Not so lucky Friday night {part 2}

The last piece of memories...

'Picnic?? Really?!!!' Sehun blurted out loud in excitement. Baekhyun nodded in return with a hint of 'yes'. 'Yea!!!!!!' Sehun threw a fist into the air which suddenly changed into an extraordinary fan girl mood. Kai raised a brow while others just shrugged or shook their heads at Sehun. After all its just the maknae. The silliest, dumbest, and most childish 20 years old maknae of Exok, Oh Sehun. 

'Why so serious, with a simple going-on-a-picnic?' Kai snorted. 'Unlike you, I know how to have fun innocently.' Sehun fought back. 'Or you are just too out-of-date to know how kids play these days.' 'Hyung!!!!' Baekhyun chuckled. 'Enough, guys. Besides,this outing is not for any of you.'
'Yeah. Yeah.' Kai commented. Suho sat beside Baekhyun and joined in the conversation. 'Then why aren't you preparing a thing yet?' 'Ah, about that, Yuri has gone to the super market to buy stuffs.' Baekhyun grinned.
Oh.. How this girl can be so cute volunteering on it.
Suho eyes widened. 'Dafauq?!.. Byun Baekhyun, out there...alone?' His voice came out shakily. 'Yeah.. She insisted me of tagging along and so I thought too.' He was still grinning. 
'Hyung. Have you gone nuts?!!' This time around, Sehun has stopped fangirling and became serious. Baekhyun pinched
his eyebrows. 'Why?'
'YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW IT?!!!!' A loud roar could be heard and Baekhyun soon realized that he was held from his collar and lift upwards and seconds away from being punched. 'SHE'S OUT THERE AT THIS HOUR. MOREOVER, ALONE!!!'
And there he, Chanyeol, landed his fist on Baekhyun's face. 'Chanyeol, stop!!!' Suho shouted. Chanyeol didn't reply, he was too busy punching the helpless boy who's now lying on the floor. Suho closed his eyes, 'Chanyeol. Listen to me-' 'Never!!! I'm gonna kill this brat!' Chanyeol interrupted in the middle of his leader's sentence. Sehun went to the back of Kai, and Kai took Sehun back to their room. While making Sehun to go into the room, he looked back. 
Aish, Baekhyun hyung.... He really is blind
'Chanyeol stop!!!!!' 
Chanyeol froze. He couldn't move anymore. Suddenly he stood up. '.' He tried to struggle but nothing happened. Baekhyun sat up. And looked at Chanyeol. 
Chanyeol looked at him. 'Freak' Channie muttered under his breath. Baekhyun rubbed the blood oozing from the corner of his lips with the back of his hand. 'Thanks, Suho hyung.' Suho? What is it with Suho? Lets take a look at him. Suho, has an expressionless manner on his face. He was there sitting calmly not doing anything. But it's not the point here. The point is that his eyes. It's not the big brown eyes he always wear. Not that kind and caring. It was.. scary, giving you chills down your spine. In fact, he doesn't even have his pupil inside. It was white. His whole eye is white. 'S..Suho hyung.' Chanyeol muttered. Soon Chanyeol was able to move again and  Suho eyes completely changed back to normal.  The care and father-like leader hyung was back. 
Baekhyun, too, sat back on his seat. His face plastered with a frown, meaning that he had realized his biggest mistake. 'You are blind. Hyung' Chanyeol started. 'You are blind. Really. For her.' Baekhyun ignored him. 'Suho hyung..'  He looked at the leader who has this dark expression on his face. 'Even though she doesn't know that she have that power she's using it over you..., don't get fooled, Baekhyun.' With that he left. 'He's right, Hyung..' Chanyeol stood up receiving a glare from the elder male sitting across him. 'What is it?' Immediately, before  Chanyeol recognized something, a fist was thrown to him.
And another.
Then, another.
Then anoth–
'Oppa!!!!!!!!' Together with that scream, a sound of bags dropping could be heard. Baekhyun looked up seeing two figures at the doorway. A figure of a girl and a boy. 'Hyungs, why are you two..' It was when Barkhyun realized that he was on not-too-concious Chanyeol, face covered with bruises. 'What have I done?...' He stood up. 'This..' A comment came over his words. And it was from the panting boy lying in pain. 'Oppa...' Yuri sat down beside Chanyeol. 'Why are you two fighting?' She asked. 
Over you. Chanyeol thought. 
'Nothing. Just a fight.' With that Baekhyun walked away, banging the front door shut. He had gone out. Chanyeol sat up. 'He's lying..' Yuri said. 'Just believe..' Chanyeol replied, walking to the kitchen to bring the first aid kit. 'Ive got here already, come sit here.' A male voice was heard.Spanning around, he found that it was Kyungsoo. 'D.O where have you been?..' 'Outside..' 'Oh..' 'And met Yuri on the way back home.' Chanyeol nodded. As he motioned himself on the sofa, Kyungsoo sat in front of him. 'It will sting a bit but if–' 'Im not a girl.' 'O..ok..'
D.O, wasting no time, soaked the cotton wool pad with surgical sprit and generally rubbed it on Yeol's face who would wince every now and then. 'You sure you're not a girl?' D.O mocked. Yeol sighed. 'It hurts, hyung. You know it.' He wasn't mentioning about the bruise, he was talking about his bestfriend. 'I know..' D.O replied. 'Wait, where's Yuri?' He continued. 'Eh.. I don't know...' Yeol answered. By the time, Kai and Sehun had come out from their room. 'Where's Baekhyun hyung?' Kai asked. 'Out..' Suho as well had come out from his combined room with D.O. 'And where's Yuri?...' 
No reply. 
No one knows where she is. 
Aish... This girl...
(Yuri's perspective)
'Oppa?!!! Where are you??? Oppa????' I shouted. Damn you, Oppa. I'm freezing. I silently cursed my Oppa for forgetting myself to bring a hoodie. Ah,.. good girl.
I wrapt my arms around myself rubbing them as I shouted for him to call back. 'Oppa?!!!!' It had been 15 minutes since I came out finding for him. Where are you??? Bacon Oppa.. 
*rustle*.. I heard a sound behind me. I turned around but saw no one. I went back on my track but again, *rustle*
What the hell is that?..
I slowly turned back and quickened my pace. Soon enough, I was running for my life. I could hear the sound of footsteps running behind me. I gulped. 
I had reached to the death end. 
(Author's perspective)
She ran, not knowing where her footsteps had been taken her to. She went alleys to alleys. Minutes passed and she reached to an alley and ran into it. 
Oh.. Little did she know was that it was a death end. 
She panted hard with her palms on her thighs. Her knees helplessly wobbled from running without break. *crack* a sound was heard and she spun around. And what she saw, she was sure she didn't like it. 
There was no light except for the old lampposts that were hanging down the alley. Plus, a moonless night. The eerie feeling, the dark aura engulfing... The man in front of her made her knees went weak. She fell down. It was the time to run. But she knew, she couldn't. She knew something bad, really bad was going to happen. The man approached her but he kept staying in the dark that she couldn't see the man face. She silently was thanking the god for it, strangely knowing that its not one good idea to look at the man's face. A deep voice groaned which she  swore that was from the freaking creature in front of her. But before she knew, she was trapped between his arms. She inhaled hard, not knowing what to do. Forcing her eyes shut, she cursed herself for coming out. She waited for that man to her. She knew she couldn't help it. But... Nothing happened. 
She waited. 
And waited. 
But nothing happened. 
She slowly opened her eyes and saw the man was nowhere to be found. What the?.. 'Are you ok?' She heard a voice, she looked up and saw a boy with a hood up, covering his face. She wearily nodded. 'Dont worry. He's gone already.' He gave her a hand. She nodded, taking his hand and stood up. 'Kamsahamnida..'
She bowed. 'Its ok. Just don't wonder around the streets alone.' Eventhough she couldn't see his face, she could know that he was smiling. The husky, yet strong voice. This guy was really something. Then she realized that she was still feeling the dark aura. She went panick. 'No worries. Nothing's here anymore. Better get going too.' He started walking away. 
'Wait!!' Yuri shouted and he looked back. 'Yes?..' 'Uhmm.. What's your name?.. And-' 'I'll tell you when we meet again, Yuri-ssi?' He cut her off then walked away. Dumbfounded, she thought back again, 'Yuri-ssi?... How does he know?..' She started running to the directions where the boy had gone. But then she didn't find him anymore. 
Meet again, will we?..
Baekhyun stopped his tracks. Isn't that Yuri's? He felt her aura. And then, his eyes went wide, 
and a...  He grew worried. No way. He started to run to the place where he felt the aura was coming. Yuri.. No.. Falling deep in worries and thoughts, he didn't notice someone was walking in his direction. Not last then seconds, they bumped in each other. But Baekhyun couldn't attend to the stranger. He was blinded in worry.
He ran for a few seconds then.. Froze.
He looked back at the way he had bumped into that someone. But found no one. 
No.. This can't be. He couldn't feel the aura he was feeling beside Yuri anymore. But a more powerful, darker aura was in present. 
No... He can't be here yet. No...
He put the thoughts to the back of his mind and went away to find the girl. 
A girl smiled, back-facing the ever-so-looking-serious Baekhyun, who had been staring in her way. She just casually walked. Soon, Baekhyun changed his gaze and went away running. And the girl.. Wait, where's the girl??? 
The girl was nowhere to be found.
Well, in fact, a boy with black hoodie was now taking place in her way.
He smirked. 
"Byun Baekhyun..., You see, I'm back."
*Drumrolls*.  Jang jang!!!!! Zoie is back with a new chapter!!
tell me, who do u think is the boy who helped Yuri and the boy in theist part!!! I'll be waiting!! 
Oh! And you might notice about some powers, right? Ahehe. Soon it's gonna be revealed!
Stay tuned everyone!
and one last thing,
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My dearest 73 subbies~~~~~~ I miss you so much! I'll update sooner or later! Please don't leave me.. This unfaithful author will be back.. ㅠㅠ


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Chapter 25: When will you update this ?!?
sapphire11 #2
Chapter 25: omo....update soon authornim.....
yknjea13 #3
Chapter 24: New reader here!!!! and subie too *waves*.......but why aren't you updating yet? it's already been a year~~~ T.T......update ok? we, your readers will be waiting for your update! ^^....

Oh! and btw I think I know where you got your concept ;)) just put your touch-up and TADA! your story with this little (but I think it's big) twist is done and I love the story!!! and you change the girl's name for some reasons like the original name from where you got your concept won't fit for a korean name am I right? ^^

is it just me or am I being confident that I know where you got the concept of your story? haha
loraaar #4
Chapter 24: I am reallllllly interested to know what happens next!! It's a really good story! ^.^
wordless-expressions #5
Chapter 23: Im so confused~~ all this secrets and stuff!! whatever. Story's still awesome anyways...
wordless-expressions #6
Chapter 22: Oh my god thanks!!! This keeps getting better and better. So mysterious~!
can't wait for the next one!!
wordless-expressions #7
Chapter 21: Duhdkdnfkfnckndj!!!!! I need more!! Please don't take too long!!!