Chapter 18 - Temptations

Fate Brought Me You

70 subcribers! I'm on a rolllll (like a buffalo XD). Ahem. Thank you to everyone who commented! I'm sorry about the short chapter X( I got kicked off the computer to go exercise pffftt. I'll try to make this one longer to make up for it! Read and review! xoxo - Cat


"No." I ardently refused to touch the blood bag dangled in my face. I scrunched up my nose and closed my eyes, trying to focus on anything but the human blood Kris and Lay desperately tried to make me drink. It was actually very tempting. I felt as if I hadn't eaten for days and suddenly, my favourite dish had been placed in front of me and the aroma was sooo alluring. But I couldn't give in. Kris said that the "vegetarian blood diet" didn't work but I could always try other methods right? Like drink Kris' blood or....or synthetic blood. That existed right?

"Katrina, you need to drink this. Your body needs it." Lay the doctor tried to reason with me.

"You never mentioned this as part of the transition." I told Kris accusingly.

"Sweetheart, you know that vampires drink human blood. This is part of who we are. Who you are." Kris said patiently.

"Maybe you guys just need to try another method." Kai suggested from the doorway where he was leaning. "I prefer my food fresh." He grinned like the Cheshire Cat and I glared at him, whilst comtemplating throwing a pillow at his face.

"Well, I suppose we could try." Lay was actually taking Kai's words seriously.

"What? No!" I exclaimed. I was horrified. That would be even worse. What if I killed the person?

Katrina, just be reasonable and drink this blood bag. Kris was trying to get me to listen to him through our newly formed bond. And it was working. I was feeling obliged to listen to him. I looked at the blood bag longingly but stopped myself from reaching out for it. 

"No! A million times no! You can't force me Kris!" I exploded, angry that Kris would resort to such methods. At this time, I had gathered quite the crowd outside my- no, Kris' room.

D.O stared at me with his goldfish eyes. "What's going on? Why the commotion?" Chanyeol stood behind him like a giraffe and nodded vigorously. Lu Han and Sehun had also appeared, concern evident in their faces.

Great. I was making a scene.

"You don't have to drink the whole bag. Just one gulp." Kris tried to reason with me again. He was being so nice and I was being a pain in the . I felt guilty. 

Finally, I relented and snatched the bag from Lay's hand. Lay looked delighted and handed me a straw.

I stabbed the straw into the bag with more force than needed and some blood splattered onto my shirt. Dammit.I liked that shirt.

I took a sip as everyone watched. It tasted nice. Not as nice as Kris' blood but still pretty good. Kris' blood was like the finest alcohol that you could (and would want to) drink at any time, simply because it was intoxicating. This was more like a tasty meal that you would want to sate your hungry. But you wouldn't want to eat it too often because it was too rich and would upset your stomach. But while you ate it (and while you were still hunry), you wanted another bite. 

"It's okay, I guess." I frowned as I tried to decide whether I liked it. My audience sighed a sigh of relief as if a great burden had been lifted from their shoulders.

I took another sip and swirled it in my mouth. "Well?" Sehun asked, ever the curious one. "I think Kris' tastes better. But this is not bad either." The other vampires laughed (some a bit uncomfortably) and Kai smirked knowingly at Kris. "Say something and I'll burn you."  Threatened Kris.

I blinked. Was there something I didn't know that I should know? I made a mental note to ask Kris later. But first, I focused on finishing dinner. 

I finished the blood bag within seconds, not knowing how hungry I had been. "Would you like another?" Lu Han asked helpfully. I nodded. He flashed away and was back within seconds. I graciously accepted the blood bag with a straw already stuck inside. Lu Han was so considerate, no wonder Sehun liked him.

I was about to start on my second serving of blood but paused at a thought, "Will this make me fat?" I blurted.

The room roared with laughter. Chanyeol had practically disappeared, rolling merrily on the floor and clutching his stomach.

"Don't worry, love. There are no calories in blood. And your body is basically set now. It wont change much anymore." Kris assured me.

"Unless if you get pregnant." Kai added merrily. This time I did throw a pillow at him. He caught it easily (of course), and smiled mockingly at me. "You know it's true."

I was not the only one who was pissed. Kris flashed over and pinned him to the wall. "I did promise I would burn you." He hissed. There was the faint smell of burnt fabric and Kai yelped. "Okay! I'm sorry!" Kris released him and returned to my side. Done. He told me and I smiled at him sweetly as I enjoyed my meal.

Kai muttered something about his clothes being "limited edition" and everyone snickered. Serves him right.

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salakue #1
Chapter 21: Awwwww have fun with college stuff!
Chapter 21: kk~ <3
be back soon author-nim~ :D
i wanna know what happens~ xD
this is even better than vampire diaries~
(am i the only one who noticed the plot was kinda similar? in a way~ xD)
it has totally hotter/cuter/smexier guys in it~ xD
even though the cast of vampire diaries was voted the most iest cast... (even beating gossip girl~)
Chapter 21: okee i'll b waiting patiently...^^
and good luck for your college ^^
new reader here ;)

@chap 4 : I'm sooooo happy that u put HunHan moment.. even just a bit :P
Take ur time authornim
we can understand!!!!! Good luck!!!!!
That's fine dear, I understand that well. We'll be here waiting. Good luck with your applications!
Hello, new reader here~ This story is just awesome!
Please update soon~ ^_^
Hi new reader here :D
I love your story :) I feel like she can bond a lot with tao now since they're the same type of vampire. Please update soon! :3
Cuteee! And hm on pregnancy.. it depends if it will work with the overall storyline.