Shrimps & Bonfire

All Over Again


One week had passed and the University festival is nearly coming. The girls and guys have been practicing separately. As for Daehyun and Hyosung, they are going pretty well with their blossoming relationship. They aren't an official couple yet but they've been going out and about, sometimes with their friends and sometimes just the two of them.


"Are you guys excited for tomorrow's performance.? I'm so so so so excited, many guests will come and there will be fireworks display" Sunhwa squealed

"Omo.? Fireworks.? That sounds fun" Jieun said

Zinger nodded and fixed her hair, looking in the mirror "Yeah. There's also a slow dance around the big bonfire"

Hyosung yawned and lay down the carpet floor "Who are you girls gonna dance with.?" 

Sunhwa shrugged her shoulders  "Me.? Hmm. I'm not so sure. But probably Zelo or Youngjae"

Youngjae and Daehyun suddenly walked inside the room "I heard my name. What about me.?" 

"What up guys. Sunhwa was just talking about dancing with you for tomorrow's big bonfire dance. It will start right after all the performances though. Why.? Do you already have someone else to dance with.? Zinger asked

"No, sure noona. Why not" Youngjae said as he gave Sunhwa a thumbs up

Sunhwa grinned and returned the thumbs up gesture "You're the best Youngjae-ah" 

"So how were your practice.? You guys ready for tomorrow.?" Jieun asked

Youngjae nodded "Yep, we just finished our rehearsal 1 hour ago. And we'll get our outfit tomorrow morning. What about you girls.?"

"I just showed the girls the dresses that I designed myself awhile ago. They totally loved it. We will look extremely HOT PINK tomorrow.!" Sunhwa said 

"We're looking forward to it. But we should probably go, the others are waiting downstairs" he demanded

Jieun stood up from the floor and hopped her way out "Okie dokie. Dinneeerr time"

Daehyun went up to Hyosung and helped her stand. She took his hand and smiled "Kamsamnida"

He smiled back and placed his hand behind her back "You're welcome"




"Hyung. Why do I have to eat so many vegetables.?" Zelo asked as he stared on a brocolli in his hand "I might die if I eat too many of them"

Youngjae rolled his eyes and shoved the brocolli in his mouth "You're exaggerating too much. Just eat"

Yongguk glanced at everyone eating their food, he then noticed the untouched shrimp's on Hyosung's plate "Don't you like shrimps, litte Hyo? It's the main dish for tonight"

Hyosung shook her head and half-smiled "N-no, it's not that I don't like it. I-I'm al-allergic to it. B-but I can eat it, the results won't be nothing serious" .She took one shrimp and peeled it. She was about to eat it when Daehyun grabbed her hand and led the fork she was holding in his mouth.

"Are you crazy.? Uncle Taeyeon will kill us if something bad happened to you. You should have told us" Jieun said "Good thing Daehyun ate it. What will happen if you eat shrimps anyway.?"

"Oh-oh. I-I don't really remember. Last time I ate shrimp was 10 years ago, I just remembered that I was brought to the... to the... uhmm-uhhm e-emergency room" she explained

Yongguk sighed and scratched his head "And you call that NOTHING SERIOUS.?! Next time, tell us little Hyo"

She bit her bottom lip "M-mianhe oppa. I-It's just, all of you were so excited to eat shrimp's. I didn't want to ruin your mood just because of my allergies" 

Himchan smiled at her "This is why we love you. You think about us too much. You are more important than shrimp's or any other things little Hyo. Just tell us next time, alright.?" 

Hyosung nodded her head and smiled "Neh oppa". After everything was settled, they continued eating. She looked over at Daehyun and grabbed his hand under the table, mouthing "Gomawo". He smiled at her and gripped on her hand tighter.




It was already the day for the University festival. The girls were getting ready for their performance as they will be the 3rd performers. The guys were on the other room, performing last. Well, they are the fangirls MOST WANTED so the staff and crew decided for them to be last.  The girls walked out of their waiting room when the guys also walked out of theirs.

"Whoah.! Wow. " Himchan said the moment he saw them

Sunhwa grinned and spun herself around  "I know. We look DAMN Y"

Youngjae awed at them from head to toe "No kidding. You girls clean up gooood"

Zinger shook her head and laughed "Why thank you. But why are you guys out here.? Aren't you performing last.?"

"Yeah we are. But we wanted to see you just from the sides, noona. For moral support" Jongup smiled

Jieun went closer to Jongup and ruffled his hair "Aaaawww. Aren't you just sweet.?" 

"YAH. It was MY idea" Youngjae said as he pointed to himself "But no need to ruffle my hair, it's perfect the way it is"

Yongguk nodded his head towards Hyosung's direction "Check out our little Hyo"

"Wow noona. I didn't even notice that it was you. You look very pretty" Zelo exclaimed

Hyosung smiled "Gomawayo Zelo"

"Well, what are we waiting for.? We'll lead you ladies to the stage" Yongguk said as he walked ahead of them

Daehyun grabbed Hyosung's hand before she could walk away. He held both her hands and stared at her "Nervous.?"

"Just a tad" she smiled

He chuckled and kissed both her hands "Goodluck"


While the girls were performing LOVE IS MOVE on the stage, the guys were at the side, watching them. They seem to have noticed that whenever it's Hyosung's time to sing/dance, the crowd would always volume up, guy fans seems to go crazy about her. Youngjae smirked at Daehyun who was watching both Hyosung and the crowd "Looks like you got some competitions" he whispered

"Oh shut up" he murmured, annoyed

After the girls had performed, they bowed down to the crowd and ran happily to the guys. "How was it.? How was it guys.? Were we good.?" Jieun asked

Yongguk smiled and patted her head "You girls were awesome"

"Yeah. You got the whole crowd bangin', especially the guy fans at the back" Himchan said

Sunhwa wiped her sweat and snickered "That's our chaaaarrmm"

Zinger looked at the crowd of fans and laughed "Well that wouldn't be long enough. The fan girls are already taking their camera's out for you guys. Your next to STAR's performance right.?"

Youngjae rubbed his hands together "Yeah we are. I'm soooo ready. My Andrenaline Youngjae Rush is overflowing"


Now, the moment all the fan girls had waited for. BAP's turn to make the fans swoon. One by one they walked up to the stage, Hyosung held onto Daehyun's arm and quickly kissed his cheek "Goodluck". He smiled at her and went to the stage, the fan girls screaming their throat out.

While the guy's were singing, Hyosung was just staring at one particular handsome guy. She didn't know that his voice could be so angelic. She closed her eyes for a moment and enjoyed listening to his soothing voice. When she opened her eyes, she noticed Daehyun was looking at her while he was singing, he suddenly winked at her and turned his head back to the crowd.

"Omo.! He winked at you" Jieun squealed as she jumped up and down

"Y-yeah" she stuttered as she blushed


The performance ended quickly than they thought. The girls started walking backstage to their waiting room and the guys following them. Hyosung looked behind and glanced at Daehyun who was being annoyed by Himchan. When she was about to go inside, Daehyun grabbed her hand "I'll see you on the bonfire dance" , slowly letting go and walked inside the B.A.P's waiting room




Already time for the bonfire show, the girls and guys were watching as the staff and crew of the festival lit the huge bonfire around the school. All the lights were turned off and seconds later, just like on a camp, the bonfire lit the whole place, just little twinkly lights and the moon backing it up.

Sunhwa grabbed Youngjae's arm and ran near the bonfire "Let's go Youngjae-ah"

Youngjae chuckled as he ran "Calm your jets, noona. Patience"

"Oh. I spy a lady over there. I'm gonna go ask her to dance. Bye guys" Himchan said as he disappeared from his friends sight

Yongguk held out his hand infront of Jieun and did a manly curtsy "Let's dance, my lady"

Jieun smiled as she bowed like a princess and took his hand "Well, my pleasure"

Zelo and Jongup looked around the bonfire, everyone already have their partner and are dancing near the bonfire. "And who are we gonna dance with.?" Jongup asked

"Let's dance. Just the two of us" Zelo suggested

Jongup furrowed his eyebrows together "Are you nuts.? People might think we're -------. Adsjksdlskrodksf. Aish.! Andwae."

Zinger laughed and stepped infront of them. She held out both her hands and stared at the two maknae's "Would it be okay for you YOUNG MEN to have a dance with me.?"

The two maknae's looked at each other and turned their heads to Zinger, taking her hand "NEH, noona. We would be happy to"

Not leaving a single second, Daehyun held out his arm and smiled at Hyosung "Care to dance with me, miss.?"

Hyosung giggled and wrapped her hand around his arm "It will be an honor, sir"


All of them were enjoying their moments. Zinger and the maknae's doing a 'pabo dance' with a slow music. Himchan dancing with the girl he just flirted with. Youngjae and Sunhwa swaying with the music while looking at their 3 friends who were in their own little world. Yongguk and Jieun dancing while watching Daehyun and Hyosung melt each other with their gaze.


"You're staring too much you know. You might be in jail because of what you're doing right now" Hyosung smiled as she wrapped her arms around his neck

Daehyun furrowed his eyebrows together "Why so.?"

"I' might DIE if you keep on staring at me that way and you'll be the very first suspect" she joked

He chuckled and gazed into her chocolate brown eyes, his arms slithering into her waist "You might as well get arrested too"

"Why.?" she asked, tilting her head 

"For stealing my heart" he whispered softly in her ear

"Dugeun Dugeun Duguen" Hyosung looked at him and bit her bottom lip, her heart beating faster. She honestly felt all giddy inside when he said that. Daehyun smiled and stared into her eyes then down to her lips,  leaning in. Their hot breath tickling their nose, when they were only 1 cm apart, a splash of colorful fireworks boomed and filled the dark sky, making them look up. 

Their friends surrounded them, all looking at the colorful sky. Daehyun looked down at Hyosung who was gawking at the fireworks display, her eyes glimmering. He slowly s his hand on her hand. She suddenly looked down at their joints hands and glanced at him. Both smiling at each other and holding on tightly.





(Dugeun Dugeun Dugeun LOOOOVVVEEE.! Aaaaww. Too bad the kiss didn't happen. Hehehe. Maybe soon ;) OMG.! Have you guys seen IDOL WEEKLY.? When Hyosung and Uee were voted as #9 Bestfriend Idol's.? Daehyun VOTED for them. Kyaaaaaa.! My DAEHYUN+HYOSUNG FEEEELLLSSS are coommiinng.! I WANT MORE.! MORE I TELL YAH.! LET'S SPREAD THE  LOVE.! ^_^)

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I dont care if you write fanfics about these two all over again-- CAUSE IM A DIE HARD SHIPPER TOO OMG ❤❤❤❤
Great story!
tbnklove #3
Chapter 27: DaeHyo is so adorable! Hopefully they will have a lovely trip without anything happening to them.
Author-nim when are you gonna update again???? I miss this story already T~T
Chapter 26: Gosh~~ they're so cute! >w< too much daehyo moments just make me want to see their closeness on some varieties, for real~~
i love daehyo forever~~!!
i know right they don't have enough interactions but i will hope someday there will be
continue writing fighting unnie~~!!
lovepandabear #7
Chapter 26: I want to have a boyfriend like Daehyun TT__TT
*forever alone*
tbnklove #8
Awwww...DaeHyo is sooooooooooooooooo adorable.So sweet,lovely and everything. I wonder what Daehyun have planned for Hyosung for the trip.Hopefully they'll have a great,adorable,sweet and again,everything time together.

Thanks for the update:D
omg so cute...i hope something special happen during their vacation...hehe