Chapter 11

The Royalties:The Battle Has Just Begun(Sequel to The Royalists)


I woke up the next morning and got out of bed and brushed my teeth. I stared at my reflection. I looked like a zombie. I had bags. I didn't sleep well last night. My mind was everywhere. What are L.Joe and I now? Are Heechul and I even together anymore? Who should I choose? I spit out the toothpaste and put light powder on my face to hide my bags. After I was satisfied, I brushed my hair and walked out of my room. Heechul was walking passed my room. I smiled and went up to him. I felt like I haven't spoken to him in ages.

“Morning.” I smiled.

He just looked at me and proceeded to the stairs.

“Where are you going?” I asked him.

He didn't answer.

I tilted my head. Was he angry at me? It should be the other way around shouldn't it?


“Heechul!” I called to him but he was already at the bottom of the stairs.

“Oppa! Let's go!” Eunji said, linking arms with Heechul. She smiled up at him and they both walked out of the front door.

What the hell just happened?

Are they..?

I chuckled. “No...Heechul wouldn't do that.” I shook my head. If we officially weren't together anymore, he'd tell me straight up, right?


I walked downstairs and stared at the two bodies walking down the steps through the window. They both laughed. He looked...happy.

Anger boiled up inside me. I'm here, almost miserable and he's out playing with another girl?! That's living in my household along with him?!

My eyes narrowed. Just wait til you get back Jung Heechul...but as for now, two can play that game.


We all ate breakfast as usual except that two bodies weren't there. The breakfast was surprisingly quiet. No one was fighting today. I just think it was because everyone kept glancing at me to see if I noticed that the two weren't there. Of course I noticed, but I just pretended it didn't bother me at all.

I finished and excused myself.

I passed L.Joe and whispered in his ear. “Meet me at the pottery in town around noon.”

He looked at me, but then eventually nodded. I smiled and made my way to the book room.


“What did she say?!” I heard Niel whisper.

“Yah, what she said is for him to know...sheesh. Mind your business.” Kwanghee said.

“Maybe you should mind your own business and find out where your playboy brother is with our sister!” Ricky yelled.

Another argument broke out.

I shook my head. Thank god my parents are gone for the next couple of days. They'd go crazy. But I'm hoping they'll come home soon. I think this house is going to turn into chaos.


L.Joe's POV

I walked down to the town pottery. I was curious why she wanted me to come here. I thought about it through the whole walk.

Once I found the little store, I saw many different pots and cups. They were very impressive. But of course, not as good as our empire. That reminded me. I wonder how my empire is doing. I missed it but I had to do my duty here first.

A voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

“Are you here with _____?” The lady asked.

I smiled and nodded.

“Follow me.” she said and led me to a door. “She's in here.”

I bowed and thanked her.


I opened the door and I saw _____'s back. She was facing the big window that allowed light to come in and her hair was tied up. She turned around to grab something and there was some clay was smeared on her face. I smiled. She looked absolutely adorable.

She noticed my presence and smiled too. Now she looked beautiful.

She waved me over.

I laughed. “What are you doing?” when I noticed her...err, pot?

“I'm trying to make a bowl...” she muttered. “I was gonna make you a cup before you came, but it didn't work out, so I tried a bowl!”

She's too cute.

I grinned. “Why are you trying to make me one?”

“Because...remember when I said that I was gonna figure out a way to make you not upset? Yeah...but it's not really working out.”

“Just you trying makes me the happiest guy in the world.” I said wiping the clay off her face.

She smiled at me. “Really?”

I nodded. “Here, I'll teach you.”


I stood behind her and wrapped my arms around her. I put my hands on top of hers and guided her along the clay. She stepped on the pedal to make the clay turn.

As we were making our bowl, I rested my head on her shoulder and kissed the side of her neck. She jumped at the unexpected touch, but she didn't protest so I continued.

I looked up and her eyes were closed. I smirked. So I took the chance and turned her around to kiss her. She immediately opened her eyes, shocked. I put my lips to hers, but then she pushed her face forward, signaling me to stop.

“What are you doing?”

“Kissing you.”

It looked like she was about to slap me right then, so I tilted my head a bit, getting ready for what was to come but then I saw two figures in the window.

“Eunji?” my sister smirked.

_____ turned her head and saw them too.





*runs away* DON'T KILL ME. :D

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mizukki #1
Chapter 20: Oh mer gawd.
Still another jyp empire!?!?
But nice story!!
pinkmuffin #3
Chapter 20: Amazing! But please not another one with JYP Empire! I wouldn't survive another sleepless night!
JungJeWon #4
Chapter 20: waaa.liked it...and when L.joe dragged ricky and when L.joe rubbed his eyes when they get sure it was arghhhhhhhhh cuuuuuuutttteeeeeeeee...!!!!!
JungJeWon #5
Chapter 17: waaaaa...shinee...and suju also...ooohhh poor heechul and the others then...who will come to help...i think woolim will come..
JungJeWon #6
Chapter 16: yah author-nim i have finished with my evil laughing but you havent???!!!
JungJeWon #7
Chapter 13: author-nim want to join your evil laugh...can i *puppy eyes*
JungJeWon #8
Chapter 12: so i think you need to make 'you' fall in love with L.joe...she had suffering so much...
JungJeWon #9
Chapter 8: yay...time to meet Infinite again...kyaaaaaaaaaaaa