Chapter 8

The Royalties:The Battle Has Just Begun(Sequel to The Royalists)


Hey, you didn't tell me what was wrong.” I stopped L.Joe from walking outside.

He turned around. “I don't want to talk about it.” he snapped.

“What's wrong with you? One minute you're all like 'stay with me' and now you're all cold.”

“Because...I have to live in the same house with someone that has something I don't!”



“What can he possibly have that you don't?!” They both were talented, played the piano and were good looking.


I softened.

He turned around to leave again but I grabbed his hand to stop him.

“I'm sorry...but you are my guest and I can't have my guests upset like this.”

“Then what are you gonna do about it?”

“...I don't know yet! But I'll figure it out.” I smiled and did a thumbs up.

He chuckled and pinched my nose.

Well at least he's smiling...


I decided to go into the book room to do some research. I haven't been up there in awhile. I was about to go up the staircase when I heard Eunji's voice.

“Let's go Oppa!”

“I don't want to!” Heechul snarled. My eyes widened and I hid behind a plant.

“Come on please!”

“No. Go ask L.Joe or something.”

“Why should I? He's with _____-sshi. I don't want to bother them. They're getting rather close these days.”

What is this trying to do?!

“Aish...just go away. I'm having a bad day.” he said.

I tilted my head. He was just smiling with me earlier.


Someone tapped me on the shoulder. I jumped. I turned around and saw Chunji. I put my fingers to my lips and pointed to them. He smirked then nodded in understanding and started to eavesdrop too.

“Tell me what's wrong. I can help.” Eunji said.

I turned to my left and Ricky was suddenly there too. He smiled at me and continued to listen in. I could feel their breath on my neck and I got irritated so I shooed them away.

“You can?” Heechul asked.

She nodded.

Heechul thought about then shook his head. “Nevermind.” He started to walk away when Eunji grabbed him.

“Don't you have someone else to annoy?!”

“No...I like Oppa.”

Jealousy boiled inside me.

“Don't call me Oppa. We're the same age.”

“But _____ calls you Oppa doesn't she?”

“Rarely...but she's my girl.”

“Well...tell me what's wrong.” she edged.


I felt breathing on my neck again and turned around. It was Hyungshik. He smiled and waved. When did he get here?!

I rolled my eyes and continued to listen.

“L.Joe is getting close to _____, and I don't like it.” Heechul confessed.

My eyes widened. He should've told me...

“Awh...Oppa, it's okay. Our family never gets close with anybody so he must feel like he needs the warmth. I know I do...But I'll try to talk to him for you.” Eunji hugged Heechul. Then Heechul did something that I would never expect, he hugged back.

“Thanks...” he muttered.

I heard Hyungshik growl. “I don't like that .” he whispered.

I turned away and fumed, with Hyungshik right behind me.

“It's okay _____. Heechul hyung loves you. Don't get too worked up.” he assured and patted my back.


I was talking with Hyuna when I heard plates and dishes, signaling that lunch was about to be served. I walked out of my room, and at the same time L.Joe did too. We smiled at each other.

“You going to lunch?” he asked.

I nodded.

“I'll accompany you there, ma lady.” he joked as he held out an arm.

I laughed and took his arm.

We walked together to the dining room joking around as he pretended to be my .


Once we walked in, our smiles faded. Everyone was glaring at each other. Heechul glared at L.Joe and he gladly glared back.

I hesitantly sat down in my usual spot by my dad. The dining table was FILLED.

 My dad cleared his throat and dug into his lunch. [a/n what do royalty eat for lunch...?]

I took a bite of my bread.

“So how did you like my song on the piano, Heechul Oppa?” Eunji asked breaking the silence.

“Oh you play the piano? How nice...” My mother complimented.

Heechul glanced around before answering.

“ was good.”

Eunji smiled in satisfactory. I scoffed.

“Oppa, your song was good too. Actually it was great. So romantic.” She batted her eyelashes.

“CUHCUHCUHCUHCUHCUH.” Hyungshik coughed loudly. “Excuse something gross and ugly caught in my throat.”

Eunji glared at him.

“Anyways...I bet L.Joe can play the piano too am I right?” My mom asked.

He nodded. “I played for _____ too.”

“Wah! That's so cool!” she clapped.

“I bet Heechul hyung can play better.” Dongjoon blurted.

“No, L.Joe hyung is probably better. He has played ever since he was born.” Ricky said.

“Well Heechul has played ever since he was in our mother's fetus!” Kwanghee yelled.

“L.Joe hyung has played ever since he was in our fathers !” Niel screamed.


I had enough...I got up and left.

I needed to talk to someone that wasn't biased, and always listened to what I had to say and never forced me to do anything.

I got in the carriage and started my way to Woolim Empire.



inpinituuuuuu! :D :D :D :D

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mizukki #1
Chapter 20: Oh mer gawd.
Still another jyp empire!?!?
But nice story!!
pinkmuffin #3
Chapter 20: Amazing! But please not another one with JYP Empire! I wouldn't survive another sleepless night!
JungJeWon #4
Chapter 20: waaa.liked it...and when L.joe dragged ricky and when L.joe rubbed his eyes when they get sure it was arghhhhhhhhh cuuuuuuutttteeeeeeeee...!!!!!
JungJeWon #5
Chapter 17: waaaaa...shinee...and suju also...ooohhh poor heechul and the others then...who will come to help...i think woolim will come..
JungJeWon #6
Chapter 16: yah author-nim i have finished with my evil laughing but you havent???!!!
JungJeWon #7
Chapter 13: author-nim want to join your evil laugh...can i *puppy eyes*
JungJeWon #8
Chapter 12: so i think you need to make 'you' fall in love with L.joe...she had suffering so much...
JungJeWon #9
Chapter 8: yay...time to meet Infinite again...kyaaaaaaaaaaaa