Chapter 13 - Survivor

Fate Brought Me You

Wow it's nice to know that people still read my fic after my long hiatus :) Thank you for the comments and subscriptions!


Somewhere during my period of hyperventilation, I managed to call Kris. I don't remember what I told him but he came quickly, only to find me a complete mess.

When he walked in, I was wrapped in my sheets, hiding in a corner while sobbing. When Kris reached out a hand to touch me, I screamed and tried to claw at him. He grabbed my wrists and pulled me into an embrace. "Hey, it's okay. It's me. I'm here." He tried to sooth me. I started hiccuping between my sobs and clutched onto Kris' shirt. 

He rubbed my back and rested his chin on my head, "Shhhh. Take deep breathes."

After god know how long, I finally calmed down and Kris was able to ask me what had happened. Apparently my call to him solely consisted of the sentences "Oh my god" and "What am I going to do?".

"My aunt - Annabelle - she's, she's dead!" I squeaked. I told Kris about the phone call from Uncle Cain and how there had been the odd sounds at the end. 

"Did you say his name was Cain?" Kris asked me with a frown.

"Yeah. I've known him since I was like 3. Do you think he killed Aunt Annabelle?" Don't get me wrong. I wasn't particularly close to my aunt but she was the closest family member I had.

"Hmm. I'm not sure. Maybe you should call the rest of your, uh, tribe and ask them about Annabelle." Kris suggested. "If she's really dead. They would hold a funeral for her wouldn't they?"

I nodded and reached for my phone. Kris held me as I dialed one number after another number. It was weird because no one picked up. Sure it was midnight, but there were nearly 30 members in the tribe, surely someone had to be awake.

When I was scrolling down my contact list to find another number, Kris' phone rang. He picked it up with a hint of annoyance, "Not the best timing Su Ho."

I couldn't hear what Su Ho was telling him but I could tell from the frown on Kris' face that it was bad. Halfway through the call, Kris let go of me and went to turn on the TV. He switched to the news channel. There was a news report on a huge fire and I assumed that was what Su Ho had been talking with Kris about. I wondered why they were worried about a fire. Sure I had other things on my mind so a fire seemed like a small thing to me right now but fires happened everyday, why the sudden attention?

I stared at the TV screen dazedly, not even bothering to listen to what the new reporter had to say. What could she say that would make my life even more miserable? Kris was still on the phone when I suddenly jumped up and snatched the remote control from his hand. I turned the volume up and stared at the screen, absolutely terrified. 

"Hey, hold on a minute." Kris told Su Ho and walked over to me. "Are you ok?"

I shook my head vigorously. "I know why they aren't picking up Kris." I whispered.

Kris looked at me confusedly.

"This is my house that's on fire!"

Kris clenched his jaw and put an arm around my shaking figure. "Su Ho, we're coming over now." He snapped his phone shut and pulled me to him. "Shh darling, it's gonna be ok. You're gonna be ok. I promise."

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salakue #1
Chapter 21: Awwwww have fun with college stuff!
Chapter 21: kk~ <3
be back soon author-nim~ :D
i wanna know what happens~ xD
this is even better than vampire diaries~
(am i the only one who noticed the plot was kinda similar? in a way~ xD)
it has totally hotter/cuter/smexier guys in it~ xD
even though the cast of vampire diaries was voted the most iest cast... (even beating gossip girl~)
Chapter 21: okee i'll b waiting patiently...^^
and good luck for your college ^^
new reader here ;)

@chap 4 : I'm sooooo happy that u put HunHan moment.. even just a bit :P
Take ur time authornim
we can understand!!!!! Good luck!!!!!
That's fine dear, I understand that well. We'll be here waiting. Good luck with your applications!
Hello, new reader here~ This story is just awesome!
Please update soon~ ^_^
Hi new reader here :D
I love your story :) I feel like she can bond a lot with tao now since they're the same type of vampire. Please update soon! :3
Cuteee! And hm on pregnancy.. it depends if it will work with the overall storyline.