Starbucks, anyone?

The Beastly Neighbors


*I hope everyone has got the chance to see our Jang Woo Young's MV 'y Lady' and has gotten to either listen or buy his album '23, Male, Single' cause I have ^^~ for those who haven't, I've got the vids~ Please show your support by purchasing his album and/or tweeting or telling everyone about it because it's straight up BEAST! Our forever 5 year old has become a y man. <3

I'll also post up my personal fave: "Only Girl" it's a song for the HOTTEST <3 we're his only girls. The vid I'll post of the song is just the audio and the one who posted it has Woo's complete album on audio if any of you are interested in listening to the whole album (which I suggest you should ;) and take a listen to "Be With You" composed by Lee Junho and Jun K's "DJ Got Me Goin' Crazy")














I finally reached the beach an hour or so before sunset and to find the it pretty empty. It sure is gorgeous out here~ I need to take a pic of this and send it to Chels kekeke. Posting this up on facebook and twitter too!

Aihoo…” I said out loud as I grabbed my beach towel, my dolphin pillow pet, a throw blanket and a basket filled with some comfort food: fried chicken, mac n cheese, French fries and garlic aioli (mayo) for the fries and fried chicken and my portable speakers for my iPod. I decided to settle down in the sand near the water, tuck in and watch the sun down while playing soft music.

This sure is the life. Nothing could ruin this night! Nothing whatsoever. Time for picture takings and postings so people would be jealous of how my life is going, muahahah!

After taking a few pictures of the sunset and self-pictures, I decided to snuggle with my pillow pet and curl under the blanket after putting the basket of goodies back in the Beast (I nicknamed the SUV “Beast” because it’s just so HUGE!)

*two hours later*

A cold breeze brushing off from the waves woke me up and it was pitch black.  Shoot! I fell asleep! What time is it? 2 am?! Hahah, 2am… Oh man… *stretch* that was such a good nap too. I can’t drive back to the apartment this early/late. I guess I’ll have to sleep in the car… Thank God there were no creepers or rapists around here…

After picking myself up and gathering my towel, pillow and electronics, I trudged towards the Beast half asleep and shivering from the morning breeze. As I got in driver’s side, my cellphone started ringing.

Who the heck is it now?!” I groaned

*Jennifer’s face pop’s up*

Hello?” I said groggily

you?! You said you were going to call me! Where are you? Did I wake you up?”  she yelled

I pulled the phone away from my near bleeding ear and put it on speaker phone so I won’t damage my eardrums any further.

I’m sorry, I was so enticed by the sunset and how peaceful it is here. Didn’t you see the pictures I posted on facebook? I’m in my car, I fell asleep on the beach and it’s 2am over here. I’m going to sleep in here WITH THE DOORS LOCKED then head back in a few hours, MOM!” I yelled back annoyed

… Sorry… I was just worried that you got kidnapped or or something! I have to worry about my best friend you know!

Sigh…. Here comes the guilt trip I inwardly groaned

I’m sorry too, Jenn… I was sleeping pretty good there but, I’m sorry for snapping at you. I’m fine, don’t worry about me hahah I’m a ninja remember?” I laughed trying to lighten up the mood


Great, a “I’ll tell your parents” threat…

Yes mom! I promise! Now let me get my beauty sleep dammit!” I retorted

"... G'Night then" said Jennifer quietly

"*sigh* g'night, Jenn... Love you.. I'll message you, I promise."

I feel horrible for snapping at her but sometimes I don't need to treated like a kid. Whatevs, I need to sleep and I'll message her on facebook as soon as I wake up. Time to set my alarm for 6:30am so I can speed my way into town.


*after the concert*

Time for me to deploy Operation Save WooButt's Love Life. He seems to be in a good mood and tired so this should be a piece of cake. *gulp* I hope.

"Hey Wooyounggie" I said wiping  the sweat of his brow.

He smiled and said, "Khun hyung, what's up?"

"You got a minute? I want to talk to you about something in private..." I said giving Junsu a quick glance after feeling his eyes on me

"Uhh.. Sure, Nichkhun-shi. Let's go change in the other changing room then?"

I gave him a nod and followed him to the spare changing room for privacy.

"What is it you wanted to talk about, hyung?" Woo started off as he removed his shirt.

Here goes nothing...

"It's about you, Junho and you...." I began noticing his shoulder and neck muscles stiffened when I mentioned Junho and you as I removed my pants.

"What about them?" he said in a calm voice pretending I didn't see him stiffen.

"You like her don't you?" I shot back getting to the point.

His head shot up and eyes widened by the sudden change of my voice.

"H-How did you k-know? Was I that obvious?" he stuttered in embarrassment.

"A little. I catch onto things pretty quickly, Wooyoung. Plus, you're my dongsaeng. How could I not know what's going on with you?" I laughed.

"Chet... True, I guess. Yeah, I do like her. There's something about her you know? But she's a foreigner and our soon to be dorm mom. What am I going to do? I can't even speak enough English to converse with her and did I mention she's going to our dorm mom?" he said putting his sweat pants on.

"So what if she's going to be our dorm mom?" I muffled as I slipped my red "BUCK" shirt over my head. "If your heart tells you she's the one, go for it. As for the English, Taecyeon-shi and I will help you. Who knows, you might even teach her some Korean and/or vice versa, she can teach you some English too."

He seemed to think about it with scrunched up eyebrows as we both tied our tennis shoes.

"What about Junho? He seems to like her too... He's even talked to her!" he finally said as we started walking towards the door.

I thought about it for a bit, what if Junho does like her the same way Woo does? Do I tell him to pursue it then have her decide? One of them will be heart broken... But maybe one of them will be able to love her as a brother or friend? They'll never know if they don't try. We're here for both of them as brothers and friends if anything happens anyways.

"Junsu-ah is supposed to talk to him tonight when we get back to the dorm. I'll talk to Junsu because if you both feel the same way...." I began carefully watching Wooyoung's reaction, seeing he was listening, "I say you both should let her decide. Who knows, one of you might end up loving her as a brother or a friend so go for it. You'll never know what'll happen if you don't try. If it doesn't work out as planned, I'm right here for you both of you Wooyounggie. Never forget that, ok?" I ended by putting both hands on his shoulders and looking him dead in his eyes.

He pondered on what I said for a little bit then looked up with a determined smile.

"No worries, hyung. I'll never forget this, thanks you looking out for us" he said pulling me into a hug.

That's my Woo. Now time to text Junsu about this before he talks to Junho...


*alarm going off*

"What the flying..." I groaned as I scavenged blindly for the source of the ringing. After finally locating my cell phone on floor, I cracked one eye open and turned off the alarm.

"Mmm..." I groaned as I stretched and began to familiarize myself to my surrounds. I was still in the second row of the SUV, still in the clothes I slept it and the Beast was still locked. Good, now time for me to go get some Starbucks for me and the boys and break it to them that I'm their dorm mom. Joy...

I groaned once again and I straightened my hair and put it up in a pony tail and rubbed the eye boogers out of my eyes then I remembered something.

"Snap crackle and pop people!" I yelled out loud.

I need to message Jenn or else she'll flip a cow and tell my parents!

After successfully messaging the cranky best friend, I embarked on my return trip to Starbucks that was near the apartment.

Blare some music, get some air in here to wake me up and get some coffee so I can tackle on this day! FIGHTING! I quickly did the "fighting" pose as I drove blasting JWY's new album "23, Male, Single" after my quick purchase on iTunes.

*at Starbucks*

I was standing behind a couple and fanning myself since it's gotten up to the 80s this early in the morning. We sure are having a heat wave today... Hmm. I know Junsu oppa likes the Green Tea Creme Frap, Khunnie oppa likes the mocha frap... Oh hey! There's the Mocha Cookie Frap, he might like that. Sweet, two down and the rest? Ummm... Shoot! I guess I'll have to get Chansunggie oppa ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh Caramel Macchiato Frap, Taecyeonnie oppa a *blank*  ah! a Cookie Crumble since he likes cookies and cream ice cream. For the twins... *inhales* I'll probably get them both a White Chocolate Mocha Frap. As for me, I'll get a Green Tea Creme Frap with hazelnut. *stomach grumbling* I know tummy... Just wait a lilttle longer now.

"Hi, miss. How may I help you today?" said a woman behind the counter with an almost perfect English accent which took me by surprise.

"Uhh... Yes, can I get two venti Green Tea Frappuccinos, one with hazelnut mixed in please? Then a venti Mocha Cookie Frap, a venti Caramel Macchiato Frap, a Cookie Crumble Frap and finally two venti White Chocolate Mocha Fraps, please."

"Ok, two venti Green Tea Frappuccinos, one with hazelnut mixed in, a venti Mocha Frappuccino, a venti Caramel Macchiato Frappuccino, a venti Chocolate Cookie Crumble Frappuccino and two venti White Chocolate Mocha Frappuccinos. Whip cream with all of them?

I nodded politely.

"Will that be everything for you today?"

I glanced at the pastry bar and asked for two blueberry scones knowing that I'll just cook the boys something up while I munch on these since I'm STARVED!

After juggling the drinks and pastry bag, I finally got to the complex with the help of another customer who took my other coffee carrier to the Beast for me.

I inhaled the smell of coffee and quickly walked up to the door and was greeted by the security man.

"Annyeonghaseyo~" I said cheerfully trying to bring my mood up

He nooded back at me smiling as he held the door open for me.

"Gomapseumnida~" I said bowing respectfully for his help then he ran to the elevator to press the button for me.

I thanked him and again as he pressed number 5 for me. 

My heart was pounding like no other as I looked as the numbers reached 5.

Here goes nothing....

I looked forward as the elevator doors and saw the boys hovering around my door.

Oh shhhhh

"There she is!" said Nichkhun oppa has he turned to see me holding up two coffee holders and a small pastry bag under my arm.

My eyes widened as Taec oppa swiftly turned to me with raged eyes.

They all approached me quickly as I stepped out of the elevator.

"Where HAVE you been?!" hissed Taecyeon oppa.

I stepped back in shock and hurt from his tone. What the heck happened here?!

Nichkhun, seeing my distress quickly calmed Taec down. "Hey, cool it dude. You're scaring her..."

"Why are you all in front of my door?..." I slowly and quietly sad avoiding the hawk eyes.

"You're our new dorm mom, aren't you? Jin-Young hyung told us," said Taec after regainning his composure.

"Papa J told you guys already? Yes I am. Here's your guys' Starbucks. Junsu oppa, *hands Green Tea Frap*, Taecyeon oppa... *slowly hands him his Frap*, Chansung oppa *hands him his drink*, Nichkhun oppa *hands him drink*, Junho-shi and Wooyoung oppa *hands both drinks*

"Now, will you please excuse me so I can open my door and let you guys in?" I said curtly to the shocked boys.

As I unlocked my door, I heard mumbled "thank you" I smiled as a I opened the door and welcomed them in.

This is it. Face it like a man!

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elfyraa #1
please when are you updating??? it's been so loong!!!! please update soon!!!! >_<
Chapter 21: When are you updating? I'm dying here :)))))
TayTay12345 #3
Chapter 20: YAYYYYYY:D:D:D:D YOU'RE BACK!! It's good to see you again:D:D:D!! I'll be waiting till you're done with the finals! Good luck:D:D:D!!!
Chapter 19: when will you update your story???? can't wait for the next chapter.
Chapter 19: I'm so happy about this chappie. :) gonna wait for the next!

Finally, Taec realizes that it's time to make it up with her.
Chapter 19: Hope Wooyoung will make his move soon or by the next chapter. Hehehe. Love this chapter cause Wooyoung is getting jealous because of Channie.

Hope you update soon. Fighting
Chapter 18: Oh my G! Finally it's updated. And please update soon.
Chapter 18: Waaaaaaa! I'm so happy, finally your story have been updated! Thank you so much and belated happy birthday :)