
The last piece of memories...


'Another thing, does that mean Yuri is..?' Youngjae shot a glance at Himchan. The latter shrugged and mouthed an I-don't-know as he put his index finger upon his lips. Mind your words, it meant. Youngjae, too, shrugged understanding what Himchan meant. After all, they were at school...as normal boys. Bang turned to Himchan and muttered, "Youngjae's word made sense, is she?" He raised a brow. Himchan sighed.  God, why am I the commander here?..
"Yuri noona?? Noona is what??.." Zelo asked quite eagerly in interest. As the guy who has no thoughts, Jongup, just stared at the boys confused. Himchan sighed. These guys... 
"Alright.." He started as he took a seat in the cafeteria. "..gather around." He said. And the band did as he said so. 
"Look.. I'm not too sure but.. It's like 40% sure that Yuri is that." He said. "Why only 40%? All the exo is with her. It means—""But she doesn't have any aura but only the sense of a normal person.. That's why I subtract 30% out." Himchan interrupted Yongguk's sentence. "Shouldn't it be 70% then? You only subtracted 30, you know?" Zelo said as he busied himself with his hand trying hard doing maths. "Uh-un.." Himchan grinned. "Another 30% for me to subtract is that no vampires had attacked her..yet and that she doesn't have that scent, right?" "Does that even make sense?" The quiet Youngjae commented. "Why?" "Maybe we don't know..whether any vamps had attacked her or not?..and.. It's not that you can sense her blood you know.." That made Himchan startled. "Oh yeah.. But we haven't encountered any vampires passed these days... And..the only one who can sense blood is
"Everyone!! A fight!!! At the lockers!!!!!!"
Himchan raised a brow and looked around as the sea of students moved to the exit door to go and watch that fight. "Let's go.." Yongguk said. 
And as they arrived, what they saw was not something they won't even dream of. A fight, as it was said, was not a fight you know, not with punches, kicks, violence and else. It's more like a staring concert. Hell yeah, Mr. I'm-the-best, Jung Daehyun standing in front of Hyuna as he held the tight glare at her and Hyuna shaking, staring with pure fright in her eyes, with her back touching the lockers. And one more, Yuri, lying on the floor, shaking and with bruises. And beside Yuri, Eugene sat, holding her best friend's hands whispering are-you-okay?-s. 
"What the hell?" Yongguk muttered. "Oh not this, Daehyun.." Youngjae talked to his own self. Zelo started chewing on his thumb as Jongup held his breath. Himchan's right eyebrow raised up. 
..was what they all could here apart from Yuri's cries. 
Daehyun cocked his head to one side and smirked. A light glow of red rushed through Daehyun's mesmerizing eyes as Hyuna froze. A drop of sweat from Hyuna's forehead fell to the ground...
...and she fainted. 
FU*K. Yongguk cursed mentally. 
Every students, too, froze as they just plainly stared at the scene. Hyuna's fellas didn't move either. Loyalty that they always say was not a matter now that they didn't even go and help the helpless leader of them. 
Daehyun's face was plastered with an evil grin. Eyes were burning in colour red. Skin colour was in a state of pale white. 
Eugene, on the other hand, was holding Yuri in her hands as she just stared blankly at the grinning Daehyun. Neither was she afraid nor shocked. Then what was the meaning in her eyes?., Satisfaction?.. Why would she be satisfied? Because he saved her best friend, Yuri?
Some questions that cannot be answered in the mean time..
Daehyun stepped closer to Hyuna.. And bent down and he deeply chuckled. 
Yuri looked up, slowly opening her eyes. "Daehyun..ssi.. Please..stop." She weakly murmured. "Yuri-ah Gwenchana???" Eugene looked concerned. 
Daehyun froze.. "...please...stop.." Were the words he heard. Returning back to his self, he looked in front only to see the unconscious and helpless girl, Hyuna, lying. His eyes started to change back into soft chocolate brown as he turned to look at the two girl on his right. Her eyes were staring straight into his eyes and he stared back. "What the..." He studied her face, body just to see those ugly bruises made by the bullies.. Of course, which mostly were covered in blood. Blood... His eyes started to change into the colour of red.. He shook his head, not giving what another him wanted. In fact, he was having a hard time. Daehyun started to pant and looked around only to meet all the frightened eyes of his school mates. What have I gotten myself into?.. He wondered. As his eyes travelled from north to south, there, his eyes landed on a single pair of hazel brown eyes, Himchan's. 
Daehyun didn't know what to do. He felt like he was exposed, by himself. And he didn't like it for sure. His mysterious side was ugly enough and this wasn't leading to anywhere either. At once, he stood up and barged out of the scene to god knows where. 
Yongguk cursed under his breath and looked at Himchan. He might be the leader of his group but a commander was still a commander. Moreover, this commander was nothing close to ordinary. Himchan's confused expression didn't help the aggressive leader, however. 
Every one was stuck in their places as they stared in awe. Yuri had fainted centuries ago and Eugene was trying to carry her on the back. 
"Zelo, Jongup go and help the girl!" Yongguk ordered, "Youngjae come with me and Himchan.." He glanced at the latter, ".. I prefer you to research on how to erase these people's memory." And he ran off with the brain of B.A.P. "Oh well, Bang hyung gave me the easiest job around here... I already knew what I have to do, duh.." He said as he looked at the two maknaes helping the girls. 
This is too much... How did she manage to calm Daehyun down?... Does that mean she is...?
Hmm.. It will be very much to my liking.. 
Hope I can get explanations from the Association's president ..
So that I can get assigned to protect the princess.. 
He smirked and in a blink of an eye, he was nowhere to be seen.
Super speed, indeed. 
"Noona!! What happened!!! Can you tell us???" Zelo blurted as they made their ways to the clinic. Eugene shot a glare to the younger boy. "She's tired. She can't.." "Then why not you answer in stead of noona??" Zelo stuck his tongue out. "Huh! Put that tongue back in before I ripped it off!!" Eugene barked. "Do it if you can reach it!!" The giant baby replied. "Ha! I'm a gang member and I can if I want!!" "You can't unless you have super powers!!!" "I don't need super powers to kick your , what do you think you are???" Eugene snorted. "Me? Who do you think?? I am part of the best hunti—" Jongup quickly covered the latter's mouth. Eugene raised a brow, "What did you say?" Zelo, immediately untangled himself from Jongup and was about to shout back when *oops..did I just?..* Zelo gulped. He was on the verge of being exposed. "Nothing.. So can you tell us what happened?" He asked. Eugene rolled her eyes for the hundredth time, dealing with kids, yeah. It really is annoying. "Eugene-ssi??" Jongup asked. "Pleas tell us everything you saw and knew." 
"Well...," she started, "..when the lunch break comes, she told me that she's going to get lunch for both of us and to go and wait her in our usual place. I was there waiting which I practically fell asleep.." Zelo and Jong up were listening to her quietly. 
"..Just while I was dozing off.. a girl shook me to wake up and told me to come with her and its urgent.." "Which girl?.." Jongup asked. "Do you know Jihyun? Hyunsik's girlfriend?"  "Hyuna's fella, right?" Zelo asked. She smiled. "As we made to the lockers, I saw those school bullies and I was going to storm in and kick all their asses, I heard a voice. Like REALLY loud voice shouting, "what do you think you are doing?" And to my big surprise, it was Jung Daehyun. He looked like really mad and he just barged into the group. The three fellas, excluding Jihyun, backed away and well, that brave Hyuna stood in front of him. And started acting -like. Daehyun pushed her to the lockers and I ran to Yuri ti help her up. My mind was focused on Yuri that I did not know what happened but I heard Hyuna's scream and when I looked up I saw Daehyun backing away with a smirk on." She breathed out. "And that's when you guys came." 
Jongup exchanged glances with the maknae. They both knew it was not a good sign. 
"Uhmm.. Is Yuri-ssi okay?" A voice was heard and the three looked out to see who he or she is. 
Nam Jihyun, standing there looking as guilty as ever. 
Baekhyun was sitting on the desk in his room when he felt someone on the window pane. He was amused to see Himchan there as he turned to look. 
"Nice to meet you, president." Himchan waved. "So you found out.." Baekhyun stood up and opened the window letting Himchan come in. "So what is it?" "I need help.." "What help?"
"I need you to erase the memory of a large amount of people." Baekhyun raised a brow. "Hope I can get the reason.." Baekhyun said. "Well something happened at our school and almost everyone saw what they shouldn't see.." Himchan sighed. 
"Vampire, you say?" Baekhyun glanced at Himchan. The latter nodded. "Where is that vamp?" Baekhyun asked. "Gone long.." Himchan lied earning a smirk from the former. "Is that the vampire your long lost friend you mentioned before that you had to lie, Kim Himchan?" Himchan looked straight into Baekhyun's eyes. "Isn't Yuri your fiancé, Byun Baekhyun?" He returned the smirk. 
"I demand an answer.." Baekhyun was in rage. "Byun Baekhyun, you may be the son of the best hunting clan, you may be the best hunter out here, you may be the president of the Association, but hey, I'm not your servant.. I'm the great Kim family's only son, Kim Himchan." He challenged. Baekhyun smiled which turned into a frown after his sentence, " Jungs were way better than your family... But sadly, there were no survivors." Himchan sighed. Fighting won't lead them anywhere.
"What do you say if there was one last survivor of Jungs and he was the cause of this problem?" Himchan questioned. 
"Youngjae!! Don't you have anymore place where he can be??" Bang asked after constant of going in and out of so many possible places. Youngjae tapped his chin, "I think I know where he is.." Bang raised a brow. "..the music room!!" With that they ran to the mentioned place. "Hyung, you know, I'd like to add 30 more percent to the possibility of Yuri being the one." Youngjae said while running. Bang gave him a confused look. "Because we just saw a vampire attacking her..well, maybe not attacking but yeah.. You know what I mean.."
Both stopped their tracks as they reached to the entrance door of the theatre. "Vampire? I saw none?" Bang panted. Youngjae smirked, "Yongguk hyung, you forgot someone.." "Who?.." Youngjae opened the door to the entrance and his head to where a beautiful grand piano stood. Yongguk eyes followed where Youngjae's head directed him. 
"Him.." was the word that slipped out of the brain's lips..
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My dearest 73 subbies~~~~~~ I miss you so much! I'll update sooner or later! Please don't leave me.. This unfaithful author will be back.. ㅠㅠ


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Chapter 25: When will you update this ?!?
sapphire11 #2
Chapter 25: omo....update soon authornim.....
yknjea13 #3
Chapter 24: New reader here!!!! and subie too *waves*.......but why aren't you updating yet? it's already been a year~~~ T.T......update ok? we, your readers will be waiting for your update! ^^....

Oh! and btw I think I know where you got your concept ;)) ....you just put your touch-up and TADA! your story with this little (but I think it's big) twist is done and I love the story!!! and you change the girl's name for some reasons like the original name from where you got your concept won't fit for a korean name am I right? ^^

is it just me or am I being confident that I know where you got the concept of your story? haha
loraaar #4
Chapter 24: I am reallllllly interested to know what happens next!! It's a really good story! ^.^
wordless-expressions #5
Chapter 23: Im so confused~~ all this secrets and stuff!! whatever. Story's still awesome anyways...
wordless-expressions #6
Chapter 22: Oh my god thanks!!! This keeps getting better and better. So mysterious~!
can't wait for the next one!!
wordless-expressions #7
Chapter 21: Duhdkdnfkfnckndj!!!!! I need more!! Please don't take too long!!!