
All Over Again


"Good Afternooooonnn Jiiieeeuuunnn" Hyosung greeted happily

Jieun chuckled "Good afternoon to you too miss smiley face"

"Well, you can't blame me. You're the reason for my sunshine this morning" she said

"Me.?" Jieun asked. Then she placed her hand near her chest "Oh my, don't tell me you're falling for me Hyosung-ah.? Oh no, what will ever happen to Daehyun" she exclaimed playfully

Hyosung rolled her eyes, laughing "AHA-HA-HA-HA-HA. I bet you're really happy now. You are, right.? Right.? Right.? Right.?"

"Of course I am" Jieun answered, then smiled at her "It's all thanks to you and Daehyun"

"Oh stop. We didn't do anything. You were already in love with each other. We just . . . . . pushed you. That's all" Hyosung grinned

"Pushed who.?" Youngjae asked, getting inside of the room. "Is someone here involved in a crime scene or what.?"

"A crime scene of love, that is" Hyosung replied. "Wait, where are the others.? I thought we were gonna go to the Cherry Park.?"

Youngjae nodded his head and smiled at her "Yeah we are. Daehyun and Yongguk hyung are on their way up. Himchan hyung and the two maknaes are out in the grocery store to buy food"

She gasped "You let them buy the food.?! Are you sure they're gonna do well.?"

"Relax, will you.? They will do well, but if they don't, we can cut them off for good" Youngjae joked

Suddenly, Daehyun walked inside the room with Yongguk "Cut off who.?"

"Himchan hyung and the two maknaes. Well, that is if they don't buy the right food. You can be the ring leader if you want" Youngjae smirked

"So now you want me to get in jail.?"  he chuckled

Youngjae smiled "Well, just like you said before. That's what bestfriends are for. Dragging each other down" 

"I'll decline the offer. Thank you very much. I don't wanna leave my baby all alone, you know. She'll be very lonely" he replied, grabbing both Hyosung wrists and wrapping it around his waist

Hyosung giggled as she hugged him from behind, popping his head a little from his back "He's right Youngjae. Don't keep us apart"

Youngjae placed his right hand under his chin, pretending to think "Hmm. I'll think about it, though" he smiled. After a few seconds "Hmmm. Okay, I thought about it. Since Hyosung told me to, I'll let Daehyun off the chain"

"Well that was fast" Yongguk laughed, sitting next to his girlfriend. "I never thought you had a soft heart Youngjae"

Youngjae gasped "Hyung.! That was hurtful"

"You're exaggerating" Jieun chuckled

"I know" Youngjae laughed. He looked around the room, feeling a bit the third wheel for each couple. He clapped both his hands and started walking out of the room "Okay. I'm feeling a little bit overpowered here. I'm gonna go wait in the car. This is what happens when the AMAZING YOUNGJAE doesn't have a girlfriend.! I know I should have went with the 3 idiots.! I'm such an idiot" he yelled as he disappeared from the room

Hyosung unwrapped her arms around Daehyun's waist and hugged him from the front "How was your day so far.?"

"BAD and good" Daehyun replied

She furrowed her eyebrows together, looking at him "Bad and good.? Why.? Did something happen.?"

He brought his hands to her cheeks and pinched it softly "Bad, because I wasn't able to spend my morning with you. And Good because I'll be able to spend  the rest of the day with my beautiful girlfriend"

Hyosung giggled, slowly leaning in for a kiss. Then stopping centimeters apart from his lips, her eyes glancing at the other couple who was having their little moment. Daehyun took a glimpse at the direction she was looking. He grabbed her by the chin to meet his eyes "Yah. When you lean in, you're supposed to kiss me, not stop halfway" he pouted

She bit her bottom lip and smiled. Quickly smacking her lips with his. "Let's let those two newly lovebirds alone" she whispered in his ear

He nodded his head, grabbing her hand and walking outside "If you two lovebirds are done. Meet us downstairs"

"But don't take too long. We're still going in the park.!" Hyosung shouted from the outside


Yongguk looked at the door, chuckling. He suddenly turned his attention to Jieun, just smiling at her

"What?" Jieun asked, returning the smile. "Is there something on my face.?"

"A very beautiful smile" he replied, grinning

Jieun blushed, slightly pushing him with her shoulder

He laughed "What.? It's true"

"Stop it. You're making me blush even more" she said, sticking out her tongue

He smiled, standing from his seat and grabbing her hands "You can't blame me. Let's go. They might be thinking something weird on what's taking us so long"




"Did we forget  anything else.?" Himchan asked, pushing the grocery cart 

Jongup shook his head and looked around the grocery store "No, I think we got everything, hyung"

Zelo stopped walking and gasped when he saw someting "Hyung. Hyung. Hyung. Hyuuuuunnnggg.!!"

"What.? What.? What.?" Jongup asked

"Whaaaaaaaattt.?" Himchan added

"Buy me this cereal, please" Zelo said, holding a box of cereal

Jongup walked up to him, grabbing the box of cereal in his hand "Milky Sky Crunch.? Really Junhong.? Aren't you a little too old for this kind of cereal.?"

"Hyung, you're never too old for any kind of delicious cereal. Plus, what I'm aiming for is the free prize at the back. Plleeaassee hyuung" 

Himchan raised his eyebrows "What is the price anyway.?"

"A VERY COOL MINIATURE ROBOT.!!" Zelo bounced happily. "Please hyung.?! Please please pleeeaassee.!"

"Arasso. Arasso. I'll buy it for you" Himchan chuckled

Zelo jumped, grinning widely "YEEYYY.! YEY YEY YEY YEY.! Gomawo hyung"




"Aaaahhh.! What's taking them soooo long.?!" Youngjae whined, resting his body on the flat-covered-cloth-green-grass-ground

Daehyun sat on the picnic table, pulling Hyosung in his lap "You've been whining for the 5th time already. Are you really that excited to see them.? Don't tell me you're inlove with Himchan hyung or any of the maknaes.?" he joked

Youngjae sat up straight, rolling his eyes at Daehyun " HA HA HA. Very funny Mr. Jung Daehyun"

"Ooohh. They're here" Hyosung said, diverting her eyes to the right

"Nooonnnaaa.!" Zelo yelled from not sao far, running towards them

"Hyosung noona.! Daehyun hyung.! Youngjae hyung.!" Jongup followed

When they reached the table, Youngjae stood from his position and grabbed the groceries "It's about time you got here.! I'm starving"

"Sorry we took so long. The line in the cashier was so long" Himchan explained

"Oh don't worry about it hyung. It's not like Youngjae missed you or anything" Daehyun teased, looking at his pissed bestfriend

Hyosung giggled and stood up which her boyfriend reciprocated by pulling her back again in his lap. "Where do you think you're going Miss Jun Hyosung.?"

"I'm just gonna call Yongguk oppa and Jieun. I won't be long" she smiled, pecking his lips

She quickly got up again and ran towards the nearby lake, spotting Jieun and Yongguk walking near the small bridge "Jeiun-ah.!! Oppaaaa.!" she yelled

Jieun shot her head onto her direction and smiled, waving at her "Hyosung-aaaaaahhh"

"Him-himchan o-oppa and the two maknaes ar-are already here" she panted

"Oh really.? We should go back now. I bet Youngjae already started feasting with the food" Jieun laughed

Yongguk smiled at her, grabbing her hand "Will it be okay if you go ahead alone.? I would like to talk to little Hyo for a while"

Jieun smiled back, nodding her head "Of course"

After Jieun completely disappeared from view, Hyosung looked at Yongguk who was staring peacefully at the lake. She followed his gaze and they bothe kept quiet for the moment "You missed her right, oppa.?" she asked, breaking the silence

He nodded his head lightly, knowing who she meant: Shinji "Just a little. But not as much as I've missed her before"

"Why.?" she asked

"Because I have Jieun. And you of course" he said

She gasped dramatically "Oppa.! Are you inlove with me too.? You know you can't do that. Jieun will kill me and my baby will have to kill you also" she joked

He laughed, wrapping an arm around her neck. pulling her close to him "It's been so long since we had this moment together. A little oppa-dongsaeng moment"

"You know oppa, Shinji told me that you don't have to worry about her anymore, she's happy where she is and . . . . . . "

"And what.?" he asked

"And that you're very lucky to have me as a little sister" she grinned, looking up at him

"Well someone's so proud" he chuckled, ruffling her hair "Come on. I don't want Daehyun to think that I kidnapped you or something"

She laughed, leaning her head against his shoulder as they walked "Arasso"





(OOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHH MMMYYYYY.! I think it's been 2 weeks or so since I've last updated.!! I'm sooo sorry.!! Been busy with college stuff. Huhuhu. I also haven't updated much with my "PURPLE-GREEN LOVE" story >_<)

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I dont care if you write fanfics about these two all over again-- CAUSE IM A DIE HARD SHIPPER TOO OMG ❤❤❤❤
Great story!
tbnklove #3
Chapter 27: DaeHyo is so adorable! Hopefully they will have a lovely trip without anything happening to them.
Author-nim when are you gonna update again???? I miss this story already T~T
Chapter 26: Gosh~~ they're so cute! >w< too much daehyo moments just make me want to see their closeness on some varieties, for real~~
i love daehyo forever~~!!
i know right they don't have enough interactions but i will hope someday there will be
continue writing fighting unnie~~!!
lovepandabear #7
Chapter 26: I want to have a boyfriend like Daehyun TT__TT
*forever alone*
tbnklove #8
Awwww...DaeHyo is sooooooooooooooooo adorable.So sweet,lovely and everything. I wonder what Daehyun have planned for Hyosung for the trip.Hopefully they'll have a great,adorable,sweet and again,everything time together.

Thanks for the update:D
omg so cute...i hope something special happen during their vacation...hehe