Can I call you Papa J?

The Beastly Neighbors

I shook the flashback out of my head as I heard "Abandoned" by Jay Park playing from the phone.


"Hello, you. My name is Park Jin Young? I believe the University told you about me and how you'll be working for me?"


"you? Are you still there?"

"Park Jin Young- seonsaengnim? JYP?"

"I believe so, yes...."

"Oh my goodness! I am SO sorry! I'm in complete shock... Wow, umm... Please forgive me! I just can't believe you're calling me. Please forgive my foolishness."

I heard a hearty laugh and he said, "it's completely fine you. It's not everyday you get a call from JYP now is it?"

I laughed and agreed.

"So I understand you would be in the airport right now, yes?"

"Neh, I'm at the Seattle airport, my flight doesn't leave for Seoul in another two hours. Is there something wrong?" I said with worry coating my voice.

"Not exactly... I won't be able to meet you in Seoul because I'm currently in Japan with 2PM and we won't be back till an hour or two after you get there and I don't want you to wait for us while you could be at your apartment resting. I'll have one of my assistants to pick you up, don't worry she'll have a sign with your name on it. Oh, you'll be taking care of 2PM by the way." 

For a moment my brain turned off. Did he say I'm going to be 2PM's dorm mom!? Good Lord!

"Uhh.. Neh! That'll be great. I hope you have a great concert and a safe return," I said respectfully.

"Thank you, you. Now do you have any questions?"

"Yes... A few actually. Do you mind if I call you Papa J? And where will I be staying? And when do I start working?"

There was silence on JYP's line

"Hello? Jin Young-seonsaengnim? Are you still there?" I quickly asked.

"Umm... Papa J? I like it! Of course you can call me that! You are... 18, yes? Yeah, I'm ok with that name *cough* Uhhh... You'll be staying in the same building as the boys. You'll stay on the same floor too and you can start within a week because I want you to be acquainted with the country and not be jet-lagged. Does that sound ok?"

I smiled and said, "absolutely! That'd be great! Thank you so much for giving me this oppourtunity to go to Seoul to study and work for you Papa J. Kamsamhamnida!"

"Hahah! No need to thank me, you."

Somewhere in the backgroud of Papa J's line you hear, "hyung! who are you talking to? We got to get on stage soon!"

Papa J fumbled the phone and whispered, "I haven't told the boys about you yet so please keep it a secret till you start working, ok bye!"

"I--- ok!?"

The line went dead and I looked at my phone thinking, "well that's interesting... BUT I GET TO WORK FOR 2PM!!!!! WHOOOO!!!!!!"

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elfyraa #1
please when are you updating??? it's been so loong!!!! please update soon!!!! >_<
Chapter 21: When are you updating? I'm dying here :)))))
TayTay12345 #3
Chapter 20: YAYYYYYY:D:D:D:D YOU'RE BACK!! It's good to see you again:D:D:D!! I'll be waiting till you're done with the finals! Good luck:D:D:D!!!
Chapter 19: when will you update your story???? can't wait for the next chapter.
Chapter 19: I'm so happy about this chappie. :) gonna wait for the next!

Finally, Taec realizes that it's time to make it up with her.
Chapter 19: Hope Wooyoung will make his move soon or by the next chapter. Hehehe. Love this chapter cause Wooyoung is getting jealous because of Channie.

Hope you update soon. Fighting
Chapter 18: Oh my G! Finally it's updated. And please update soon.
Chapter 18: Waaaaaaa! I'm so happy, finally your story have been updated! Thank you so much and belated happy birthday :)