Troller Status

The Beastly Neighbors


*All words typed in this color will be spoken in English~*

Oh, on a random side note: am I the only one who does that face along with Taec? XD I automatically do that face along with him. 


6 days later; a day before you start working for 2PM

Almost every day you’ve been out and about cruising around Seoul so you can get accustomed to the city. Papa J gave you an onyx GMC Yukon XL Denali which fits 8 which was good since you might have to take the boys around.

This … things have gotten awkward between all of us since Junho-shi and I talked on the roof that night… every time I leave the apartment, I’m always catching Taec oppa and he seems to be wanting to talk to me but I just can’t bring myself to talk to him. I always end up grabbing my cell and pretending to be on the phone or have my headphones on and texting but I always do flash him a quick smile and wave before I head down the elevator. The first few times I did that, he smiled wholeheartedly but now, he seems over it… and I’ve got to start working for them tomorrow too… why am I being a little prick to them anyways!? What the hell is wrong with me anyways!? I need to go drive somewhere and clear my head….

*cell phone rings; Jennifer’s face pops up*

Oh? Jenn is calling me? What time is it in the states!?

Hey Jenn! What’s up girl!?” I smiled at Taec once again but only to receive a sad look which I returned. The look he gave me made my choke my words because he looked genuinely hurt by what I’ve been doing lately.

you?? Hello~ you ok? Something happen?

I cleared my throat quickly and replied, “What? No, I’m fine… just headed to the elevator. I’m thinking about going out for a drive again. What time is it over there anyways? Aren’t you supposed to be sleeping? Hahah

Why am I not allowed to call my best Asian friend? Awww, I’m hurt… Hahah

Oh shut up, Jenn! I love you! If I didn’t why would I be asking you why aren’t you sleeping? You’ve got work in the morning and I don’t want you to go to work half-dead because of me” I said defiantly.

Psshh, I’m fine. I don’t have work tomorrow anyways. So how’s it been going? Have to started working for 2PM or whatever?

I glanced at Taec who was in front of his door then looked back at me with expressionless eyes. “No, I haven’t yet. I will tomorrow though. That’s why I’m off to go on a drive to the beach before I start working for them…” I said slightly stumbled over my words.

You sound down, you sure everything is ok?” asked Jennifer worried.

Yeah, just umm… things are little awkward now. Don’t worry, things will get better though. Besides, Papa J is going to tell the guys about me…” I said as the elevator door closed behind me.

Hey, I’ve got to go, I’m in the elevator but I’ll call or facebook message you when I get to the beach and when I’m leaving, ok? Get some rest ok? Love ya girl, don’t worry about me.”

Ok… love you too. You better be ok! Or else I’m going to drag your back here!

"Hahaha, yes mom. Bye~


Man, I need a drive out to the beach to clear my head… I can’t take this anymore! I thought slamming my fist against the elevator door.


Taec’s POV

She’s headed out again? Man, she’s always seeming to be gone these days. And who’s Papa J?

*phone ringing; “Jin Young Hyung”’s name appears*

Oh! Why is hyung calling?

Yeobosaeyoh? Annyeonghaseyo, hyung. How are you?

Neh, annyeong, Taecyeon. I'm doing great. You guys have a schedule today, right?

Yes, we’re headed to do a quick concert. Is something wrong?” I asked with a hint of concern in my voice.

Not really… ummm… have you guys met your neighbor? She’s a foreign girl?

Yeah, we did. How’d you know she was a foreigner?” I asked puzzled by hyung’s sudden question of you.

Has she spoken to any of you guys yet?” he said ignoring my question on how we knew she was a foreigner. 

Not really, I mean Khun and I helped her with her bags when she first came in here. She chatted a little bit with us while we were in the elevator. Why do ask?” having no idea where this was going.

Ummm… Well, she’s your guys’ dorm mom. She starts working tomorrow… she’s a student from the states. She’s going to be staying for the summer, maybe a whole year depending on how she does here and if I can talk to the dean at Korea University if she wants to stay longer.


Taecyeon? Ok Taecyeon? You still there? You ok?!” yelled Jin-Young hyung.

Huh? Oh, yes Jin-Young hyung. I’m shock! She just left for the beach if I heard her correctly when she was on the phone headed to the elevator… she’s going to be our dorm mom!?” I yelled as I walked into the living room where Chansung and Nichkhun were waiting for Woo and the Jun Brothers to done changing for our schedule.

They both looked at each other with knitting eyebrows then looked at me puzzled.

Khun mouthed, “who you on the phone with?

I mouth back, “Jin-Young hyung

Khun and Chan’s mouth formed a small “o”  while leaning in forward to hear in on the rest of the conversation.

Yes, she will be your guys’ dorm mom. She’s a transfer student studying to be a PT and I know this job has nothing to do with being a PT but, she needed a job and she seemed qualified. She has a look that I trust and I don’t want you guys messing it up, understood? This is her first time in Korea, she might be scared and worried working for you guys but I’m sure things will go smoothly. Now, good luck with the concert and let the others know what’s going on. I’m counting on you guys.”

I was speechless again for a second but recovered quickly enough to bid Jin-Young hyung a thank you and good-bye.

Why do I feel like I'm being trolled over here?

What happened dude?” asked Khun as soon as I ended the call.

You’ll never guess what… our neighbor? you? Jin-Young hyung hired her to be our dorm mom. She’s staying here from the summer ‘cause she’s a transfer student from the states. Can you believe that!? She starts tomorrow too! He didn’t even tell us beforehand! What the hell are we going to do?!” I yelled in frustration.

Whoa, calm down Taecyeon. There’s no reason to overreact here. I’m sure Jin-Young hyung has good reason to hire her. What did he say about her?” asked a calm Nichkhun.

He said she had a look he could trust… I’m worried about what the fans will do if they find out about her. I mean, she’s going to Korea University so people might see her head over here and there are fans over there of course. I’m over thinking it, aren’t I?” I asked exasperated.

See? If he trusts her, then so do I. She seems like a really sweet and nice girl. Everything will be alright, Taec! Don’t freak out so much. Now, go get the other guys and tell them what’s up” said Khun confidently about the situation.

Chansung looked at both of us with an empty expression because Khun and I conversed it English so Khun turned to Chan to translate.

I got up and headed to the hallway to go search for the other members.

I’m definitely tripping… why am I so worried about her being our dorm mom? I mean, she does look younger than us but, she’s pretty, funny and seems nice enough. Why am I freaking about this? Get your head in the game Taec! Everything will be alright.

Yo, what’s up?” said Junsu-ah in English.

Jin-Young hyung called…” I said hanging my head

Oh? What’d he want?” asked Wooyoung as he came out his room fixing his belt

Our neighbor, you, is going to be our dorm mom

Junho chocked on the water he was gurgling in the bathroom then spit it out while three of them shouted in unison, “WHAT!?

Yup. She’s a transfer student from the states and she’s going to staying her for the summer. She’s studying at Korea University as a PT.

Are you serious!?” asked the twins with similar crazed sparkles in the eyes.

Yeah… She starts tomorrow…” I said cautiously from their quick change of facial expressions.

However, Junsu seemed to be eyeing them carefully then gave me the “remember what we talked about last night?” look

OH! Right! These two like you… having her being our dorm mom means she’s going to be in here often and that chances of these two seeing each other has increase drastically. We’re screwed… This is going to be an interesting summer to say the least

I glanced back at the twins with a more enthused look then said, “come on guys, you look ready to go to the concert. Let’s head out!

As I locked the door, Junsu and I exchanged a look that ultimately said, “We’re in for a ride!” and laughed.

The others asked what was funny but both of us shook our heads and said it was an inside joke.

You two are getting weirder every year you get older… Chet…” muttered Junho who then earned a head smacking and scolding from the Daegu harabeoji.

Bring it!




I hope you all like it~ :3


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elfyraa #1
please when are you updating??? it's been so loong!!!! please update soon!!!! >_<
Chapter 21: When are you updating? I'm dying here :)))))
TayTay12345 #3
Chapter 20: YAYYYYYY:D:D:D:D YOU'RE BACK!! It's good to see you again:D:D:D!! I'll be waiting till you're done with the finals! Good luck:D:D:D!!!
Chapter 19: when will you update your story???? can't wait for the next chapter.
Chapter 19: I'm so happy about this chappie. :) gonna wait for the next!

Finally, Taec realizes that it's time to make it up with her.
Chapter 19: Hope Wooyoung will make his move soon or by the next chapter. Hehehe. Love this chapter cause Wooyoung is getting jealous because of Channie.

Hope you update soon. Fighting
Chapter 18: Oh my G! Finally it's updated. And please update soon.
Chapter 18: Waaaaaaa! I'm so happy, finally your story have been updated! Thank you so much and belated happy birthday :)