Chapter 16 - Decisions

Fate Brought Me You

whoooo 61 subcribers :) thank you to everyone for commenting! Is this really like Twilight? I don't think I was aiming for that. Is that even a good thing? I mean, most people I know don't seem to like Twilight :S Comment and tell me? xoxo


I woke up in Kris' room with a pounding in my ears. I tried to raise my arm but it felt like a thousand tons. Then I tried talking but my throat was as dry as parchment and I ended up in a coughing fit. Kris, always my saviour, appeared by myside with a cup of water. He raised me up to a sitting position so I could drink.

"How are you feeling?" He asked me as he put a to my forehead.

"Tired. Dizzy. Heavy. Weird." I told him.

He smiled weakly and then buried his face in his hands. "I so sorry Katrina.It's my fault that you're like this now."

I shook my head vigorously but immediately regretted it as the ceiling started spinning. "Woahhh." I gasped.

After what seem like eons, I finally regained my ability to speak. "So what's going to happen to me?" I sounded amazingly calm, for in my mind, I was freaking out at the possibility of turning into a drooling dog.

Kris frowned. "I'm not sure. I'm hoping that you won't turn because Annabelle is a newly turned werewolf and she shouldn't be able to create any of her own cubs yet. But then again, I'm not 100% sure about werewolves and their secrets."

I pondered that for a moment. "So what now? We're placing bets on my unpreditable aunt?" I spat out the last word, considering all that my dear aunt had out me through. But then I felt bad for getting mad at Kris. It wasn't his fault after all. "I'm sorry." I apologized, "I'm not usually so easily angered." Then I became scared of my own conclusion. What if this new found temper was a side-effect of being a werewolf? "Oh my god, oh my god, OH. MY. GOD." I repeated like a mantra.

Kris looked at me confusedly and I explained my... speculation. "That's...unlikely." Kris told me. "You're tired. It's more like a symptom of your fever and exhaustion."

"I have a fever? But I feel fine." I definitely did not have a fever. Hell, I felt like running mile! Alright, I was now more convinced than ever that I was becoming a werewolf. Kris might not be convinced but there were 11 other vampires that I could talk to. "Lay! Lay!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. Medical opinion was what I needed, I decided. 

"What are you doing?" Kris hissed. I ignored him and opted to call Su Ho as well. He was president so that meant some sort of intelligence right?

The two vampires appeared as summoned, along with a mildly curious Kai. Well, we could always use some extreme speculation mixed with sarcasm.

"I think I'm turning into a werewolf." I announced. The response was quite explosive.

"No! How many times do I have to tell you no!" Kris yelled exasperated.

"What? Is there proof? Are you sprouting fur?" Lay cried, horrified, and picked up my arms for examination.

"But it's not even full moon!" Kai shouted and his glance flickered between me and the window.

"This could be dangerous. We need to talk." Su Ho decided. See, always the logical one.

"Well," I decided to pacify the doctor first. "Kris says I'm running a fever but I feel fine, really energetic in fact. And I'm moody." Then I turned to Su Ho (I decided it was best to ignore my boyfriend and Kai, since their comments were rather pointless). "What do you want to talk about."

"If you really are turning into a werewolf, you'll be a danger to all of us. You could kill us with your lack of control. I'd have to kill you." Su Ho stated. Wow, that was direct. Obviously, I wasn't the only one who thought so, because Kris growled and made a move to cut in. But Su Ho held up his hand, "However, we could prevent you from turning into a werewolf." At that, he looked at me pointedly.

I was confused for a split second but then I understood what he meant. He meant to turn me into a vampire. He could override the werewolf virus that way. But he needee my permission.

"Okay. Do it." I said.

"Do you even understand what you're saying?" Kris asked me with a look of shock.

I nodded. "Turn me. I'm ready. I have nothing to lose right? And I'll get to be with you. Forever."

Kris looked at me uncertainly. "Are you sure? I'd love to do it, but are you sure this is what you want?"

I rolled my eyes and scooted over to him. "If you don't want to bite me, I'm sure Kai will." I purposely looked at Kai from the corner of my eye. Yep, pretty sure he would.

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salakue #1
Chapter 21: Awwwww have fun with college stuff!
Chapter 21: kk~ <3
be back soon author-nim~ :D
i wanna know what happens~ xD
this is even better than vampire diaries~
(am i the only one who noticed the plot was kinda similar? in a way~ xD)
it has totally hotter/cuter/smexier guys in it~ xD
even though the cast of vampire diaries was voted the most iest cast... (even beating gossip girl~)
Chapter 21: okee i'll b waiting patiently...^^
and good luck for your college ^^
new reader here ;)

@chap 4 : I'm sooooo happy that u put HunHan moment.. even just a bit :P
Take ur time authornim
we can understand!!!!! Good luck!!!!!
That's fine dear, I understand that well. We'll be here waiting. Good luck with your applications!
Hello, new reader here~ This story is just awesome!
Please update soon~ ^_^
Hi new reader here :D
I love your story :) I feel like she can bond a lot with tao now since they're the same type of vampire. Please update soon! :3
Cuteee! And hm on pregnancy.. it depends if it will work with the overall storyline.