Drive Bye~

The Beastly Neighbors

*In the texting part, this color text represents Taecyeon while this represents Junsu.

This one represents Nichkhun.


It sure does feel good to be out of the apartment again. I wonder why Taec gave me that “look” today… why would he be upset with me anyways? I mean, they are firstly my neighbors and I don’t start working for them till tomorrow. What if Papa J has told them already?! No, Taec and the others would have approached, right? Aish! Ok, STOP THINKING! Turn on some tunes, roll the windows down and enjoy the ride.

Let’s see… let’s jam out to some 2 PEE EMM, BABY!~” I screamed as I pressed the 2PM playlist I had on my iPod.

I selected “Don’t Stop Can’t Stop” once I reached a stoplight and BLASTED the song like no other for everyone to hear then I started singing along while putting some dance moves.

Yo, here we are once again
JYP, 2PM, Stronger than ever

This is Nichkhun, Wooyoung
Junho, Junsu right here
Chansung, and this is Taec

And we're 2PM and we're never going down


I began the rap like a pro then felt eyes on me but smiled because I knew I was getting attention from people at the stoplight cause I was a foreigner busting out to 2PM, yes. I’m a total badass!

Feeling pretty awesome and wanting to show off my beast of a SUV, I booked it as soon as the light turned green and quickly over went through two lanes to get into a junction headed towards the beach.

WHOO! YEAH! I’M QUEEN OF THE WORLD~” I yelled out the window enthusiastically.

I’m going to BEAST it tomorrow! The boys won’t see this force of nature coming!


Hmm?” I said looking out of the window of the van after feeling the bass emitting off another car.

Waah!” I yelled to the others.

Mwoh!? What is it Junsu hyung!?” the maknae yelled in excitement.

Whoa! Isn’t that our neighbor, you?”asked Junho.

How do you know her name!?” shouted Wooyoung smacking his twin on the shoulder.

I met her at the rooftop a week ago…” he said timidly without looking Woo in the eyes.

Wooyoung continued glaring at Junho for a little bit then turned his attention to you who seemed to be jamming out to “Don’t Stop Can’t Stop”

All the boys including me glued ourselves to my side of the van, amused by her moves and choice of song to rock out to. 

She sure is quite the character. Cannot wait to see what kind of dorm mom she'll make I thought laughing at you.

"Hey! Look, she's turning off at the junction! She's going to the beach Victoria-shi and I went to during We Got Married..." said Nichkhun as we watched the black SUV cut in front of us then cut two other lanes to reach the junction.

"Waah, she's quite the beast when it comes to driving it seems" remarked Taecyeon in awe.

The twins seem too quite... I wonder what's up with them now? "Yah, Wooyoung-ah!" I said with my Daegu accent oozing as I nugged the forever five year old on my right. "You ok?"

"Hmm? Oh... Yeah, hyung!" he said with a bright smile then looked back to the window next to him.

Chet... You're going to get it when we get home, Mandu cheeks.

I turned to Junho who was sitting in front of me and tapped him on the shoulder.

"Yah, Junho-ah. You ok? Why are you so quiet?"

He pulled his head so he was looking at me upside down and said pulling out his earphones, "What? I didn't hear you hyung"

"Chet... You too?"

Junho gave me a "what in the world are you talking about?" then put his earphones in and faced forward.

I turned to Taecyeon who was seated on Junho's right and saw him glancing at Junho then turning to me.

I motioned to his cellphone and twiddled my fingers to signify that he should text me.

What's up?

What's up with the twins? They're awfully quiet all of the sudden. You think something's wrong with them?

Well, Wooyoung was pretty upset when Junho said he met with you last week... So do you think that could be it?

I don't know... I'm going to have a talk with Woo tonight when we get home. You think you can take care of Junho or have Khun do it?

I think Khun should do it. Text him really quick.

Alright, will do. Thanks, Taec!

No probs, gramps!

I turned to look behind me to see Khun and Chan talking. I'm sure Khun would be able to help Junho out.

Yah, Nichkhun, I've got a favor to ask of you.

Khun's cellphone buzzed and I could hear him pull his phone out and let out a, "oh?"

"Who is it, hyung?" asked Chansung

"Ahh, my little sister. She says hi to everyone and good luck on the show" he laughed while typing back.

"Really?! You should tell her I said hi too!" cooed Chansung.

"Hahah, I did. Now what were you saying?" Nichkhun slyly covered up the "little sister texting" conversation.

He's good. Man's a pro!

What's up, Junsu-ah?

Have you noticed the twins behaviour when we mention you?

I waited a few minutes before texting him back so it wouldn't look suspicious to Chansung who was still talking to Nichkhun about cats and food.

Yeah, I noticed how you looked at Wooyoung in the elevator last week. What has Junho been doing? I heard he met her?

More talk about cats and food... When will be take a nap?!

That night, you know how he goes to the rooftop to clear his thought right? Well, he saw her up there clearing her thoughts too. He GLEAMED when he talked about her, I mean almost the same reaction he had when he talked about So Eun-shi before

Finally! Our giant maknae has decided to take a pre-concert nap!

This is trouble... I don't want them to start fighting because of her. Especially now since she's going to be our dorm mom and all. Is this what you wanted me to do?  The favor? To talk to Junho about her?

You read my mind, man. I'm going to talk to Wooyoung about it

How about I talk to Wooyoung? He'd open up to me about it, you handle Junho since you two are like this *crosses fingers*

Good idea, you talk to Woo after the concert while I tackle Junho tonight

Awesome, good luck bro!

Thanks bro! Good luck too... Text me updates

I will, you should do the same too

I will

Man, I hope things will be alright. I don't want the boys fighting because of a girl, no matter how much they may feel for her...


I continued staring out of the window as Junsu and Nickhkhun hyung stopped texting. I'm not as stupid as they took me for, I may not look to be paying attention but I know they're texting each other but I wonder what for... Could it be because of me and Junho?

*sigh* I wonder why you is going to the beach? I heard from Taecyeonnie hyung that she's been leaving the apartment a lot and is always doing something when she comes out of her dorm. I'm always busy with my upcoming solo debut that I don't even see her... I wonder what Junho and her talked about? I glared at the back of Junho's sleeping head then I suddenly stopped myself. What was I thinking? Am I seriously going to start a fight with my brother because of a girl? After a few minutes, yes. If she was worth it, I would fight till the ends of the Earth for her.

"Aish... Pabo..." I whispered scratching my head in frustration.

She's going to be our dorm mom. Our DORM MOM. I haven't even uttered two words to her and I'm already infatuated? I need to get my head in the game. I've got the solo concert coming up and this pretty girl is going to be in my life more than I wanted. Aish... Just perfect. Thanks, Jin-Younggie hyung. You sure know how to complicate my life more than it needs to be. 

I look out the window again and see that we've arrived at the concert stadium finally. I woke all other hyungs including Junho and follwed them out to practice the songs and dances on the stage.

​This should keep my mind busy for the night. Yeah, FOCUS! Make them HOTTEST proud of their oppa!

"Kaja!" I yelled excitedly to the guys

They all looked at me weird because of my sudden change of mood but I didn't care, I wanted to make this concert special and the best concert our HOTTEST has ever seen! 

Goodness me... So, how y'all like it? :3 I'm going to start on the next chapter and will post soon~

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elfyraa #1
please when are you updating??? it's been so loong!!!! please update soon!!!! >_<
Chapter 21: When are you updating? I'm dying here :)))))
TayTay12345 #3
Chapter 20: YAYYYYYY:D:D:D:D YOU'RE BACK!! It's good to see you again:D:D:D!! I'll be waiting till you're done with the finals! Good luck:D:D:D!!!
Chapter 19: when will you update your story???? can't wait for the next chapter.
Chapter 19: I'm so happy about this chappie. :) gonna wait for the next!

Finally, Taec realizes that it's time to make it up with her.
Chapter 19: Hope Wooyoung will make his move soon or by the next chapter. Hehehe. Love this chapter cause Wooyoung is getting jealous because of Channie.

Hope you update soon. Fighting
Chapter 18: Oh my G! Finally it's updated. And please update soon.
Chapter 18: Waaaaaaa! I'm so happy, finally your story have been updated! Thank you so much and belated happy birthday :)