Chapter 10

The Royalties:The Battle Has Just Begun(Sequel to The Royalists)


Thanks! I had a great time. Who knew your brothers were so crazy...” I laughed.

Hoya waved to me like a maniac.

“They're like that when my parents aren't around.” he said and rolled his eyes.

“Bye guys!” I yelled to his brothers.

“Bye!” they called back.

“Come by anytime. Our door's always open.” Dongwoo wiggled his eyebrows.

L pushed him.

I giggled. “Bye.” I said to Woohyun.

“Bye. Remember what I told you. Listen to yourself.” he said.

I smiled and nodded. “You're a good guy.”

“I know.”



They touched swords and stood glaring at each other. At the same time they went for it. The metal clanged and they moved swiftly. Their skills were about the same but L.Joe used more intellectual skill, while Heechul was incredibly fast. Heechul growled as L.Joe cut his arm a little. It stung, but he kept going.

“For a kid, you're pretty good.” he muttered.

“I'M. NOT. A. KID.” L.Joe said through gritted teeth and did a twisted move that no one could do except for him. Heechul got caught by surprise and almost got cut again, but he quickly used his sword to stop him.

Heechul sped up the pace and started swinging more violently. L.Joe staggered backwards but managed to dodge them all. Heechul swung once and L.Joe ducked around it and his sword stopped right before cutting Heechul's neck. They froze.


L.Joe smirked. “I win.”

Heechul stared at him. How could he lose? He was undefeated. He never lost. He never lost to anyone. Impossible...

Heechul hit L.Joe's hand which caused him to drop his sword. Heechul then punched him the face. He walked away thinking that L.Joe wouldn't fight back. Oh how he was wrong.

L.Joe quickly got up with a bloody lip and turned Heechul around.

“Hey ...” then he punched Heechul back.

That's when another fight broke out. They kicked, punched, rolled around. None of them would dare lose this fight, especially not Heechul. [it kinda looks like the fight in the BTD music video]


Heechul stopped punching L.Joe. He was on top of him. They turned their heads and saw the reason they were fighting in the first place.



I got home and saw the maids and butlers all huddled around the window.

“What's going on here?” I asked them. Once they noticed I was there, they bowed and quickly left to go do their jobs.

I tilted my head and went to the window. I saw two bodies, they looked like they were dancing. It was getting dark outside so it was hard to make out what they were doing. I squinted a bit and saw a blonde head. L.Joe? I squinted more and realized he was fighting with...with...Heechul?!


I quickly ran out into the garden.

They punched and kicked each other. I heard them both groan in pain as they kept throwing punches at each other.

“STOP!” I screamed.

They turned their heads and when they saw it was me, their eyes widened. L.Joe pushed Heechul off of him. L.Joe stood up, while Heechul sat in the grass touching his bleeding lip.

“I really hope you guys aren't fighting about me.” I said.

They stayed quiet. My mouth dropped.

“You were! What the ! I'm not some little doll you guys can fight over! I'm a person! Don't settle these things like this! It's my decision not yours!” I yelled.

L.Joe walked closer, “_____...”

I stepped back and glared at the both of them. I soon turned around and made my way back into the palace.

I stopped and looked at Heechul, “Out of all people, I thought you would know better.”


“Well...she's pissed...she never cusses.” I heard a voice say. I turned to look at the voice. It was Kwanghee and everybody else.

“You all were watching that whole thing?!”

They all innocently nodded.

“And you guys didn't do anything to stop it?”

They all innocently shook their heads.

I glared at all 13 of them and stomped up to my room.


I didn't dare go out of my room. I didn't even allow anyone to come in. I was pissed off to the max. Fighting doesn't solve anything. That night I couldn't even sleep. I tried to count sheep but I stopped at 90. I got too bored. I put on my robe and decided to take a walk. Without even noticing, my feet led me to the garden. The flowers and the sound of water just calmed me every time I needed to think.


“_____?” a voice said from behind me.

I turned around. It was L.Joe.

“What are you doing here?” he asked me.

“Couldn't sleep...”

“ too.” he chuckled to lighten the mood.

I nodded and started to walk away.

“Look, I'm sorry about what happened.” he said grabbing my wrist.

“Why'd you do it? You know I care about Heechul.”

“Why are you taking his side? Have you ever looked at it from my point of view?”

I stayed quiet. He walked closer. His face was close.

“Please...just let me have you...just once.” he whispered before pressing his lips to mine and his hand went up to cup my cheek and the other around my waist.

I stood shocked. After a couple seconds, I realized what was happening. I pushed my face forward to give him the hint, but he took it the wrong way. Instead I put my hand on his neck and lightly pushed him away.

We stood staring at each other.

I know I know...what I should've done was slapped him for kissing me right? But for some reason I couldn't make myself do it. Instead I whispered a 'goodnight' and proceeded to my room.


Heechul's POV


I sat up and I ruffled my hair in frustration.

What the ? Why can't I sleep?!

I decided to take a walk. Maybe I'll get tired and pass out somewhere. So I walked downstairs and went to get a glass of water. As I passed the door that led to the garden, I heard voices. Curiosity got the best of me. I silently opened the door and I heard a boy and a girl voice. I tip toed over and saw that it was _____ and L.Joe. Well ...

He walked closer to her and kissed her. My eyes widened and it took everything in me not to punch the out of that boy again. I was expecting for _____ to push him away but I saw her kiss him back and get closer to him. Then she s her hand around his neck. I didn't know what happened next because by then I had looked away and started to make my way back into the house.


I walked passed Eunji.

“Oppa, what are you doing here?” she asked me.

“Your brother, he's in the garden. Tell him to stop sneaking around. Some people might get the wrong idea.”

She tilted her head and looked out the window and I suppose she saw what I saw because then she smirked.

I went up the stairs with Eunji following me.

“Oppa!” she said as she grabbed my arm. I shook her off and closed my door. "If you need anyone, I'm here." she said.

I punched the pillow.

Looks like it was true...

He had won.




thanks to jasleonie for helping me with my writers block! haha. love ya, unnie! :D

you guys remember that old song by hellogoodbye called here in your arms? it's been in my head all day! i was listening to it while writing this chapter! yeah...random so i'll shut up now. ^^

and seungri won mnet countdown! WOOP WOOP! <33333 his hyungs should be proud of their maknae. :P

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mizukki #1
Chapter 20: Oh mer gawd.
Still another jyp empire!?!?
But nice story!!
pinkmuffin #3
Chapter 20: Amazing! But please not another one with JYP Empire! I wouldn't survive another sleepless night!
JungJeWon #4
Chapter 20: waaa.liked it...and when L.joe dragged ricky and when L.joe rubbed his eyes when they get sure it was arghhhhhhhhh cuuuuuuutttteeeeeeeee...!!!!!
JungJeWon #5
Chapter 17: waaaaa...shinee...and suju also...ooohhh poor heechul and the others then...who will come to help...i think woolim will come..
JungJeWon #6
Chapter 16: yah author-nim i have finished with my evil laughing but you havent???!!!
JungJeWon #7
Chapter 13: author-nim want to join your evil laugh...can i *puppy eyes*
JungJeWon #8
Chapter 12: so i think you need to make 'you' fall in love with L.joe...she had suffering so much...
JungJeWon #9
Chapter 8: yay...time to meet Infinite again...kyaaaaaaaaaaaa