terrible.
He crawls onto the bed toward her, his eyes blood red.  He takes her hand and gently the blood from her finger.  "Mhm.." he utters, slightly out of breath.  Looking into her eyes, he moves closer.
"Uhh..." you breathe.  "Soohyun....wha..."  He pushes you onto your back, gripping your hand tightly.
He brushes his lips lightly across her wrist, feeling the warm blood pumping through the veins just bellow the surface of her skin.
Your breath grows shallow as you lie face-to-face with Soohyun, making you light-headed.  The rate of your pulse increases and you see him react as he closes his eyes, pressing your wrist to his cheek.  You tremble slightly at his touch and open your mouth to speak, but nothing escapes your lips.
Suddenly, the door opens and Kuro walks in.
"Soohyun, we-"  Kuro's eyes widen as he looks at the two on the bed.  "Uhhhhhhhh...what's going on here..?" he smirks at them, feeling a little awkward, unsure about what he had just interrupted.
Soohyun snaps back to his senses as he hears Kuro's voice echo around the room.  He lifts his head and turns to look behind him, quickly releasing ______'s wrist.
Kuro clears his throat before speaking again, "Soohyun, we need you in Shin's room.  It's Aimi..."
Sorry for taking so long to update! >.<  Andrea and I haven't been able to get together and write for a few days.  We should have the next chapter up in a day or two.  Sorry for the wait!
P.S.  The next chapter is going to be in Shin's perspective. ;)  Hehehe He's getting to be one of my favorite characters and I'm excited to show you all more about him and his personality. :3
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Chapter 18: Omg ...i need this updated ! I was searching for this fanfic for a long time ..
PurpleRoseBlueFire #2
Chapter 18: Hey I like your work the story is good
NessaLarin #3
Chapter 18: Glad you all are back!
taofan #4
could you please show a new picture of shin i can't see the picture. T.T
UkissMeMasimello #5
Chapter 18: update fast please when I saw the sign it was updated I was afraaid you guys were gonna say the stories over and leave on a cliffhanger thank you for not killing me there haha
Kangjisang-yeey #6
Chapter 17: Pleas update
UkissMeMasimello #7
Chapter 17: and your not gonna update anymore okay
tehsweety #8
Chapter 17: reader here.
nice story.
hope you can update the story soon.
UkissMeMasimello #9
Chapter 17: Hurry and update again
UkissMeMasimello #10
Chapter 17: Finally I've been waiting so long