The name is Eugene

The last piece of memories...
Her eyes popped open; a new day! She did her daily routine and had her breakfast. She came out of the bathroom wearing her yellow and black uniform and tied her hair in a messy bun. Walking down the stairs, bowing and saying goodbye to... Ehh...the house and went outside locking the doors. As she walked, she bought some cakes form a bakery nearby. And by the time the clock 9, she's before the gates of the Seoul High. She smiled. 'Yuri-ah!! Hwaiting!!!' she said to herself and went in. Walking into the school, she felt many eyes on her. She turned her head around to see the situation and saw that all the girls turned away when she looked at them. 'Hmm... Something's strange' She thought but casually wiped it away and walked to her class.  A girl popped her bubble gum looking at her way, 'So she is the one, huh?' The girl beside her smirked. 'Definitely, she is, from which Minjoon said.' Minjoon? Oh! Remember the only boy who saw Yuri and Daehyun? ((^•^))???  Though she didn't care about it much, she felt those strange eyes on her. As she open her class door and went inside, all the girls stopped their track and looked at her with those eyes, which she thought to be filled with hatred. She gulped and went straight to her table but three girls were there, one sitting on the table with cross legs, another sitting on the chair and  the last one standing aside. She walked to those -like girls and 'Mind if you give me my seat back?' she asked.  The one sitting on the table smirked. 'Tell me, what did you do to our Daehyun oppa?' 'Daehyun? Why?' Yuri asked, not knowing what was happening. 'Dont put on that innocent face. Every one knows what you are, .' ?... That word started to play in her mind... Her temper grew but she tried hard to keep her voice low and as polite as possible and said,' I don't know what u r talking about nor anything. But FYI, I'm not a . Thank you.' and shove them away and sat on her seat. Those girls shot killers glares to her and went away to their seats. The bell rang and the students gathered in their seats and lecture went on. Break time,...  (Yuri's pov)   I walked to the cafeteria to meet up with the always cheering boy, Zelo. 'Noona!!! Annyeong!!!!' he shouted at me and pulled me to the table where b.a.p was sitting. 'Hi!' I greeted. And they replied me with either hand sign or smiling since their mouth were full with toast. How can they be the kingkas... That thought MADE me smile... 'Noona, tell me, is it true that u and daehyun hyung were in the banned lab room together alone???' Zelo asked which made me choked my food. And now all the 5 pairs of eyes were on me. 'Wh-what?' I asked them back. 'You heard it, Noona.' Zelo pouted. Just then, the memories of yesterday started floating in my mind and I remembered what they were talking about. But... Something is strange. He wasn't in that room,right? I'm sure I checked the inside and saw no one. Hmm... 'Yuri???' 'Noona??' Banglo started to wave their hands before my eyes  'Yuri-ah. Down to earth!!!' Young jae,too, shouted.   Himchan was amused by my sudden change of manner. 'Huh?' I asked as I got back to my own self. 'Spilt it out, noona!' Zelo impatiently shouted. 'Well, I...uh...he....ahmm..' I don't know why but I was tongue-tied to say something. 'What's the matter, Yuri-ah?' Bang sighed. 'N-nothing. It's j-just that I...uhm...I..-' 'Enough!' Himchan hissed. 'You don't wanna say right, Yuri-ah! Then just say u don't wanna, and man, u guys, too, don't be so curious, ok?' zelo nudged Jongup, 'Mama chan..' he mouthed. And they secretly laughed. ~~~       I went to my lockers to get my things. Since the school was over, there were only few more people left. Then, I noticed a group of girls, maybe like 5 or 6, gathering a little way down the hall. As I reached to my lockers,... 'Yah! New student, look at us' a voice which I somehow felt familiar with, shouted at me. As I turned around, saw all those queenkas, faces plastered with frowns. 'Yes?' I asked but was interrupted when one of those girls grabbed strands of my hair and pulled it harshly. 'Yah! You ! Don't ever try to touch my oppa!!!' 'Ah!' I gasped as they pushed me and I fell down. And they started kicking me. 'Daehyun oppa neun naegoya!!!' Tears started to roll down my face. 'What are u doing?!!!' A high pitch tone called out. And all those ty bullies stopped and looked 'Omg...' one of those girls made a squeak. 'L-let's go...' with that they all went away. Me, still lying down with bruises, bleeding, look up at her. She gave me a hand and helped me stand. 'Thank you...' my eyes were swollen due to an exclusive cryings. 'Dont cry.' she beamed. I looked at her thinking hard about her sudden change in manner and why all those bullies afraid of her. Like she knew me, she said, 'I was an ex-member of a gang. So they afraid of me.'  Ex-member of-f a gang?.. 'But don't be afraid. I'm not one with hands covered in blood.' I smiled. 'Why are they targeting me?' 'Since u r the only one who talked with Daehyun, our school's ice prince...' she shook her head. 'New student, You are... Yuri, right?' I nodded like a baby. She smiled widely. 'Let's be friends!' my face lit up. She'll be my friend?... Wait, her name. 'How about you? Eh, your name?' She pointed to herself, 'Me? The name is Eugene!'
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My dearest 73 subbies~~~~~~ I miss you so much! I'll update sooner or later! Please don't leave me.. This unfaithful author will be back.. ㅠㅠ


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Chapter 25: When will you update this ?!?
sapphire11 #2
Chapter 25: omo....update soon authornim.....
yknjea13 #3
Chapter 24: New reader here!!!! and subie too *waves*.......but why aren't you updating yet? it's already been a year~~~ T.T......update ok? we, your readers will be waiting for your update! ^^....

Oh! and btw I think I know where you got your concept ;)) just put your touch-up and TADA! your story with this little (but I think it's big) twist is done and I love the story!!! and you change the girl's name for some reasons like the original name from where you got your concept won't fit for a korean name am I right? ^^

is it just me or am I being confident that I know where you got the concept of your story? haha
loraaar #4
Chapter 24: I am reallllllly interested to know what happens next!! It's a really good story! ^.^
wordless-expressions #5
Chapter 23: Im so confused~~ all this secrets and stuff!! whatever. Story's still awesome anyways...
wordless-expressions #6
Chapter 22: Oh my god thanks!!! This keeps getting better and better. So mysterious~!
can't wait for the next one!!
wordless-expressions #7
Chapter 21: Duhdkdnfkfnckndj!!!!! I need more!! Please don't take too long!!!