First Meeting

"Who are you?"

Starting now this is Hyoyeon flash back.

"Hyoyeon come back soon.” the girls told me.

“I will.” I waved goodbyes to some of the girls I flirted in the clubs, but I couldn’t bring them home tonight, I wasn’t felling well actually. Driving home, I rolled down the car window and let the night breezes hit my face, oh how I love night breezes. When I was trying to get my mind back on track then I saw someone jump out of the side walk and into the streets, I hit the brake but it was too late. I hit her. Because of the sudden stopped I hit my head on the steering wheel and everything went black…


I opened my eyes and I see this bright light, am I dead, no I don’t want to die I want to live, I’m just 24 I haven’t live that long.

“Hyoyeon” I heard someone called my name, I saw a face, is that Jesus but why is he wearing glasses.

“Am I dead, Jesus?” I asked the four eyes Jesus.

“Your not dead Miss Hyoyeon and I am not Jesus my name is Dr. Kim.” His words finally sink into my brain. I’m not dead? I’M NOT DEAD!!!! I jumped up and hug the doctor, but then my head feel like a bat just struck me. I lay back in bed and held my head.

“Miss you shouldn’t move, your head was injured from the crashed. You don’t need to worry it just a slight scratch.” He ensure me, oh the crashed I remember I hit someone.

“What about the person I crashed into?” I asked him, for a minute he didn’t say anything. Was it that bad, did I kill that person? Am I going to prison?

“Is that person dead?” my lips were shaking.

“No she is not dead.” Whew give me a heart attack right there. “The patient has passed the critical condition but she was badly injured, mostly on the chest and the head.” Well that is not so good then.

“Can I see her then?”

“Sure.” He helps me stand up and lead me to this room, the room was filling with machinery and I saw a person was lying on the bed, covered with bandages and oxygen mask on, her face were covered with scars and bandages.

“Do you have any information about her?”

“Right now, no. "

“Miss Hyoyeon you are free to go now. Why don’t you come with me to do some of the papers work?” We went out the room but my eyes keep on looking back at the girl. While I was doing the paper work someone approached me.

“Are you Miss Hyoyeon?” Two guys wearing police uniforms asked me.


“We need to talk to you in private.” We walked to the hospital cafeteria it was at night so there are not many people around.

“At around 12 a.m. there was an accident and you were involved and also the unconscious woman. We haven’t found any information about the woman that got in the accident.” 'We don’t have any information about the woman' keep on repeating in my head, I don’t think this is going to be good at all.

“WHAT you guys don’t have any information about her, at all. Like AT ALL?”

“Yes Miss, and because you’re the person at fault. You’ll have to take care of her until she is fully recovered.” The ‘take care’ words was ringing in my head, I can’t take care of her I can’t even take care of myself.

“Wait don’t I go to court and have to do a lot of paper works.” I was trying to get out of the ‘take care’ things.

“No need this is the paper sends from the court.” They give me a yellow envelope, I open it and read. ‘YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE PERSON THAT YOU CRASHED INTO – from XXXX court.’ I look at the paper then back at the two policies. Are you serious, the governments don’t want to get involve that why they send me this letter. Those bastards make me paid so many taxes for them and now they give me this paper.

“We need to go, takes care Miss Hyoyeon.” The two policies men stand up and left, while I was sitting there looking at the paper in horror.



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School is starting and I can't update because for another week or two


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Chapter 23: read this for the 5th time, this story is that GOOD ! :D
Chapter 23: I love this story....
Make more sweet story authornim.
ilabya40 #3
Chapter 23: my hyosic heart <3
ugh I loved this :) thanks author-nim
Chapter 23: Omg thanks! I'm touched! I like the ending alot but poor Yul and Fany... I feel sad for them
Chapter 23: I love the ending!! Awesome hyosica story so far♥♥♥
I been reading again and again! Author-nim, tis is awesome!
quynhtran #8
Chapter 23: Yah~~
I thought the story would be longer when you let Sica lose her memory 'bout Hyo in chap 21
But... it ends so fast TT3TT
hyosica #9
Chapter 23: I love it so much
I will read it again...but it's shot...huhu..tôi tự hào vì bạn là người Việt Nam.hãy viết về hyosic..<3