The Smart Monkey

The Beastly Neighbors


All words writeen in this color will be in Japanese~ 

Hope everyone is enjoying the story so far~ ^^ I celebrated my 19th birthday this past weekend so I couldn't update :/ Gomenasia~ V.V'

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Well, ENJOY!~ 


Things are going oh so well today! I can’t believe that I’m actually going to go to the grocery store with my boys. MY boys.

Although, this outfit of sweats, hoodies and hats seems like we’re some kind of gang… total Hot Blood moment with the sweats! >.<

I pray nobody notices us! Or me at least… But if they do, we have the back-up story. Oh! Junsu oppa is driving?? Aigoo… Wild Bunny moment… Feels like Déjà vu.

Junsu oppa, you’re going to drive? Is it ok that you drive?” I giggled getting into the passenger’s side.

Chet… Ya! I’m actually a really good driver” he said trying to find his Daegu accent.

Oppa, just talk with your satoori. I like it!” saying with a Filipino accent. (I’m actually half Filipino so… Just wanted to put that in there ;P don’t be upset with me~)

What accent was that? It sounds familiar” asked Nichkhun oppa as he scooted up to join our conversation.

Filipino accent. I’m half Filipino and since I’m pretty close to there, I might as well slip in my accent when I talk to Junsu oppa” I smiled.

That’s nice of you to do that for him. You could help Taec and I teach the rest of them English. Also you could teach all of us some Filipino” he laughed looking back at the clueless wonders.

Chansung oppa gave his famous “clueless, village pabo staring off into space” look while the twins had their faces scrunched up as if they ate lemons.

Uhh… You teach us English?” Junho oppa finally said with his adorkable eyesmile.

Mmm!” I nodded.

you-shi, how is my English?” asked the cutie pie, Wooyoungie oppa.

Aigoo~ there goes my heart, pounding like no other. Cha! Answer him you! He’s looking at you funny now.

Uhh, neh oppa~ it’s great. Don’t worry, I’ll teach you more if you want me too.

Ottoke?! His smile is so gosh darnit cute! I need to get myself in check though… I can’t start falling for him, or any of them. Aigoo! Junho oppa~ not you too~ don’t do the eye smile or else my heart gonna burst right outta my chest…

Hey guys, we’re here” said Taec oppa while giving me an amusing look. The heck is he looking at me for?  I thought looking down at my clothes to see if anything was outta place. “Taecyeon oppa! Wait up, I need to ask you something!” I yelled running up to him.

What’s up?” he asked as he slowed his pace down for me

What was the look for?

What look?

The ‘I know something you don’t look’, I give that to my friends a lot when I know something they don’t… So, spill

Hmm… To say or not to say… I’ll tell you once I get to know you a little better, how's that?” he grinned like a sly fox who’s actually a major troller.

Aish… He does have a point though. I’m not that close to him yet for him to give me anything…

Ok… if you say so…” I said walking away with a little smile but I was actually disappointed.

Chansung oppa was already getting the cart when I decided to take it from him. “It’s ok, I’ll push it, oppa.Shake it off girl, don’t get too attached or else you'll just be disappointed.

He looked at me a little confused but when I put my hands on the handle, he understood it then proceeded to climb into the shopping cart.

Haha, you comfy?” I giggled as he made himself a little comfy despite his long legs looking a little cramped.

Yah Chansung-ah, what’re you doing? You going to make her push the cart with you in it?” Wooyounggie oppa came up behind me with a little grimace. I only understood “yah Chansung-ah, what’re you doing?” but from his expression, he didn’t look too happy.

Chansung oppa was giving Wooyoung oppa the puppy dog eyes but that didn’t seem to faze his brother. “Oppa, it’s alright. Can you go get another cart, please?” I asked pointing to another cart.

She said, can you get her another cart?” Nichkhun oppa was already getting another cart. “Do you have a list of things for us to get?

Yeah, here it is. I’m going to go get some stuff for me, if that’s ok with you guys?” I asked.

Sure, that’s fine by us. Wahh, you really did write down everything we were missing at the dorm…” he sounded quite impressed by my list.

You got that right! Well, didn’t take me long to clean the dorm and I noticed you guys were missing a lot of stuff and the rest, well, I kinda guessed since your bathrooms are in your rooms and I don’t feel quite comfortable enough to go in your rooms yet. I hope I got all of the things you need down…” I said a little unsure as we all browsed down the produce aisle.

Looks like you got everything down. How bout this, we slip up into groups. Since we have a lot of things to cover, the rest of the guys and I will get our stuff while you take Chansung to get your stuff. Where should we meet up?

Hmm… Uhh…” I thought about it and the first thing that popped into my head was to exchanged phone numbers then call or text each other when we get done but I don’t think Nichkhun oppa would like that plan.

Well, I’m not too sure if you’ll agree but, I thought about exchanging phone numbers then calling or texting each other after we get done shopping. You don’t have to do it if you’re not comfortable with the idea. It was a thought… We could always meet up back here in 2 hours? But I don’t think we’ll take that long…” I started to ramble on when Nichkhun oppa interrupted me.

you, it’s fine haha. I was actually thinking about exchanging numbers too. I’m ok with it, you seem pretty trustworthy and we’ve got to start trusting each other. Here’s my number, it’s 011-82-2-xxxxxxx

We both tested our numbers to make sure we got it right. “Cha! I’m off~ FIGHTING oppa! Make sure the other oppas don’t buy out the whole store!” I laughed pushing Chansung oppa to the bananas.

Nichkhun oppa laughed, “don’t worry, I’ll reign them in. I’m not too particularly worried about them, you do have the eat-tinator.”

Oh shoot… I do. Dammit!

Aish…” I whispered but laughed and said, “it’s ok! I’ll buy Chansung oppa all the bananas and snacks he needs. Healthy ones of course~

Haha, alright. Good luck! If we get done before you, I’ll call. FIGHTING!” he said as he went off to get food with the twins. Junsu and Taecyeon oppa went off to get the daily necessities (toilet paper, toothpaste, etc).

Chansung oppa and I started off with the produce. “Cha, Chansung oppa, what would you like?” I asked praying he won’t try to get every fruit in the store…

Uhhh... Oranges, apples, kiwis and MANGOES!” he said pointing to each thing. So… he’d have at least a pound of each then that means…

After getting a few pounds for them and for me, we went off to the dry foods area. It was quite the sight to see me push around the giant maknae around the store. A few people stopped at stared at us, whispering.

Chansung oppa…” I began. “I see…” he tensed up in the cart then pulled his hat down. After reaching the isle, I decided to have a little fun since there wasn’t anyone near us now.

I pushed the cart down a ways laughing, “oppa! Catch!” I threw him a few packages of ramen, chips and crackers. We continued this pattern of push, throw, catch, push, throw and catch in not complete silence. We laughed and made weird noises (his adorkable noises he makes; examples are in 2PM show and Idol Army) the whole entire time.

Then I remembered that he spoke Japanese and I knew enough Japanese for an extensive conversation.

Eetto… Chansung oppa, we need to go to the female department…” I started off awkwardly.

Ahh, daijoubu!” he smiled warmly in the cart little the maknae he is. “Aigoo! Kawaii~” I said pinching his cheeks. “Oppa! Let’s take a selca together

I took out my cellphone and bent down to his level ready to make a cute pose. “Kawaii pose, oppa~” I said puffing my cheeks out and wrapped my arm around his neck then formed the famous “V” pose. Chansung oppa seemed to be blushing a bit, but didn’t object to the taking of the picture. I pulled my hood down to reveal my monkey hat which made me look even more Asian.

Kawaii~” he said pinching my cheeks for another picture. I scrunched up my face up for the second picture then took the third one with both of us pinching each other’s cheeks.

Aigoo~ We both look like dorks, oppa!” I laughed as I texted Papa J for permission to post the pictures on Twitter and on Facebook.

Haha, we are, aren’t we? Do you think JinYoung hyung will let you post the pictures up on Twitter? Could you send me the pics? I want to put the one of me pinching your cheeks as my screensaver.” He said with his dorky smile on his face. Sometimes he really does act like the maknae of the group.

Ok, I will oppa. JinYoung appa said he’ll tweet about me first, saying that he has a foreign exchange “daughter” who’s really good friends with you guys staying here for the summer and possibly the year. Then the rest of you guys are going to have to retweet and tweet back about me then I’ll post up the pictures later tonight.

I’ve got the tweet already, I’ll say that I’m hanging out with you shopping for food” he giggled as I pushed him down the feminine product aisle and shying put the “essential products” into the cart… This is totally not embarrassing at all.

After seeing how bad my face was turning red, he grabbed the products without question and hid them behind his back so no one would see them for me.

Oppa…” I started off

It’s fine, don’t worry about it. What else do we have to get?” he asked pushing the awkward situation aside.

Thank you” I said wrapping my arms around his neck.

I could feel him smile into my hat then patted my head.

Eetto… We still need to get meat, rice and drinks then we’re good to go.

Let’s go!” he exclaimed with his right arm extended as if we were to charge into battle.

Hahah! Let’s go~” I yelled pushing the cart to the meat department.

After getting a few pounds of legit Korean beef for each of the boys, we got two 50 lb. bags of rice to split between us all and some milk, juice, coffee and pop to drink.

Oppa, I think we’re done shopping now…” I lazily said leaning on Chansung oppa’s shoulder as I dragged my feet down the aisles.

Mmm… I think so too…” he said leaning his head on mine. “You can call Khun hyung now… *yawn* I’m so tired…

*call to Khunnie oppa*

Khunnie oppa, we’re done shopping *yawn* now…

Someone sounds tired. We just got done shopping, I was about to call you actually. We’re headed to… Register 2, 3 is open so we’ll you meet you guys there? Where you two at? If we’re close by we’ll just go together.

Mmm… We are at… Oh I see you guys! Turn left!” I said waving my hands above my head trying to catch their attention.

Junho oppa caught my eye and stopped the boys then ran down the aisle towards us.

Junho oppa!” I yelled not feeling so tired anymore.

Waah! You guys got a lot of stuff there, don’t cha? Yah, Chansung-ah, what do you have behind you back there?” he asked trying to peek behind his back to see my feminine goods.

I started to get embarrassed and wanted to grab them and hide them behind my back when Chansung oppa stopped Junho oppa from reaching back to get them whispering something in Korean then saying in Japanese, “it’s alright, I told him it was something for me.

"Woah, you speak Japanese?"  bewildered Junho oppa.

"Hai~ I took a year of Japanese last year."

I turned back to Chansung oppa and did a 120 degree bow smiling like someone who just won the lotto, “arigatoo gozaimasu oppa~” then gave him a big hug.

Well didn’t you two get a little close over the shopping trip?” smirked Taecyeon oppa.

I gave him a little glare still not too happy about him not spilling the beans about earlier in the van. “He’s being a better oppa than somebody else I know…

Isn’t someone a little testy now, are we?” he grinned

No,” I started off putting my hand of Chansung oppa’s shoulder then continuing, “ just wanting to make sure I know who has my back when I need it or who trusts me enough” I finalized with a stern and a little hurtful smirk.

That of course shut him up.

Something happen between you two?” asked Nichkhun oppa with concern coating his voice and scrunched eyebrows.

No, nothing happened to us. A little misunderstanding is all” I quickly answered before Taec oppa could say anything.

Yeah, a little misunderstanding…” Taec oppa finalized.

Tension between all of us had gotten quite thick and awkward. “So… Are we all ready to go check out?” asked Wooyoung oppa in Japanese so I could understand it too.

The three youngest ones including me looked at each other then I started to pull Nichkhun oppa to one of the cashiers then Junsu oppa got Taec while the twins followed behind.

That wasn’t awkward at all…” I said starting to put the food onto the conveyer belt.

Taecyeon hyung likes to joke around, try not to take it to heart though. He’s a big joker and he likes to mess around with ones he likes,” Chansung oppa reassured me.

Yeah, I know he can be a joker but I really needed to talk seriously to him and he didn’t seem to want to be serious with me and that hurt, you know?

Hmm, I can see your point. It can be a little annoying when you’re trying to be serious with him and he just wants to fool around. I guess it’s his way of ‘dealing’ with things. He tries to distance himself from the ones he cares about or try to act cold to them. He does that to us sometimes.

I pondered on it for as I paid for the groceries and helped Chansung oppa out of the cart.

Do you think he is being ‘mean’ to me because he doesn’t want me to get hurt in the future?” I asked Chansung oppa as we hung back from the group headed back to the van.

He seemed to think on it then nodded. “Yeah, I think so. I mean, why else would be doing that to you? Think of it this way, we were all shocked when JinYoung hyung called us up and told us about you, then you ignoring us then this. Give him some to adjust; since he’s one of the oldest ones and to him, you’re like a little sister who suddenly appeared in his life,” he finalized as we crawled in the back seats of the van.

Yawning, I leaned my head against Chansung oppa’s left shoulder and thought about what he said.

Does Taecyeon oppa really feel about that about me? It does explain his protectiveness and slight coldness. I have to keep in mind what happened to them when Jay oppa left… I should be more considerate and talk to him about it. Have a little brother and sister talk about all of this

That was you’s last thought before she succumbed to sleep.














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elfyraa #1
please when are you updating??? it's been so loong!!!! please update soon!!!! >_<
Chapter 21: When are you updating? I'm dying here :)))))
TayTay12345 #3
Chapter 20: YAYYYYYY:D:D:D:D YOU'RE BACK!! It's good to see you again:D:D:D!! I'll be waiting till you're done with the finals! Good luck:D:D:D!!!
Chapter 19: when will you update your story???? can't wait for the next chapter.
Chapter 19: I'm so happy about this chappie. :) gonna wait for the next!

Finally, Taec realizes that it's time to make it up with her.
Chapter 19: Hope Wooyoung will make his move soon or by the next chapter. Hehehe. Love this chapter cause Wooyoung is getting jealous because of Channie.

Hope you update soon. Fighting
Chapter 18: Oh my G! Finally it's updated. And please update soon.
Chapter 18: Waaaaaaa! I'm so happy, finally your story have been updated! Thank you so much and belated happy birthday :)