Chapter 3 - The Guy in the Girls' Dorm

Fate Brought Me You

I have 4 subcribers! Yay! A big thank you to KpopBLLuvr and adasuhaili for commenting! You guys made my day!


I checked my bag for all my things for the umpteenth time. Map, schedule, wallet, pencil case, iPhone... All check. Okay. You can do this, I told myself. But I was still feeling rather uncertain. I had been homeschooled for the most of my life because the tribe had deemed normal education unsatisfactory (something about normal schools not teaching about supernatural beings like werewolves and vampires, like they actually existed), so I had never studied with other people and I wasn't sure I could actually co-operate with them. I was known to be extreme irritable when I couldn't get my point through. 

I took a deep breath and stepped out of my room...only to walk out and bump into a person. 

"Oof." I gasped as I felt myself falling backwards. An arm struck out and grabbed me, preventing my from further embarassing myself.

"Are you okay?" A male voice asked. 

I looked up startled. This was an all-girls dormitory. What was a guy doing here?

The guy frowned when I didn't reply. "Hey, you're okay right?" He reached out a hand to touch my forehead.

I flinched at the coldness of his skin and stepped back. "Oh yeah. I'm fine."

He opened his mouth to say something but a girl's voice suddenly rang from beside us. "Kai~ Why are you still here? We're both going to get in trouble~" She giggled and skipped over to latch onto his arm. "You know guys aren't supposed to stay over at the girls' dorm. But hey! I could tell them you came to pick me up for class!"

"Why would I come pick you up? We're not dating." Kai said coldly.

I quietly walked away, sensing that things were about to get ugly between those two. I had a lot to do in just twenty minutes. I needed to get breakfast and find my classroom for my first class. I swiped out my schedule. Chemistry, Building A Room 7. Ok, right, where the heck is that? I proceeded to pull out my map in an attempt to find my present location and the location of my classroom.

"You left." A voice said from behind. I jumped and turned to see Kai standing behind me, running a hand through his hair. It was not hard to guess what had happened last night between him and the girl.

"Oh, um. Sorry?" I offered. I honestly didn't know what he expected me to say. 

He snorted and snatched my schedule from my hand. "Hey! What are you--"

"We have Chemistry together. Come on. We're going to be late." Kai said as he suddenly grabbed my arm and start walking. 

"Hey! I can walk!" Seriously, what was his problem? 

Kai snorted again, "Didn't look like you were walking a moment ago."

"Well I was looking at the map!" I snapped, trying to shake off his grip. 

"Well now you don't need to. Your welcome." 

Oh that cocky bastard! "Ow! Let me go!"

"Kai! Kai!" A voice suddenly called from ahead. A looked up to see a guy striding towards us. 

Much to my relief, Kai released my arm and stuffed his hands in his jean pockets. "Hey Su Ho."

Su Ho? As in the class president that didn't show up yesterday?

"I knew I would find you here! You didn't return to the dorm yesterday!..." Mr class president babbled. It was rather comedic to watch as Kai was nearly a head taller than him and was clearly not paying any attention to what Su Ho was saying. When he was done with Kai, he turned to me.

"Hi! You must be Katrina! I'm Su Ho! I'm so sorry I couldn't make it yesterday. I was busy with council affairs. But Kris tells me you've settled in, yes?" 

"Oh yeah. Thank you." I replied, rather startled by his sudden attention.

"Well, let me make it up to you. I'll bring you to your first class! You have chemistry with Kai don't you?" Su Ho said cheerfully and proceeded to lead to way. 

I sighed and looked at my watch. Great. I wouldn't be able to eat anything until lunch time and I was starving. 

We soon arrived at the chemistry classroom and Su Ho turned to me once again. "Ok. I have to take my leave now. But Kai will help you if you have any problems. Right Kai?"

"Yeah. Whatever." Kai yawned as he walked into the classroom.

"Oh that boy and his attitude!" Su Ho huffed.

"It's fine, class president. Thank you for showing me to my classroom." I smiled and bowed.

"Just doing my job! And call me Su Ho. Class president sounds old and formal. Bleh. Bye, gotta run!" Su Ho said as he ran off.

I watched him run out the building and then stepped into the classroom, looking for a seat to sit in. A guy waved in my direction and i turned around to see who he was waving to. Confused that there was no one behind me, I turned back to see that he was still waving. I pointed a finger at my face and he nodded, beckonging me forward. I hesitated and walked towards him. 

"Hi hi! I'm Se Hun! You can sit beside me! Kai is sitting here too!" Se Hun said happily and pointed to Kai who sat in the seat next to him, already dozing off.

"Oh, thank you." I replied and took a seat. Se Hun looked adorable and awfully cheerful at 9 in the morning. 

I took out a notebook and a pen in preparation for class. Se Hun looked at me curiously, then asked, "Are we supposed to take notes?" 

I shrugged awkwardly. "Well I supposed so. How else would you learn?" 

"So that's how to learn! We have to take notes!" Se Hun said as if he had made a big discovery. "Kai! Kai! We need to take notes!" 

Kai ignored him and instead slouched on the desk and started napping. Se Hun huffed, "Fine! Be that way! Don't complain to me when you don't have notes to study with!" He stuck out his tongue childishly and rummaged in his bag for a pen and paper.

I just shook my head. Really? He has pen and paper but doesn't know he has to take notes?

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salakue #1
Chapter 21: Awwwww have fun with college stuff!
Chapter 21: kk~ <3
be back soon author-nim~ :D
i wanna know what happens~ xD
this is even better than vampire diaries~
(am i the only one who noticed the plot was kinda similar? in a way~ xD)
it has totally hotter/cuter/smexier guys in it~ xD
even though the cast of vampire diaries was voted the most iest cast... (even beating gossip girl~)
Chapter 21: okee i'll b waiting patiently...^^
and good luck for your college ^^
new reader here ;)

@chap 4 : I'm sooooo happy that u put HunHan moment.. even just a bit :P
Take ur time authornim
we can understand!!!!! Good luck!!!!!
That's fine dear, I understand that well. We'll be here waiting. Good luck with your applications!
Hello, new reader here~ This story is just awesome!
Please update soon~ ^_^
Hi new reader here :D
I love your story :) I feel like she can bond a lot with tao now since they're the same type of vampire. Please update soon! :3
Cuteee! And hm on pregnancy.. it depends if it will work with the overall storyline.